How to use winjs SplitViewCommand - winjs

Trying to get started with a simple app using WinJS 4.3 and SplitView. I am following the sample in the winjs playground which is fine but it's lacking the information required to change the content area. I don't see any documentation for SplitViewCommand although I've seen various failed attempts at using it (via searching). So I'd like to have a multi page app (or a single page app that loads in the requested page). What power does SplitViewCommand have? Can I just point it at something like pages/page2/page2.html or do I have to use WinJS.Navigation.navigate(). I'm missing the glue between the command and the content area. Thanks.

Take a look at the WinJS Playground. You basically need to have your contentHost in the content area of the SplitViewPanel. The, when you "navigate" to a new page, you just render that page on you contentHost div.
<div class="splitView" data-win-control="WinJS.UI.SplitView">
<!-- Pane area -->
<div class="header">
data-win-options="{ splitView: select('.splitView') }"
<div class="title">SplitView Pane area</div>
<div class="nav-commands">
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.SplitViewCommand" data-win-options="{ label: 'Home', icon: 'home'}"></div>
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.SplitViewCommand" data-win-options="{ label: 'Favorite', icon: 'favorite'}"></div>
<div data-win-control="WinJS.UI.SplitViewCommand" data-win-options="{ label: 'Settings', icon: 'settings'}"></div>
<!-- Content area -->
<div id="contentHost" class="contenttext"><h2 class="win-h2">SplitView Content area</h2>
<!-- this is where pages are rendered -->
Edit: Take a look at this article on how to navigate. SplitView is no difference than with no control at all. You just need to handle the WinJS.Navigation events

After a lot of digging (I guess winjs is still quite new) I found the answer on the codefoster website. In a nutshell, you can use the PageControlNavigator as your contenthost and use WinJS.Navigation.navigate("/pages/page2/page2.html") as the trigger to change the page.


Toolbar with class "toolbar-bottom" creates incorrect padding for page content

Using Framework7, I created a toolbar. It worked great for the iOS theme. However, when I tested it on the material theme, it was on the top. I found some Framework7 documentation that pointed me to the "toolbar-bottom" class. However, the page-content acted as if the toolbar was still on the top, and the padding-top property was incorrect. I would not like to hard code overrides on the Framework7 css.
Here is my structure:
<div class="page navbar-fixed toolbar-fixed">
<div class="navbar">...</div>
<div class="page-content">...</div>
<div class="toolbar toolbar-bottom">...</div>
TL;DR read the docs you dumb OP
See this documentation page. In order for the CSS to work correctly, the toolbar must be before the page-content. Your format should look like this:
<div class="page navbar-fixed toolbar-fixed">
<div class="navbar">...</div>
<div class="toolbar toolbar-bottom">...</div>
<div class="page-content">...</div>

Add Elements to Landing Page Header in Weebly

I would like to change the call to action button on the landing page of my website to a social icons element. How do I edit the HTML code to do this? I am using the "Paris - Business" theme. Thanks.
There is some documentation on how to do this, if you search the web. For example, my own site has a basic example of what to look for Landing Page Button Removal.
In that case, you could replace the code that makes the button with your own code.
That being said, there's some new features you can use that would make the content editable. Weebly just introduced "Sections". Sections allows you to have different sections on a page, and with that you can also drag and drop into the Header area. (See Screenshot)
*BUT, before you go ahead and do this, I should note that Weebly plans on making these changes to the newer themes, in the near future. When Paris would be done, or if it will be done, is anybody's guess.
Depending on the design of your Theme, this might be slightly different, so please keep that in mind.
Basically, for the Paris Theme, what was:
<div class="banner-wrap wsite-background">
<div class="container">
<div class="banner">
<h2>{headline:text global="false"}</h2>
<p>{headline-paragraph:text global="false"}</p>
<div class="button-wrap">{action:button global="false"}</div>
<span id="contentArrow"><span></span></span>
Would become:
<div class="banner-wrap wsite-background">
<div class="container">
<div class="banner">
<span id="contentArrow"><span></span></span>
*If you are customizing a Theme, I might also recommend making a custom page type, specifically with these changes.
If you want to use Sections, for the content area of the page it would look something like:
<div class="main-wrap">
<div class="container">{content}</div>
**Note: There isn't any documentation yet, and I have not tested this, so wsite-background may not be needed... but don't take my word for it.

