NASM getting args and calling sys_execve - linux

I'm trying to write a program that takes two arguments : the path of an executable file and the parameter to launch that executable with.
$ ./program /bin/ping
But the code I wrote does not seem to do anything, can you please tell me what am I doing wrong?
global main
section .text
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov eax, [ebp + 8] ; eax <- argc
cmp eax, 1
jg do_execve
jmp done
mov eax,11 ; linux system call number (11) - sys_execve
mov ebx,[ebp+12] ; ebx <- argv[1]
lea ecx,[ebp+12] ; ebx <- &argv[1]
mov edx,0
int 0x80
For compilation I used:
$ nasm -f elf32 program.asm
$ gcc -lc -m32 program.o -o program.exe
The "check_argc" part seems to work, I checked it with puts.

You problem lies here:
mov ebx,[ebp+12] ; ebx <- argv[1]
lea ecx,[ebp+12] ; ebx <- &argv[1]
The C prototype of main is: int main(int argc, char** argv), so what you're doing is actually:
mov ebx,[ebp+12] ; ebx <- argv = &argv[0]
lea ecx,[ebp+12] ; ecx <- &argv
What you want to do is something like the following:
mov ecx, [ebp+12] ; ecx <- &argv[0]
add ecx, 4 ; ecx <- &argv[1]
mov ebx, [ecx] ; ebx <- argv[1]


What is proper way to call execve with arguments in assembly?

I am trying to execute the following with execve: /bin//nc -lnke /bin/bash -p 4444
When reading the man page for execve, I see the following requirements:
int execve(const char *filename, char *const argv[],
char *const envp[]);
The issue I am running into is pushing arguments to argv; I do not understand how you push an array (in assembly) for this to work properly.
The assembly that I am currently using is below:
global _start
xor eax, eax
; command
push eax
push 0x636e2f2f
push 0x6e69622f
mov ebx, esp
; args
push eax
push 0x34343434
push 0x20702d20
push 0x68736162
push 0x2f6e6962
push 0x2f20656b
push 0x6e6c2d20
mov ecx, esp
; null, arg 1
push eax
mov edx, esp
; push to stack
push edx
push ecx
push ebx
; command
mov al, 11
int 0x80
It results in the following being passed to execve:
$ strace -f -e execve -s 10000 ./bind
execve("/bin//nc", [0x6e6c2d20, 0x2f20656b, 0x2f6e6962, 0x68736162, 0x20702d20, 0x34343434], 0xffd4c0d4 /* 0 vars */) = -1 EFAULT (Bad address)
How do I pass these arguments properly using assembly?
I am using Linux with nasm
In C, arrays are implicitly converted to pointers to their first elements. So in your case, you need to pass a pointer to an array of pointers to strings. Each array is terminated with a null pointer. Each string is terminated with a NUL byte. The arguments to system calls are passed in ebx, ecx, edx, etc. with the system call number being in eax. Like this:
section .data
; strings
arg0 db "/bin//nc",0
arg1 db "-lnke",0
arg2 db "/bin/bash",0
arg3 db "-p",0
arg4 db "4444",0
; arrays
align 4
argv dd arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, 0
envp dd 0
section .text
global _start
_start: mov eax, 11 ; SYS_execve
mov ebx, arg0 ; filanem
mov ecx, argv ; argv
mov edx, envp ; envp
int 0x80 ; syscall
I'm not sure which operating system you are programming for. This example assumes Linux.
If you cannot use the data segment for some reason, proceed like this:
; for easier addressing
mov ebp, esp
; push strings
xor eax, eax
push eax ; - 4
push "4444" ; - 8
push "\0-p\0" ; -12
push "bash" ; -16
push "bin/" ; -20
push "ke\0/" ; -24
push "\0-ln" ; -28
push "//nc" ; -32
push "/bin" ; -36
; push argv, right to left
xor eax, eax
push eax ; NULL
lea ebx, [ebp-8]
push ebx ; "4444\0"
lea ebx, [ebp-11]
push ebx ; "-p\0"
lea ebx, [ebp-21]
push ebx ; "/bin/bash\0"
lea ebx, [ebp-27]
push ebx ; "-lnke\0"
lea ebx, [ebp-36] ; filename
push ebx ; "/bin//nc\0"
mov ecx, esp ; argv
lea edx, [ebp-4] ; envp (NULL)
mov al, 11 ; SYS_execve
int 0x80
In case you can't have null bytes in your data for whatever reason you need to do some cloaking beforehand. For example, you could push each byte xor'ed with 0x80 and xor the data on the stack with 0x80 again afterwards.

