Process large amount of data using bash - linux

I've got to process a large amount of txt files in a folder using bash scripting.
Each file contains million of row and they are formatted like this:
File #1:
en ample_1 200
it example_3 24
ar example_5 500
fr.b example_4 570
fr.c example_2 39
en.n bample_6 10
File #2:
de example_3 4
uk.n example_5 50
de.n example_4 70
uk example_2 9
en ample_1 79
en.n bample_6 1
I've got to filter by "en" or "en.n", finding duplicate occurrences in the second column, sum third colum and get a sorted file like this:
en ample_1 279
en.n bample_6 11
Here my script:
#! /bin/bash
#iterate each file in folder and apply grep
DATE=$(date "+DATE: %d/%m/%y - TIME: %H:%M:%S")
echo "$DATE" > log
for i in ${BASEPATH}${FILES}
if [ $INDEX = 0 ]; then
VAR=$(gunzip $i)
#-e -> multiple condition; -w exact word; -r grep recursively; -h remove file path
FILTER_EN=$(grep -e '^en.n\|^en ' $FILENAME > $FINAL_RES)
#remove file to free space
VAR=$(gunzip $i)
FILTER_EN=$(grep -e '^en.n\|^en ' $FILENAME > $TEMP_UNZIPPED)
#create array a indexed with page title and adding frequency parameter as value.
#eg. a['ciao']=2 -> the second time I find "ciao", I sum previous value 2 with the new. This is why i use "+=" operator
#for each element in array I print i=page_title and array content such as frequency
PARSING=$(awk '{ page_title=$1" "$2;
for (i in array){
print i,array[i] | "sort -k2,2"
DATE=$(date "+DATE: %d/%m/%y - TIME: %H:%M:%S")
echo "$DATE" >> log
Everything works, but it take a long long time to execute. Does anyone know how to get same result, with less time and less lines of code?

The UNIX shell is an environment from which to manipulate files and processes and sequence calls to tools. The UNIX tool which shell calls to manipulate text is awk so just use it:
$ awk '$1~/^en(\.n)?$/{tot[$1" "$2]+=$3} END{for (key in tot) print key, tot[key]}' file | sort
en ample_1 279
en.n bample_6 11
Your script has too many issues to comment on which indicates you are a beginner at shell programming - get the books Bash Shell Scripting Recipes by Chris Johnson and Effective Awk Programming, 4th Edition, by Arnold Robins.


Print a row of 16 lines evenly side by side (column)

I have a file with unknown number of lines(but even number of lines). I want to print them side by side based on total number of lines in that file. For example, I have a file with 16 lines like below:
So now i want to print them side by side. as they have 16 lines in total, I am trying to get the results 8:8 like below
asdljsdbfajhsdbflakjsdff235 100
asjhbasdjbfajskdfasdbajsdx3 100
asjhbasdjbfajs23kdfb235ajds 150
asjhbasdjbfajskdfbaj456fd3v 125
asjhbasdjb6589fajskdfbaj235 trh77rnv9vnd9dfnmdcnksosdmn
asjhbasdjbfajs54kdfbaj2f879 220
asjhbasdjbfajskdfbajxdfgsdh 225
asjhbasdf3709ddjbfajskdfbaj sdkjNSDfasd89asdg12asdf6asdf
paste command did not work for me exactly, (paste - - - - - - - -< file1) nor the awk command that I used awk '{printf "%s" (NR%2==0?RS:FS),$1}'
Note: The number of lines in a file dynamic. The only known thing in my scenario is, they are even number all the time.
