NodeJS. Child_process.spawn. Handle process' input prompt - node.js

I'm currently working on my web interface for git. Accessing git itself by child_process.spawn. Everything is fine while there is simple "command -> response" mechanism, but I cannot understand what should I do with command prompts (git fetch asks for password for example). Hypothetically there is some event fired, but I don't know what to listen to. All I see is "git_user#myserver's password: _" in command line where node.js process itself is running.
It would be great to redirect this request into my web application, but is it even possible?
I've tried to listen on message, data, pipe, end, close, readable at all streams (stdout, stdin, stderr), but no one fires on password prompt.
Here is my working solution (without mentioned experiments):
var out="";
var err="";
var proc=spawn(exe,cmd);
else return errHandler(err);
Can you please help me with my investigations?
Current situation: on my GIT web interface there is a button "FETCH" (as an example, for simple "git fetch"). When I press it, http request is generated and being sent to node.js server created by http.createServer(callback).listen(8080). callback function receives my request and creates child_process.spawn('git',['-C','path/to/local/repo','fetch']). All this time I see only loading screen on my web interface, but if I switch to command line window where node script is running I will see a password prompt. Now let's pretend that I can't switch window to console, because I work remotely.
I want to see password prompt on my web interface. It would be very easy to achieve if, for instance, child_process would emit some event on child.stdin (or somewhere else) when prompting for user input. In that case I would send string "Come on, dude, git wants to know your password! Enter it here: _______" back to web client (by response.end(str)), and will keep on waiting for the next http connection with client response, containing desired password. Then simply child.stdin.write(pass) it to git process.
Is this solution possible? Or something NOT involving command line with parent process.
Just tried to attach listeners to all possible events described in official documentation: stdout and stderr (readable, data, end, close, error), stdin (drain, finish, pipe, unpipe, error), child (message, exit, close, disconnect, message).
Tried the same listeners on process.stdout, process.stderr after piping git streams to it.
Nothing fires on password request...

The main reason why your code wont work is because you only find out what happened with your Git process after is what executed.
The major reason to use spawn is beacause the spawned process can be configured, and stdout and stderr are Readable streams in the parent process.
I just tried this code out and it worked pretty good. Here is an example of spawning a process to perform a git push. However, as you may know git will ask you for username and password.
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var git = spawn('git', ['push', 'origin', 'master']);
git.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
// do something with it
Make a local git repo and setup things so that you can do the above push command. However, you can really do any git command.
Copy this into a file called git_process.js.
Run with node git_process.js

Don't know if this would help but I found the only way to intercept the prompts from child processes was to set the detached option to true when you spawn a new child process.
Like you I couldn't find any info on prompts from child process in node on the interwebs. One would suspect it should go to stdout and then you would have to write to stdin. If I remember correctly you may find the prompt being sent to stderr.
Its a bit amazing to me that others haven't had this problem. Maybe we just doing it wrong.


p4 tickets: output says I need to upgrade?

I'm using p4api 2018.1. Issuing a p4 tickets from the Run method, the output message from stdout says: "Must upgrade to 2004.2 p4 to access tickets."
This doesn't sound like an upgrade to me.
I tried it with this code.
int errNo;
ClientUser ui;
ClientApi client;
Error err;
client.DefinePort(myport, &err);
client.DefineClient(myclient, &err);
client.Run("tickets", &ui);
errNo = client.Final(&err);
myport and myclient are string values that have valid port and client values. They've been successfully tested on other commands as well.
What I was expecting was a list of my current tickets to be displayed from stdout.
p4 tickets isn't a server command that you can access via the API, it's implemented directly in the P4 CLI (bypassing the usual client.Run() call). If you actually send the tickets command to the server, the server tells you to upgrade your client because it assumes that a newer client would know that tickets isn't a real command.
If you want to implement functionality similar to p4 tickets in your app, take a look at the clientTickets function in