Printing `argv[]` with nasm

I'm trying to print the command line arguments given to my program, using nasm:
EXTERN printf
section .rodata
fmt db "Argument: %s", 10, 0
section .text
push ebp ; push ebp0
mov ebp, esp ; [ebp1] == ebp0
push dword[ebp+8] ; push argc
call print_args
mov eax, 0 ; return(0)
mov esp, ebp ; pop
pop ebp ; stack frame
push ebp ; pusheo ebp1
mov ebp, esp ; [ebp2] == ebp1
mov edi, dword[ebp+8] ; [ebp+8] == argc
jmp lop
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
sub edi, 1
cmp edi, 0
jz postlop
mov esi, [ebp] ; [esi] == ebp1
mov ebx, [esi + 12] ; [esi+12] = [ebp1+12] = argv[0]?
push ebx
push fmt
call printf
jmp lop
However, this prints only garbage (I believe this should print argv[0], argc-1 times.).
I'm compiling my code with:
nasm -f elf32 main.asm
gcc -m32 main.o -o main.out
What is wrong?
By the way, using dword[ebp+8] works correctly to pick up argc.
I'm running this on ubuntu. Program does output Argument: ... argc-1 times, but the ... is garbage.
Just like [epb+8]is argc, [esi + 12] is argv, i.e. the address of the array of argument adresses. Thus, in order to find argv[0], you have to dereference once more.
mov esi, [ebp] ; [esi] == ebp1
mov ebx, [esi + 12] ; [esi+12] = [ebp1+12] = argv
push dword [ebx] ; [ebx] = argv[0]
push fmt
call printf
I worked on this and this is all you need
Assemble as so. On my 32-bit debian 9 VM:
$ nasm -felf32 -g args.s -o args.o
$ gcc -no-pie args.o -o args
segment .data
format db "%s",0x0a,0
segment .text
global main ; let the linker know about main
extern printf ; resolve printf from libc
push ebp ; prepare stack frame for main
mov ebp, esp
sub esp, 8
mov edi, dword[ebp+8] ; get argc into edi
mov esi, dword[ebp+12] ; get first argv string into esi
xor eax, eax
push dword [esi] ; must dereference esi; points to argv
push format
call printf
add esi, 4 ; advance to the next pointer in argv
dec edi ; decrement edi from argc to 0
cmp edi, 0 ; when it hits 0, we're done
jnz start_loop ; end with NULL pointer
xor eax, eax

File permissions in Linux assembly

I'm trying to get information about file permissions. I am using the sys_access system call. Here is my code snippet:
mov eax, 33
mov ebx, fileName
mov ecx, 1
int 80h
cmp eax, 0
jl .error
If eax is -1 there is an error, and I am not getting one, but I need to check all the permissions of the file (owner, group, others). How do I do that?
You can use the kernel function sys_newstat (No. 106 - look at this table) to get the file permissions. The structure stat is a never ending horror, but the following example works at least on my Debian Wheezy 64 bit (NASM, 32-bit and 64-bit modes):
filename db '/root' ; Just an example, can be replaced with any name
filename_len equ $ - filename ; Length of filename
db 0 ; Terminator for `Int 80h / EAX = 106`
perm_out db 'Permissions: '
perm db 'drwxrwxrwx'
perm_len equ $ - perm ; Index of last character in `perm`
lf db 10
perm_out_len equ $ - perm_out ; Length of `Permissions: ...\n`
stat resb 256 ; Way too much, but size is variable depending on OS
global _start
mov eax,4 ; sys-out
mov edx,filename_len ; length of string to print
mov ecx,filename ; Pointer to string
mov ebx,1 ; StdOut
int 0x80 ; Call kernel
mov eax,4 ; sys-out
mov edx,1 ; Length of string to print
mov ecx, lf ; Pointer to string
mov ebx,1 ; StdOut
int 0x80 ; Call kernel
mov eax, 106 ; sys_newstat
mov ebx, filename ; Pointer to ASCIIZ file-name
mov ecx, stat ; Pointer to structure stat
int 80h
test eax, eax
jz .noerr
mov eax,1 ; sys_exit
mov ebx,1 ; Exit code, 1=not normal
int 0x80 ; Call kernel
movzx eax, word [stat + 8] ; st_mode (/usr/include/asm/stat.h)
mov ebx, perm_len
; rwx bits
mov ecx, 9
sub ebx, 1
shr eax, 1
jc .J1
mov byte [perm + ebx], '-'
loop .L1
; directory bit
sub ebx, 1
shr eax, 6
jc .J2
mov byte [perm + ebx], '-'
mov eax,4 ; sys-out
mov edx,perm_out_len ; Length of string to print
mov ecx,perm_out ; Pointer to string
mov ebx,1 ; StdOut
int 0x80 ; Call kernel
mov eax,1 ; sys_exit
mov ebx,0 ; Exit code, 0=normal
int 0x80 ; Call kernel

