I am working on automating a report. I have around 50000 rows and 15 columns. I want a VBA code or Formula that will lookup the test data from sheet1 and get it on Sheet2. I have tried vlookup and index formulas, however, the code becomes very heavy and the macro does not work.
Please help.
Thank you,
I believe this is related to the difficulty vlookup has in identifying text vs values, like "1" vs 1. Both may be wanted, but Excel views them as unique.
Something like the following may work:
Using excel 365. I have used this same formula for "asset allocations" and it worked perfectly.
I decided to do the same for sector allocation and I can not figure out what is wrong. This has beat me down. I have tried for 2 days. I thought that I could just exchange the category for sector. Didn't work. Thank you for any help.
Here is the image which shows the sheet that I am using.
The formula in G6 is:
You can see a REF Error on the column "Value".
This image is to show where the "Sectors" are listed on the individual sheets that I wish to sum.
Unusual, but this is working fine in my test scenario.
Use the Evaluate Formula tool to see where the error creeps in. You may have a typo in the list of tables.
I should have found the answer earlier but I didn't question my table columns.
In my last table the Column was accidentally called "Sector" and it should have been called "Sectors". I needed to pinpoint the point of problem by debugging better.
This code does indeed work fine for anyone wishing to sum by a category from more than one sheet. Not saying it is elegant code but it is easy to understand.
I'm using counting invoice numbers (text) in a table's column, but the Excel formula seems to be confusing some values.
I copied small sample of these - please refer to below:
The formulas are as follow:
As you can see these invoice numbers differ and the results of these functions suggest as if all were the same.
I googled it for 1 hour but I didn't find such as issue as mine.
If anybody had any clue why could this behave in such way I'll be super grateful!
Each time you copy down this formula it will add 1 row to each. For example the second row of datas formula will be =COUNTIFS(A2:A20,A2). To lock these cells in the formula use $
Your formula should be =COUNTIFS(A$1:A$19,A1)
I've solved this myself:
Excel tried to be helpful and read these invoice numbers as actual numbers (despite these being defined already in Power Query as text)
Then, Excel fooled me and despite showing that it works on it as a string (I was evaluating the formula) it worked on it as number
Above means that it transformed exemplary "00100001010000018525" to 1.00001E+17, which cut down this to "100001010000018000" - that's the moment Excel stopped fooling around and showed that value in the formula bar.
I think I don't need to tell why countif perceived all these values as equal.
I simply appended one letter after each invoice number to get e.g. "00100001010000018525a" what forces Excel to quit its gimmicks and games.
Case closed.
I suspect this is a bug in COUNTIF, or maybe by design.
However, to workaround this in the formula, without having to change your data, try adding a wild-card character:
I need help with the below formula. I already tried to find a solution for this problem but no success.
If account number exists in column A in the 'Returns' tab and also in column A in the 'July Sales' tab, then I need to get date from the column B in 'Returns' tab.
I manually checked a few accounts on both spreadsheet and find some duplicates.
My formula is as follows:
I tried to change format to text/general, text to columns and trim function but it's still not working.
Also, as I have over 200k rows in each table, can I use any different formula instead to speed this up?
Finally, is there any way to pick dates only if these are within 30 days
Thanks in advance.
You're using Returns!A:B as your lookup value, which doesn't make sense. Instead, try the following:
=VLOOKUP([#Account], tblReturns[[Account]:[Submit_Date]],2,FALSE)
where tblReturns is the name of the table on your Returns worksheet.
I've made the assumption that you're working with tables, since the data in your screenshots is formatted like the default table. If they're just normal ranges, the equivalent is
Not sure what you want done when the account is not found on the RETURNS worksheet. Change "NO RETURN INFO" to what ever text you want including "" for a blank. Make sure you apply the same format for cells in column F as you do in column B. Copy the above formula down as required.
try the below, which will return blanks for non-matches as opposed to errors;
I highly recommend an INDEX/MATCH combination over a VLOOKUP. It is MUCH faster, particularly if you are working with a large number of rows. It may even be faster than the COUNTIF solution suggested by #ForwardEd.
I found this example in an excel tutorial
The following image is my desired result. and the following formula is supposed to be able to extract the unique records dynamically. I know how to do this with VBA but i really want to make this a formula without using a macro.
=IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$9, MATCH(0,COUNTIF($D$1:D1, $B$2:$B$9), 0)),"")
I have tried the above formula as given in the example link above but it returns with error. I am assuming that this worked at some point in excel however it no longer works with Excel 2016. Can someone clarify why this formula no longer works? Thank you.
Answering my own question about 5 minutes later, so i read the patch nodes on the how match changed from excel 2008 to 2016. You need to use the index rather than the count.
=IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$9, MATCH(0,INDEX(COUNTIF($D$1:D1,$B$2:$B$9),0,0),0)),"0)),"")")
Recommended edit to the formula to change the value returned on error to a blank:
=IFERROR(INDEX($B$2:$B$9, MATCH(0,INDEX(COUNTIF($D$1:D1,$B$2:$B$9),0,0),0)),"")
I've got a table made up of a number of tabs and VLOOKUPs. I'm just looking for a way of pulling through a text entry into a cell where there are multiple #N/A's and one text entry.
I've attached a screenshot which hopefully explains what I'm trying to do.
Column E has what I would expect the answers to be with the correct formula. The problem is, the original spreadsheet I'm working on has over 2000 rows (and will be continually updated with more entries). I've tried multiple IF/Or, IF/And as well as Index/Match formulas to no avail.
Not able to attach pics yet but have included a link.
You may have to use ISNUMBER combined with search to get the results that you are looking for.
=IF( ISNUMBER(SEARCH("n/a",B1)),"true","false")