while I was trying to upload an excel file with kendo ui I found a code on the internet. It is using a keyword named "Constants" but this keyword does not recognize the ".xls" file extension. I am stuck at this and did some research but have no answer to solve this. Here is my code:
public ActionResult Submit(IEnumerable<HttpPostedFileBase> files)
if(files!= null)
string fileName;
string filePath;
string fileExtension;
foreach(var f in files)
//Set file details
SetFileDetails(f, out fileName, out filePath, out fileExtension);
if(fileExtension == Constants.xls || fileExtension == Constants.xlsx)
//Save the uploaded file to app folder
string savedExcelFiles = Constants.UploadedFolder + fileName;
//file not supported send alert
return RedirectToActionPermanent("Index","Connect");
private static void SetFileDetails(HttpPostedFileBase f,out string fileName,out string filePath,out string fileExtension)
filePath = Path.GetFullPath(f.FileName);
private void ReadDataFromExcelFiles(string savedExcelFiles)
var connectionString = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;",Server.MapPath(savedExcelFiles));
//fill the DataSet by the sheets
var adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]",connectionString);
var ds = new DataSet();
List<UploadExcel> uploadExl = new List<UploadExcel>();
DataTable data=ds.Tables["Subscriber"];
private static void GetSetUploadExcelData (List<UploadExcel> uploadExl,DataTable data)
for(int i=0;i<data.Rows.Count-1;i++)
UploadExcel NewUpload = new UploadExcel();
NewUpload.ID = Convert.ToInt16(data.Rows[i]["ID"]);
NewUpload.CostCenter = Convert.ToString(data.Rows[i]["CostCenter"]);
NewUpload.FirstName = Convert.ToString(data.Rows[i]["FirstName"]);
NewUpload.LastName = Convert.ToString(data.Rows[i]["LastName"]);
NewUpload.MobileNo = Convert.ToString(data.Rows[i]["MobileNo"]);
NewUpload.EmailID = Convert.ToString(data.Rows[i]["EmailID"]);
NewUpload.Services = Convert.ToString(data.Rows[i]["Services"]);
NewUpload.UsageType = Convert.ToString(data.Rows[i]["UsageType"]);
NewUpload.Network = Convert.ToString(data.Rows[i]["Network"]);
NewUpload.UsageIncluded = Convert.ToInt16(data.Rows[i]["UsageIncluded"]);
NewUpload.Unit = Convert.ToString(data.Rows[i]["Unit"]);
I suspect that the Constants.xls relates to a static class or enum that the original code author is using to hold the .xls/.xlsx extensions.
If you create a constants class something like:
public static class Constants
public static string xls = "xls";
public static string xlsx = "xlsx";
This would then should help.
If you need any more assistance then please let me know.
edit: Just reviewing the code it seems they are also putting in constant mapping for the uploadfolder location as well so I suspect this is just a static class rather than an enum with application specific details. in a way a bit like using the appSettings within webconfig
I see so many people struggling to copy or moving files around in SharePoint online, that I decided to write a small demo console app to show how to do it.
We will be using the CreateCopyJobs method, available on CSOM to copy a folder from one site collection to another. This method can be used to copy or move files between site collections or even on the same SC, betwen different libraries or folders inside a library.
The method works exactly as the UI, when you try to copy or move something in a library.
1 - Create new .NET console app. We will be using PnP, so go to your project NuGet manager and add SharePointPnPCoreOnline
2 - add to the usings of your class the following:
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using OfficeDevPnP.Core;
3 - Define the following class to receive the status of the job that we will be checking.
