mongoose $match wont return document - node.js

I use two ways to retrieve documents from my collection, the first one:
db.comments.find({"nid" : ""});
returns many doc like:
"nid" : 20404,
"_id" : ObjectId("5638ba331294943d3d0a092b"),
"uid" : 1937,
"posted" : ISODate("2015-11-03T13:44:19.811Z"),
"text" : "txt",
"title" : "Test nid 2",
"stars" : 3,
"__v" : 0
And for another query I need to use aggregate and the query:
var pipleline = [
{$match: {}}
Comments.aggregate(pipleline, function(err, rank){
if(err) {
res.send("Error", String(err));
Returns [] - empty array.
Any ideas?

You can use the built in function chaining mongoose provides. Aside from match, it also has sort, project, group, and few others I don't know off the top of my head. More info here
if(err) {
res.send("Error", String(err));


complicated mongoose pull list of data from api and insert into mongodb if it doesn't already exist

I am connecting to the Yelp API using the RapidAPI module in Nodejs. I am able to request a token, connect, and request data, retrieve that data, and insert the relevant information for each result it into mongodb. Here's where it gets complicated...
Let's say I make a Yelp API request and search for bars. I get a list of bars and insert them into the database. Let's say one of these in the list is "Joe's Bar & Grill". One of the fields in my mongodb is "type" and it's an array. So now, this particular document will look something like this:
id: 'joes-bar-and-grill',
name: 'Joe\'s Bar & Grill',
type: ['bar']
But then I run another request on the Yelp API on "restaurants", and in this list "Joe's Bar & Grill" shows up again. Instead of inserting a new duplicate document into mongodb, I'd like the existing document to end up looking like this:
id: 'joes-bar-and-grill',
name: 'Joe\'s Bar & Grill',
type: ['bar', 'restaurant']
In addition to this, let's say I run another request again for "bars", and "Joe's Bar & Grill" comes up again. I don't want it to automatically insert "bar" into the type array again, if "bar" already exists in its array.
I've tried findOneAndUpdate with upsert: true and a $push of new data into the array, but I cannot get it to work at all. Does anyone have any ideas?
You can use findOneAndUpdate, combined with $addToSet (to make sure that an entry in the array only exists once) and $each (to allow passing arrays to $addToSet):
Bar.findOneAndUpdate({ id : 'joes-bar-and-grill' }, {
id : 'joes-bar-and-grill',
name : 'Joe\'s Bar & Grill',
$addToSet : { type : { $each : [ 'restaurant' ] } }
}, { upsert : true })
EDIT: now that you posted your entire code, the problem becomes more obvious.
For one, I'm not sure if the third and fourth arguments that you're passing to Location.update() make sense. As far as I know, the third should be an option object, and the fourth an async function.
Secondly, it looks like you're just ignoring any update errors.
And lastly, this isn't going to work:
for (var i = 0; i < payload.businesses.length; i++) { Location.update(...) }
Because Location.update() is asynchronous, the i variable will get clobbered (you should browse around on SO to find the explanation for that; for example, see this question).
You're going to need a library that will provide you with better async support, and preferably one that will also help limiting the number of update queries.
Once such library is async, and using it, your code would become something like this:
const async = require('async');
async.eachLimit(payload.businesses, 5, function(business, callback) {
Location.update({ yelpID : }, {
name :,
latitude : business.location.latitude,
longitude : business.location.longitude,
address1 : business.location.address1,
address2 : business.location.address2,
address3 : business.location.address3,
city :,
state : business.location.state,
zip_code : business.location.zip_code,
country :,
timezone : 'CST'
$addToSet : { type : 'bar' }
}, { upsert : true }, callback);
}, function(err) {
if (err) {
} else {
console.log('All documents inserted');
You may use $addToSet operator
The $addToSet operator adds a value to an array unless the value is
already present, in which case $addToSet does nothing to that array.
$addToSet only ensures that there are no duplicate items added to the
set and does not affect existing duplicate elements. $addToSet does
not guarantee a particular ordering of elements in the modified set.
If the field is absent in the document to update, $addToSet creates
the array field with the specified value as its element.
If the field is not an array, the operation will fail.
The below solution assumes that on each update, you receive a single type and not an array. If the input document is an array itself, you may use robertklep's solution with $each operator
{ "id" : "joes-bar-and-grill" },
name : 'Joe\'s Bar & Grill',
$addToSet : { type : 'restaurant' }
true, false);
I have also used $set operator.
The $set operator replaces the value of a field with the specified
The $set operator expression has the following form:
{ $set: { field1: value1, ... } }
Here is the mongo shell output to explain it further :
> db.mycoll.find({ "id" : "joes-bar-and-grill" });
> db.mycoll.update(
... { "id" : "joes-bar-and-grill" },
... {
... $set:{
... name : 'Joe\'s Bar & Grill',
... },
... $addToSet : { type : 'restaurant' }
... },
... true, false);
"nMatched" : 0,
"nUpserted" : 1,
"nModified" : 0,
"_id" : ObjectId("58e719b4d543c5e30d615d59")
> db.mycoll.find({ "id" : "joes-bar-and-grill" }); // FINDING THE OBJECT
{ "_id" : ObjectId("58e719b4d543c5e30d615d59"), "id" : "joes-bar-and-grill", "name" : "Joe's Bar & Grill", "type" : [ "restaurant" ] }
> db.mycoll.update(
... { "id" : "joes-bar-and-grill" },
... {
... $set:{
... name : 'Joe\'s Bar & Grill',
... },
... $addToSet : { type : 'bar' }
... },
... true, false);
WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })
> db.mycoll.findOne({ "id" : "joes-bar-and-grill" });
"_id" : ObjectId("58e719b4d543c5e30d615d59"),
"id" : "joes-bar-and-grill",
"name" : "Joe's Bar & Grill",
"type" : [

