oprofile binary build error - (liberty library not found) - linux

After download the oprofile source code on my host ( Ubuntu 15.04 ),
for some reasons, I need to build the binary my own.
I enter the following command to build the binary
./configure && make && make install
And got the error message
configure: error: liberty library not found
By searching around the fix to this error, I found a package needs to be installed.
sudo apt-get install binutils-dev
However, the same error still appears even thought the package has been installed successfully.
Is there anything I can check with?

Just found the answer.
Please follow the link:
Configuration error: Iberty library not found
This answers my question.


how to install unixodbc on linux

I am trying to install unixodbc on linux (clean install of ubuntu 20), but the directions here are not working for me. When I get the step to ./configure , I get an error saying "configure: error: odbc_config not found (required for unixODBC build)".
Given that this is a popular package and the instructions on the main website don't work, I'm wondering if someone in that community could help me install it?
I tried installing it directly from a .deb file which appeared to work with 0 exit status, but I am still getting an error when I try to run odbc_config, which is how they say to verify the installation. And which unixodbc returns nothing.
Any help installing this package on linux would be greatly appreciated!
Note: On mac, brew install unixodbc works just fine. But I am running into problems when using the compiled binaries from that installation on a linux machine -- it is giving me a mysterious file not found error when I try to reference it, even though it is there, so I believe I need to compile it on linux in order to get it to work.
EDIT: I tried installing from source, but then I got a different error: libpq library version = 9.2 is required. Is there any way to install this package on ubuntu without having to set all kinds of special flags?
EDIT2: I was able to get the installation process to complete after installing libpq-dev.

Errors in installing Homebrew and git

I am trying to work on a linux based external server. I need to install Homebrew and anaconda. So, I have installed anaconda as usual in my home directory. But when I tried to install homebrew, I get the following errors:
fatal: packfile .git/objects/pack/pack-9d2d97f367d3ebfa65a3b708b2d87333a8eb2bf0.pack cannot be mapped: Cannot allocate memory
error: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core did not send all necessary objects
Failed during: git fetch --force origin refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master
Ok, then I tried to install git using conda. However, I have encountered another error, which is:
libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work
I tried to install the GCC library using this link How do I compile and run GCC 4.9.x?
But then again, I encountered the problem of "cannot allocate memory". As I am working on an external cluster with many CPUs, I assume I have enough memory and space because I am working with many genomes.
Also, I cannot used sudo as I am not authorised to do that. I also tried to get the apt-get command but it shows that apt-get command not found.
Can anybody please help me to solve these problems?
Thank you.

Configure: error: missing libstdc++ // UBUNTU UCK

Right now I am running Ubuntu 14.04 in VMware trying to make a Live CD with a tool called UCK. I am in the process where I can customize and add my own packages and tools to my live CD. I want to install and setup Autopsy so I began with the process of downloading both Sleuthkit and Autopsy. While trying to install those I have been told I have first have to use ./configure according to this guide: https://shankaraman.wordpress.com/2012/11/16/how-to-install-autopsy-and-sleuthkit-in-ubuntu/
and I got the following error: 'Configure: error: missing libstdc++'
Does anyone know how to fix this? I haven't found a solution on the internet yet.
Fixed it by running: sudo apt-get install build-essential -_-.

Trying to build rdiff-backup, getting error "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrsync"

I am trying to build the latest version of rdiff-backup on a CentOS 6 x64 box. (linode).
I am getting the error as follows:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrsync
I have searched for a rsync.so file with no results.
I have rsync already installed. I can't find an rsync-devel package to install with Yum using the standard repositories.
Any clues?
You need to install librsync:
yum install librsync-devel

Yi failed to install

Would love to try the Yi editor, but unfortunately, it keeps failing during the installation.
First I get:
> cabal install yi
haskell-src-exts-1.13.0 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
yi- depends on haskell-src-exts-1.13.0 which failed to install.
then when I try to install haskell-src-exts I am stumped by this:
setup: The program happy version >=1.17 is required but it could not be found.
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
haskell-src-exts-1.13.0 failed during the configure step. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1
installing happy cabal install happy (version 1.18.9 at that) does not help, as it still produces the error above!
I am trying to get this going on ArchLinux. Also, Windows installation didn't work either.
Any ideas?
cabal installs programs to ~/.cabal/bin (on Unix; no idea about Windows) if they are not already installed, and does not warn you to add it to your $PATH; it also (unless you have the latest unreleased version, built from its repo) does not know that it has done so, because it only tracks libraries, not executables. You will need to manually add $HOME/.cabal/bin to your $PATH so that it will be found
(edit be pedantic)
On ubuntu I installed happy using apt-get instead of through cabal, which worked.
Here is what I have done to install Yi with GTK+ under ArchLinux.
First, I tried cabal install yi and I got the same error as you.
To solve this error, I installed happy using this command:
yaourt -S happy
Then, I got another error because the alex package was needed. So, I installed it with:
yaourt -S alex
After that, I got some errors because of gtk2hs packages missing. I installed them with:
yaourt -S haskell-cairo haskell-glib haskell-gtk haskell-pango
Finally, I was able to install Yi with:
cabal install yi -fvty -fpango
I had the same issue in installing hprotoc which has a dependency on haskell-src-exts. The issue I believe was that I was running the sudo command which was modifying the path. When I took the recommended action in the following Q&A, it resolved the issue of finding happy.
sudo changes PATH - why?
Leksah uses Yi as a component, try installing leksah instead. I had similar error messages at one point, the haskell-src-exts error is due to running out of memory. Reboot your computer, have nothing else running except the console, and try again.