NASM Print one Character at a Time

How come this program is not printing out to the screen, am I missing something on the INT 80 command?
section .bss
section .data
hello: db "Hello World",0xa ;10 is EOL
section .text
global _start
mov ecx, 0; ; int i = 0;
mov dl, byte [hello + ecx] ; while(data[i] != EOF) {
cmp dl, 0xa ;
je exit ;
mov ebx, ecx ; store conetents of i (ecx)
; Print single character
mov eax, 4 ; set sys_write syscall
mov ecx, byte [hello + ebx] ; ...
mov edx, 1 ; move one byte at a time
int 0x80 ;
inc ebx ; i++
mov ecx, ebx ; move ebx back to ecx
jmp loop ;
mov eax, 0x01 ; 0x01 = syscall for exit
int 0x80 ;
My Makefile:
sandbox: sandbox.o
ld -o sandbox sandbox.o
sandbox.o: sandbox.asm
nasm -f elf -g -F stabs sandbox.asm -l sandbox.lst
Modified Code:
section .bss
section .data
hello: db "Hello World",0xa ;10 is EOL
section .text
global _start
mov ecx, 0; ; int i = 0;
mov dl, byte [hello + ecx] ; while(data[i] != EOF) {
cmp dl, 0xa ;
je exit ;
mov ebx, ecx ; store conetents of i (ecx)
; Print single character
mov eax, 4 ; set sys_write syscall
mov cl, byte [hello + ebx] ; ...
mov edx, 1 ; move one byte at a time
int 0x80 ;
inc ebx ; i++
mov ecx, ebx ; move ebx back to ecx
jmp while ;
mov eax, 0x01 ; 0x01 = syscall for exit
int 0x80 ;
One of the reasons it's not printing is because ebx is supposed to hold the value 1 to specify stdin, and another is because sys_write takes a pointer (the address of your string) as an argument, not an actual character value.
Anyway, let me show you a simpler way of structuring your program:
section .data
SYS_EXIT equ 1
STDOUT equ 1
TRAP equ 0x80
NUL equ 0
hello: db "Hello World",0xA,NUL ; 0xA is linefeed, terminate with NUL
section .text
global _start
nop ; for good old gdb
mov ecx, hello ; ecx is the char* to be passed to sys_write
cmp byte[ecx], NUL ; NUL indicates the end of the string
je exit ; if reached the NUL terminator, exit
; setup the registers for a sys_write call
mov eax, SYS_WRITE ; syscall number for sys_write
mov ebx, STDOUT ; print to stdout
mov edx, 1 ; write 1 char at a time
int TRAP; ; execute the syscall
inc ecx ; increment the pointer to the next char
jmp read ; loop back to read
mov eax, SYS_EXIT ; load the syscall number for sys_exit
mov ebx, 0 ; return a code of 0
int TRAP ; execute the syscall
It can be simpler to NUL terminate your string as I did, or you could also do $-hello to get it's length at compile time. I also set the registers up for sys_write at each iteration in the loop (as you do), since sys_write doesn't preserve all the registers.
I don't know how you got your code to assemble, but it doesn't assemble over here for a couple of very good reasons.
You cannot use loop as a label name because that name is reserved for the loop instruction.
Your line 20's instruction mov ecx, byte [hello + ebx] doesn't assemble either because the source and destination operands' sizes don't match (byte vs dword). Possible changes:
mov cl, byte [hello + ebx]
mov ecx, dword [hello + ebx]
movzx ecx, byte [hello + ebx]
Was the above not the actual code you had?