If you have the memory to hash the whole file ("max" below):
$ awk '{
a[NR]=$0 # hash all the records
END { # after hashing
mid=int(NR/2) # compute the midpoint, int in case NR is uneven
for(i=1;i<=mid;i++) # iterate from start to midpoint
print a[i],a[mid+i] # output
}' file
If you have the memory to hash half of the file ("mid"):
$ awk '
NR==FNR { # on 1st pass hash second half of records
if(FNR>1) { # we dont need the 1st record ever
a[FNR]=$0 # hash record
if(FNR%2) # if odd record
delete a[int(FNR/2)+1] # remove one from the past
FNR==1 { # on the start of 2nd pass
if(NR%2==0) # if record count is uneven
exit # exit as there is always even count of them
offset=int((NR-1)/2) # compute offset to the beginning of hash
FNR<=offset { # only process the 1st half of records
print $0,a[offset+FNR] # output one from file, one from hash
{ # once 1st half of 2nd pass is finished
exit # just exit
}' file file # notice filename twice
And finally if you have awk compiled into a worms brain (ie. not so much memory, "min"):
$ awk '
NR==FNR { # just get the NR of 1st pass
FNR==1 {
mid=(NR-1)/2 # get the midpoint
file=FILENAME # filename for getline
while(++i<=mid && (getline line < file)>0); # jump getline to mid
if((getline line < file)>0) # getline read from mid+FNR
print $0,line # output
}' file file # notice filename twice
Standard disclaimer on getline and no real error control implemented.
I seq 1 100000000 > file and tested how the above solutions performed. Output was > /dev/null but writing it to a file lasted around 2 s longer. max performance is so-so as the mem print was 88 % of my 16 GB so it might have swapped. Well, I killed all the browsers and shaved off 7 seconds for the real time of max.
| which | | |
| min | mid | max |
| time | | |
| real 1m7.027s | 1m30.146s | 0m48.405s |
| user 1m6.387s | 1m27.314 | 0m43.801s |
| sys 0m0.641s | 0m2.820s | 0m4.505s |
| mem | | |
| 3 MB | 6.8 GB | 13.5 GB |
I tested #DavidC.Rankin's and #EdMorton's solutions and they ran, respectively:
real 0m41.455s
user 0m39.086s
sys 0m2.369s
real 0m39.577s
user 0m37.037s
sys 0m2.541s
Mem print was about the same as my mid had. It pays to use the wc, it seems.
$ pr -2t file
asdljsdbfajhsdbflakjsdff235 100
asjhbasdjbfajskdfasdbajsdx3 100
asjhbasdjbfajs23kdfb235ajds 150
asjhbasdjbfajskdfbaj456fd3v 125
asjhbasdjb6589fajskdfbaj235 trh77rnv9vnd9dfnmdcnksosdmn
asjhbasdjbfajs54kdfbaj2f879 220
asjhbasdjbfajskdfbajxdfgsdh 225
asjhbasdf3709ddjbfajskdfbaj sdkjNSDfasd89asdg12asdf6asdf
if you want just one space between columns, change to
$ pr -2ts' ' file
You can also do it with awk simply by storing the first-half of the lines in an array and then concatenating the second half to the end, e.g.
awk -v nlines=$(wc -l < file) -v j=0 'FNR<=nlines/2{a[++i]=$0; next} j<i{print a[++j],$1}' file
Example Use/Output
With your data in file, then
$ awk -v nlines=$(wc -l < file) -v j=0 'FNR<=nlines/2{a[++i]=$0; next} j<i{print a[++j],$1}' file
asdljsdbfajhsdbflakjsdff235 100
asjhbasdjbfajskdfasdbajsdx3 100
asjhbasdjbfajs23kdfb235ajds 150
asjhbasdjbfajskdfbaj456fd3v 125
asjhbasdjb6589fajskdfbaj235 trh77rnv9vnd9dfnmdcnksosdmn
asjhbasdjbfajs54kdfbaj2f879 220
asjhbasdjbfajskdfbajxdfgsdh 225
asjhbasdf3709ddjbfajskdfbaj sdkjNSDfasd89asdg12asdf6asdf
Extract the first half of the file and the last half of the file and merge the lines:
paste <(head -n $(($(wc -l <file.txt)/2)) file.txt) <(tail -n $(($(wc -l <file.txt)/2)) file.txt)
You can use columns utility from autogen:
columns -c2 --by-columns file.txt
You can use column, but the count of columns is calculated in a strange way from the count of columns of your terminal. So assuming your lines have 28 characters, you also can:
column -c $((28*2+8)) file.txt
I do not want to solve this, but if I were you:
wc -l file.txt
gives number of lines
echo $(($(wc -l < file.txt)/2))
gives a half
head -n $(($(wc -l < file.txt)/2)) file.txt > first.txt
tail -n $(($(wc -l < file.txt)/2)) file.txt > last.txt
create file with first half and last half of the original file. Now you can merge those files together side by side as it was described here .
