How can I disable autocorrect in Edge? - windows-10

I want to disable autocorrect in specific page of Edge Browser.
How can I disable autocorrect in Edge?
But I don't want to disable autocorrect of whole Windows10.
(example...Settings -> Devices -> Typing....This is not...!!)

You can solve this without editing the registry:
It's not about Edge but the whole win 10. Open
Settings from the start menu, then go to devices. There you'll find a
tab named Typing, fifth in the list for me, and the autocorrect
feature is displayed there. If you switch the autocorrect off, edge
will stop bugging your text (i actually wrote this in edge ;) ).
Enjoy. :)
Note: Currently open Edge windows will still auto-(in)correct until Edge has been restarted.
Another article in the link in Etiennes answer.

Apparently the menu is not available by default.
By reading the instructions here :
You can follow this and it should work :
If for some reason the "Typing" tab in the settings is gone (It was for me) you can unhide it through regedit.
Use regedit and search for the following value: "ShowAutoCorrection". Change the value to '1' and you should be able to access "Settings -> Devices -> Typing" to change your autocorrection settings.
Restart your application, log in and out, or reboot your system to make the changes apparent. It worked for Skype at the very least for me.

I have found a solution, friends of Edge! Download the Tampermonkey MS Edge extension from the Windows Store and install the following UserScript:
This UserScript sets the "spellcheck" attribute to the global element/tag of every website you visit so that Edge MUST obey the rules. This also fixes the issue of auto-correction.
If you want to limit it to a certain website just modify the "#include" tags, for example:
To disable spellchecking on reddit only.
You can get Tampermonkey here:
Works on Windows 10 build 17112.1

What I found to do it disable autocorrect in the new Chromium-based Edge, is to right-click on a word that has been autocorrected. It should list the original word with the option to restore it. Beneath that, there should be an option to either disable autocorrect for that site or permanently. Select your preference and autocorrect should stop bugging you.
Hope to be of help.


Notepad++ copy / paste no longer works

I can't find an answer to this anywhere on the web.
In Notepad++ the copy/paste functions do not work NOW! They did before (until now).
The keyboard shortcuts do not work, but here is part of the issue.
On the menu at the top the cut and paste items are grayed out (so do not function there either).
At the shortcut mapper there are no entries for cut and paste (supposed to be at the top but are not anywhere).
These functions work OK in Windows so it is not a Microsoft problem but a Notepad++ problem exclusively.
Tried the following:
Closed all files and the program.
Restarted the program and tried again.
Downloaded the latest version and installed it. Tried again.
Not sure what the real problem is, so bare with me,
First I'd check your bindings are set.
Open Notepad++,
Select "Macro" drop down menu, and click "Modify Shortcut/Delete Macro..."
Navigate to the "Scintilla commands" tab,
Here you can use the filter at the bottom of the window to find specifics,
e.g, "Copy" or "paste" and set your key-bindings.
My Copy is "Ctrl+C or Ctrl+INS" and Paste is "Ctrl+V or Shift+INS" by default.
It's not uncommon for third-party applications/processes to block certain features, also check the directory you installed it to, as sometimes permissions may block features, too.
Hope this helps.
I don't know why this ticket is still open but this was first on my Google list.
My issue was that I had "Set Read-Only" enabled on the "Edit" menu.

The domain is blocked for Google Chrome

I haven't been able to use any site from on my Chrome browser for some time. Everything works fine on Edge and Firefox. I don't use VPN or Chrome extensions like Adblock. On chrome I get a message like below:
The request is blocked.
Ref A: 6EC268978EAE456FB75BAF9CB28FE4E6 Ref B: WAW01EDGE0310 Ref C: 2021-01-15T19:35:05Z
In Chrome console:
Do you know the cause or solution of this problem?
Thank you in advance.
i had same problem, delete cookies for
instructions here:
In case you can't find the site in the google cookies setting, you can try deleting cookies inside the chrome developer tools.
step 1: Open the Chrome developer tools
and press ctrl+shift+I or F12.
step 2: click on the double arrow and open the application tab
step 3: find the Cookies tab in the storage section, choose one you wish to clear, and right-click and clear it.
Print>>in Lists in a list item:
- Indented four spaces.
* indented eight spaces.
- Four spaces again.
2. You can have multiple
paragraphs in a list items.
Just be sure to indent.sist_001.55L{{consult}
EClick here!
This works with [reference links][blog] as well.

