Non-exhaustive pattern while iterating matrix - haskell

So I'm very new to haskell, and I'm not very sure how to deal with this error when iterating over a matrix. I'm guessing there's a case I'm not considering, but I can't figure out what it is. I've got two functions, one that turns a list into a string and another that turns a matrix into a string. These are my two functions:
listToString :: [Int] -> String
listToString [] = "\n"
listToString (x:xs) = show x ++ " " ++ listToString xs
matToString :: [[Int]] -> String
matToString [[]] = ""
matToString (y:x:xs)) = listToString y ++ matToString (x:xs)
listToString works fine but matToString does not. I was wondering if someone could help me out with this. I've been having a hard time understanding Haskell, since I've never programmed in a functional programming language before, or well at least not one that is purely functional.

Your recursive case covers every list with at least two arguments, so that's cool. The problem is your base caseā€”it only covers the case of a list with exactly one element, itself the empty list.
Add this to the very top of your file: {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}. That should give you a detailed compiler warning indicating which pattern(s) is/are missing.


Error: Non-exhaustive patterns in function Haskell

I did a thread for an error like this one, in it I explain my program. here's the link
I'm going forward in my project and I have an another problem like that one. I did an other thread but if I just need to edit the first one just tell me.
I want to reverse my matrix. For example [[B,B,N],[N,B,B]] will become [[B,N],[B,B],[N,B]]. Here's my code:
transpose :: Grille -> Grille
transpose [] = []
transpose g
| head(g) == [] = []
| otherwise = [premierElem(g)] ++ transpose(supp g)
supp :: Grille -> Grille
supp [] = []
supp (g:xg) = [tail(g)] ++ supp(xg)
premierElem :: Grille -> [Case]
premierElem [] = []
premierElem (x:xg) = [head(x)] ++ premierElem(xg)
I got the exact same error and I tried like for the first one but that's not it.
EDIT: The exact error
*Main> transpose g0
[[B,B,N,B,N,B],[B,B,B,B,N,B],[B,N,N,B,N,B],[B,B,N,N,B,N],[B,N,N,N,B,N],[B,B,N,B,B,B],[N,B,N,N,B,N],[*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
The problem is that your transpose function has a broken termination condition. How does it know when to stop? Try walking through the final step by hand...
In general, your case transpose [] = [] will never occur, because your supp function never changes the number of lists in its argument. A well-formed matrix will end up as [[],[],[],...], which will not match []. The only thing that will stop it is an error like you received.
So, you need to check the remaining length of your nested (row?) vectors, and stop if it is zero. There are many ways to approach this; if it's not cheating, you could look at the implementation of transpose in the Prelude documents.
Also, re your comment above: if you expect your input to be well-formed in some way, you should cover any excluded cases by complaining about the ill-formed input, such as reporting an error.
Fixing Your Code
You should avoid using partial functions, such as tail and head, and instead make your own functions do (more) pattern matching. For example:
premierElem g = [head(head(g))] ++ premierElem(tail(g))
Yuck! If you want the first element of the first list in g then match on the pattern:
premierElem ((a:_):rest) = [a] ++ premierElem rest
This in and of itself is insufficient, you'll want to handle the case where the first list of the Grille is an empty list and at least give a useful error message if you can't use a reasonable default value:
premeirElem ([]:rest) = premeirElem rest
Making Better Code
Eventually you will become more comfortable in the language and learn to express what you want using higher level operations, which often means you'll be able to reuse functions already provided in base or other libraries. In this case:
premeirElem :: [[a]] -> [a]
premeirElem = concatMap (take 1)
Which assumes you are OK with silently ignoring []. If that isn't your intent then other similarly concise solutions can work well, but we'd need clarity on the goal.

A real life example when pattern matching is more preferable than a case expression in Haskell?