class CopyJobProgress
public string Event;
public string JobId;
public string CorrelationId;
4 - Now add this sample main method:
static void Main(string[] args)
var siteUrl = "https://...-admin.sharepoint.com";
var userName = "admin#...";
var password = "....";
AuthenticationManager authManager = new AuthenticationManager();
using (var ctx = authManager.GetSharePointOnlineAuthenticatedContextTenant(siteUrl, userName, password))
var web = ctx.Web;
string sourceFile = "https://....sharepoint.com/sites/<site>/<library>/<file or folder>";
string destinationPath = "https://....sharepoint.com/sites/<site>/<destination library>";
var createJobInfo = ctx.Site.CreateCopyJobs(new string[] { sourceFile }, destinationPath,
new CopyMigrationOptions() { IsMoveMode = false, IgnoreVersionHistory = true,
AllowSchemaMismatch = true, NameConflictBehavior = MigrationNameConflictBehavior.Replace });
Dictionary<string, CopyJobProgress> eventsFound = new Dictionary<string, CopyJobProgress>();
bool jobEndFound = false;
while (!jobEndFound)
var progress = ctx.Site.GetCopyJobProgress(createJobInfo[0]);
foreach (string log in progress.Value.Logs)
CopyJobProgress progressRes = (CopyJobProgress)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(log, typeof(CopyJobProgress));
if (!eventsFound.ContainsKey(progressRes.Event))
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " - " + progressRes.Event + " - CorrelationId: " + progressRes.CorrelationId);
eventsFound[progressRes.Event] = progressRes;
if (progressRes.Event == "JobEnd")
jobEndFound = true;
if (!jobEndFound)
I am creating an asp.net Core API with an endpoint to export data as excel file.
I have added the nuget package EPPlus.Core.
This is my code so far:
using OfficeOpenXml;
Public class DataService
public Byte[] Export(ExportRequest request){
var data = _repository(request);
using (var package = new ExcelPackage())
package.Workbook.Properties.Title = "Persons";
var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Persons");
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Id";
worksheet.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Name";
var row = 2;
foreach (var person in data.Persons)
worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value = person.Id;
worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value = person.Name;
return package.GetAsByteArray();
public class PersonController : Controller
[SwaggerResponse(400, typeof(Exception), "Error in request")]
[SwaggerResponse(500, typeof(Exception), "Error on server")]
public IActionResult Export([FromBody] ExportRequest request)
Byte[] byteArray = _projectService.ExportRegistrations(request);
if (byteArray != null)
return File(byteArray, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", "persons.xlsx");
return BadRequest("Failure");
I test my API using swagger and get a file downloaded named persons.xlsx.
But I am not able to open it.
I get the two following promts:
We found a problem in some of the contents of "persons.xlsx", should we try to restore as much as possible? If you trust the source of the workbook, click Yes.
The file "persons.xlsx" can not be opened because the file format or file type name is invalid. Verify that the file is not corrupted and that the file type name matches the file format.
And then an empty excel document.
i have also facing the same problem,
The workaround is directly open the url via browser or using postman.
For the past six or seven months I have been doing DI in some of my components as result they have grown to become little bit of complicated. In the past I have been creating Object graphs with hand written Factories. Since it is becoming unmanageable I am trying to move that code to Framework dependent DI(by code and not by some XML files). I am posting my Code as well as issues I am stuck with.
Here is my composition layer (it is big, so bear with me :) ):
IAgentFactory GetAgentFactory()
string errorMessage;
IDictionary<AgentType, ServiceParameters> agentFactoryPrerequisite = new Dictionary<AgentType, ServiceParameters>();
string restResponseHeaderStatus = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("RestResponseHeaderStatus", out errorMessage);
var service1Parameters = new ServiceParameters();
service1Parameters.BindingName = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1WebHttpBindingConfiguration", out errorMessage).ToString();
service1Parameters.HeaderPassword = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1HeaderPassword", out errorMessage).ToString();
service1Parameters.HeaderUserName = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1HeaderUserName", out errorMessage).ToString();
service1Parameters.ResponseHeaderStatus = restResponseHeaderStatus;
service1Parameters.ServicePassword = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1ServicePassword", out errorMessage).ToString();
service1Parameters.ServiceUrl = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1URL", out errorMessage).ToString();