Forward slash key not working in VS2019 code editor

Since a few days (I don't know exactly when it started) the forward key in VS2019 is not working in the code editor. No matter how many times I press it, it doesn't do anything.
It also doesn't work in the seach box in the menu bar (labelled 'Search (Ctrl+Q)') nor in the search box which appears with Ctrl+F.
It does work in other places, like the solution explorer search box (Ctrl+;) and in the resource editor.
The forward slash is working in any other application that I tried (including Visual Studio Code and MS Excel). The question mark (Shift+/) is working everywhere, including in the code editor window. Even AltGr+/ is working (producing the Spanish upside down question mark).
I tried all other keys, including the AltGr combinations. They all work fine. Keyboard layout is US International.
The foward slash key doesn't work in the code editor when typing it on the laptop keyboard, and doesn't work when typing it on an external keyboard, or via an RDP session.
I am running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, version 20H2, build 19042.685. System is up to date.
Visual Studio Professional 2019, 16.8.3, also up to date.
What is causing the forward slash key to fail?
How can I solve this problem?
(Too long for a comment.)
The OP indicated that the problem was resolved after resetting the keyboard shortcuts, which suggests that / was set as a keyboard shortcut either by accident or perhaps by an installed extension.
However, the question remains in such cases of how to identify what a particular keyboard shortcut is assigned to, in order to turn off just that one shortcut as opposed to resetting all.
Visual Studio does not appear to provide a place to see the list of all active keyboard shortcuts. An alternative is to go to Tools / Import and Export Settings / Export Selected / All Settings and save a .vssettings file with all the current settings. That is a plain text file with extended XML sections, and the keyboard shortcuts can be found under the following node (reformatted for readability):
<Category name="Environment_KeyBindings" ... >
<Shortcut Command="View.ViewCode" Scope="Global">F7</Shortcut>
One of the <Shortcut> lines would have been listing / before the reset, and the Command attribute on that line indicated the assignment, so that it could be located and turned off individually in Tools / Options / Environment / Keyboard.
#dxiv Your comment made me check the shortcuts. Tedious job, scrolling through those hundreds of options). Nothing. Then I clicked the Reset button. That solved the problem.
In my case, the CodeRush extension was the guilty party. "Selection comment" gets set to use / upon installation. WTG DevExpress ......
Also adding a screenshot of it in VS 2022 to help people find it:

Default Excel keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + F5 no longer works

The Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Refresh All was one of my favorites until it stopped working. Presently, when I enter that key combination nothing (as far as I can see) happens. I've had to live without it for so long that I can't recall if there was anything specific that was changed prior to it no longer working. Alt+F5 continues to work to Refresh a specific PivotTable, but that has limited value.
The version is Excel 2007.
How can I discover what is preventing Ctrl+Alt+F5 from working and restore its default functionality?
I solved this problem by disabling Intel Graphics hotkeys:
Right-click on the desktop, hover over the menu option "Graphics Options" > "Hot Keys" > click Disable.
I had the exact same issue described above, albeit on Excel 2013 then eventually worked out that the key combination Ctrl+Alt+F5 (as well as other Ctrl+Alt+Fn keys) is reserved by the Intel Graphics control panel. I'd never even noticed this program but it's accessible by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting 'Graphics Properties...'. The Intel Graphics control panel doesn't use Ctrl+Alt+F5 by default, but it still reserves it apparently. I can assure you that disabling the Intel Graphics hot keys allows me to be able to use Ctrl+Alt+F5 in Excel straight away.
Hope that helps!
By the way, this same solution is shown here for a different user problem:
Keyposé is a free download which displays keyboard shortcuts as you use them. This makes sure that your hardware and OS are working as expected. If you see your shortcut appear with this tool (or you can verify Ctrl+Alt+F5 work in other applications another way) then the change must be within Excel itself
You might have more luck posting this on

How to disable closing Firefox 7 tab using ctrl+F4

I have been browsing around to find a way to disable closing Firefox 7 tab using ctrl+F4.
Kind of hard to find an easy way to do it. Lock down browser security will help me using Firefox as a kiosk during the Linux Day event.
Have you seen the keyconfig addon?
Or, more directly kiosk-related: R-kiosk
Curious, I've never known CTRL+F4 is able to close the tab.
I've investigated the case a bit. I've tried disabling it in Keyconfig, but without success. The shortcut is not even listed there. When you try to add other shortcut to CTRL+F4 to override the default behavior, it still closes the tab.
Note that also CTRL+W is able to close the tab, but in this case you can disable it in Keyconfig.
Seems that CTRL+W and CTRL+F4 are handled different way therefore.
About CTRL+F4, I was able to find the following code:, #else in line 2437:
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
if (aEvent.ctrlKey && !aEvent.shiftKey && !aEvent.metaKey &&
aEvent.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_F4 &&
this.mTabBox.handleCtrlPageUpDown) {
this.removeCurrentTab({animate: true});
I'm new to Mozilla code base, so I don't know where to search for CTRL+W however. But it seems CTRL+F4 is hardcoded at compile time for Windows and Linux and not easily (or at all) configurable.
You can think of reporting a bug to Bugzilla but I don't know if this would get top-priority treatment.
In your Firefox address bar type about:config and hit enter you will be shown the warning to proceed with care, then look for the properties like
You need to modify the binary values or change the boolean values from true to false or vice versa. If you don't have such entries, create them with right-click > New > Boolean.
PS: Please proceed with care.
