Running integration tests automatically on github - azure

Is there any existing tooling/platform I can use to do the following?
On any github PR or commit, have a custom "check", e.g the same as how travis-ci works.
Have this task talk to a remote machine on azure.
Execute a script on this machine and collect logs/exit code
Fail the check if the code is none zero or timeout is reached.
Handle queuing if two PR's come in, clean up on abort etc.
Have some sort of "status" badge like travis-ci to see the current test state/pass rate.
So far only travis-ci itself seems to work something like this, but whatever I execute will run in their cloud so I don't "own" the machine. Additionally my integration tests require copyrighted data which needs to be kept safe on my own cloud machine, and could take multiple hours to complete.

Yes you can. describes how to do this. Your machine will need to be accessible to github to do this.


Intermediate step(s) between manual prod and CI/CD for Node/Next on EC2

For about 18 months now I've been working in Node; and for the last 6 months I've been slowly migrating my existing WordPress websites to NextJS.
To date, I've been deploying to production manually. I log into my production server, checkout the latest release from GitHub, build, and do a pm2 restart.
Even though the above workflow seems to be the most commonly documented around the internet, it's always felt a little wrong to me.
Recently, I found myself in a situation where I needed to customise some 3rd party code. So, my main code now has a line in package.json that says
"dependencies": {
"react-share": "file:../react-share/react-share-4.4.1.tgz",
which implies that I'm going to checkout my custom react-share, build it somewhere on the production server, change this line to point to wherever I put it, and then rebuild.
Also, I'm using Prisma, which means that every time I deploy, before I do a build, I need to do an npx prisma generate to create the client.
This now all seems really, really wrong.
I don't know how a "simple" CI/CD environment might look, but whatever it looks like, it feels like overkill. It's just me doing development, and my production environment is a single EC2 server sitting behind AWS CloudFront.
It seems to me that I should be doing something more/different than what I'm currently doing, in service to someday moving to a CI/CD model, if/when I have a whole team working on this, or sufficient users that I have multiple load-balanced servers and need production to be continually up.
In particular, it feels like I shouldn't be building on the production server.
Are there any intermediary step(s) I can/should be taking for faster/less-error-prone/less-down-time deployment to a single EC2 instance for Next/Node apps, between manually deploying as I am currently, and some sort of CI/CD setup? Or are my only choices to do what I'm doing now, or go research how to do CI/CD?
You're approaching towards your initial stages of what technically is called DevOps, if not already as it appears from your context. What you're asking is a broad topic, which is an understatement, and explaining each and everything here will almost be like writing an article about it, at the very least.
However, I'll brief you overall on how to approach with this.
I don't know how a "simple" CI/CD environment might look, but whatever it looks like, it feels like overkill.
Simplicity & complexity are relative terms. A system which is complicated for one might be simple for another. CI/CD doesn't define any laws that you need to follow in order to create a perfect deployment procedure, as everyone's deployment requirement is unique (at some point).
If I mention it in bullet points, what you need to figure out before you start with setting up CI&CD, is -
The sequence of steps your deployment procedure needs in order to deploy your latest version. As you have stated already that you've been doing deployment manually, that means you already know your steps. All you need to do is to fine-tune each step so that it shouldn't require manual intervention while being executed automatically by the CI program.
Choose a CI program, like Travis CI, Circle CI, or if you're using GitHub, it has it's own GitHub Actions for the purpose, you can read their documentation for more details. Your CI program will be responsible for executing your deployment steps which you'll mention to it in whichever format it understands (mostly .yml).
The CI program will execute your steps on behalf of you based on the condition which you'll provide, (like when code is pushed on prod branch). It will execute the commands on a machine (like your EC2), specifically, GitHub actions runner will be responsible for running your commands on your machine, the runner should be setup beforehand in the instance you intend to deploy your code on. More details on runners can be found in relevant documentations.
Since the runner will actually execute the commands on your machine, make sure that all required commands and parameters, including the concerned files & directories are accessible to the runner program, from permissions point of view at least. For example, running your npx prisma generate command should require that npx command is available and executable in the system, and the concerned folders in which the command will CRUD files is accessible by the runner program. Similarly for all other commands.
Get your hands on bash scripting as well.
If your steps contain dynamic info, like the one you mentioned that in your package.json an npm script needs to be updated, then a custom bash script created to update the same automatically will help, for instance. There will be however, several other ways depending on the specific nature of the dynamic changes.
The above points are huge (by huge, I mean astronomically huge) oversimplification of the ways through which CI&CD pipelines are setup. But I hope you get the idea of it at least.
In particular, it feels like I shouldn't be building on the production server.
Your feeling is legitimate. You should replicate your production environment (including deployment procedures) into a separate development environment as close as possible, in order to have all your experiments, development and testing done separately from production environment, and after successful evaluation on the development environment, deploy on production one. Steps like building will most likely be done on both environments, as it is something your program needs to run, irrespective of the environment it is running in. Your future team will appreciate this separation of environments.
if/when I have a whole team working on this, or sufficient users that I have multiple load-balanced servers and need production to be continually up.
Again, this small statement in itself is a proper domain of IT department, known as System Design, in which, to put it simply, you or your team will create an architecture for your whole system which will support your business requirements and scaling as your audience increases, which is something a simple Stackoverflow QnA won't suffice to explain.
or go research how to do CI/CD?
is what I'd recommend and you should also feel is the right way ahead, after reading everything above.
Useful references to begin with (not endorsing any resources, you can search for relevant/better resources too)
GitHub Actions self-hosted runners
System Design - Getting started
Bash scripting
Development, Staging, Production

