Unable to create an Import/Export Job on the new Azure portal - azure

I have been trying to set up an import job as described here; the problem is that we do not have "Classic" storage, rather we are trying to set it up with "New" storage. Using the new portal I cannot find the place where one is meant to create a new job. The linked article shows how to do this for classic storage on the old portal only.
I have tried using the second approach they mention, which is to use the API, but that is turning out to be more of a pain than I though.
Does anyone know where I can add an import/export job in the new portal? Is this possible with "new" storage? If I manage to get the API way to work, can it be applied to "new" storage or is it only for "classic"?

Unfortunately, Import/Export is not available in the Preview Portal, and does not work at this time with v2 storage accounts. Can you use a Classic storage account instead?

We may be able to provide a sample code to unblock your scenario. Can you please send an email with your detailed requirements to waimportexport#microsoft.com so that we can set up a call to discuss further.


How to choose only specific table as follower instead of entire DB in Azure data explorer using azure data share

I am working on something, where I need to replicate only few tables instead of entire database from the leader cluster. How should I do it in the Azure Portal using Azure data share? I can see from azure documentation, that they are using C# or some other language for it, can we do it directly via Azure Portal?
As of this writing, table-level sharing isn't yet available through Azure Data Share, but should become available in the next few weeks (follow this doc for updates: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/data-share)
As you mentioned correctly, it is already available programmatically using the management API (documented here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-explorer/follower#table-level-sharing)

Notify email when Azure Storage table gets new entry

Is there an inbuilt way to notify an email when a new entry is added to the Table?
I am asking for anything programatically just within their own UI
Not currently but you could put it on an Azure Storage Queue and process it to Table Storage and send an Email with Azure Functions.
Check out this page what is possible - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-triggers-bindings
Okay, so the easiest way to see the data is to use their desktop app
Use https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/features/storage-explorer/
The lastest Azure product updates covering event-driven applications suggest to adopt these application patterns to react to events published by Azure Storage. These docs/resources might help to explore the application pattern and current platform/framework support.
Azure Storage
Reacting to Blob storage events (preview)
Did not found anything similar for Azure Tables - what about suggesting this on UserVoice?
Working with the change feed support in Azure Cosmos DB

View Azure Blob Metadata Online

Is there a way to examine an Azure blob's metadata through a web interface or the Azure portal?
I'm running into a problem where I set metadata on a blob programmatically, without any problems, but when I go back to read the metadata in another section of the program there isn't any. So I'd like to confirm that the metadata was, in fact, written to the cloud.
One of the simplest ways to set/get an Azure Storage Blob's metadata is by using the cross-platform Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer, which is a standalone app from Microsoft that allows you to easily work with Azure Storage data on Windows, macOS and Linux.
Just right click on the blob you want to examine and select Properties, you will see the metadata list if they exist.
Note: Version tested - 0.8.7
There is no way to check this on the portal, however you can try the Storage Explorer tool.
if you want to check the metadata in your code, please try this Get blob metadata

Azure Storage Table Query Coming Up Feature?

Do azure team plan on introducing new query feature like skip,contains etc in future, where can i find what are the new feature/functionality that will be available in future.
I would recommend following Azure Storage blog for announcements. In addition, you can also share your ideas or features you would like to see at Azure Feedback Storage forum.

Azure data factory

I have two questions.
Is there any way to move data(CSV files in FTP server) periodically in to Azure Storage account using ADF?
After Switching Azure mode using
switch-azuremode AzureResourceManager
I could not use Get- help datafactory
(Used Powershell in Admin mode, added Azure account using "Add-AzureAccount")
I try to answer your questions in order:
Not a native way at the moment, but you can create a custom activity which loads your CSV files into Azure storage. The scheduling can be done via JSON (as most of the functionality in Data Factory). For the future you can expect that there will be some way in a future way.
Haven't tried it, but you could try Get-Help azuredatafactory (caution: no whitespaces) or help azuredatafactory or have a look at the cmdlets reference.
