SSH Protocol error: Server and client capabilities don't match - linux

I am facing an issue in deploying my Qt GUI executable on to the iMx6 target. I am running Ubuntu 12.04 on VMWare, and launching the Qt executable using Qt Creator 3.1.2 (running Qt 5.3.1 cross compiled for iMx6 platform). The error message displayed was:
19:08:58: Could not connect to host: SSH Protocol error: Server and client capabilities don't match. Client list was: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss.
Server list was ecdsa-sha2-nistp256.
Is the device connected and set up for network access?
19:08:58: Deploy step failed.
Error while building/deploying project qtGUI (kit: Target)
When executing step 'Check for free disk space'
19:08:58: Elapsed time: 00:02.
It is purely some problem related to network connection ? or something that am missing here ?
Any help is appreciable. Thanks.

Your server just allows certificates using ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, while your client just allows ssh-rsa and ssh-dss. Since there is no match between both lists, its not possible to connect to the server.
Your server wants to exchange keys explicitly using Elliptic Curve nistp256. Your client does not know about this method, therefor denies the key-exchange. you will have to update your client SSH certification methods (update ssh clientlibrary) or set your server to allow other certification methods.

I got the same problem when I wanted to connect to the board PicoCOMA9X (NXP i.MX6) through SSH in Qt creator and could solve it in the following way:
Delete all of host keys generate in your board. They are usually located in /etc/ssh. You can use rm ssh_host_*.
Restart the ssh session by using /etc/init.d/S50sshd restart.
Then check the IP, username and password of the board in Qt, and test the connection.


How to programmatically connect to Windows XMing X11

I would like to programmatically (through node.js) connect to a X11 server running on the localhost installed on Windows to redirect the display of X application running on a remote linux server. For my use case, I'm considering Xming on my localhost but that's not a strong requirement.
I'm usually working on Linux and there I know I can connect either to the socket /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 or to localhost:6000 to trigger some display on my localhost (see for example the code on node.js ssh2
However, I absolutely do not know how to proceed on Windows;
Thank you for your help.

Using XRDP to connect linux to Windows PC from LINUX Client

Has anyone successfully used XRDP/freeRDP to remote login to a Windows PC from a LINUX Client? I did some research on the matter and I found there may be incompatibility issues. However those posts were quite old.
I would like to use the latest XRDP or freeRDP
The site says the following:
"The goal of this project is to provide a fully functional Linux terminal server, capable of accepting connections from rdesktop, freerdp, and Microsoft's own terminal server / remote desktop clients.
Unlike Windows NT/2000/2003/2008/2012 server, xrdp will not display a Windows desktop but an X window desktop to the user.
So it sounds like I can communicate between a Linux Box and Windows. But it sounds like the Windows PC can only be the client logging into a Linux Server and not vice-versa."
Is this true?
That's not true. You can using a freeRDP client in Linux connecting to a server on Windows. I've just tried the latest freeRDP code in Ubuntu, and I've tested Win7/Win10, both are OK.
Follow the instruction of freeRDP in the following link:
and hope you make it.
Ps: There may be some connectivity issues, like firewall or something, just google it.

Share D-BUS message bus on Linux when launching applications remotely

I'm trying to launch two applications in my server using SSH remote connection. These applications are using D-BUS message bus for communication.
If I login to my server computer locally, the communication between these applications works perfectly. However when I try to launch these applications remotely, errors related to D-BUS occurs.
Is there any way to share D-BUS message bus when starting applications remotely on server computer?
My server is running on Ubuntu 12.04.
Finally found a solution to my question.
First I needed to start ssh connection with trusted X11 forwarding enabled:
ssh -2 -Y user#address
In this remote connection I started the application first application with new D-Bus: dbus-launch --autolaunch=machineID app1. Then I opened new SSH connection and also started second application together with D-Bus with the command dbus-launch --autolaunch=machineID app2. MachineID can be found from ~/.dbus/session-bus/ in Linux environment.
That is how I was able to make this two applications to use the same D-Bus message bus in remote connection.

How to contact linux ClearCase clients from Windows servers

I am working on trying to get some linux Clearcase clients to work with our existing Windows infrastructure. All of the vobs and servers are stored on Windows machines.
Using an existing vob, I was able to create a tag in the linux region to refer to the vob, and then create a view on the linux client. This client was able to connect to the vob and pull the files in when I updated the config spec. However, while it can view files, it does not have permission to edit them.
The usernames match
linux: user1
windows: DOMAIN\user1
The Clearcase admin panel is set to "Use this domain to map UNIX user and group names" with DOMAIN selected.
However, the authentication does not appear to be working. From the unix client, if I run
credmap windowsServer
I get Nobody/Nobody for the remote username and group ID. If I run from the Windows server
credmap linuxClient
It times out and I get
credmap: Error: Unable to contact albd_server on host
Investigating further albd_list on unix shows that the albd server is running, and even finds the albd_server on the windows machine.
albd_server addr =, port= 371
albd_server addr =, port= 371
Going in the opposite direction returns
noname: Error: Unable to contact albd_server on host ''
cannot contact albd
Ping works from the windows host to the linux host, and I am even connected to the linux host by SSH from the parent at the moment.
If anyone has any ideas on what to look for next, you'd be my hero :(
You get limited ClearCase functionality when you access a ClearCase server (running on Windows) from a Linux client. To learn more, read about CCFS.
I'd suggest you to consider migrating your VOB server to Linux. This way you get all ClearCase functionality, including dynamic views.
I confirm having Vob server on windows mean they won't be fully accessible from linux client, even though the official documentation from IBM describes the CCFS setting to follow.
(See "Configure UNIX or Linux clients to access Windows VOBs", which you must have seen)
In particular, I never managed to have a credential mapping fully working from Linux to windows (the other way works well).
And you need to make sure your view storage is accessible from Linux (see "Creating a view on a NAS device")
That leaves you with inter-environment solutions, like:
CCRC (ClearCase Remote Client, for CC7.x)
ClearTeam (for CC 8.x)
See "Feature Comparison Matrix for CCRC, CTE, CCWeb, Native ClearCase GUI and SCM Adapter".
This wound up being something stupid. There was a firewall running on the linux machine blocking the albd_server port.
This also did not resolve the credential mapping issues, but it at least let me eliminate one more potential cause. Thanks

How Can I connect to Amazon Linux instance using Remote Desktop from Windows 7?

I created an EC2 Amazon Linux instance (yes, an amazon version of linux..)
it is launched but I can't connect using Remote Desktop...
am I trying to do something crazy here?
I got a message that Remote Computer is not available on the network
If you mean Windows RDP (Remote Desktop) that is your problem. Most likely you will need to use an SSH client to connect. I suggest Putty.
You should've received an SSH key when you setup your server. You will need to convert that key using PuttyGEN (same page as the Putty download) to convert it then use it with Putty to access the server.
Trying to walk you through the process of installing a GUI and VNC on the server is a bit much for here but give this video a shot. It seems pretty thorough and from skipping through it I saw no obvious errors in his process.
Try installing the vnc4server package. Then you can use a client such as TightVNC to connect from a Windows machine. You'll also need to open up port number 5900 in your firewall, which is the default for VNC.
You'll also have to have a desktop environment installed on your EC2 instance - by default you may only have the server packages which will not give you a GUI.
For your information, some folks posted remote desktop conf for EC2 instances.
