How to use the filter selection as a text header in another cell in Excel - excel

I am trying to create a header cell based on the results of a filter applied to a column. For example I have a filter that lists results based on name. I am trying to pull a unique list or the filter selection and display the result in another cell:
Column G Filter Results: (selecting only Doe, John and Smith, Jane from multiple choices)
Doe, John
Doe, John
Smith, Jane
Doe, John
Smith, Jane
What I want to do is to display a unique result in Column A1 of:
Doe, John: Smith, Jane
Simply referencing the filter selection as a text literal would make the most sense, but I have no idea how to reference that in Excel
I am using Excel 2007


How to search through an array of rows for a partial string in excel

I am used to Excel but am still pretty new to more complex formulas. I am trying to fill in the id field in the data table automatically based on the name.
I have two tables, one is a list of employees, and another is a log of associates' actions.
Here is the ID list.
A6 Name
Foo Bar
John Doe
Jane Doe
Mike Jones
Here is the log list.
A2 Name
A3 Action
Jane Doe
John Doe
Jane Doe
Foo Bar
I want to be able to take the current cell's index in the log and compare the name to the list of employees and copy the cell to the left of it to get the id.
Do you know of any formulas that would guide me to my goal?

Excel Column to Rows with it's Other Data

I have an excel sheet that looks like this:
John Doe 1,2
Jane Doe 1,3
Does Excel have any functionality to end up with something like this:
John Doe 1
John Doe 2
Jane Doe 1
Jane Doe 3
I've seen some samples on Text to Columns but that doesn't seem like what I want. Is there a combination of magical formulas to create such results?
I'm perfectly fine with this result as well (I'm currently trying LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, and/or HLOOKUP for this):
John Doe 1
Jane Doe 1
John Doe 2
Jane Doe 3
Thank you.
Load the data into Power Query. Then use ribbon commands to
Split the Course column by the comma delimiter
select the two name columns
Transform > Unpivot Other Columns
rename the columns for Attribute and Value
remove columns you don't need
load into Excel

Count repetitive values in column B based on unique value in column A

I have the following table:
1 John Doe
John Doe
2 Adam Smith
Adam Smith
Adam Smith
I need to count the number of times a name appears for each number value in column A. The numbers are unique.
Place this formula in cell C1 and drag down until the end.
n.b. - you can more clearly define row numbers instead of using B:B if you like as well

VLOOKUP to check if a value exists in a cell

I have data like this in a column:
John L. Doe
Jane N. Doe
Michael A. Doe
I'm trying to match the entries against another column with this format.
doe, jane
doe, john
doe, michael
I've tried VLOOKUP's for the lastname and using wildcards:
VLOOKUP("*" & A1 & "*",B:B,2, FALSE)
but I'm getting #N/A as a result.
If your columns are labelled, then in C2 and copied down to suit:
=MATCH(TEXT(MID(B2,FIND(" ",B2)+1,LEN(B2))&"*"&LEFT(B2,FIND(",",B2)-1),"#"),A:A,0)
should return the row number of a match in ColumnA for the value in ColumnB that is in the same row as the formula result.
To match "the other way around" is very similar, and as it happens for the example the results the same:
=MATCH(TEXT(MID(A2,FIND(" ",A2,FIND(" ",A2)+1)+1,LEN(A2))&"*"&LEFT(A2,FIND(" ",A2)-1),"#"),B:B,0)

Finding and copy numeric value in excel cell

I have a excel document where there is name of the person in one row and his/her phone in under row. what i want to do is copy the names first from all the rows and paste in a another document and then copy all the phone number from the same document and paste right next to the names columns of the new document.
In my current document: i have this format
John Doe
Jane Doe
what i want to do is:
John Doe 9841482227
Jane Doe 9801022823
How can i do this in quickest way possible in excel?
In the B cells, apply following formula:
This will return true for Numbers and False for alphabets as below:.
John Doe FALSE
9841482227 TRUE
Jane Doe FALSE
9801022823 TRUE
Apply a sort/filter for B cells and copy all cells with FALSE (Name) and paste in another sheet (shhet2).
Copy all cells with TRUE (Mobile Numbers) and place it in sheet2 next to the names.
Sheet 2 would contain following
John Doe 9841482227
Jane Doe 9801022823
Assuming that all users have only one phone number below them, this would work.
