Embed svg icon as external file link in adobe illustrator - svg

I would like to link icons into svg as external source.
The reason is that I change this images on client side with javascript.
If icons are jpg or png or similar, I can click "Link" checkbox when place external file. But my icons are in svg format. And checxbox is disabled when I would like to place the svg as external link. I need to have icons as svg since I change also color on the client side(beside different icon).
How can I embed svg icon as external file?

I didn't find a way to do this with adobe illustrator. The workaround is to link to some jpg and then open svg file in notepad and replace external jpg link to external svg link. This way it works.


SVG exported from Inkscape are rendered with different font

I have opened a pdf with Inkscape and exported it in Plain SVG. However, when I open it in any browser the text is rendered with a different font.
This happens because the font-family property in the SVG file might be set to a font that is not installed on the system. In my case it was DejaVuSans.
You should open the SVG file in a text editor and replace all font-family:DejaVuSans with for example font-family:Arial.

Why is my icon not centered in the svg preview?

I try to make custom icons for an app. I use Illustrator to create compound paths. Therefore I use FontAwesome-Pro.5.13.0 icons. When I export my custom icons in SVG format they seem to have a different padding (see the picture below). Left is the exported icon which has the same compound path as the right one. The only difference is that I exported the FontAwesome to svg.
Anyone got an idea what's happening?

How to create an Angular Material svg iconset

Does anybody know if SVG iconsets are working as of the current version? (1.0.7)
I'm strugling to use some custom svg with the md-icon directive but I haven't managed to see anything on the screen. Is there something broken or it's simply not implemented?
Any example of how to create and use an svg iconset file?
I know I can use the md-svg-src attribute to load one specific svg file providing its url, but that forces me to have all svgs on separated files and it also doesn't play well with the template cache.
Note: I'm using SVGs for the icons, not an icon font.

What's an SVG image rendered as PNG?

There's an svg image of Alabama's state flag # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Alabama.svg
The caption says "This image rendered as PNG in other sizes." I downloaded the 1,000-pixel size #
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5c/Flag_of_Alabama.svg/1000px-Flag_of_Alabama.svg.png but it won't display on my web page. I opened it in Photoshop, copied it into a new window and saved it with a new file name, but it still doesn't display.
So I guess I was wrong when I thought "rendered as a PNG" means an image is a png. It's actually a SVG...with a .png extension?
Anyway, I just wondered what's going on here and what I need to do to download such images as pngs. Or is the only solution to take a screenshot?
The PNG file you linked to (the ".png" link) is not an SVG. It is definitely a PNG.
I don't know why it isn't displaying for you, but it has nothing to do with SVG.
To get the image as .svg just copy the source of the page (of the image) to an editor. Now save it as an .svg image

Possible to take a svg made in illustrator and turn it into a raphael path to then animate?

Would like to take my logo made in illustrator then turn it into a svg so that i can then use Raphael to animate it. I know how to make a simple image by creating my own path using lineTo.
Didn't know if this is possible or not.
Thank you
Once you save your logo created with Illustrator as svg file, there is a way to convert the SVG into a Raphael object and then you can use it with Raphael library.
Chack out this website: http://irunmywebsite.com/raphael/SVGTOHTML_LIVE.php
If you can, open the page with Firefox. Chrome messes up the page. Good Luck.
Well, if its just the path you need without the colors, stroke widths etc, i would save the illustrator logo as an SVG and then open it with a text editor(say Notepad).
From there i would extract the d attribute as a path and manually add the rest of its ''features'' like colors,stroke widths etc.
