Azure Emulator won't start, web role unhealthy - azure

I've got problems running the Azure Emulator, the web role gets Unhealthy status.
The problems started today after a Windows Update installed several new updates. Yesterday all worked fine.
I've tried to create a new empty Cloud Service project in Visual Studio 2015 with Azure SDK 2.7. The emulator startup dialog loads to 3/4 of the progress bar and when I look into the Compute Emulator the Web role is stated as Unhealthy.
After a while Visual Studio hangs and I have to kill the process.
I've tried the following
Updating Visual Studio
Reinstalled Azure SDK 2.7
Uninstalled all previous versions of the SDK
Restarted the computer several times
No luck whatsoever. I'm running out of ideas and would appreciate some help.

Solved the problem by repairing the Visual Studio installation. Works fine now.


Error while publishing worker role in VS 2013: There was an error reflecting type 'Microsoft.Cct.AzureDiagnostics.ObjectModel.PublicConfig'

I am getting error while publishing worker role from Visual Studio 2013 with update 5. When i select worker role project and click on publish, it is showing me below error on pop up window and i am not able to move ahead:
There was an error reflecting type 'Microsoft.Cct.AzureDiagnostics.ObjectModel.PublicConfig'.
Any help related this is appreciated. Please let me know if you need more information.
I found the solution here:
In your Azure project, edit any diagnostics.wadcfgx files in a text editor, and set <IsEnabled>false</IsEnabled> (near the bottom)
Right click project > Publish, untick Send diagnostics data to Application Insights, hit Next
I had upgraded from Azure SDK 2.3 to 2.9.
I had this exact issue after upgrading Azure Tools from 2.6 to 2.9 - I solved it by going into Programs and Features and uninstalling all items that started with "Microsoft Azure" and had a 2.6 version number in the name, leaving only the 2.9 behind (all with Visual Studio 2013 closed). Then I restarted Visual Studio 2013 and it magically started working properly! installed the Azure SDK 2.7 (the features for VS2013), restarted the VS2013 and it worked again, you can download the SDK items manually at

Starting Azure webrole in Visual studio 2013

I migrating project to Azure sdk 2.2 and new Visual studio
In full emulator webrole starts long time. At first I thought that it didn't start. But happened to notice that after 15 minutes it starts and works fine.
In emulator of VS 2012 it works fine.
In deploy it works fine.
In express emulator of VS 2013 it works fine too.
Someone has Any ideas, how I can find a solution for startup time in emulator from VS 2013?
Update: I found a problem. In VS2013 discontinued Visual Studio Development Server and I need to configure Full IIS

Trouble connecting to TFS in one environment

I am having trouble connecting to TFS on my Azure development machine. The connection issue started happening this morning. Prior to today, it had been working perfectly. This is my work's TFS server which I know I have access to and that my credentials are valid and working. I have confirmed this by connecting to TFS via a web browser and on other machines via Visual Studio 2012. Only the Azure box seems to be affected.
Details about the machine:
Windows Server 2008
SQL Server 2012
VS2012 w/update 3
I have tried connecting on and off the work VPN, with the http and https endpoints that are available.
Here are the steps I have taken to try to remedy the issue:
Updated VS2012 to update 3
Cleared all cache and stored passwords in IE10
Reset IE10 to default settings
Cleared all TFS stored credentials in the windows credential manager
Cleared all Visual Studio cache files - TFS cache, VS cache, etc...
basically the steps in this link
Reboot the VM multiple times
Verified that I can access TFS through IE10 successfully on the VM
None of these had any effect. No matter what I do it seems that I cannot get a connection to TFS through VS2012. It keeps giving me the unauthorized / access denied errors.
Any more ideas of what to try? This was just working yesterday. The ONLY changes since yesterday are:
Installation of some office applications - onenote, word, excel, etc.
(it was working in conjunction with these changes yesterday)
Update 3 installed for VS2012
This is getting more interesting. It seems to be a bug with Visual Studio 2012. After submitting a ticket to my support team at work, I discovered that another coworker submitted a ticket with the exact same issue. His connection stopped working yesterday morning as well. He was also on an Azure VM running Server 2008 w/ Visual Studio 2012.
So after putting our heads together for about an hour and getting nowhere, I spun up another Azure VM to check the issue there. This time I created a Server 2012 w/ Visual Studio 2013 preview image. The connection to TFS worked on the first attempt.
This led us to try installing VS2013 preview on our VMs that were experiencing the issue. For both of us, after installing 2013, we were able to connect! What's really strange is that now VS2012 is working again as well... which is great, but I still have no idea what caused it.
When we were experiencing the problem, we had our IT support guy monitor the TFS build server AND the firewall that sits in front of it when we attempted to log in. He saw no login attempts getting through. So when it wasn't working, it appeared as though Visual Studio never even issued the login attempt to the server.
Does anyone have any idea what might be going on here? A bug in Visual Studio maybe? Or perhaps a windows update that affected me and my coworker at the same time? I can't think that the timing of this was a coincidence...

there was an error attaching the debugger to the role instance

I am getting an Exception when I am trying debug my application on Emulator (Web Role).
you can see exception by clicking following link
Configuration which I am using Windows 7 pro, VS 2012 Pro, Azure SDK 1.8
Hope it might help others.
I Also had the similar problem and I restarted PC and **Run Visual Studio as Administrator**.
And let Visual Studio start the emulator with same privilege resolved the issue.
I was using Visual 2013 and Web API application under IIS Express.
Do you have IIS added? Most likely it's already installed but you've to enable it via Add Windows Compoenents on Control Panel...
I had this same issue all of a sudden, luckly I remember changing the ServiceDefinition.csdef file. I rolled this back to an earlier version and the debugger ran again correctly. The only thing I changed in the 'broken' version was instance size from small to medium.
Go to visual studio installer(search it from window's start)
and update the visual studio.
After updating, hit modify
button, after that on right side you will find a box named
debug (or something like that), select that box
Then hit install.
Restart your visual studio and debugger will start working.
In my case it worked perfectly.

Azure cloud service error in Development Fabric when I try to run in my Visual Studio

When I click the run button in Visual Studio, I stopped getting my solution to work. I checked the Development Fabric and in the status bar, I get the following error:
Failed to register logger for deployment
This is also strange because we the solution on SVN and my colleague has no problems at all. What does this mean?! And why did this start?
Damn it! I unloaded the worker role and did not update the cloud service project accordingly! It's solved now.