Here is my take on it using the bash shell wc(1) and ed(1)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
total=$(wc -l < "$file")
half=$(( total / 2 ))
plus1=$(( half + 1 ))
for ((m=1;m<=half;m++)); do
array+=("${plus1}m$m" "${m}"'s/$/ /' "${m}"',+1j')
After all of that if just want to print the output to stdout. Add the line below to the script.
printf '%s\n' "${array[#]}" ,p Q | ed -s "$file"
If you want to write the changes directly to the file itself, Use this code instead below the script.
printf '%s\n' "${array[#]}" w | ed -s "$file"
Here is an example.
printf '%s\n' {1..10} > file.txt
Now running the script against that file.
./myscript file.txt
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
Or using bash4+ feature mapfile aka readarray
Save the file in an array named array.
mapfile -t array < file.txt
Separate the files.
left=("${array[#]::((${#array[#]} / 2))}") right=("${array[#]:((${#array[#]} / 2 ))}")
loop and print side-by-side
for i in "${!left[#]}"; do
printf '%s %s\n' "${left[i]}" "${right[i]}"
What you said The only known thing in my scenario is, they are even number all the time. That solution should work.

Interleave lines sorted by a column

(Similar to How to interleave lines from two text files but for a single input. Also similar to Sort lines by group and column but interleaving or randomizing versus sorting.)
I have a set of systems and tasks in two columns, SYSTEM,TASK:
I want to distribute the tasks to each system in a balanced way. The ideal case where each system has the same number of tasks would be round-robin, one alpha then one beta then one gamma and repeat until finished.
I get the whole list of tasks + systems at once, so I don't need to keep any state
The list of systems is not static, on the order of N=100
The total number of tasks is variable, on the order of N=500
The number of tasks for each system is not guaranteed to be equal
Hard / absolute interleaving isn't required, as long as there aren't two of the same system twice in a row
The same task may show up more than once, but not for the same system
Input format / delimiter can be changed
I can solve this well enough with some fancy scripting to split the data into multiple files (grep ^alpha, input > alpha.txt etc) and then recombine them with paste or similar, but I'd like to use a single command or set of pipes to run it without intermediate files or a proper scripting language. Just using sort -R gets me 95% of the way there, but I end up with 2 tasks for the same system in a row almost every time, and sometimes 3 or more depending on the initial distribution.
To clarify, any output should not have the same system on two lines in a row. All system,task pairs must be preserved, you can't move a task from one system to another - that'd make this really easy!
One of several possible sample outputs:
We start with by answering the underlying theoretical problem. The problem is not as simple as it seems. Feel free to implement a script based on this answer.
The blocks formatted as quotes are not quotes. I just wanted to highlight them to improve navigation in this rather long answer.
Theoretical Problem
Given a finite set of letters L with frequencies f : L→ℕ0, find a sequence of letters such that every letter ℓ appears exactly f(ℓ) times and adjacent elements of the sequence are always different.
L = {a,b,c} with f(a)=4, f(b)=2, f(c)=1
ababaca, acababa, and abacaba are all valid solutions.
aaaabbc is invalid – Some adjacent elements are equal, for instance aa or bb.
ababac is invalid – The letter a appears 3 times, but its frequency is f(a)=4
cababac is invalid – The letter c appears 2 times, but its frequency is f(c)=1
The following approach produces a valid sequence if and only if there exists a solution.