service1Parameters.ServiceUserName = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Service1ServiceUserName", out errorMessage).ToString();
agentFactoryPrerequisite.Add(new KeyValuePair<AgentType, ServiceParameters>(AgentType.Service1, service1Parameters));
var agentFactory = new AgentFactory(agentFactoryPrerequisite);
return agentFactory;
protected DatalayerSettings GetDataLayerSettings()
var datalayerSettings = new DatalayerSettings();
datalayerSettings.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
datalayerSettings.MySchemaName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MyDatabaseSchema"];
datalayerSettings.UpdatingUser = "Admin";
return datalayerSettings;
PostgersDAFactory GetPostGresDaFactory()
var datalayerSettings = GetDataLayerSettings();
return new PostgersDAFactory(datalayerSettings, "MyAssembly.PostgresDA", "MyDifferentAssembly.CommonDatalayer", "MyServiceLogPath");
public class PostgersDAFactory
readonly DatalayerSettings _datalayerSettings;
readonly string _assemblyName;
readonly string _logPath;
readonly string _mySecondAssemblyName;
public PostgersDAFactory(DatalayerSettings datalayerSettings, string assemblyName, string mySecondAssemblyName, string logPath)
_datalayerSettings = datalayerSettings;
_assemblyName = assemblyName;
_logPath = logPath;
_commonDaAssemblyName = commonDaAssemblyName;
public IDA1 GetDA1Instance()
var type1 = Type.GetType("MyAssembly.PostgresDA.ClassRealisingImplementation_For_DA1," + _assemblyName);
return (IDA1)Activator.CreateInstance(type1, _datalayerSettings, _logPath);
public IDA2 GetDA2Instance()
var type1 = Type.GetType("MyAssembly.PostgresDA.ClassRealisingImplementation_For_DA2," + _assemblyName);
return (IDA2)Activator.CreateInstance(type1, _datalayerSettings);
public IDA3 GetDA3Instance()
var type1 = Type.GetType("MyAssembly2.ClassRealisingImplementation_For_DA3," + _commonDaAssemblyName);
return (IDA3)Activator.CreateInstance(type1, _datalayerSettings);
public BaseFileHandler GetFileHandler(FileProvider fileprovider, MockedServiceCalculator mockedServicecalculator = null)
string errorMessage;
var postgresFactory = GetPostGresDaFactory();
var Da1Instance = postgresFactory.GetDA1Instance();
var fileSyncBusiness = new FileSyncBusiness(Da1Instance);
var interfaceConfiguratonParameters = fileSyncBusiness.GetInterfaceConfigurationParameters();
var servicePointDetailsSettings = new ServicePointDetailsSettings();
var nullDate = new DateTime(2099, 1, 1);
CommonValidations commonValidations;
if (mockedServicecalculator == null)
commonValidations = GetStubbedCommonValidations(nullDate);
commonValidations = GetCommonValidations_WithMockedServiceCalculator(nullDate, mockedServicecalculator);
switch (fileprovider)
case FileProvider.Type1:
var type1Adapter = new Type1Adaptor(false, nullDate);
servicePointDetailsSettings = GetUtiltaParameters(interfaceConfiguratonParameters);
return new Type1FileHandler(servicePointDetailsSettings, fileSyncBusiness, commonValidations, type1Adapter);
case FileProvider.Type2:
var type2Adapter = new Type2Adaptor(true, nullDate);
servicePointDetailsSettings.ApplicableParameters = MyApplicationCommonMethods.ConvertConfigurationTableToDictonary(interfaceConfiguratonParameters, "applicableintype2");
servicePointDetailsSettings.BadFileLocation = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Type2BadFileLocation", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.DateFormat = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Type2DateFormat", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.FailureFileLocation = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Type2FailureFile", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.LogFileName = "Type2LogFile";
servicePointDetailsSettings.LogPath = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("Type2ErrorLog", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.MandatoryParameters = MyApplicationCommonMethods.GetDictonaryForMandatoryParameters(interfaceConfiguratonParameters, "applicableintype2", "mandatoryintype2");
servicePointDetailsSettings.SourceFileLocation = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("type2FileLocation", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.SuccessFileLocation = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("type2SuccessFile", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.TargetFileExtension = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("type2SupportedFileType", out errorMessage);
servicePointDetailsSettings.Type2RecordTag = MyConfigurationProject.GetConfigValue("MyApplicationtype2RecordTag", out errorMessage);
return new Type2FileHandler(servicePointDetailsSettings, fileSyncBusiness, commonValidations, type2Adapter);
throw new NotImplementedException("FileProvider type: " + Convert.ToInt32(fileprovider) + " is not implemented");
While moving towards Windsor, I am facing several issues, as I have never used this product, it seems it is very complicated.