So I have been busy with the Real World Haskell book and I did the lastButOne exercise. I came up with 2 solutions, one with pattern matching
lastButOne :: [a] -> a
lastButOne ([]) = error "Empty List"
lastButOne (x:[]) = error "Only one element"
lastButOne (x:[x2]) = x
lastButOne (x:xs) = lastButOne xs
And one using a case expression
lastButOneCase :: [a] -> a
lastButOneCase x =
case x of
[] -> error "Empty List"
(x:[]) -> error "Only One Element"
(x:[x2]) -> x
(x:xs) -> lastButOneCase xs
What I wanted to find out is when would pattern matching be preferred over case expressions and vice versa. This example was not good enough for me because it seems that while both of the functions work as intended, it did not lead me to choose one implementation over the other. So the choice "seems" preferential at first glance?
So are there good cases by means of source code, either in haskell's own source or github or somewhere else, where one is able to see when either method is preferred or not?
First a short terminology diversion: I would call both of these "pattern matching". I'm not sure there is a good term for distinguishing pattern-matching-via-case and pattern-matching-via-multiple-definition.
The technical distinction between the two is quite light indeed. You can verify this yourself by asking GHC to dump the core it generates for the two functions, using the -ddump-simpl flag. I tried this at a few different optimization levels, and in all cases the only differences in the Core were naming. (By the way, if anyone knows a good "semantic diff" program for Core -- which knows about at the very least alpha equivalence -- I'm very interested in hearing about it!)
There are a few small gotchas to watch out for, though. You might wonder whether the following is also equivalent:
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
lastButOne = \case
[] -> error "Empty List"
(x:[]) -> error "Only One Element"
(x:[x2]) -> x
(x:xs) -> lastButOneCase xs
In this case, the answer is yes. But consider this similar-looking one:
-- ambiguous type error
sort = \case
[] -> []
x:xs -> insert x (sort xs)
All of a sudden this is a typeclass-polymorphic CAF, and so on old GHCs this will trigger the monomorphism restriction and cause an error, whereas the superficially identical version with an explicit argument does not:
-- this is fine!
sort [] = []
sort (x:xs) = insert x (sort xs)
The other minor difference (which I forgot about -- thank you to Thomas DuBuisson for reminding me) is in the handling of where clauses. Since where clauses are attached to binding sites, they cannot be shared across multiple equations but can be shared across multiple cases. For example:
-- error; the where clause attaches to the second equation, so
-- empty is not in scope in the first equation
null [] = empty
null (x:xs) = nonempty
where empty = True
nonempty = False
-- ok; the where clause attaches to the equation, so both empty
-- and nonempty are in scope for the entire case expression
null x = case x of
[] -> empty
x:xs -> nonempty
empty = True
nonempty = False
You might think this means you can do something with equations that you can't do with case expressions, namely, have different meanings for the same name in the two equations, like this:
null [] = answer where answer = True
null (x:xs) = answer where answer = False
However, since the patterns of case expressions are binding sites, this can be emulated in case expressions as well:
null x = case x of
[] -> answer where answer = True
x:xs -> answer where answer = False
Whether the where clause is attached to the case's pattern or to the equation depends on indentation, of course.
If I recall correctly both these will "desugar" into the same core code in ghc, so the choice is purely stylistic. Personally I would go for the first one. As someone said, its shorter, and what you term "pattern matching" is intended to be used this way. (Actually the second version is also pattern matching, just using a different syntax for it).
It's a stylistic preference. Some people sometimes argue that one choice or another makes certain code changes take less effort, but I generally find such arguments, even when accurate, don't actually amount to a big improvement. So do as you like.
A perspective that's well worth bringing into this is Hudak, Hughes, Peyton Jones and Wadler's paper "A History of Haskell: Being Lazy With Class". Section 4.4 is about this topic. The short story: Haskell supports both because the designers couldn't agree on one over the other. Yep, again, it's a stylistic preference.
When you're matching on more than one expression, case expressions start to look more attractive.
f pat11 pat21 = ...
f pat11 pat22 = ...
f pat11 pat23 = ...
f pat12 pat24 = ...
f pat12 pat25 = ...
can be more annoying to write than
f pat11 y =
case y of
pat21 -> ...
pat22 -> ...
pat23 -> ...
f pat12 y =
case y of
pat24 -> ...
pat25 -> ...
More significantly, I've found that when using GADTs, the "declaration style" doesn't seem to propagate evidence from left to right the way I'd expect it to. There might be some trick I haven't worked out, but I end up having to nest case expressions to avoid spurious incomplete pattern warnings.

"For all" statements in Haskell

I'm building comfort going through some Haskell toy problems and I've written the following speck of code
multipOf :: [a] -> (Int, a)
multipOf x = (length x, head x)
gmcompress x = (map multipOf).group $ x
which successfully preforms the following operation
gmcompress [1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3] = [(4,1),(3,2),(1,3)]
Now I want this function to instead of telling me that an element of the set had multiplicity 1, to just leave it alone. So to give the result [(4,1),(3,2),3] instead. It be great if there were a way to say (either during or after turning the list into one of pairs) for all elements of multiplicity 1, leave as just an element; else, pair. My initial, naive, thought was to do the following.
multipOf :: [a] -> (Int, a)
multipOf x = if length x = 1 then head x else (length x, head x)
gmcompress x = (map multipOf).group $ x
BUT this doesn't work. I think because the then and else clauses have different types, and unfortunately you can't piece-wise define the (co)domain of your functions. How might I go about getting past this issue?
BUT this doesn't work. I think because the then and else clauses have different types, and unfortunately you can't piece-wise define the (co)domain of your functions. How might I go about getting past this issue?
Your diagnosis is right; the then and else must have the same type. There's no "getting past this issue," strictly speaking. Whatever solution you adopt has to use same type in both branches of the conditional. One way would be to design a custom data type that encodes the possibilities that you want, and use that instead. Something like this would work:
-- | A 'Run' of #a# is either 'One' #a# or 'Many' of them (with the number
-- as an argument to the 'Many' constructor).
data Run a = One a | Many Int a
But to tell you the truth, I don't think this would really gain you anything. I'd stick to the (Int, a) encoding rather than going to this Run type.

Why isn't the Prelude's words function written more simply?