nav-bar element disappears when using data-transition and push.js

I'm using Ratchet to build a prototype for a mobile app.
I have a
<nav class="bar bar-tab bar-footer">
element in page A and page B.
When using data-transition from page A to page B (using push.js), the element disappears.
Another element
<header class="bar bar-nav">
is displaying in both page A and B.
Any idea?
Did you have
<nav class="bar bar-tab bar-footer">
<div class="content">
Try use this structure:
<header class="bar bar-nav">
<div class="content">
<nav class="bar bar-tab">
Same issue, If I refresh page B, the menu will appear again.
Had a similar issues with ratchet v2.0.2.
My case: two pages A and B. When transitioning from A to B the footer would not display. A refresh on B would display the footer. Page A did not have a bar-footer, page B did.
Reading through the docs I've found the statement that bars are updated based on their presence in the original page.
So the workaround: make sure that all pages have the bar blocks when the transition is made with push.js

how to make custom templates in Koken

I'm using Koken and would like to customize the template for text entries by putting the date at the top of the entry.
I hacked a call to new Date() into the core template file /admin/templates/text.tmpl.html
<div id="entry-editor">
<div id="edit-area" data-bind="html: content() ||
'<p class=\'date\'>' + new Date() + '</p>
<p class=\'media-row\'><br /></p>'">
</div> <!-- close #entry-editor -->
This works fine, but I know the perils of hacking core files.
As of this writing, I don't see an answer on the page linked as "define your own custom template types" on
Without hacking core files, how can I have Koken add a date to the top of each text entry?
Simply place a <koken:time> tag in the customized theme template.
For example, in my /storage/themes/<custom-theme-name>/essay.lens file:
<koken:link>{{ essay.title }}</koken:link>
<strong><koken:time show="time" /> <koken:time show="date" /></strong>

SharePoint 2010 WebPart Personalize Layout

I have a homepage on an Intranet. It has at 15+ webparts (news, weather, etc.) I want to allow the users to customize the page by moving the webparts around or deleting them. At present I don't let them see the ribbon at the top so they don't have access to the "Edit page" button. I have pulled it out from the Ribbon
<a unselectable="on" href="javascript:;" onclick="return false;" class="ms-cui-ctl-large" aria-describedby="Ribbon.WebPartPage.Edit.Edit.Menu.Actions.Edit_ToolTip" mscui:controltype="Button" role="button" style="height: auto;" id="Ribbon.WebPartPage.Edit.Edit-SelectedItem">
<span unselectable="on" class="ms-cui-ctl-largeIconContainer">
<span unselectable="on" class=" ms-cui-img-32by32 ms-cui-img-cont-float">
<img unselectable="on" alt="" src="/_layouts/1033/images/formatmap32x32.png" style="top: -160px; left: -96px;">
<span unselectable="on" class="ms-cui-ctl-largelabel" style="height: auto;">Edit<span unselectable="on">
Unfortunately it is not working. Any thoughts?
I will be doing the same with the "Stop Editing" button as well.
According to this post:
the trick is to use the MSOLayout_ToggleLayoutMode(); javascript function.
According to a comment in that same page, in SP2010, that javascript function is only available when you already have a web part in the page. The behavior I observed differs from this one, given that, to me, this function only worked when the page was in edit mode already (and it worked even when the page had no web part added).
I was able to find the javascript file where that function is defined, which is the ie55up.js. You can load it in your masterpage by doing:
<SharePoint:ScriptLink language="javascript" name="ie55up.js" OnDemand="false" runat="server" />
For information about how to build a web control that uses that javascript function, see here:
Hope this helps
I finally found the answer to this question. It was very simple after the JS call was determined. I believe this should be for a webpart only page.
To put the page in edit mode for Personalization via a Javascript call:
ChangeLayoutMode(true); // how simple is that??
To stop the editing of the page via a Javascript call:
MSOLayout_ToggleLayoutMode(); // same as given in the other post
The "Stop" edit mode I believe is the same for all pages no matter if it's a personalized page, all webparts page, etc.
