Which JSF component to display a text area in non editing mode? - jsf

I would like to display a text area which is used in two modes :
A modification mode, using p:editor
A visualization mode, where only text area is visible.
Which component would be the best choice for this visualization mode ? I have tried with :
p : editor : I don’t want the toolbar to be visible. It seems it is not possible to hide it.
p:outputTextarea : html tags generated by p:editor are visible in the textarea
h: outputText : rendering is a little different from that of p:editor and above all, as there is no vertical scroll bar, the text overflows its container.
I have also tried with p:outputTextarea for both editing and visualization modes, but I would be interessed in further tools available in p:editor.
Any idea ?
<p:panel id="panelDG">
<p:dataGrid id="pdatagrid1" layout="grid" value="#{ib.bloc.groups}" var="group" columns="#{ib.bloc.groupsSize}" rowIndexVar="status">
<!-- other components -->
<p:panel styleClass="panel-textarea">
<p:editor id="editor1" value="#{ib.textArea1}" rendered="#{status == 0}" maxlength="4000" controls="bold italic underline strikethrough bullets outdent indent alignleft center alignright justify undo redo" />
<p:editor id="editor2" value="#{ib.textArea2}" rendered="#{status == 1}" maxlength="4000" controls="bold italic underline strikethrough bullets outdent indent alignleft center alignright justify undo redo" />
<p:editor id="editor3" value="#{ib.textArea3}" rendered="#{status == 2}" maxlength="4000" controls="bold italic underline strikethrough bullets outdent indent alignleft center alignright justify undo redo" />
<h:panelGrid >
<p:commandButton value="Save" action="#{ib.modifyGroupText(group)}" icon="ui-icon-disk" />
<h:outputText value="#{group.textArea}" escape="false"></h:outputText>
height: 500px;

If you want to hide the toolbar of <p:editor> because a user don't have editing permissions you can simply use css.
<p:editor styleClass="#{!login.editAccess ? 'hideToolbar' : ''}" disabled="#{!login.editAccess}" ... />
.hideToolbar .ui-editor-toolbar {
display: none;

Oh, I had not seen the .ui-editor-toolbar class !
Otherwise, to avoid text overflow when using h:outputText :
display:block !important;
overflow-y: auto !important;
height: 400px !important;
Thanks for all answers


How to apply wrap text style in JSF datatable?

I have a data table in my application, I fix the columns width as 200. If i print small line in datatable column means it prints correct format. If i print lengthy line in the datatable column means, it cant wrap it out. how can i wrap the text in data table column.
Problem Description
You can control word wrapping by CSS word-wrap property. Inside tables, this only requires the table-layout property to be set to fixed, so that columns with a fixed width don't auto-expand when their content is larger.
.fixed-size {
table-layout: fixed;
word-wrap: break-word;
<p:dataTable ... styleClass="fixed-size">
The below worked for me in Chrome not in IE
.preformatted {
white-space: pre-wrap;
word-break: break-all;
<h:outputText value="#{bean.txt}" styleClass="preformatted" />
My sollution is to apply word-break style to column. Just like:
<p:column id="accountsMaskColumn"
style="word-break: break-word">
<h:outputText value="#{item.accountMask}"/>
Hope someone find this useful

How to show 2 line in one column in datatable?

I have a data table in my application. One column have heavy data which increasing the width of table.
I want to split the data to two or more lines in that column.
I have tried by setting width for that column but data did't split and doesn't show total data.
<p:column headerText="#{msgs['exception.label.exceptionMsg']}" width="200">
<h:outputText value="#{exception.exceptionMsg}"/>
How can i split the data?
The .ui-datatable tbody td has a default style of white-space: nowrap, meaning that long texts won't wrap. You want to override this style by setting it back to white-space: normal.
<p:column width="200" styleClass="wrap">
with this CSS
.ui-datatable tbody td.wrap {
white-space: normal;
See also:
How do I override default PrimeFaces CSS with custom styles?
This is my solution. It's very simple.
<p:column style="white-space : normal ; width: 315px">
<h:outputText value="T h i s i s a v e r y L a r g e T e x t">
I used the following solution after going through an answer by BalusC to some other related question.
I use this in CSS:
.ui-datatable tbody td.wrap {
white-space: normal;
word-wrap: break-word;
And this with my columns:
<p:column style="text-align: left" width="38" styleClass="wrap">
This handles data with space and without spaces -both.