Sort the letters by their frequencies.
For ease of notation we assume, without loss of generality, that f(a) ≥ f(b) ≥ f(c) ≥ ... ≥ 0.
Note: There exists a solution if and only if f(a) ≤ 1 + ∑ℓ≠a f(ℓ).
Write down a sequence s of f(a) many a.
Add the remaining letters into a FIFO working list, that is:
(Don't add any a)
First add f(b) many b
Then f(c) many c
and so on
Iterate from left to right over the sequence s and insert after each element a letter from the working list. Repeat this step until the working list is empty.
L = {a,b,c,d} with f(a)=5, f(b)=5, f(c)=4, f(d)=2
The letters are already sorted by their frequencies.
s = aaaaa
workinglist = bbbbbccccdd. The leftmost entry is the first one.
We iterate from left to right. The places where we insert letters from the working list are marked with an _ underscore.
s = a_a_a_a_a_ workinglist = bbbbbccccdd
s = aba_a_a_a_ workinglist = bbbbccccdd
s = ababa_a_a_ workinglist = bbbccccdd
s = ababababab workinglist = ccccdd
⚠️ We reached the end of sequence s. We repeat step 4.
s = a_b_a_b_a_b_a_b_a_b_ workinglist = ccccdd
s = acb_a_b_a_b_a_b_a_b_ workinglist = cccdd
s = acbcacb_a_b_a_b_a_b_ workinglist = cdd
s = acbcacbca_b_a_b_a_b_ workinglist = dd
s = acbcacbcadb_a_b_a_b_ workinglist = d
s = acbcacbcadbda_b_a_b_ workinglist =
⚠️ The working list is empty. We stop.
The final sequence is acbcacbcadbdabab.
Implementation In Bash
Here is a bash implementation of the proposed approach that works with your input format. Instead of using a working list each line is labeled with a binary floating point number specifying the position of that line in the final sequence. Then the lines are sorted by their labels. That way we don't have to use explicit loops. Intermediate results are stored in variables. No files are created.
#! /bin/bash
inputFile="$1" # replace $1 by your input file or call "./thisScript yourFile"
inputBySys="$(sort "$inputFile")"
sysFreqBySys="$(cut -d, -f1 <<< "$inputBySys" | uniq -c | sed 's/^ *//;s/ /,/')"
inputBySysFreq="$(join -t, -1 2 -2 1 <(echo "$sysFreqBySys") <(echo "$inputBySys") | sort -t, -k2,2nr -k1,1)"
maxFreq="$(head -n1 <<< "$inputBySysFreq" | cut -d, -f2)"
lineCount="$(wc -l <<< "$inputBySysFreq")"
increment="$(awk '{l=log($1/$2)/log(2); l=int(l)-(int(l)>l); print 2^l}' <<< "$maxFreq $lineCount")"
seq="$({ echo obase=2; seq 0 "$increment" "$maxFreq" | head -n-1; } | bc |
awk -F. '{sub(/0*$/,"",$2); print 0+$1 "," $2 "," length($2)}' |
sort -snt, -k3,3 -k2,2 | head -n "$lineCount")"
paste -d, <(echo "$seq") <(echo "$inputBySysFreq") | sort -nt, -k1,1 -k2,2 | cut -d, -f4,6
This solution could fail for very long input files due to the limited precision of floating point numbers in seq and awk.
Well, this is what I've come up with:
while IFS=' ' read -r _ name; do
# add a file redirection with grepped certain SYSTEM only for later eval
args+=("<(grep '^$name,' file)")
done < <(
# extract SYSTEM only
<file cut -d, -f1 |
#sort with the count
sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
# this is actually safe, because we control all arguments
eval paste -d "'\\n'" "${args[#]}" |
# paste will insert empty lines when the list ended - remove them
sed '/^$/d'
First, I extract and sort the SYSTEM names in the order which occurs the most often to be first. So for the input example we get:
4 beta
3 alpha
1 gamme
Then for each such name I add the proper string <(grep '...' file) to arguments list witch will be later evalulated.