Trying to upsert mongodb subdocument array with node.js

I have a straightforward mongo collection with an array of subdocuments. I'm trying to do the oft asked "upsert a subdocument in an array". I have read all questions on this topic, but can't seem to get it to work.
Data structure for game_managers:
"_id" : ObjectId("555cf465715ff974fb09221f"),
"game_id" : "123456789",
"players" : [
"request_email" : "",
"request_notes" : "I love mongo!",
"user_id" : ObjectId("551eb55f555b404d68b88063")
"request_email" : "",
"request_notes" : "I love oysters!",
"user_id" : ObjectId("551eb55f555b404d68b88063")
When I try to Create / Update with the following code, it always overwrites the first element. I can't get it to even
var col = db.mongo.collection('game_managers');
// Upsert a game manager record for the game
col.update( {game_id:game.place_id}, {$setOnInsert:{game_id:game.game_id}}, { upsert: true }, function(err, result, upserted) {
// Append or update game manager record.
{$addToSet: {"players":fields}},
function(err, result) {
I modelled the code from this similar question however it doesn't apply to arrays of subdocuments. I do not want to $pull, and then $push a new element, as the subdocument will ultimately have timestamps and some comments[{},{},{}] subdocs on them.

MongoDB full text search on string array

So I'm using Node.js with MongoDB for my web application. I'm having some trouble creating a text index for my schema and searching for text within an array. I've looked at the mongo docs but haven't found anything related to this specifically.
My current implementation searches successfully on regular String values, but querying for text matching in [String]'s don't return anything.
Here's my REST call:
...console.log("Query string: " + str);
var qry = {
"$text": {
"$search": str
model.find(qry, function (err, results) {...
And when I create my schema:
var blah = new Schema({
foo : String,
bar : [String],
foo: 'text',
bar: 'text'
Any query won't return the results that match in bar. A query string for something within foo works fine.
Double check that you've created the correct indexes on the correct collections and the queries are being issued to the correct collections. Indexing an array works for me:
> db.test.drop()
> db.test.insert({ "_id" : 0, "a" : "dogs are good" })
> db.test.insert({ "_id" : 1, "a" : "I like dogs", "b" : ["where's my dog?", "here, have a cat"] })
> db.test.insert({ "_id" : 2, "b" : ["she borrowed my dog", "my frogs are croaking"] })
> db.test.ensureIndex({ "a" : "text", "b" : "text" })
> db.test.find({ "$text" : { "$search" : "dogs" } }, { "_id" : 1 })
{ "_id" : 0 }
{ "_id" : 2 }
{ "_id" : 1 }
Okay, I finally figured it out! Turns out, grunt serve doesn't update indexes in the database. I had created a text index for "foo" only and that didn't update when I added "bar" to the index. I had to run - in mongo shell:
The next time I ran it, the database was recreated and the proper indexes were set. If anyone else runs across this issue, try running db.getIndexes().

