server.close() doesn't work in a Vow teardown - node.js

I'm trying to write some Vows-based tests for my run-of-the-mill Express app.
Here's the test source:
var vows = require('vows');
var assert = require('assert');
var startApp = require('./lib/start-app.js');
var suite = vows.describe('tournaments');
"When we setup the app": {
topic: function() {
return startApp();
teardown: function(topic) {
if (topic && topic.close) {
"it works": function(topic) {
And here's start-app.js:
var app = require('../../app.js');
function start() {
var server = app.listen(56971, 'localhost');
return server;
module.exports = start;
app.js exports a regular Express.js app, created with express().
The problem is that whenever I run the test, topic.close() doesn't work in the teardown function, and the test hangs forever after succeeding. I've tried searching the web and adding lots and lots of console.logs, all to no avail.
I'm on the Windows x64 build of Node.js 4.2.0, and I'm using assert#1.3.0 and vows#0.8.1.
Any idea how I can make my test stop hanging?

Here's what I did to solve the issue in a project I was contributing: a final batch just to close the server.
'terminate server': {
topic: function() {
server.close(this.callback); // this is a regular node require(`http`) server, reused in several batches
'should be listening': function() {
/* This test is necessary to ensure the topic execution.
* A topic without tests will be not executed */
Before adding this test, suite would never end executing. You can check the results at


mocha test failing with " MongoError: server sockets closed"

My mocha tests are failing with:
MongoError: server XXXX sockets closed
I have a workaround how to fix them:
const https = require('https');
const server = https.createServer(..);
close() {
mongoose.disconnect(); // <-------- I will comment this line
I would comment out the line mongoose.disconnect(); and my test suite starts working. I would like to clean up after my tests too. Each of my test files recreates server and starts from the scratch. It seems like the error appears because there needs to be some 'waiting' before the next test file executes.
How can I correct this error?
Solution - Captain Hook to the rescue!
If I understand correctly, you wish to startup and cleanup your server after the tests. You also have a series of repetitive tasks you need to do before and after each test.
Mocha has the perfect solution for you: Say hello to Mr. Hook!
Mocha hooks are functions that you can run both before all tests, after all tests, or before each test and after each test:
The documentation is pretty complete and I really do recommend it. I your case however, since you are dealing with databases, you probably will be dealing with async hooks.
Sounds complex? Don't worry!
This is how normal sync hooks work:
describe('hooks', function() {
before(function() {
// runs before all tests in this block
after(function() {
// runs after all tests in this block
beforeEach(function() {
// runs before each test in this block
afterEach(function() {
// runs after each test in this block
it("This is a test", () => {
assert.equal(1, 1);
async hooks only have one difference: they have a parameter done, which is called once your task is finished. Lets assume that we are setting up a DB that takes 1.5 seconds to setup. We want to do this before all the tests, and we only want to do it once.
Let's assume this is our listen function from our DB:
const listen = callback => {
setTimeout(callback, 1500);
So after 1.5 seconds, it calls the callback function signalizing it is ready for action.
Now lets see how we would make an async hook:
describe('hooks', function() {
let myDB;
before( done => {
myDB = newDB();
And that's it! Hope it helps!