Then I evalulate the call to paste <(grep ...) <(grep ...) <(grep ...) ... with newline as the paste's delimeter. I remove empty lines with simple sed call.
The output for the input provided:
Converted to a fancy oneliner, with substituting the while read with command substitution and sed. Got safe with inputfile naming with printf "%q" "$inputfile" and double quoting inside sed regex.
eval paste -d '"\\n"' "$(
cut -d "$fieldsep" -f1 "$inputfile" |
sort | uniq -c | sort -nr |
sed 's/^[[:space:]]*[0-9]\+[[:space:]]*\(.*\)$/<(grep '\''^\1'"$fieldsep"\'' "'"$(printf "%q" "$inputfile")"'")/' |
tr '\n' ' '
)" |
sed '/^$/d'
# remember SYSTEMS with it's occurrence counts
counts=$(cut -d "$fieldsep" -f1 "$inputfile" | sort | uniq -c)
# remember last outputted system name
# until there are any systems with counts
while ((${#counts})); do
# get the most occurrented system with it's count from counts
IFS=' ' read -r cnt sys < <(
# if lastsys is empty, don't do anything, if not, filter it out
if [ -n "$lastsys" ]; then
grep -v " $lastsys$";
# ha suprise - counts is here!
# probably would be way more readable with just `printf "%s" "$counts" |`
fi <<<"$counts" |
# with the most occurence
sort -n | tail -n1
if [ -z "$cnt" ]; then
echo "ERROR: constructing output is not possible! There have to be duplicate system lines!" >&2
exit 1
# update counts - decrement the count of this system, or remove it if count is 1
# remove current system from counts
<<<"$counts" grep -v " $sys$"
# if the count of the system is 1, don't add it back - it's count is now 0
if ((cnt > 1)); then
# decrement count and add the line with system to counts
printf "%s" "$((cnt - 1)) $sys"
# finally print output
printf "%s\n" "$sys"
# and remember last system
done |
# get system names only in `system` - using cached counts variable
# for each system name open a grep for that name from the input file
# with asigned file descritpro
# The file descriptor list is saved in an array `fds`
while IFS=' ' read -r _ sys; do
exec {fd}< <(grep "^$sys," "$inputfile")
done <<<"$counts"
# for each line in input
while IFS='' read -r sys; do
# get the position inside systems list of that system decremented by 1
# this will be the underlying filesystem for filtering that system out of input
fds_idx=$(<<<"$systems" grep -n "$sys" | cut -d: -f1)
fds_idx=$((fds_idx - 1))
# read one line from that file descriptor
# I wonder is `sed 1p` would be faster
IFS='' read -r -u "${fds[$fds_idx]}" line
# output that line
printf "%s\n" "$line"
To accommodate for strange input values this script implements somewhat simple but hardy in bash statemachine.
The variable counts stores SYSTEM names with their're occurrence count. So from the example input it will be
4 alpha
3 beta
1 gamma
Now - we output the SYSTEM name with the biggest occurrence count that is also different from the last outputted SYSTEM name. We decrement it's occurrence count. If the count is equal to zero, it is removed from the list. We remember the last outputted SYSTEM name. We repeat this process until all occurrence counts reach zero, so the list is empty. For the example input this will output:
Now, we need to join that list with the job names. We can't use join as the input is not sorted and we don't want to change the ordering. So what I do, I get only SYSTEM names in system. Then for each system I open a different file descriptor with filtered only that SYSTEM name from the input file. All the file descriptors are stored in an array. Then for each SYSTEM name from the input, I find the file descriptor that filters that SYSTEM name from the input file and read exactly one line from the file descriptor. This works like an array of file positions each file position associated / filtering specified SYSTEM name.
The script was done so for the input in the form of:
the script outputs correctly:
I think this algorithm will mostly always print correct output, but the ordering is so that the least common SYSTEMs will be outputted last, which may be not optimal.
