a4j:status hide status is not working [duplicate] - jsf

This question already has answers here:
RichFaces 3 to RichFaces 4 migration
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
In my project I am using RichFaces.
When I click on the a4j:commandButton button, which is used for saving the page as a pdf, a4j:status is shown on the page and then pdf window opens with Cancel and Ok buttons. I proceed to click on the Ok button.
After that the Ajax loader is still shown. It does not hide even though the page is getting refreshed manually.
Here is my code:
<a4j:commandButton id="pdfButton" status="ajaxStatus"
<a4j:status id="ajaxStatus" onstart="#{rich:component('fileViewerProgressModalPanel')}.show();"
onstop="#{rich:component('fileViewerProgressModalPanel')}.hide();" />
<rich:modalPanel id="fileViewerProgressModalPanel"
<h:graphicImage url="#{GeneralPageAttributes.progressBarImage}"/>
Any idea how to hide the a4j:status after pdf window is closed?

Change the id attribute of the a4j:status to a name attribute with the same value.
One of the numerous meaningless and incompatible changes made between RichFaces 3 and 4, most of them undocumented, was to change the hook between status= and a4j:status from the id attribute to the name attribute.
See this answer for a long list.

Try adding the attribute name="ajaxStatus" to a4j:status:
<a4j:status id="ajaxStatus" name="ajaxStatus" onstart="#{rich:component('fileViewerProgressModalPanel')}.show();"
onstop="#{rich:component('fileViewerProgressModalPanel')}.hide();" />


Primefaces UI issue with Gallery Film strip

I am implementing a gallery using PrimeFaces with the component p:galleria, everything works as expected but the footer (Film Strip) is shown twice.
By the way, if I close and then reopen the modal dialog which contains the gallery the Film Strip displays correctly.
More Information:
The gallery is contained in a modal dialog
PrimeFaces version: 5.3
Browsers: Chrome and IE
Any help is appreciated
I have resolved this behavior with the next workaround...
I had to open the external dialog using onclick() event instead of oncomplete()
I already have onclick but the filmstrip still gets doubled.
A working workaround for me is to update the galleria when the dialog is shown, e.g.
<p:commandLink onclick="PF('popup').show();" update="galleria"/>
<p:dialog id="popup">
<p:galleria id="galleria"/>

Bean value is getting set on click of a cancel button in JSF, How to avoid this? [duplicate]

I have a JSF/PrimeFaces form page set up to edit some configuration details. At the bottom are Submit and Cancel buttons implemented as CommandButton. The Cancel button looks like this:
value="Cancel" />
The problem is that the view bean still winds up doing more processing on the data that's been entered into the form than I'd like. It isn't updating anything in the database, but if (say) I enter a string into a field that's looking for a numeric in the bean, it still produces errors.
Part of my solution is, of course, to get the bean to gracefully handle that sort of bad data, and I'm working on it. But I'd also like to tweak that button so that it just takes the user to the prior page. Is there some attribute I can set that will prevent the form from being processed at all?
The <p:commandButton> submits the form. You don't want to submit the form. You should then not use the <p:commandButton>, but just <p:button>.
<p:button value="Cancel" outcome="priorPage.xhtml" />
See also:
Difference between h:button and h:commandButton