casperJS - grunt-casper: Running multiple Test-Suites in a loop

Hi i am using CasperJS in combination with grunt-casper ( for running automated functional and regression tests in our GUI Development process for verification.
We use it like this, casper runner in gruntfile.js:
casper: {
componentTests: {
options: {
args: ['--ssl-protocol=any', '--ignore-ssl-errors=true', '--web-security=no'],
test: true,
includes: ['tests/testutils/testutils.js']
files: {
'tests/testruns/logfiles/<%="yyyy-mm-dd-hhMMss") %>/componenttests/concat-testresults.xml': [
so as it can be seen here we just normally run casper tests with SSL params and calling only ONE Controllerclass here instead of listing the single tests (this is one of the roots of my problem). grunt-casper delivers the object which is in charge for testing and inside every single Controllerclass the tests are included and concatenated.... the componentTestController.js looks like the following:
var config = require('../../../testconfiguration');
var urls = config.test_styleguide_components.urls;
var viewportSizes = config.test_styleguide_components.viewportSizes;
var testfiles = config.test_styleguide_components.testfiles;
var tempCaptureFolder = 'tests/testruns/temprun/';
var testutils = new testutils();
var x = require('casper').selectXPath;
casper.test.begin('COMPONENT TEST CONTROLLER', function(test) {
/* Run tests for all given URLs */
casper.each(urls, function(self, url, i) {
casper.thenOpen(url, function() {
/* Test different viewport resolutions for every URL */
casper.each(viewportSizes, function(self, actViewport, j) {
/* Reset the viewport */
casper.then(function() {
casper.viewport(actViewport[0], actViewport[1]);
/* Run the respective tests */
casper.then(function() {
/* Single tests for every resolution and link */
casper.each(testfiles, function(self, actTest, k) {
casper.then(function() {
}); {
Here you can see that we running a 3 level loop for testing
ALL URLs given in a JSON config file which are contained in an ARRAY of String ["","".....""]
ALL VIEWPORT SIZES so that every URL is tested in our desired Viewport resolutions to test the correct Responsibility behaviour of the components
ALL TESTFILES, all testfiles only include a TEST STUB what means, no start, begin or something else, its all in a large Testsourrounding.
MAYBE this is already mocky and can be done in a bette way, so if this is the case i would glad if someone has proposals here, but don't forget that grunt-casper is involved as runner.
So far, so good, the tool in general works fine and the construction we built works as we desired. But the problem is, because all testfiles are ran in a large single context, one failing component fails the whole suite.
In normal cases this is a behaviour i would support, but in our circumstances i do not see any proper solution than log the error / fail the single testcomponent and run on.
I run a test, which is setUp like described above and in this part:
/* Single tests for every resolution and link */
casper.each(testfiles, function(self, actTest, k) {
casper.then(function() {
we include 2 testfiles looking like the following:
Included testfile1.js
casper.then(function () {
function success() {
function fail() {
Included testfile2.js
casper.then(function () {
function success() {
function fail() {
testutils.createErrorScreenshot('#menu > > ul > li:nth-child(7)', tempCaptureFolder, casper, 'BUTTONGROUPS#2-buttons-menu-does-not-exist.png');
So if the assert in testfile1.js fails, everthing failes. So how can i move on to testfile2.js, even if the first fails? Is this possible to configure? Can it be encapsulated somehow?
FYI, this did not work:
Almost similar problems
My problem is almost the same like this here:
And this guy here has almost another approach i tried but got his problems too because multiple testsuites ran in a loop occuring problems:!topic/casperjs/VrtkdGQl3FA
Hopefully I understood what you ware asking - is there a way to suppress the failed assertion's exception throwing behavior?
The Tester's assert method actually allows for overriding the default behavior of throwing an exception on a failed assertion:
var message = "This test will always fail, but never throw an exception and fail the whole suite.";
test.assert(false, message, { doThrow: false });
Not all assert helpers have this option though and the only other solution I can think of is catching the exception:
var message = "This test will always fail, but never throw an exception and fail the whole suite.";
try {
test.assertEquals(true, false, message);
} catch (e) { /* Ignore thrown exception. */ }
Both of these approaches are far from ideal since the requirement in our cases is to not throw for all assertions.
Another short term solution that requires overriding the Tester instance's core assert method is (but is still quite hacky):
// Override the default assert method. Hopefully the test
// casper property doesn't change between running suites.
casper.test.assert =
casper.test.assertTrue = (function () {
// Save original assert.
var __assert = casper.test.assert;
return function (subject, message, context) {
casper.log('Custom assert called!', 'debug');
try {
return __assert.apply(casper.test, arguments);
catch (error) {
return false;
That said, I'm currently looking for a non-intrusive solution to this "issue" (not being able to set a default value for doThrow) as well. The above is relative to Casper JS 1.1-beta3 which I'm currently using.