Heroku workers in dev

I'm looking into using a worker as well as a web for the first time as I have to scrape a website. I'm just wondering before I commit to this about working in a dev environment. How do jobs in a queue get handled when I'm testing my app before it's pushed to Heroku?
I will probably be using RabbitMQ if that's relevant here.
I guess it depends on what you mean by testing. You can unit test the code that does the scraping in isolation from any queue, and you can provide a mock implementation of the queue operations to handle a goodly portion of your integration tests.
I suppose you might want a real instance of the queue for certain tests, but depending on the nature of your project, you might be satisfied with the sorts of tests described in the first paragraph.
If you simply must test the queue operation and/or you want to run a complete copy of production locally then you'll have to stand up an instance of Rabbitmq. You can stand one up locally or use one of the SAAS providers.
If you have multiple developers working on the project, you might want to make it easy for them by creating something like a vagrant script that sets up a complete environment in a vm. Or better still something like docker. Doing so also gives you a lot more deployment options (making you less dependent on the heroku tooling).
Lastly, numerous CI solutions like Travis CI provide instances of popular services for running tests (including rabbit).

Gitlab CI Runner without routable IP

I'd like to use Gitlab CI in my workflow, but because my project relies on licensed software, so I need it to run on my machine, which does not have a public, routable IP. My thought is that I can create a simple server on heroku to accept the webhooks and put the requests into a message queue (a redis DB, for instance), which my local machine can poll and actually run the CI job. It appears, however, that the entire Gitlab CI system is written assuming that the server can directly speak to the runner. Does anybody know of a proof of concept for proxying the CI build trigger through a webhook or making the gitlab-runner pull build jobs rather than accepting push events? I could roll my own runner if necessary that polls for build events and runs the commands I need, but it'd be really nice to use the existing, documented infrastructure/file format rather than reinventing the wheel. Thanks for any suggestions.
It turns out that I had misinterpreted the documentation and this already works out of the box with the standard runner.

Deploying and scheduling changes with Ansible OSS

Please note: I am not interested in any enterprise/for-pay (Tower?) solutions here, only solutions available via Ansible's OSS offering.
OK so I've got my Ansible project configured and working perfectly, woo hoo! Looks something like this:
There's several things I need to accomplish to get this working in a production environment:
I need to be able to automate the deployment of changes to this project
I need to schedule playbooks to be ran, say, every 30 seconds (to ensure all managed nodes are always in compliance)
So my concerns:
How are changes usually deployed to live Ansible projects? Say the project is located at (my Ansible server). Is it sufficient to simply delete the Ansible project root (rm -rf /opt/ansible) and then copy the latest (containing changes) Ansible project back to the same location? What happens if Ansible is currently running any plays while I perform this "drop-n-swap"?
It looks like the commercial offering (Ansible Tower) has a scheduling feature built into it, but not the OSS offering. How can I schedule Ansible OSS to run plays at certain times? For instance, I might want certain plays to be ran every 30 seconds, so as to ensure nodes are always within compliance. Is cron sufficient to do this, or is there a more standard approach?
For this kind of task you typically want an orchestration engine such as Jenkins to do all your, well, orchestration.
You can set Jenkins to run playbooks on timers or other events such as a push to an SCM such as git.
Typically a job starts by checking out a tag/branch of our Ansible code base and then applying it to all of our specified servers so you always know what is being run. If you want, this can simply be the head on master (in git terms) so it's always applying the most recent changes. If you were also to have this to hook into your SCM repo then a simple push will force those changes to be applied to all of your servers.
Because of that immediacy you might want to consider only doing this on some test servers that then have some form of testing done against them (such as Serverspec) to verify that your changes are good before rolling them out to a production environment.
Jenkins, by default, will not run a job while the same job is running (or if you are maxed out on executor slots) so you can always be sure that it will only pull the repo (including any changes) after your Ansible run is complete. If you have multiple jobs running you can use blocking to prevent jobs running at the same time (both trying to apply potentially different configurations to the servers) but you don't have to worry about a new job starting and pulling the repo into the already running job as Jenkins separates these into separate work spaces.
We use Jenkins for manual runs of Ansible against our environment but we also have a "self healing" Jenkins job that simply runs a tagged commit of our Ansible code base against our environment, forcing it to an idempotent state to prevent natural drift of configurations. When we need to do something different to the environment or are running a slightly further ahead commit of our code base in to it we can easily disable the self healing job until we're happy with things and then either just re-enable the job to put things back or advance the tag that Jenkins is using to now use the more recent commit.