Commandlink with ajax works only on second click [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
h:commandButton/h:commandLink does not work on first click, works only on second click
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
What I'm trying to do is just a simple logout function. The main page will call a template page; consist of header and content. The header contains the logout button. There will be 2 forms in the page, one in the header (logout button), one in the content (few buttons,links, etc).
My problem is the page refresh when first click on the logout link and only proceed after second click. The problem starts to appear when I include primefaces or ajax code inside the content form. When I remove that particular code, the logout works as intended.
The logout form in main template templateUser.xhtml:
<h:form id="logout">
<h:commandLink action="#{tenantController.customLogout(e)}"
id="logoutBtn" immediate="true" value="Logout" />
The backing bean:
public String customLogout(ActionEvent e) {
return "login.xhtml";
FYI: the customLogout method also consist of session destroy, but I just put page redirect here.
In template client, the template is specified as:
<ui:composition template="/templateUser.xhtml">
As for the JSF library, currently use jsf 2.0
Solutions I've tried:
put id for both form and commandLink (template form & content form)
use primefaces (<p:commandLink> with ajax false ==> this returb to the previous page; the method in backed bean is not running.
Below are few links I tried here:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated
How can I prevent page refresh on click of <h:commandLInk>
JSF PrimeFaces p:commandLink won't redirect to new page?
The problem starts to appear when I include primefaces or ajax code inside the content form. When I remove that particular code, the logout works as intended.
Your problem is caused by point 7 as described in commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated. When you fire an ajax request using <f:ajax> and performs an update which also covers all other forms, then all those other forms will lose their view state. This causes that the 1st submit will always "do nothing", but the next submits will work, which matches exactly your problem symptoms.
You can solve this problem in one of the following ways:
Explicitly specify the client ID of all other forms in the <f:ajax render>. You can specify multiple client IDs space separated. E.g.
<f:ajax ... render="someComponent otherComponent :loginForm" />
Use the JavaScript based fix as proposed in this answer: h:commandButton/h:commandLink does not work on first click, works only on second click.

A way to easily check if an element was rendered in jsf2

I have a button that is supposed to close a modal panel and render several elements.
Is there an easy way to check if an element was rendered after the button was pressed?
example button:
<a4j:commandButton onclick="#{rich:component('modal')}.hide();"
render=":id1 :id2">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{Controller.attribute}" value="false" />
I have another button that does not "work" on the un-rendered div.
The conditon of the rendered attribute of all of the button's parent components must be preserved when you're submitting the form. So it should not only evaluate true during the request of presenting the form with the button, but it should also evaluate true during the request of processing the form submit. Easiest is to put the backing bean in the view scope by #ViewScoped.
Also, if you're re-rendering a component which in turn contains a <h:form>, you need to explicitly add the client ID of that <h:form> to the render attribute. E.g. when component with client ID id1 has in turn a <h:form id="formOfId1">.
render=":id1 :id2 :formOfId1"
You can debug this all by just exploring the HTTP traffic in the webbrowser's developer toolset (press F12 in Chrome/IE9/Firebug and check the "Network" section).
See also:
commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated - Points 5 and 7.
I have hit the same problem. My solution was to display the current time inside the element that i want to be rendered.
If, for instance, you want to render a panel, just paste inside that panel the following snippet:
<h:outputText value="#{session.lastAccessedTime}">
<f:convertDateTime pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" type="date" />
If the time is updated after button click, then obviously the component was rendered. But is the opposite also true? If the time is not updated, does this mean the component was not rendered? What if the component got rendered properly, but the time displayed is frozen to the moment the page was first accessed? I had small doubts about that, so i refreshed the page, and the time changed. So the time displayed is not frozen to the initial moment.
Also note that there are multiple ways to get the time; if you don't like to use session time, you could set a property in the backing bean, and initialize it to new Date()

JSF: Button/Link without form submit

In earlier projects I often used an s:button or s:link from Seam 2 when caceling something, because it wouldn't submit the form and thus no model updates occured.
Now I switched to WELD + Seam 3 and couldn't find it there anymore - am I just blind or do I have to use something else?
You can do it in plain JSF 2.0 by setting immediate attribute to true in the h:commandButton.
From the MyFaces wiki:
The immediate attribute can be used to achieve the following effects:
Allow a commandLink or commandButton to navigate the user to
another page without processing any data currently in input fields of
the current screen. In particular, this allows navigation to occur
even when there are currently validation errors. A "cancel" button
typically falls into this category.
Allow a commandLink or commandButton to trigger back-end logic
while ignoring validation for some of the fields on the screen. This
is a more general version of the item above.
Make one or more input components "high priority" for validation,
so that if any of these are invalid then validation is not performed
for any "low-priority" input components in the same page. This can
reduce the number of error messages shown.
I found a way to handle it by using the commandButton from RichFaces 4 and setting bypassUpdates to true:
<a4j:commandButton value="Cancel" action="#{myHandler.cancel}"
bypassUpdates="true" render="myTable" />
For me this solution is ok, since I'm allready using RichFaces 4 - but I'm still interested, how to solve this with standard JSF 2.0?