Tested manually with some custom tests and checker on
in=( 1 2 1 5 )
cat <<EOF > "$inputfile"
$(seq ${in[0]} | sed 's/^/A,/' )
$(seq ${in[1]} | sed 's/^/B,/' )
$(seq ${in[2]} | sed 's/^/C,/' )
$(seq ${in[3]} | sed 's/^/D,/' )
sed -i -e '/^$/d' "$inputfile"
# remember SYSTEMS with it's occurrence counts
counts=$(cut -d "$fieldsep" -f1 "$inputfile" | sort | uniq -c)
# I think this holds true
# The SYSTEM with the most count should be lower than the sum of all others
# remember last outputted system name
# until there are any systems with counts
while ((${#counts})); do
# get the most occurrented system with it's count from counts
IFS=' ' read -r cnt sys < <(
# if lastsys is empty, don't do anything, if not, filter it out
if [ -n "$lastsys" ]; then
grep -v " $lastsys$";
# ha suprise - counts is here!
# probably would be way more readable with just `printf "%s" "$counts" |`
fi <<<"$counts" |
# with the most occurence
sort -n | tail -n1
if [ -z "$cnt" ]; then
echo "ERROR: constructing output is not possible! There have to be duplicate system lines!" >&2
exit 1
# update counts - decrement the count of this system, or remove it if count is 1
# remove current system from counts
<<<"$counts" grep -v " $sys$"
# if the count of the system is 1, don't add it back - it's count is now 0
if ((cnt > 1)); then
# decrement count and add the line with system to counts
printf "%s" "$((cnt - 1)) $sys"
# finally print output
printf "%s\n" "$sys"
# and remember last system
done |
# get system names only in `system` - using cached counts variable
# for each system name open a grep for that name from the input file
# with asigned file descritpro
# The file descriptor list is saved in an array `fds`
while IFS=' ' read -r _ sys; do
exec {fd}< <(grep "^$sys," "$inputfile")
done <<<"$counts"
# for each line in input
while IFS='' read -r sys; do
# get the position inside systems list of that system decremented by 1
# this will be the underlying filesystem for filtering that system out of input
fds_idx=$(<<<"$systems" grep -n "$sys" | cut -d: -f1)
fds_idx=$((fds_idx - 1))
# read one line from that file descriptor
# I wonder is `sed 1p` would be faster
IFS='' read -r -u "${fds[$fds_idx]}" line
# output that line
printf "%s\n" "$line"
} |
# check if the output is correct
# output should have same lines as inputfile
if ! cmp <(sort "$inputfile") <(<<<"$output" sort); then
echo "Output does not match input!" >&2
exit 1
# two consecutive lines can't have the same system
<<<"$output" cut -d, -f1 |
while IFS= read -r sys; do
if [ -n "$lastsys" -a "$lastsys" = "$sys" ]; then
echo "Same systems found on two consecutive lines!" >&2
exit 1
# all ok
echo "all ok!"
echo -------------
printf "%s\n" "$output"

optimizing awk command for large file

I have these functions to process a 2GB text file. I'm splitting it into 6 parts for simultaneous processing but it is still taking 4+ hours.
What else can I try make the script faster?
A bit of details:
I feed my input csv into a while loop to be read line by line.
I grabbed the values from the csv line from 4 fields in the read2col function
The awk in my mainf function takes the values from read2col and do some arithmetic calculation. I'm rounding the result to 2 decimal places. Then, print the line to a text file.
