Run several Appium Tests after another with nodejs - node.js

I'm trying to build a testsuite in which are eg. 5 testfiles named Test1.js - Test5.js.
I want to execute the testsuite which then runs Test1.js.
After Test1.js is complete it should run Test2.js.
I tried to do it with require()
.fin(function() {
console.log("Test succeeded")
return browser.quit();
But if the require is before the browser.quit() I can't execute the second test because the Appium server is still up and running, and after browser.quit() the require() doesn't get called at all.
I am fairly new to Appium, nodejs and Javascript in general so maybe I have overlooked something.

Figured it out myself. The problem wasn't the calling of the function but the server arguments.
I used "sessionOverride":false instead of "sessionOverride":true.


How can I run some code in Node prior to running a browser test with Intern?

With Intern, how can I run some setup code in Node prior to running browser tests, but not when running Node tests? I know that I could do that outside of Intern completely, but is there anything that's a part of Intern that could handle that?
For a more concrete example: I'm running tests for an HTTP library that communicates with a Python server. When running in Node, I can run spawn("python", [""]) to start the server. However, in the browser, I would need to run that command before the browser begins running the tests.
Phrased another way: is there a built-in way with Intern to run some code in the Node process prior to launching the browser tests?
By default, Intern will run the plugins configured for node regardless of which environment you're running in.
So, you could create a plugin that hooks into the runStart and runEnd events like this:
intern.on("runStart", () => {
// Setup code here
intern.on("runEnd", () => {
// Teardown code here
These handlers will run inside the Node process, and thus have access to all the available Node APIs.
Additionally, you can detect which environments are being tested by looking at intern.config.environments:
environments: [
browserName: 'chrome',
browserVersion: undefined,
version: undefined
By looking at the environments, you can determine whether or not you need to run your setup code.

why is jest not required?

I have a react app and I don't know why I don't need to require the jest module.
import Task from './Task';
describe('class Task', () => {
it('inProgress()', () => {
var t = new Task("prova");
The test command for create-react-app runs react-scripts test --env=jsdom.
The script for react-scripts test requires jest on this line and after configuring everything it runs jest on this line.
jest then finds your test files, loads them, and runs them.
In other words, your tests don't load and run jest, it's jest that loads and runs your tests.
Since your tests run within jest they can take advantage of the globals, expect, environment, etc. provided by jest without having to "require or import anything to use them".

Expect assertions type error -> expect(...).toExist is not a function

I'm testing a NodeJS app. I encountered this error when I ran the tests. The test script is below:
.expect((res) => {
The error showed:
TypeError: expect(...).toExist is not a function
How can I resolve this issue?
The expect assertion library has changed ownership. It was handed over to the Jest team, who in their infinite wisdom, created a new API.
You must now use toBeTruthy()instead of toExist().
You can still install expect as before, npm install expect --save-dev, which is currently at version 21.2.1. Most methods names will remain unchanged except for a few, including toExist().
If you are using Jest you can also use 'toBeDefined()'

Sails.js testing with mocha only runs one test not two

I followed the sails.js testing example at!/documentation/concepts/Testing . I have got it to run, but it only runs one test. The command line in package.json script.test is:
mocha test/bootstrap.test.js test/unit/**/*.test.js
"test/unit/**/*.test.js" should be catching 2 tests, UsersControllers.test.js and Users.test.js . It is only running Users.test.js . And yes, both tests are in the test/unit/ directory.
What am I doing wrong here ?
After copying the documented test cases from the sails js docs, make sure to change the following line in the User.test.js file
describe.only('UsersModel', function() {
describe('UsersModel', function() {
then you should see the controller test as well.

using require() in karma tests

I'm using Karma 0.12.28, Karma-Requirejs 0.2.2 (and Karam-jasmine) to run tests.
Config is almost identical to one from docs (test files in requirejs deps and window.__ karma __.start as callback).
Everything works just fine for basic tests. The problem starts when I use require() instead of define() or try to change context. Basically something like this:
var ctx = require.config({
context: 'my-context'
ctx(['dep1'], function(){
The problem is dep1 fails to load. In DevTools I can see <script/> is created and I can see request in network tab with proper URL but status is canceled. I can open this URL using context menu so I'm sure it is correct but the question remains - why can't I use require() in karma tests?