Learning Map-Reduce in MongoDB

While searching through the internet, I found out that joins can be emulated in mongodb through the map-reduce function. Going through the docs was confusing.
I have two collections: one with a list of friends of one user. And the other collection is of all the users. I want to fetch the profile pictures of all the friends. how do I create a mongodb query to get the desired results?
The USERS collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("524c194a6e3715ce0a000001"),
"email" : "",
"password" : "",
"phone" : "",
"salt" : "",
"upic" : "someuser2fd2751259bb7519d7b760ffee9b7fce203ad1f34.jpg",
"username" : "someuser2"
"_id" : ObjectId("524be475fafb35480a000001"),
"email" : "",
"password" : "",
"phone" : "",
"salt" : "",
"upic" : "amitverma2522b7a52e054c350f78fd7f3558919f2e2dab58.jpg",
"username" : "amitverma"
The friends of each user collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("526547ed2389630000000001"),
"friends" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("524be475fafb35480a000001"),
"username" : "amitverma"
"_id" : ObjectId("524be475fafb35480a000001"),
"username" : "someuser2"
"upic" : "macbookfd2751259bb7519d7b760ffee9b7fce203ad1f34.jpg",
"username" : "someuser"
Help would be appreciated.
There are no official docs for this as it's not a recommended best practice. It's complex that you need to do multiple passes carefully outputting the same results into the same collection.
You'd be better served by gathering the list of friends and using the $in operator (reference) to fetch the users and projecting the results to only include the fields you require (like the image).
Ideally, you'd cache those results locally to avoid needlessly requesting image paths. Following is untested code that should work in the shell:
db.friends.find({ username: 'someuser'}).forEach(friend_list) {
// this would gather the list of friend's _ids
// the _id will be passed as an array for the $in operator
var friends = { return this._id; });
// gather up the images for each of the friends
var upics = db.users.find({_id : { $in : friends }},
{ _id: 1, upic: 1 }).toArray();
// now, do something with upics -- outside of the MongoDB shell, this will
// return asynchronously ....

Best way to do one-to-many "JOIN" in CouchDB

I am looking for a CouchDB equivalent to "SQL joins".
In my example there are CouchDB documents that are list elements:
{ "type" : "el", "id" : "1", "content" : "first" }
{ "type" : "el", "id" : "2", "content" : "second" }
{ "type" : "el", "id" : "3", "content" : "third" }
There is one document that defines the list:
{ "type" : "list", "elements" : ["2","1"] , "id" : "abc123" }
As you can see the third element was deleted, it is no longer part of the list. So it must not be part of the result. Now I want a view that returns the content elements including the right order.
The result could be:
{ "content" : ["second", "first"] }
In this case the order of the elements is already as it should be. Another possible result:
{ "content" : [{"content" : "first", "order" : 2},{"content" : "second", "order" : 1}] }
I started writing the map function:
map = function (doc) {
if (doc.type === 'el') {
emit(, {"content" : doc.content}); //emit the id and the content
if (doc.type === 'list') {
for ( var i=0, l=doc.elements.length; i<l; ++i ){
emit(doc.elements[i], { "order" : i }); //emit the id and the order
This is as far as I can get. Can you correct my mistakes and write a reduce function? Remember that the third document must not be part of the result.
Of course you can write a different map function also. But the structure of the documents (one definig element document and an entry document for each entry) cannot be changed.
EDIT: Do not miss JasonSmith's comment to his answer, where he describes how to do this shorter.
Thank you! This is a great example to show off CouchDB 0.11's new
You must use the fetch-related-data feature to reference documents
in the view. Optionally, for more convenient JSON, use a _list function to
clean up the results. See Couchio's writeup on "JOIN"s for details.
Here is the plan:
Firstly, you have a uniqueness contstraint on your el documents. If two of
them have id=2, that's a problem. It is necessary to use
the _id field instead if id. CouchDB will guarantee uniqueness, but also,
the rest of this plan requires _id in order to fetch documents by ID.
{ "type" : "el", "_id" : "1", "content" : "first" }
{ "type" : "el", "_id" : "2", "content" : "second" }
{ "type" : "el", "_id" : "3", "content" : "third" }
If changing the documents to use _id is absolutely impossible, you can
create a simple view to emit(, doc) and then re-insert that into a
temporary database. This converts id to _id but adds some complexity.
The view emits {"_id": content_id} data keyed on
[list_id, sort_number], to "clump" the lists with their content.
function(doc) {
if(doc.type == 'list') {
for (var i in doc.elements) {
// Link to the el document's id.
var id = doc.elements[i];
emit([, i], {'_id': id});
Now there is a simple list of el documents, in the correct order. You can
use startkey and endkey if you want to see only a particular list.
curl localhost:5984/x/_design/myapp/_view/els
To get the el content, query with include_docs=true. Through the magic of
_id, the el documents will load.
curl localhost:5984/x/_design/myapp/_view/els?include_docs=true
Notice, this is already all the information you need. If your client is
flexible, you can parse the information out of this JSON. The next optional
step simply reformats it to match what you need.
Use a _list function, which simply reformats the view output. People use them to output XML or HTML however we will make
the JSON more convenient.
function(head, req) {
var headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'};
var result;
if(req.query.include_docs != 'true') {
start({'code': 400, headers: headers});
result = {'error': 'I require include_docs=true'};
} else {
start({'headers': headers});
result = {'content': []};
while(row = getRow()) {
The results match. Of course in production you will need startkey and endkey to specify the list you want.
curl -g 'localhost:5984/x/_design/myapp/_list/pretty/els?include_docs=true&startkey=["abc123",""]&endkey=["abc123",{}]'