Sample data:
is_one_way=$(echo "$line"| awk -F'","' '{print $7}')
price_outbound=$(echo "$line"| awk -F'","' '{print $30}')
price_exc=$(echo "$line"| awk -F'","' '{print $25}')
tax=$(echo "$line"| awk -F'","' '{print $27}')
price_inc=$(echo "$line"| awk -F'","' '{print $26}')
#for each line in the csv
cd $infarepath
while read -r line; do
#read the value of csv fields into variables
if [[ $is_one_way == 0 ]]; then
if [[ $price_outbound > 0 ]]; then
#calculate price inc and print the entire line to txt file
echo $line | awk -v CONVFMT='%.2f' -v pout=$price_outbound -v tax=$tax -F'","' 'BEGIN {OFS = FS} {$25=pout;$26=(pout+(tax / 2)); print}' >>"$csvsplitfile".tmp
#divide price ecx and inc by 2 if price outbound is not greater than 0
echo $line | awk -v CONVFMT='%.2f' -v pexc=$price_exc -v pinc=$price_inc -F'","' 'BEGIN {OFS = FS} {$25=(pexc / 2);$26=(pinc /2); print}' >>"$csvsplitfile".tmp
echo $line >>"$csvsplitfile".tmp
done < $csvsplitfile
The first thing you should do is stop invoking six subshells for running awk for every single line of input. Let's do some quick, back-of-the-envelope calculations.
Assuming your input lines are about 292 characters (as per you example), a 2G file will consist of a little over 7.3 million lines. That means you are starting and stopping a whopping forty-four million processes.
And, while Linux admirably handles fork and exec as efficiently as possible, it's not without cost:
pax$ time for i in {1..44000000} ; do true ; done
real 1m0.946s
In addition, bash hasn't really been optimised for this sort of processing, its design leads to sub-optimal behaviour for this specific use case. For details on this, see this excellent answer over on one of our sister sites.
An analysis of the two methods of file processing (one program reading an entire file (each line has just hello on it), and bash reading it a line at a time) is shown below. The two commands used to get the timings were:
time ( cat somefile >/dev/null )
time ( while read -r x ; do echo $x >/dev/null ; done <somefile )
For varying file sizes (user+sys time, averaged over a few runs), it's quite interesting:
# of lines cat-method while-method
---------- ---------- ------------
1,000 0.375s 0.031s
10,000 0.391s 0.234s
100,000 0.406s 1.994s
1,000,000 0.391s 19.844s
10,000,000 0.375s 205.583s
44,000,000 0.453s 889.402s
From this, it appears that the while method can hold its own for smaller data sets, it really does not scale well.
Since awk itself has ways to do calculations and formatted output, processing the file with one single awk script, rather than your bash/multi-awk-per-line combination, will make the cost of creating all those processes and line-based delays go away.
This script would be a good first attempt, let's call it prog.awk:
FMT = "%.2f"
if (isOneWay == 0) {
if (priceOutbound > 0) {
$25 = sprintf(FMT, priceOutbound)
$26 = sprintf(FMT, priceOutbound + tax / 2)
} else {
$25 = sprintf(FMT, priceExc / 2)
$26 = sprintf(FMT, priceInc / 2)
You just run that single awk script with:
awk -F'","' -f prog.awk data.txt
With the test data you provided, here's the before and after, with markers for field numbers 25 and 26:
<-25-> <-26->

Need help in vlookup in linux using awk

I have two data files. One is having 1600 rows and the other one is having 2 million rows(tab delimited files). I need to vlookup between these two files. Please see below example for the expected output and kindly let me know if it's possible. I've tried using awk, but couldn't get the expected result.
File 1(small file)
BC1 10 100
BC2 20 200
BC3 30 300
File 2(large file)
Expected Output:
BC1 10 100 XYZ
BC2 20 200 ABC
BC3 30 300 DEF
I also tried the join command. It is taking forever to complete. Please help me find a solution. Thanks
Commands for your output:
awk '{print $1}' *file | sort | uniq -d > out.txt
for i in $(cat out.txt)
grep "$i" large_file >> temp.txt
sort -g -t 1 temp.txt > out1.txt
sort -g -t 1 out.txt > out2.txt
paste out1.txt out2.txt | awk '{print $1 $2 $3 $5}'
Commands for Vlookup
Store 1st and 2nd column in file1 file2 respectively
cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq -d ### for records which are present in both files
cat file1 file2 | sort | uniq -u ### for records which are unique and not present in bulk file
This awk script will scan line by line each file, and will try to match the number in the BC column. Once matched, it will print all the columns.