How do I conditionally color the background in a table cell?

I am rendering a table with p:dataTable (PrimeFaces) and what I want to do is color the background of cells depending on the value of their content. This is different from coloring a row or a column -- it is the individual cell.
First a CSS problem. If I do this:
<p:column headerText="xyzzy">
<div style="background-color: green">
<h:outputText value="#{rowVar.anumber}" >
<f:convertNumber groupingUsed="true" />
the background color just of the content gets set, not the whole cell. In other words the padding is still the default.
Second, I want to make the style string a variable expression. I can add a function to the backing bean, but how do I access the table content in the method? Will this work?
<div style="#{bean.computeCSS(rowVar.number}">
I figured out a way to do the conditional part, but I still need help with the CSS part. My solution looks like:
<p:column headerText="xyzzy">
<div class="#{rowVar.anumber gt 0 ? 'colored' : ''}">
<h:outputText value="#{rowVar.anumber}">
<f:convertNumber groupingUsed="true" />
Although I dislike getting to fancy in EL, this has the advantage of not needed a backing bean method.
However I still only get the background color set, not the whole cell.
You can add a css class to the row and to the column too, that identifies a cell.
Use the dataTable's rowStyleClass attribute (example).
If you want to color multiple rows:
<p:dataTable value="#{bean.rows}" var="rowVar"
rowStyleClass="#{rowVar.firstCol gt 0 ? 'firstColColored' : ''}
#{rowVar.secondCol gt 0 ? 'secondColColored' : ''}">
<p:column styleClass="firstCol">...
<p:column styleClass="secondCol">
.firstColColored .firstCol {
background: pink;
how about adding padding to your class , with px or percents...
something like this

JSF RichFaces:a4jSkin.tableBackgroundColor behaviour for zebra table

<rich:dataTable id="files" styleClass="table" headerClass="header"
value="#{file}" var="fileRecord" rendered="#{file.rowCount>0}"
rowClasses="even,odd" onRowMouseOver="this.style.backgroundColor='#F1F1F1'"
have zebra styled table with white and gray colored rows
1. mouse hover on row,it's hovered ok
2. mouse out and it becomes white
table lost its "zebraness"
It's occurred bevcause of #{a4jSkin.tableBackgroundColor} evaluated to white color.
How to preserve zebra styling?
Thank you for any assistance.
should be changed to:
<rich:dataTable id="files" styleClass="table" headerClass="header"
value="#{file}" var="fileRecord" rendered="#{file.rowCount lt 0}"

How to make a label display in a single line in jsf

Can any one help me to display a label in a single line?
In my UI there is a field called check funding period
but it is getting displayed in 3 lines like:
what can i do so that it will display like
check funding period (in single line)
in jsf?
Not really a JSF question, just a CSS question.
Ensure that the label gets the CSS style white-space:nowrap; either via the style or styleClass attributes.
Looks to me like you have your output in a column of a table and have not made sure the column is wide enough. Use the columnClasses attribute of the dataTable to specify a css column style and make sure it is wide enough for your output. ie:
<rich:dataTable id="curfDataTable"
rowClasses="rowFirst,rowSecond" value="#{accessCurfMBean.unowned}"
var="curf" styleClass="tableInfo">
Much the same for when using the panelGrid layout.
<h:panelGrid id="panel" columns="2" border="1" columnClasses="column40percent,column60percent">
and in your css:
.column20percent {
width: 20%;
.column40percent {
width: 40%;
.column60percent {
width: 60%;
What I usually do is I wrap them in a h:panelGrid tag like this:
<h:panelGrid columns="3">
<h:outputText value="check" />
<h:outputText value="funding" />
<h:outputText value="period" />
If the html output from this is too messy for you, then I would consider doing like this:
<h:outputText value="#{Messages.check Messages.funding Messages.period}" />
Or simply:
<h:outputText value="Check funding period" />
As I said in the comment tho it really depends on what tags your using and what your wrapping them in. This may just be a simple CSS problem.
Another possible easy solution for this problem is the <nobr> tag.
Put <nobr> before your label area, and </nobr> at the end of it..
<h:outputText value="check" />
<h:outputText value="funding" />
<h:outputText value="period" />
Your problem solved!! :-)