x64 bit assembly

I started assembly (nasm) programming not too long ago. Now I made a C function with assembly implementation which prints an integer. I got it working using the extended registers, but when I want to write it with the x64 registers (rax, rbx, ..) my implementation fails. Does any of you see what I missed?
#include <stdio.h>
extern void printnum(int i);
int main(void)
return 0;
32 bit version:
; main.c:
; nasm -f elf32 -o printnum.o printnum.asm
; gcc -o printnum printnum.o main.c -m32
section .data
_nl db 0x0A
nlLen equ $ - _nl
section .text
global printnum
enter 0,0
mov eax, [ebp+8]
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
push ebx
mov ebx, 10
idiv ebx
add edx, 0x30
push dx ; With an odd number of digits this will screw up the stack, but that's ok
; because we'll reset the stack at the end of this function anyway.
; Needs fixing though.
inc ecx
xor edx, edx
cmp eax, 0
jne startLoop
push ecx
imul ecx, 2
mov edx, ecx
mov eax, 4 ; Prints the string (from stack) to screen
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, esp
add ecx, 4
int 80h
mov eax, 4 ; Prints a new line
mov ebx, 1
mov ecx, _nl
mov edx, nlLen
int 80h
pop eax ; returns the ammount of used characters
x64 version:
; main.c :
; nasm -f elf64 -o object/printnum.o printnum.asm
; gcc -o bin/printnum object/printnum.o main.c -m64
section .data
_nl db 0x0A
nlLen equ $ - _nl
section .text
global printnum
enter 0, 0
mov rax, [rbp + 8] ; Get the function args from the stac
xor rbx, rbx
xor rcx, rcx
xor rdx, rdx
push rbx ; The 0 byte of the string
mov rbx, 10 ; Dividor
idiv rbx ; modulo is in rdx
add rdx, 0x30
push dx
inc rcx ; increase the loop variable
xor rdx, rdx ; resetting the modulo
cmp rax, 0
jne startLoop
push rcx ; push the counter on the stack
imul rcx, 2
mov rdx, rcx ; string length
mov rax, 4
mov rbx, 1
mov rcx, rsp ; the string
add rcx, 4
int 0x80
mov rax, 4
mov rbx, 1
mov rcx, _nl
mov rdx, nlLen
int 0x80
pop rax
ret ; return to the C routine
Thanks in advance!
I think your problem is that you're trying to use the 32-bit calling conventions in 64-bit mode. That won't fly, not if you're calling these assembly routines from C. The 64-bit calling convention is documented here:
Also, don't open-code system calls. Call the wrappers in the C library. That way errno gets set properly, you take advantage of sysenter/syscall, you don't have to deal with the differences between the normal calling convention and the system-call argument convention, and you're insulated from certain low-level ABI issues. (Another of your problems is that write is system call number 1, not 4, for Linux/x86-64.)
Editorial aside: There are two, and only two, reasons to write anything in assembly nowadays:
You are writing one of the very few remaining bits of deep magic that cannot be written in C alone (a good example is the guts of libffi)
You are hand-optimizing an inner-loop subroutine that has been measured to be performance-critical and the C compiler doesn't do a good enough job on.
Otherwise just write whatever it is in C. Your successors will thank you.
EDIT: checked system call numbers.
I'm not sure if this answer is related to the problem you're seeing (since you didn't specify anything about what the failure is), but 64-bit code has a different calling convention than 32-bit code does. Both of the major 64-bit Intel ABIs (Windows & Linux/BSD/Mac OS) pass function parameters in registers and not on the stack. Your program appears to still be expecting them on the stack, which isn't the normal way to go about it.
Edit: Now that I see there is a C main() routine that calls your functions, my answer is exactly about the problem you're having.