How to restart a Node.js application and handover the new process to the console

The following Node.js script can restart itself and will even still print to the correct console (or terminal if you prefer), but it will no longer be running in the foreground, as in you can't exit it with Ctrl+C anymore (see screenshot) etc:
console.log("This is pid " +;
setTimeout(function () {
process.on("exit", function () {
require("child_process").spawn(process.argv.shift(), process.argv, {
cwd: process.cwd(),
detached : true,
stdio: "inherit"
}, 5000);
I've already tried detached: true vs detached: false, but obviously this didn't solve the problem...
Is there a way to make the new node process run in the foreground, replacing the old one? Or this this not possible?
I know that in Bash you can pull a program back from the background like this:
$ watch echo "runs in background" &
$ fg # pulls the background process to the foreground
But I'm not looking for a Bash command or so, I'm looking for a programmatic solution within the Node.js script that works on any platform.
No, once a process has exited it cannot perform any more operations, and there's no such thing as a "please foreground this after I exit"-type API for terminals that I've ever heard of.
The proper way to solve this is via a wrapper which monitors your process for failures and restarts. The wrapper then has control of stdio and passes those to its children.
You could achieve this via a simple bash loop, another node script, or you might just be able to leverage the NodeJS cluster module for this.
As Jonny said, you'd need to have a process manager that handles the running of your application. Per the Node.js documentation for child_process, spawn() functions similar to popen() at the system level, which creates a forked process. This generally doesn't go into the foreground. Also, when a parent process exits, control is returned to either the calling process or the shell itself.
A popular process management solution is PM2, which can be installed via npm i -g pm2. (Not linking to their site/documentation here) PM2 is cross-platform, but it does require an "external" dependency that doesn't live within the codebase itself.
I would also be curious as to why you want a script that on exit restarts itself in the manner you're describing, since it seems like just re-running the script -- which is what PM2 and similar do -- would yield the same results, and not involve mucking around with process management manually.

Node v8.5 with --trace-events-enabled not producing trace log file

I'm running node v8.5 and I'm trying to play around with the experimental Tracing feature.
Starting my application node --trace-events-enabled app.js I would expect to see a trace log file generated per the node documentation here which I can view in chrome by visiting chrome://tracing and loading that generated trace log file.
However, it doesn't seem like node is generating that log file at all. Are there settings I'm missing, or is the log file saved outside my project directory?
I have recently tried with node v8.9.1 and the correct creation of the logs dependes on how you close your app.js.
This example's app works correctly: it creates a file called node_trace.1.log in the directory where you start node (node --trace-events-enabled ./bin/trace-me.js will create the file in ./):
console.log("Trace me");
const interv = setInterval(()=>console.log("Runnning"), 1000);
// quit on ctrl-c when running docker in terminal
process.on('SIGINT', function onSigint() {'Got SIGINT (aka ctrl-c). Graceful shutdown ', new Date().toISOString());
process.on('beforeExit', function (exitCode) {
console.log("Before exit: "+ exitCode);
If you kill your process with ctrl-c without managing it, for example, the beforeExit event will not be call and the trace logs will never be created.
The same if you call process.exit():
it will terminate as soon as possible even if there are still
asynchronous operations pending that have not yet completed fully,
including I/O operations to process.stdout and process.stderr.
as described on docs.
So the solution is managing correctly the SIGINT and SIGTERM events and check if the beforeExit is called because it is emitted only when Node.js empties its event loop and is not killed.

Send command to running node process, get back data from inside the app

I start a node.js app per commandline in linux.
I see the app running, e.g. by entering "top".
Is there a way to send some command to the running app (maybe to the pid?) and get back info from inside it (maybe listen for some input and return requested info)?
Use repl module. There are examples in the doco doing exactly what you need: run JS in the context of your application and return output.
One simple solution is to use process signals. You can define a handler for a signal in your program to output some data to the console (or write to a file or to a database, if your application is running as a service not attached to a terminal you can see):
process.on('SIGUSR1', function() {
console.log('hello. you called?');
and then send a signal to it from your shell:
kill --signal USR1 <pid of node app.js>
This will invoke the signal handler you have defined in your node.js application.

Is it possible to create a proper interactive shell over http?

I want to have a shell access over http to interact with a program running on my server (as opposed to SSH and other protocol). I have done some research and found two main ways, the php way such as and the CGI way. Although these result in shell-like terminals over http, I can't interact with programs with standard input/output without passing paramaters at run: ./prog -options etc..
With a standard shell over netcat for example ./prog would provide full interaction so that it could prompt for input etc..
The test program I am running is:
int main ()
// set up keyword(passcode)
char this[14];
char that[128];
// check the password and exit if it doesn't match;
fgets(this, 14, stdin);
if (strncmp(this, "passwd\n", 14)) {
printf("shell interaction success! \n");
fgets(that, 128, stdin);
If run from netcat this would occur:
Shell interaction success
If run from other shell like solutions over http I have come accrss:
then nothing.
Fingers crossed someone knows how!
You could do this, but since HTTP is a connectionless request-response protocol, it wouldn't use just one HTTP connection.
A browser would make a request to start a shell on the remote server
A backend service would be started that creates the desired process and captures the stdin/stdout pipes
Javascript on the browser would send (POST perhaps) a request to the server to say "this user typed some character"
Some kind of AJAX request polling loop would get new output from the backend process and display it on the browser
Or, this could be considerably simplified using WebSockets which is a stream protocol (and is implemented by some browsers but is not HTTP).
