SUMIFS on filtered data? - excel

I am looking for a way to do a SUMIFS that uses a filtered list. I would like to:
Grab all the sales from Sheet "Sales" where Group = "Flowers", AND
Store # on Sheet "Sales" matches the Filtered Store # list on sheet" Report
The following code will work only when there is no filter on the Store #'s:
Sheet 1 Name = Report
Row (filtered) Store # (A)
| 21 | 13 |
| 36 | 28 |
| 81 | 75 |
| 84 | 78 |
Sheet 2 Name = Sales
Store # (A) Group (B) Sales (C)
| 21 | Flowers | $100 |
| 36 | Flowers | $200 |
| 81 | Bread | $500 |
| 1 | Flowers | $600 |
| 3 | Flowers | $100 |
| 36 | Bread | $200 |
| 8 | Bread | $100 |
| 84 | Flowers | $300 |
Is there any way for me to accomplish this? So if when the filtered list changes, the total figure changes, similar to that of a subtotal.

Seems much the easiest way is with a PivotTable: Group (B) for FILTERS, Store # (A) for ROWS and Sum of Sales (C) for VALUES, then filter Group (B) to select 'Flowers` and filter rows to suit.


Excel: How to transform multiple columns with headers into 2 columns, one for the data, one for the header

I have a table of products, with multiple QTYs by month. How do I convert this table into a 2-columns list - one for QTY, one for month.
Source Data:
Product | 2019-06 | 2019-07 | 2019-08 | 2019-09 | 2019-10
Apple | 10 | 10 | 20 | 25 | 10
Orange | 50 | 100 | 75 | 50 | 100
Desired Output:
Product | QTY | Date
Apple | 10 | 2019-06
Apple | 10 | 2019-07
Apple | 20 | 2019-08
Apple | 25 | 2019-09
Apple | 10 | 2019-10
Orange | 50 | 2019-06
Orange | 100 | 2019-07
Orange | 75 | 2019-08
Orange | 50 | 2019-09
Orange | 100 | 2019-10
Use Power Query a free MS add-in since 2010, and distributed with Excel 2016+ as Get&Transform.
In the Power Query UI, select the first column and then Unpivot other columns. Rename the columns as needed.
Also see my answer to Resorting Table using Array for more details

Adding fields to Pivot Table from another datasource using VBA

I've created Pivot Tables before using VBA but my professor recently gave us a bonus that although is not necessary, is driving me nuts.
Use a VBA Macro to write Region, District, and Store Name to your first report to create a new report
1) My first report looks like this:
Location | Sum of ActNetSales | Sum of PlanNetSales
1 | $76,170 | $65,172
100 | $163,691 | $140,057
101 | $34,724 | $29,710
104 | $70,501 | $60,322
106 | $113,826 | $97,391
2) Below is the data source for the above report.
Division | Year | Week | Location | SchedDept | PlanNetSales | ActNetSales | AreaCategory
5 | 2018 | 10 | 520 | 541 | 1943.2 | 2271.115 | Non-Comm
5 | 2018 | 10 | 520 | 608 | 4378.4 | 5117.255 | Non-Comm
5 | 2018 | 10 | 520 | 1059 | 1044.8 | 1221.11 | Comm
5 | 2018 | 10 | 520 | 1126 | 6308 | 7372.475 | Non-Comm
3) My professor wants me to add the following information to the above table: Region, District and Store Name. However, these 3 fields are from a different data source then the above report. Below is the data source for the 3 fields I've listed.
Division | Location | LocationName | Region | RegionName | District | DistrictName
5 | 1 | Location 1 | 3 | Region 3 | 18 | District 18
5 | 4 | Location 4 | 5 | Region 5 | 32 | District 32
5 | 5 | Location 5 | 3 | Region 3 | 19 | District 19
5 | 6 | Location 6 | 5 | Region 5 | 28 | District 28
I've created what he's asking above by joining the 2 tables (created a key by concatenating the foreign keys - location and division: to make a unique key and using a basic index/match ) and just creating a Pivot Table from that but I want to try my best to solve the bonus! Unfortunately, I don't have Power Query so I had to do it this way. I've tried searching up the above and I can't find any good resources. Is there anything you can suggest or just point me in the right direction? Thank you!
Is it cheating to modify your table under (2) to add the columns region, district, and storename using VLOOKUP on the third table? The second table would then have raw data, and extra columns of constructed data, effectively joining it to the third table using the Excel VLOOKUP trick rather than an actual SQL table join.
Then you can just use the expanded, joined table as your one Pivot Table source.
Cheating is legal in love, war, and IT solutions.

