Which method in project is getting invoked when I define a task? - groovy

I have defined a task in a gradle file as shown below:
task groupTherapy (dependsOn: yayGradle2) << {
println 'This is not fun!'
I believe that below are the methods that get called when a task is defined:
Task task(Map<String,?> args, String name)
Task task(Map<String,?> args, String name, Closure configureClosure)
Task task(String name)
Task task(String name, Closure configureClosure)
Can you please explain me in my case which of these methods will get invoked? And help me understand why?

Here you can find an answer that might be interesting. dependsOn: yayGradle2 will be passed as an instance of Map. The name of the task will be extracted internally by gradle and passed as a name.


Luigi task methods execution order

What is the order in which Luigi executes the methods (run, output, requires). I understand requires is run as a first check for checking the validity of the task DAG, but shouldn't output be run after run()?
I'm actually trying to wait for a kafka message in run and based on that trigger a bunch of other tasks and return a LocalTarget. Like this:
def run(self):
for message in self.consumer:
self.metadata_key = str(message.value, 'utf-8')
self.path = os.path.join(settings.LUIGI_OUTPUT_PATH, self.metadata_key, self.batch_id)
if not os.path.exists(self.path):
with self.conn.cursor() as cursor:
all_accounts = cursor.execute('select domainname from tblaccountinfo;')
for each in all_accounts:
def output(self):
return LocalTarget(self.path)
However, I get an error saying:
Exception: path or is_tmp must be set
At the return LocalTarget(self.path) line. Why does luigi try to execute the def output() method till def run() is done?
When you run a pipeline (ie one or more tasks), Luigi first checks whether its output targets already exist, and if not, schedules the task to run.
How does Luigi know what targets it must check? It just gets them calling your task's output() method.
It is not the execution order. Luigi will check for the file that we want to create using output() method is existing or not before making the task to pending status. So, it expects the variables to be resolved if you are using any. Here, you are using self.path, which is getting created in the run method. That's why the error.
Either you have to create the path in the class itself and consume in output method or create them in the output method itself and consume them in the run method as below

Gradle script execution semantics

I am trying to understand how exactly is the following Gradle script executed:
task loadTestData(dependsOn: ['fakeTask', createSchema])
I assume that:
loadTestData is a method call
dependsOn is a named argument
But on which object is the method called?
Actually a Task is being executed as part of gradle build workflow. Tasks in gradle get no parameters but can operate on the system/environment/build variables.
Then dependsOn which is a property of the Task gets the tasks the declared defined task is dependent on.
In this case you declare that task loadTestData is dependent on tasks fakeTask and createSchema.

Name lookup of the local variable

I have a question about name lookup in Groovy. Consider the following build script:
apply([plugin: 'java'])
def dependenciesClosure = {
delegate.ext.name = "DelegateName"
println name
println delegate.toString()
The gradle check command produces the output
project ':webapp'
Taking that into account, nonlocal variable name lookup is performed on a delegate object first an, if the name's not found, performed on the global project object. Is that correct?
Correct, Gradle uses a delegate first resolve strategy within configuration closures. In this case, the delegate is an instance of DependencyHandler. You can see what any given block delegates to by looking at the Gradle DSL documentation.
Edit: To confirm your last point, yes, the build script itself delegates to an instance of Project.

What are gradle task definitions in groovy language?

I'm completely new to both gradle and groovy and I'm having trouble to find information about what the below actually is in the groovy language
task myTask(dependsOn: 'compile') << {
println 'I am not affected'
AFAIK the {...} part is a closure which seems to be passed to whatever is defined before <<.
Is task myTask() a call to a constructor?
And what is the thing with the colon that looks like a parameter?
What does << do? Is it an operator that was overloaded by gradle or is it standard groovy?
dependsOn: 'compile' is a named argument. << is an overloaded operator that adds a task action to the task. (See Gradle User Guide for more information.) { ... } is a closure that implements the task action. myTask is syntactically a nested method call (task(myTask(dependsOn: 'compile') << ...)), but gets rewritten to a String using a Groovy compiler plugin (task('myTask', dependsOn: 'compile') << ...).

Trouble calling the fileTree( Object, Closure ) signature

I have a method that takes a string and a closure, which I include in my plugin convention:
def someMethod( String obj, Closure closure) {
println('HERE I AM')
confFileTree = project.fileTree( obj, closure )
From a Junit test I call it like so:
project.convention.plugins.license.licenseFiles( 'src') {
include "main/java/**"
include "main/resources/*.properties"
exclude "**/Licensed.java"
I know the method is called because 'HERE I AM' is printed. But I then get an error that says:
Could not find method fileTree() for arguments
[src, nl.javadude.gradle.plugins.license.tasks.LicenseTaskTest$_shouldScanFilesForLicenseWithExclude_closure1#3cbdb6ae]
on root project 'test'.
I should state that this code originally just called the Closure form of fileTree, with "from 'src'" in the closure, which works fine, but Gradle milestone 8 is telling me that it is a deprecated method.
Are you sure that the test is running against m8? In any case, here are a few suggestions for improvement (since I already know what you are trying to achieve):
I don't think you want to construct your own file tree. You just want the user to pass a 'filter' closure (like in your example) which you then apply to the source directory set (e.g. sourceSets.main.java) with the FileTree.matching(Closure) method. You'll get back a new file tree with the filter applied.
I recommend to use an extension rather than a convention object
You don't need the long-winded syntax when accessing convention objects or extensions from Groovy code. In your unit test example, you can just say project.licenseFiles(...) {...}.