Is there really no easy way to test puppet scripts on a remote machine?

I'm experimenting with Puppet scripts for deployment.
I find the hardest part about the process of writing those scripts is iteratively testing them.
I don't want to puppet apply on my local development machine, that liable to screw stuff up. I have a clean-slate remote box where I want to apply. I also don't see how a puppetmaster can help me; I might be using a puppetmaster at a later point for production deployments, but for now, I just want to get my code working.
So I put together a quick shell script that would rsync the different directories from my local puppet module path to /tmp on the remote machine, and then run puppet apply. This is terribly inconvenient. It's slow, especially if we're talking about a syntax error.
I think what I want really is something like a puppetd <-> puppetmaster connection, where puppetd on the remote machine receives an already compiled manifest. Just an adhoc-one over a SSH connection, without having to actual setup an Puppetmaster, dealing with certificates etc. puppet apply user#host.
There seems to be nothing of the sort, but how do other people deal with this? I experience of working on a Puppet script is incredibly frustrating to me, as is.
I'd recommend using Vagrant. If you're not testing the puppet master setup you can use the built in provisioner integration.
Once you have everything setup you can run vagrant provision or just run puppet apply on the vagrant vm.
Here's a related article you may find helpful as well.
I would also take a look at puppet rpsec tests, using rspec-puppet and puppetlabs-spec-helper. The rspec-puppet-init will break puppet doc and geppetto and maybe some other things due to the symlinks, and there are some issues with hiera, but the tests are easy to setup otherwise and work well, and can also be tied into jenkins/hudson.
I usually have two levels of testing for my Puppet scripts.
Unit tests for quick feedback: Written using rspec-puppet, these compile a Puppet catalog for the class/define/etc being tested, and make assertions about it. Run locally each time I make a minor change, and on the build server each time I check in. The tests run quickly (<10 seconds), and pick up syntax and dependency issues.
Functional tests to make sure it really works: Written using Cucumber with the Aruba library. When I'm finished implementing a feature and the unit tests for it pass, these tests provision a VM (using Vagrant) with the appropriate Puppet manifest(s), log in, and make assertions about the VM's state. The tests themselves look something like:
Given I am SSHed into Vagrant box "webserver"
When I type "php --version"
Then the output should include "PHP 5.4.11"
Vagrant is the most useful environment for rapid infrastructure development that I've found. It most closely (99%) will mirror your production setup, and you can account for those tiny differences in puppet so everything works as expected. It takes about 30 minutes to get going with it and will pay you back many times over in saved time messing around with file copy scripts :)
If it's helpful to visualize, on my desktop I have 3 terminals side by side:
Terminal 1) Editing puppet manifests, classes, ruby code, etc
Terminal 2) Running 'vagrant provision' which simply does a puppet apply along with any facts you want to pass, etc.
Terminal 3) 'vagrant ssh' into the box so I can poke around as puppet is doing its work
Hope this helps!
Why don't you want to run a puppetmaster? It's created for exactly this situation.
If you absolutely cannot run a puppetmaster, then you would have to wrap your puppet calls in another script that first downloads the file (with curl or wget) and apply them after a successful download. Given that the puppetmaster is a fairly simple application to run, I don't see how not using it would be any better.
I stumbled across rump while looking at another question. If you're using git, it might be useful. There's a slide deck available.
From the "Rump helps you run Puppet locally against a Git checkout."
You may be interested in citac, a toolkit for automated testing of Puppet scripts. It is available on Github:
Citac systematically executes your Puppet manifest in various configurations, imitating transient system faults, different resource execution orders, and more. The generated test reports inform you about issues with non-idempotent resources, convergence-related issues, etc.
The tool uses Docker containers for execution, hence your system remains untouched while testing. State changes are tracked during execution of the Puppet script, and detailed test reports are generated.
To get an idea of which bugs the tool is able to detect, a large-scale evaluation with more than 150 public Puppet scripts has been performed. The results are available here:
Please feel free to provide feedback, pull requests, etc. Happy testing!