Adding Columns to Excel As List From Other Sheet Grows

I'm creating a grade book in Excel for my wife. I have sheets for the overall grade, classwork, exams, and participation.
The three sections of work (classwork, exams, and participation) each have a variable number of items, and each item has a different number of points possible. Each section has a weight in the overall grade.
I have this up and running with a fixed number of items per section, but I'd like to create a template that can be updated from class to class and year to year.
Here's the problem:
On the classwork sheet, I'd like to be able to enter new assignments and their point value and have that automatically update the master grade sheet on my first sheet tab. Is there any way to add columns in a section of one worksheet (the master grade sheet) when new rows are added to another worksheet (the list of assignments)?
It is possible to achieve this without using VBA. The reason you will have difficulty acheiving this, however, is that you've violated normal form in the table you've already built. It appears the pertinent data you're looking for is each student's score on each assignment. If this if correct, the level of granularity you will want is on the Assignment, not on the Student.
There are some fairly quick ways to modify your existing work to account for this. I've written out some sample data below. Take a look and see if it helps.
Sample Original Table
| Student | Quiz | Thumbnails | Watercolor |
| Paul | 3 | 10 | 90 |
| Frank | 4 | 10 | 95 |
| Mary | 5 | 10 | 70 |
| Ellen | | 10 | 85 |
| Sue | 6 | 10 | 92 |
| Anton | 5 | 10 | 87 |
Image of the data is below ( note I have highlighted the blank value ).
Sample Normal Table
| Student | Assignment | New_Score | Score |
| Paul | Quiz | | 3 |
| Frank | Quiz | | 4 |
| Mary | Quiz | | 5 |
| Ellen | Quiz | | 0 |
| Sue | Quiz | | 6 |
| Anton | Quiz | | 5 |
| Paul | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Frank | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Mary | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Ellen | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Sue | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Anton | Thumbnails | | 10 |
| Paul | Watercolor | | 90 |
| Frank | Watercolor | | 95 |
| Mary | Watercolor | | 70 |
| Ellen | Watercolor | | 85 |
| Sue | Watercolor | | 92 |
| Anton | Watercolor | | 87 |
| Mary | ExtraCredit | 10 | 10 |
| Ellen | ExtraCredit | 8 | 8 |
| Sue | ExtraCredit | 9 | 9 |
| Anton | ExtraCredit | 10 | 10 |
Image of the data is below. The score column reaches back to your old table and grabs the score you've already entered for the students, so you won't have to do this all manually. The formula for this is =INDEX(non_normal,MATCH([#Student],non_normal[Student],0),MATCH([#Assignment],non_normal[#Headers],0)).
This assumes you've formatted the old data into an Excel DataTable ( ctrl+t ) and named it non_normal ( alt+j+t+i ). Note the unsubmitted assignment for Ellen comes through with a score of zero using this method. I've added a column named New_Score so that you are able to add new student-assignment submission combinations to the table without having to modify your old non_normal table ( which was the trouble in the OP ). With this column added, the formula in the Score column can be changed to =IF(NOT(ISBLANK([#[New_Score]])),[#[New_Score]],INDEX(non_normal,MATCH([#Student],non_normal[Student],0),MATCH([#Assignment],non_normal[#Headers],0))) which will take the New_Score value if available and the original score if not.
The orange cells are new student-assignment submission combinations. Note you do not need to add a row for every student, just add a row whenever a student submits an assignment.
Sample Assignments Table
| Assignment | Points_Possible |
| Quiz | 6 |
| Thumbnails | 10 |
| Wartercolor | 100 |
| ExtraCredit | |
I've added the ExtraCredit assignment with a possible max score of zero/blank ( since not completing extra credit shouldn't count against a student )
Payoff - Back to the Original Table
| Sum of Score | Column Labels | | | | | |
| Row Labels | Quiz | Thumbnails | Watercolor | ExtraCredit | Grand Total | |
| Anton | 5 | 10 | 87 | 10 | 112 | 96.6% |
| Ellen | 0 | 10 | 85 | 8 | 103 | 88.8% |
| Frank | 4 | 10 | 95 | | 109 | 94.0% |
| Mary | 5 | 10 | 70 | 10 | 95 | 81.9% |
| Paul | 3 | 10 | 90 | | 103 | 88.8% |
| Sue | 6 | 10 | 92 | 9 | 117 | 100.9% |
Using the image below, you pivot your newly normalized data into a Pivot Table. ( alt+n+v ). Now, simply adding a new assignment to the normal_assignment DataTable will cause that assignment to appear in a new column when you refresh the Pivot Table ( alt+a+r+a ).
The % score on the right of the Pivot Table is calculated using the following formula ( with the sample Pivot Table starting in cell $M$2 ): =GETPIVOTDATA("Score",$M$2,"Student",M4)/SUM(assignment[Points_Possible])
I've uploaded the raw sample file for this to my public repo if you'd like to pull it and take a peek at the source. Credit to sensefulsolutions for text-to-table conversion.
Hope this is what you need!

