How to compare upper and lowercase letters in a conditional in Swift - string

Apologies if this is a duplicate. I have a helper function called inputString() that takes user input and returns a String. I want to proceed based on whether an upper or lowercase character was entered. Here is my code:
print("What do you want to do today? Enter 'D' for Deposit or 'W' for Withdrawl.")
operation = inputString()
if operation == "D" || operation == "d" {
print("Enter the amount to deposit.")
My program quits after the first print function, but gives no compiler errors. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

It's important to keep in mind that there is a whole slew of purely whitespace characters that show up in strings, and sometimes, those whitespace characters can lead to problems just like this.
So, whenever you are certain that two strings should be equal, it can be useful to print them with some sort of non-whitespace character on either end of them.
For example:
print("Your input was <\(operation)>")
That should print the user input with angle brackets on either side of the input.
And if you stick that line into your program, you'll see it prints something like this:
Your input was <D
So it turns out that your inputString() method is capturing the newline character (\n) that the user presses to submit their input. You should improve your inputString() method to go ahead and trim that newline character before returning its value.
I feel it's really important to mention here that your inputString method is really clunky and requires importing modules. But there's a way simpler pure Swift approach: readLine().
Swift's readLine() method does exactly what your inputString() method is supposed to be doing, and by default, it strips the newline character off the end for you (there's an optional parameter you can pass to prevent the method from stripping the newline).
My version of your code looks like this:
func fetchInput(prompt: String? = nil) -> String? {
if let prompt = prompt {
print(prompt, terminator: "")
return readLine()
if let input = fetchInput("Enter some input: ") {
if input == "X" {
print("it matches X")

the cause of the error that you experienced is explained at Swift how to compare string which come from NSString. Essentially, we need to remove any whitespace or non-printing characters such as newline etc.
I also used .uppercaseString to simplify the comparison
the amended code is as follows:
func inputString() -> String {
var keyboard = NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput()
var inputData = keyboard.availableData
let str: String = (NSString(data: inputData, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)?.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(
return str
print("What do you want to do today? Enter 'D' for Deposit or 'W' for Withdrawl.")
let operation = inputString()
if operation.uppercaseString == "D" {
print("Enter the amount to deposit.")


How to replace string in lua?

My question is how can I replace the character from a given string?
If someone says something in the chat, and that word is a bad word then replace it with "****".
I don't know how to approach the print section.. Because I've got the index of the badword but I don't know how to replace it from the original message.
local badwords = {
local message = msg;
local lowered_msg = message:lower();
for index, val in pairs(badwords) do
if lowered_msg:match(val) then
local indexStart, indexEnd = string.find(lowered_msg, val)
print(message:gsub(indexStart, "*****", indexEnd))
The gsub function takes three arguments:
the string to be modified,
the pattern to be replaced,
and the replacement string,
so you need to do something like this:
message = string.gsub(message, message:sub(indexStart, indexEnd), "*****")
This Way use a table with badwords and replacements for gsub.
local badwords = {fair='f**r', foul='f**l'}
print(('fair is foul and foul is fair'):gsub('%w+', badwords))
...if the pattern matches words.
gsub() loops over the whole string except the 4th argument is used

Get words from a file using groovy

Using groovy how can I get the words/texts from a file which enclosed with parentheses.
George (a programmer) used to think much.
words to get: a programmer
Here you have an example program solving the issue:
String inp = 'George (a programmer) used to think much.'
def matcher = inp =~ /\(([^\)]+)\)/ // Try to find a match
if (matcher) { // Something found
String str = matcher[0][1] // Get the 1st capture group
printf("Found: %s.\n", str)
def words = str.tokenize() // Create a list of words
words.eachWithIndex{ it, i -> printf("%d: %s.\n", i, it)}
} else {
print("Not found")
Note the meaning of parentheses in the regular expression:
Outer (backslash quoted) parentheses are literal parentheses (we are
looking for these chars).
Unquoted parentheses (between them) are delimiters of the capture group.
The remaining (quoted) closing parenthesis between them is the char
that should not be present within the capture group.

How to check if two strings can be made equal by using recursion?