If one of the files does not contain one of the numbers, it will be skipped in both files and will search for the next one. It will loop until one of the files ends.
The script also accepts any number of columns per file and any number of files, as long as the first column is BC and a number.
This awk script assumes that the files are ordered from minor to major number in the BC column (like in your example). Otherwise it will not work.
To execute the script, run this command:
awk -f vlookup.awk smallfile bigfile
The vlookup.awk file will have this content:
BEGIN {files=1;lines=0;maxlines=0;filelines[1]=0;
#Number of columns for SoD, PRN, reference file
#Initialize variables
#Save number of columns
#Copy reference file data
#Read lines from file
ret=getline < ARGV[i];
if(ret==0) exit; #END OF FILE reached
#Copy columns to file variable
#Save number of columns
#Check that all files are in the same number
if(bc[i]>bc_now) {bc_now=bc[i];new_bc=1;}
#One or more files have a new number
if (new_bc==1)
#Read next line from file
if(i==1) ret=getline; #File 1 is the reference file
else ret=getline < ARGV[i];
if(ret==0) exit; #END OF FILE reached
#Copy columns to file variable
#Save number of columns
#Check if in current file data has gone to next number
#No more data lines to compare, end of comparison
#If the number is not in a file, the process to realign must be restarted to the next number available (Exit for loop)
if (no_bc==1) {break;}
#If the number is not in a file, the process to realign must be restarted to the next number available (Continue while loop)
if (no_bc==1) {next;}
#Number is aligned
for(j=2;j<=NFields[i];j++) {
#Join colums in text_result variable
aux=sprintf("%s %s",text_result,file[i,j]);
#Reset text variables
I also tried the join command. It is taking forever to complete.
Please help me find a solution.
It's improbable that you'll find a solution (scripted or not) that's faster than the compiled join command. If you can't wait for join to complete, you need more powerful hardware.

Using the command line to combine non-adjacent sections of a file

Is it possible to concatenate the headers lines in a file with the output from a filter using grep? Perhaps using the cat command or something else from GNU's coreutils?
In particular, I have a tab delimited file that roughly looks like the following:
var1 var2 var3
1 MT 500
30 CA 40000
10 NV 1240
40 TX 500
30 UT 35000
10 AZ 1405
35 CO 500
15 UT 9000
1 NV 1505
30 CA 40000
10 NV 1240
I would like to select from lines 2 - N all lines that contain "CA" using grep and also to place the first row, the variable names, in the first line of the output file using GNU/Linux commands.
The desired output for the example would be:
var1 var2 var3
30 CA 40000
35 CA 65000
15 CA 2500
I can select the two sets of desired output with the following lines of code.
head -1 filename
grep -E CA filename
My initial idea is to combine the output of these commands using cat, but I have not been successful so far.
If you're running the commands from a shell (including shell scripts), you can run each command separately and redirect the output:
head -1 filename > outputfile
grep -E CA filename >> outputfile
The first line will overwrite outputfile, because a single > was used. The second line will append to outputfile, because >> was used.
If you want to do this in a single command, the following worked in bash:
(head -1 filename && grep -E CA filename) > outputfile
If you want the output to go to standard output, leave off the parenthesis and redirection:
head -1 filename && grep -E CA filename
It's not clear what you're looking for, but perhaps just:
{ head -1 filename; grep -E CA filename; } > output
awk 'NR==1 || /CA/' filename > output
But another interpretation of your question is best addressed using sed or awk.
For example, to print lines 5-9 and line 14, you can do:
sed -n -e 5,9p -e 14p
awk '(NR >=5 && NR <=9) || NR==14'
I just came across a method that uses the cat command.
cat <(head -1 filename) <(grep -E CA filename) > outputfile
This site,, calls the <(command) syntax "process substitution."
It is unclear to me what method would be more efficient in terms of memory / speed, but this is testable.