Wait for Node constructor to connect to api before issuing commands

Sorry if the question title is a tad ambiguous, but I'm not entirely sure how to word it.
I'm writing an NPM module that talks to a json-rpc api - this is the current setup.
// The module
function MyModule(config) {
// do some connection stuff here
connected = true
MyModule.prototype.sendCommand = function() {
if(connected) {
// do command
} else {
// output an error
module.exports = MyModule;
// The script interacting with the module
var MyModule = require('./MyModule');
var config = {
// config stuff
var mod = new MyModule(config);
var mod.sendCommand;
The command won't send, as at this point it hasn't connected, I assume this is due to NodeJS' asynchronous, non-blocking architecture and that I perhaps need to use promises to wait for a response from the API, where would I implement this? Do I do it in my module or do I do it in the script interacting with the module?
You will need to use either a callback or promises or something like that to indicate when the connection is complete so you can then use the connection in further code that is started via that callback.
Though it is generally not considered the best practice to do asynchronous stuff in a constructor, it can be done:
function MyModule(config, completionCallback) {
// do some connection stuff here
connected = true
var mod = new MyModule(config, function(mod) {
// object has finished connecting
// further code can run here that uses the connection
A more common design pattern is to not put the connecting in the constructor, but to add a method just for that:
function MyModule(config) {
MyModule.prototype.connect = function(fn) {
// code here that does the connection and calls
// fn callback when connected
var mod = new MyModule(config);
mod.connect(function() {
// object has finished connecting
// further code can run here that uses the connection
don't use promises, use node's programming model where you don't "call functions" but you "call functions with a result handler for dealing with the data once it's actually available":
MyModule.prototype.sendCommand = function(handler) {
if(connected) {
// run stuff, obtain results, send that on:
handler(false, result);
} else {
// output an error, although really we should
// just try to connect if we're not, and say
// there's an error only when it actually fails.
handler(new Error("ohonoes"));
and then you call the function as
var MyModule = require('./MyModule');
var mod = ...
mod.sendCommand(function(err, result) {
// we'll eventually get here, at which point:
if (err) { return console.error(err); }

Meteor, Future and Node.JS net

I'm trying to write a simple asynchronous TCP/IP client that runs alongside a Meteor server for communicating to a remote server and posting data to MongoDB. I got it working using net.on callbacks, but the code was messy and it was failing at random times. I decided to try writing it using fibers/Futures to clean it up so I could focus on the failures. The code currently looks like:
var Future = Npm.require('fibers/future'), wait = Future.wait;
var coreComm = function(coreClient) {
console.log('coreCommm started')
try {
var running = true
while (running) {
console.log('calling onF.wait()')
var ev = onF.wait();
console.log('ev received', ev)
switch(ev[0]) {
console.log('unknown event from coreClient: ', ev)
case 'readable':
console.log('read', ev)
} catch(err) {
console.log('comm error: ', err)
function tryConnect(options) {
var connect = new Future
onF = new Future
coreClient = net.connect(options, function() {
function() { console.log('readable event,'); onF.return(['readable'])})
console.log('coreClient connected to core');
Meteor.startup(function () {
tryConnect({port: 9987});
The output when a message is sent looks like:
=> Meteor server running on: http://localhost:3000/
I2038-10:42:18.160(-5)? starting
I2038-10:42:18.392(-5)? connected,
I2038-10:42:18.398(-5)? coreClient connected to core
I2038-10:42:18.402(-5)? coreCommm started
I2038-10:42:18.409(-5)? calling onF.wait()
I2038-10:42:18.413(-5)? readable event,
As far as I can tell, the message is received from the remote server, the readable event is sent, I call onF.return(...) and nothing happens except Meteor goes to 100% CPU.
Any suggestions as to why the onF.wait() call isn't returning like it's suppose to?

Unit testing unavailable global function (couchapp, mocha)

I'm trying to unit test a CouchDB design doc (written using couchapp.js), example:
var ddoc = {
_id: '_design/example',
views: {
example: {
map: function(doc) {
emit(, contact);
module.exports = contacts
I can then require this file into a mocha test very easily.
The problem is CouchDB exposes a few global functions that the map functions use ("emit" function above) which are unavailable outside of CouchDB (i.e. in these unit tests).
I attempted to declare a global function in each test, for example:
var ddoc = require('../example.js')
describe('views', function() {
describe('example', function() {
it('should return the id and same doc', function() {
var doc = {
owner: {
id: 'a123456789'
// Globally-scoped mocks of unavailable couchdb 'emit' function
emit = function(id, doc) {
assert.equal(, id);
assert.equal(contact, doc);
But Mocha fails with complaints of global leak.
All of this together started to "smells wrong", so wondering if there's better/simpler approach via any libraries, even outside of Mocha?
Basically I'd like to make mock implementations available per test which I can call asserts from.
Any ideas?
I'd use sinon to stub and spy the tests. and
Globals are well, undesirable but hard to eliminate. I'm doing some jQuery related testing right now and have to use --globals window,document,navigator,jQuery,$ at the end of my mocha command line so... yeah.
You aren't testing CouchDb's emit, so you should stub it since a) you assume that it works and b) you know what it will return
global.emit = sinon.stub().returns(42);
// run your tests etc
// assert that the emit was called
This part of the sinon docs might be helpful:
it("makes a GET request for todo items", function () {
sinon.stub(jQuery, "ajax");
getTodos(42, sinon.spy());
assert(jQuery.ajax.calledWithMatch({ url: "/todo/42/items" }));
Hope that helps.