How to pass parameters to object when they have parameterised
I know there is a better way to write this "PostgersDAFactory"
class, but simply don't know.
There are some Factory methods Such as GetAgentFactory(), which are
dependent on some static method of other project, which in turn
gives me configuration values(I ahd to store them in the database),
another method GetDataLayerSettings is dependent on app config as
well as some static string.
I am likely to change parameter names in my classes in order to
promote readability, so how to turn on the logging for Windsor?
Finally another complicated method GetFileHandler, has some logic
(switch case).
I have tried going on there website but I found it totally difficult to digest information, there API is huge and learning curve seems to be mammoth.
Note: I had to change the variable names due to security reasons.
I am developing VoIP application (Dialler) in windows phone 8, In that application contain dial pad , contacts, call log , I already create a dial pad and contact list, I need to develop a call log function in that application. I struggle in to create a call log for windows phone 8 any help please
This is a class that creates an XML file which holds the logs of all calls. You didn't specify the question enough or what you want to do, or what have you already tried. So here is an idea of what you should implement:
public class Logger
private static string logPath;
public Logger()
logPath = "/Logs/log.xml";
public void LogData(string contactName, string duration)
Object thisLock = new Object();
logPath += DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().Replace('.', '_') + ".log";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
lock (thisLock)
XmlNode root = null;
if (File.Exists(logPath))
root = doc.SelectSingleNode("/Call");
doc.AppendChild(doc.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", null));
root = doc.AppendChild(doc.CreateElement("Call"));
XmlElement call = doc.CreateElement("call");
XmlElement xcontactName = doc.CreateElement("contactName");
xcontactName.InnerText = contactName;
XmlElement xdate = doc.CreateElement("date");
xdate.InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss");
XmlElement xduration = doc.CreateElement("duration");
xduration.InnerText = duration;
catch (Exception e)
I am looking for some suggestion or sample around retrieving images (actual file, not URL), from a picture library using REST API.
Thanks for any input.
Task 1: Getting a List of Image libs on a given site
public static XmlNode GetPicLibListingXML(string imagingServiceURL)
Imaging wsImaging = new Imaging();
wsImaging.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
wsImaging.Url = imagingServiceURL;
XmlNode xnPicLibs = wsImaging.ListPictureLibrary();
return xnPicLibs;
Sample return XML:
<Library name="{3C1D52F5-5387-490A-9A2D-A9C99A208C00}" title="Tech Images" guid="3c1d52f5-5387-490a-9a2d-a9c99a208c00" url="Tech Images" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/ois/" />
Task 2: Listing Images in a given library
public static XmlNode GetImageFileListing(string imagingServiceURL, string imageFileLibraryName)
Imaging wsImaging = new Imaging();
ImageInfo curImageInfo = new ImageInfo();
wsImaging.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
wsImaging.Url = imagingServiceURL;
XmlNode xnListItems = wsImaging.GetListItems(imageFileLibraryName, "");
return xnListItems;
Task 3: Download Image(s)
private const string ATTR_FILENAME = "name";
private const string FILENAMESPACEURI = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/soap/ois/";
public static bool DownloadImageFiles(string imagingServiceURL, string imageFileLibraryName, string[] fileNames, string saveToFolder)
Imaging wsImaging = new Imaging();
wsImaging.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
wsImaging.Url = imagingServiceURL;
XmlElement parent = (XmlElement)wsImaging.Download(imageFileLibraryName, string.Empty, fileNames, 0, true);
XmlNodeList files = parent.GetElementsByTagName("File", FILENAMESPACEURI);
foreach (XmlNode file in files)
if (Directory.Exists(saveToFolder) == false)
byte[] fileBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(file.InnerText);
using (FileStream fs = File.OpenWrite(saveToFolder + file.Attributes[ATTR_FILENAME].Value))
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(fs);
return true;
Imaging() class is a web reference to imagining.asmx
The Download call natively returns XML so yo uneed to run it through a conversion to byte
If you need to get a reference on the Imagine web service check this on out on MSDN: