How to leave a GitLab project not owned by me? - gitlab

If I had contributed in a project, for which I am not an owner or administrator, how can I get myself out of that project? I do not find the leave button as documented in issue 744.
The project owner has stopped responding to me and I badly want myself out of it. Please help.

Updated answer for 2020:
Leaving a group automatically removes you from all projects added by that group.
At the top menu chose Groups\Your Groups. Select the group you want to leave and press leave.

Follow these steps:
On projects page select the project
On top right corner select settings button
Then select members
Finally you'll see LEAVE button here

Follow These steps
Go to the main project url, not the sub urls
E.g If the project name is hng-interns -- Go to instead of
Click on the Leave group button
Click okay in the alert box that shows up.
That's all!

In new gitlab version, you can leave a project not owned by you, by following these steps:
1- Go to the project page
2- Click on Project Information at the top left corner
3- Click on members
4- Find your name among members and click on red leave button

Click Menu on the top left, Groups, Your groups.
Click on Your groups on the next page that loads.
Select Group
You will see picture similar two the second screenshot below. Instead of Withdraw Access Request you'll see Leave Group


Gitlab: bookmark repo functionality - how and what?

Gitlab has little bookmark icons next to each repo (see screenshot below). However, clicking the icon (or anywhere in the row for that repo) takes you to the repo - the whole thing is a link, so clicking the icon doesn't bookmark the repo. I also can't find a way to bookmark a repo via its settings.
Furthermore, what does the bookmark functionality do? I was imagining that it pins it to the top of your list, or makes it available on a bookmarks page, both of which would be really useful for me ... but I'm not actually sure.
Weirdly enough, google really isn't helping me out with this one. Does anyone have some info about this functionality?
This is an example of a bit of a UX convention violation - you're right that icon is absolutely a bookmark and typically used for bookmarking something. However in this case it just signifies that row is a Project as opposed to a Group. If that icon is a bookmark, it's a Project. If that icon is a folder, it's a Group.
If you want to favorite Projects, you should star them by clicking on the Star icon in the upper right of the Project home screen, then when you click on "Projects" you can click on "Starred Projects" and see all your projects you've currently starred. You can also filter activity based on starred projects.

How can a Task's priority be changed?

I'm a very basic user of Azure DevOps. There used to be a UI gadget on the Task page under the Details group that displayed the Task's Priority but as of a short time ago it is no longer available which makes it very difficult to modify a Task's priority. This gadget is still available on a Bug but not a Task. How can I recover/re-enable this gadget so that we can change a Task's priority as needed?
Here's an example of the Details group which used to have a Priority gadget within.
See the triple dots up at the top right? Click on those.
A menu appears.
Select Customize.
A new View appears which (eventually) allows you to see what's in the Details group.
One of those items is Priority.
Click on the triple dots to its right and edit it.
Try to enable the display.
This fails.
A popup says that this is an inherited property that can be hidden or renamed but you cannot enable it from here.
Fine. How does one get to the parent 'process', whatever the heck that is and change the Priority field back to be visible and editable?
Here are the steps.
Navigate to work items.
View any Task by clicking on the Title field hyper link.
The Task View appears.
On the upper right of the View is a triple dot control. Click it.
A menu appears. Select Customize.
You are now at All processes > Simple Workflow > Task
There are two columns on the right of the page, Details and Deployment.
Under Details is a Priority. It has a strike through to indicate that it is not displayed.
Select Details.
The field highlights and a triple dot appears.
Click the triple dot and select ‘Show on Layout’.
For me, this didn’t work yesterday. I closed all web pages and Visual Studio.
Restarted VS and asked it to display the DevOps page.
Looked at Tasks and they had Priority.
Very frustrating and the question is, why did the field go away? It is possible that one of the two other programmers working on this project accidentally did this but this is such a convoluted process to modify it that it would seem unlikely. Did DevOps/Azure change the default template? Maybe. How would I know. In any case, I'm up and working again so thank you everyone for your kind suggestions.

How do I leave a GitLab Project/Group in 2020

I've seen answers like this one: How to leave a GitLab project not owned by me?
However its outdated since the UI has changed since then. I've looked under every Group/Project tab and its not there. I've also followed this link that GitLab itself gave me[GROUP_NAME]/-/group_members/leave and its a 404. I need to leave these groups/projects since they require 2FA and I recently disabled it (No, I don't want to re-enable it).
Anyone know how I can actually leave these things in 2020?
These repos are private (And I think the group is too). I see the option next to the Project ID on the main page on a public repo, but its missing for these private repos I want to remove...weird.
I got in contact with the Projects/Group owner and asked him to kick me and that worked. Still if anyone knows why I couldn't leave on my own it would be helpful for others who might have this problem in the future.
Click on "Groups" in the head menu bar
Choose "Your Groups"
Click on "Members" in the left sidebar
Click on "Leave" button next to your name
For what it's worth, the URL these days is{group_name}?leave=1.
But when I tried it I was greeted by the following error message, which by itself is very self-explanatory. This would also explain why you cannot find the "Leave" button anywhere on the screen.
You do not have permission to leave this group.
I'd say you did the right thing - reaching out to the group owner.
Leaving a group automatically removes you from all projects added by that group.
At the top menu chose Groups\Your Groups. Select the group you want to leave and press leave.

How can I delete a layer/item in Google Web Designer?

I have been working for a few days now making a simple web page to be a basic cv/bio. I started by making my headers for the page and some simple animations when switching window sizes. After playing with adding some different colors in, I noticed that an asset I added, wasn't transparent(as I had intended it to be).
That said, I have tried to delete the item from the assets Library to no avail. I've tried removing all relevant keyframes, as well as trying to delete it from the Master Rules. The program will not allow me to delete the item, except from the Library, which does not affect the item on the page whatsoever.
I may well be missing something completely obvious and shall feel a fool when this is answered. Thank you for your help in advance!
To delete a layer, click on it in the timeline so that it's highlighted and then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
If the element is an asset imported by you, for example a picture, you must select it at the library collapsible menu and click the trash. If you can't find this menu, clic on Menu > Window > Library.
On Responsive window, click Edit base document. You can now delete it.

Is there a way to change 'project' once a bug has been entered in MantisBT?

As evident from title, I entered a bug in MantisBT but mistaken choose wrong project. I can go back and edit most of the parameters of bug but it doesn't allow me to change the project. I looked in configuration and there seems to be no option for that there as well. Is there a way I fix the bug information by changing the project to the correct value?
You can move issues between projects if your system configuration and access levels allow it (look for the Move button in the View Issue Details page)
You can also move multiple issues by doing the following:
Go to View Issues page.
Filter on the issues you want to move (optional)
Tick the issues from the list that you want to move or select all.
Go to the bottom of the list and select "Move" then click Go.
Select project to move to.
Note that since MantisBT uses a universal id across all projects, moving an issue doesn't break links to it, since URL to the issue will remain the same.