I am trying to practice recursion, but at the moment I don't quite understand it well...
I want to write a recursive Boolean function which takes 2 strings as arguments, and returns true if the second string can be made equal to the first by replacing some letters with a certain special character.
I'll demonstrate what I mean:
Let s1 = "hello", s2 = "h%lo", where '%' is the special character.
The function will return true since '%' can replace "el", causing the two strings to be equal.
Another example:
Let s1 = "hello", s2 = "h%l".
The function will return false since an 'o' is lacking in the second string, and there is no special character that can replace the 'o' (h%l% would return true).
Now the problem isn't so much with writing the code, but with understanding how to solve the problem in general, I don't even know where to begin.
If someone could guide me in the right direction I would be very grateful, even by just using English words, I'll try to translate it to code (Java)...
Thank you.
So this is relatively easy to do in Python. The method I chose was to put the first string ("hello") into an array then iterate over the second string ("h%lo") comparing the elements to those in the array. If the element was in the array i.e. 'h', 'l', 'o' then I would pop it from the array. The resulting array is then ['e','l']. The special character can be found as it is the element which does not exist in the initial array.
One can then substitute the special character for the joined array "el" in the string and compare with the first string.
In the first case this will give "hello" == "hello" -> True
In the second case this will give "hello" == "helol" -> False
I hope this helps and makes sense.

C++ Replacing non-alpha/apostrophe with spaces in a string

I am reading in a text file and parsing the words into a map to count numbers of occurrences of each word on each line. I am required to ignore all non-alphabetic chars (punctuation, digits, white space, etc) except for apostrophes. I can figure out how to delete all of these characters using the following code, but that causes incorrect words, like "one-two" comes out as "onetwo", which should be two words, "one" and "two".
Instead, I am trying to now replace all of these values with spaces instead of simply deleting, but can't figure out how to do this. I figured the replace-if algorithm would be a good algorithm to use, but can't figure out the proper syntax to accomplish this. C++11 is fine. Any suggestions?
Sample output would be the following:
"first second" = "first" and "second"
"one-two" = "one" and "two"
"last.First" = "last" and "first"
"you're" = "you're"
"great! A" = "great" and "A"
// What I initially used to delete non-alpha and white space (apostrophe's not working currently, though)
// Read file one line at a time
while (getline(text, line)){
istringstream iss(line);
// Parse line on white space, storing values into tokens map
while (iss >> word){
word.erase(remove_if(word.begin(), word.end(), my_predicate), word.end());
bool my_predicate(char c){
return c == '\'' || !isalpha(c); // This line's not working properly for apostrophe's yet
bool my_predicate(char c){
return c == '\'' || !isalpha(c);
Here you're writing that you want to remove the char if it is and apostrophe or if it is not an alphabetical character.
Since you want to replace these, you should use std::replace_if() :
std::replace_if(std::begin(word), std::end(word), my_predicate, ' ');
And you should correct your predicate too :
return !isalpha(c) && c != '\'';
You could use std::replace_if to pre-process the input line before sending it to the istringstream. This will also simplify your inner loop.
while (getline(text, line)){
replace_if(line.begin(), line.end(), my_predicate, ' ');
istringstream iss(line);
// Parse line on white space, storing values into tokens map
while (iss >> word){

How to use String.format in groovy?

The code below prints the response variable preceded by spaces.
The number of spaces to be printed before the response variable is equivalent to the difference of the itemNumber and the examineeResponses.
Now, is it possible to pad the string with zero ("0") instead of spaces using String.format?
def converted = examineeResponses+String.format("%${itemNumber - 1}s", response)
Example using the above codes:
examineeResponses = '1' // String
itemNumber = 10 //int
response = '3' // String
" 3"
Desired output:
I believe you can do this, but it's a bit hard to understand your question:
int itemNumber = 10
String examineeResponses = '1'
char response = '3'
"$response".padLeft( itemNumber - examineeResponses.length(), '0' )
Though I suspect (you don't say) that you just want it printed itemNumbers characters wide. If this is the case, you just need:
"$response".padLeft( itemNumber, '0' )
And you don't need examineeResponses at all.
One of the bits I struggle with in your question is I don't know what examineeResponses.length() is supposed to do (other than throw an error). Another is I'm not sure that this is what you want to do ;-)
You can't zero pad Strings with String.format in Java or Groovy, you can only zero pad numerics
Try something like this:
def formattedString = "${param}&hash=${hash}"