Consider the words Prelude function; it is really easy and one could write it in the following manner:
words' :: String -> [String]
words' [] = []
words' str = before : words' (dropWhile isSpace after) where
(before, after) = break isSpace str
However, I noticed that its original Prelude code seems much less... natural:
words :: String -> [String]
words s = case dropWhile {-partain:Char.-}isSpace s of
"" -> []
s' -> w : words s''
where (w, s'') =
break {-partain:Char.-}isSpace s'
I assume that there are optimization-related reasons for it. The question is: am I wrong to expect that the compiler should optimize the words' function just as well as its Prelude version? I did use the same functions (break, dropWhile, isSpace).
I was once very surprised that GHC did not perform some of the simplest low-level optimizations:
C vs Haskell Collatz conjecture speed comparison
but aside for the {-partain:Char.-} bits (this hint for the compiler does not seem very helpful in this situation IMO) the words code seems unnecesarily bloated for a high-level language. What is the reason behind it in this case?
This is nearly exactly the same code. The only difference is if we're doing the dropWhile isSpace before every call or only the recursive call. Neither is more complex than the other, but rather the latter (Prelude) version seems more verbose because the pattern matching isn't directly in the function.
You can observe the difference (and why the Prelude version has better behavior) like so:
*Main> words " "
*Main> words' " "
Note that you can quickly verify if your "improved" versions are the same as the originals using QuickCheck.

Is it recommended to always have exhaustive pattern matches in Haskell, even for "impossible" cases?

Is it recommended to always have exhaustive pattern matches in Haskell, even for "impossible" cases?
For example, in the following code, I am pattern matching on the "accumulator" of a foldr. I am in complete control of the contents of the accumulator, because I create it (it is not passed to me as input, but rather built within my function). Therefore, I know certain patterns should never match it. If I strive to never get the "Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive" error, then I would place a pattern match for it that simply error's with the message "This pattern should never happen." Much like an assert in C#. I can't think of anything else to do there.
What practice would you recommend in this situation and why?
Here's the code:
gb_groupBy p input = foldr step [] input
step item acc = case acc of
[] -> [[item]]
((x:xs):ys) -> if p x item
then (item:x:xs):ys
else [item]:acc
The pattern not matched (as reported by the interpreter) is:
Warning: Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
In a case alternative: Patterns not matched: [] : _
This is probably more a matter of style than anything else. Personally, I would put in a
_ -> error "Impossible! Empty list in step"
if only to silence the warning :)
You can resolve the warning in this special case by doing this:
gb_groupBy p input = foldr step [] input
step item acc = case acc of
[] -> [[item]]
(xs:xss) -> if p (head xs) item
then (item:xs):xss
else [item]:acc
The pattern matching is then complete, and the "impossible" condition of an empty list at the head of the accumulator would cause a runtime error but no warning.
Another way of looking at the more general problem of incomplete pattern matchings is to see them as a "code smell", i.e. an indication that we're trying to solve a problem in a suboptimal, or non-Haskellish, way, and try to rewrite our functions.
Implementing groupBy with a foldr makes it impossible to apply it to an infinite list, which is a design goal that the Haskell List functions try to achieve wherever semantically reasonable. Consider
take 5 $ groupBy (==) someFunctionDerivingAnInfiniteList
If the first 5 groups w.r.t. equality are finite, lazy evaluation will terminate. This is something you can't do in a strictly evaluated language. Even if you don't work with infinite lists, writing functions like this will yield better performance on long lists, or avoid the stack overflow that occurs when evaluating expressions like
take 5 $ gb_groupBy (==) [1..1000000]
In List.hs, groupBy is implemented like this:
groupBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupBy _ [] = []
groupBy eq (x:xs) = (x:ys) : groupBy eq zs
where (ys,zs) = span (eq x) xs
This enables the interpreter/compiler to evaluate only the parts of the computation necessary for the result.
span yields a pair of lists, where the first consists of (consecutive) elements from the head of the list all satisfying a predicate, and the second is the rest of the list. It's also implemented to work on infinite lists.
I find exhaustiveness checking on case patterns indispensible. I try never to use _ in a case at top level, because _ matches everything, and by using it you vitiate the value of exhaustiveness checking. This is less important with lists but critical important with user-defined algebraic data types, because I want to be able to add a new constructor and have the compiler barf on all the missing cases. For this reason I always compile with -Werror turned on, so there is no way I can leave out a case.
As observed, your code can be extended with this case
[] : _ -> error "this can't happen"
Internally, GHC has a panic function, which unlike error will give source coordinates, but I looked at the implementation and couldn't make head or tail of it.
To follow up on my earlier comment, I realised that there is a way to acknowledge the missing case but still get a useful error with file/line number. It's not ideal as it'll only appear in unoptimized builds, though (see here).
[]:xs -> assert False (error "unreachable because I know everything")
The type system is your friend, and the warning is letting you know your function has cracks. The very best approach is to go for a cleaner, more elegant fit between types.
Consider ghc's definition of groupBy:
groupBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
groupBy _ [] = []
groupBy eq (x:xs) = (x:ys) : groupBy eq zs
where (ys,zs) = span (eq x) xs
My point of view is that an impossible case is undefined.
If it's undefined we have a function for it: the cunningly named undefined.
Complete your matching with the likes of:
_ -> undefined
And there you have it!