Count distinct occurrences and averages in a column based on identifiers in another column

In MS Excel, I want to count the number of distinct categories (ignoring a specific item) based on a different column. Also, I want to find the average and the max for the same selection. This is the data:
| Person | idea | score |
| George | vacuum | 9 |
| George | box | 6 |
| George | x | 1 |
| Joe | scoop | 4 |
| Joe | x | 1 |
| Joe | x | 1 |
| Joe | scoop | 4 |
| Joe | gear | 7 |
| Mike | harvester | 10 |
| Mike | gear | 7 |
| Mike | box | 6 |
The result should be the following:
| Person | distinct ideas | Avg. score | Max score |
| George | 2 | 5.3 | 9 |
| Joe | 2 | 3.4 | 7 |
| Mike | 3 | 7.7 | 10 |
Because Joe has two "scoop" and one "gear" idea, and I want to ignore the "x" items.
I reluctantly gave up and did it manually for each person, e.g., this is for the first person:
Doesn't Excel have functions to return a range instead of a value? If I could select the range based on the name of the person in the first columns, I could count distinct occurrences or find the average in another column.
Add a 4th column and label it Distinct Ideas
If your table starts in A1, then:
EDIT: Formula changed to exclude "x". Screen shot also changed
D2: =IF(TRIM($B2)="x",0,IF(SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A2=A2)*($B$2:$B2=B2))>1,0,1))
and fill down.
Then construct a Pivot table
Person to Row Labels
Distinct Ideas to Values area
score to Values and select to Average
Score to Values area and Select Max
Format as desired. Here is one result:

Convert Rows into Columns with same values

Let's say I've a table
ID | Item | Purchased
17 | Chocolate | 1304
17 | Biscuit | 1209
17 | Jelly | 657
17 | Milk | 2234
18 | Chocolate | 1000
19 | Jelly |2387
I want to convert the rows into columns for each Item through Pivot tables in Excel
ID | Chocolate_Purchased | Biscuit_Purchased | Jelly_Purchased | Milk_Purchased
17 | 1304 | 1209 | 657 | 2234
18 | 1000 | | |
19 | | | 2387 |
How do I do that in Excel?
One simple way is with a Pivot table, although you may need to do some massaging to get exactly the output format you want.
With ID-->Rows; Itme-->Columns and Purchased--> Values, you can easily produce a Pivot looking like:
And you can do all kinds of different things with the formatting.
