Can Visual Studio tell me when others make changes in TFS - visual-studio-2012

I use VS 2013 premium with TFS. I can easily see stuff that I have changed (with Pending Changes). However, how can I see all the stuff that other people have changed in this solution? I know that I can just do "Get Latest Recursive" on the solution, and this will give me all the updates. However, I want to see a list of updates to this solution, but without actually getting the updates. Is that possible?
Edit: Ideally I'd like to have a real-time indicator, like a red light comes on whenever someone else checks in anything to the solution. And then I can click it to see what the changes are.

If you go to Team Explorer --> Settings --> Project Alerts you should be able to setup an alert that will email you when "Anything is checked in" but I've never tried it.


IBM Domino Designer stuck on 'Sync with ODP...'

I am using GitLab in combination with Sourcetree. Every time I want to commit something, I would go to my Domino Designer and right click the database, click Team Development and use 'Sync with ODP...'.
Most of the time everything works perfectly fine but sometimes the synchronization dialog pops up and just wont go away. In my Sourcetree I can see that some files are waiting to be commited but those files are not all.
So the dialog shows up, wont go away and says "Progress information" "Exporting..." and thats it.
There is no "use in background" button there and the 'cancel' button is disabled.
At this point the only thing I can do is to shut down the Designer using the task manager but the problem still wont go away even after restarting my computer and VirtualBox which I am working on (The designer runs on the VM). The only thing that changes: It sometimes gets stuck "later" in the progress.
I have read the designer hangs often due to automatic synchronization. In my case this feature is disabled.
Is there someone who can tell me what causes this problem and how I can fix it?
- Thank you in advance
(The synchronization is in progress for roughly four hours now, with no change)
Are you able to track it down to a specific design element? If there is a corruption in the DXL, the export to the ODP will probably fail. In Package Explorer you can use the "Open With..." right-click menu option to open as XML. Similarly, using the menu options to export as DXL might also highlight any corruption in DXL. Also, is the NSF local or on a server. If it's on a remote server, that may impact the performance of syncing to an ODP (which will be local).
We are using Domino Designer and Sourcetree in combination with Mercurial and Bitbucket for about a year now.
We suffered a lot of difficulties: "hanging" sync, corrupted custom controls, missing files, lot of stress etc.
What I did find out: most of the syncing problems have something to do with the file IconNote in the resources.
Sometimes the associated source contains another version of this resource, so it creates an IconNote.orig. Whenever this file exists, the syncing will go wrong. I guess that IconNote.orig isn't allowed in Resources and so the syncing stops without any warning(!) and often corrupted files.
It took me a very long time find out, but now I know: If IconNote exist in the Git, I delete it instantly! Syncing goes well aftwerwards.

Prevent TFS Checkout without locking by user

I have directories in TFS (server is 2010, users are using VS 2012 and 2013), which I want to prevent anyone from working in. I still want them to be there, so users can read the files and view history, but I don't want to let them check anything out or in.
The reason is that we have a bunch of outdated branches which people have created all willy-nilly with terrible names over the years, and we're hoping to not have to move/reorganize them all right now - but I don't want anyone new to accidentally work on one of the old branches without realizing it.
I can lock the directories, but then they show up indefinitely in my on personal changes as locked - I don't want this junking up my workspace, and if I ever leave, I'm sure my locks will be removed anyway.
Is there any "disable" command or anything else I can do to stop checkouts/checkins on directories?
if you right click on the branch you should get security options. in TFS 2013 its Advanced > Security (sorry not got 2010 instance in front of me)
you can then set permissions on the branch, set read for your normal users and disable Check in / check out for them

Visual Studio 2012 TFS Checked out by someone else or in another place

TFS 2012 Checked out by someone else or in another place.
Is there a way to see by who this change is checkout?
I know, because the source code has not been published to the server yet, there's no way to fetch the changes made by that person. Aldo is there no way to get to know who is working on it?
Yes, i can ask arround in the team who is, but we have several teams in different offices.
So its not that obvious...
Yes, there are multiple ways to see who has a file checked out. The mentioned TFS Power tools are one way. Another is to use the commandline tools:
tf status $/TeamProject/Path/To/File.ext
You can use TFS Power Tools (Visual Studio Add-in) and do a search "by Status"
That will show you which items are checked-out, by who and in which workspace.
I found a work-around to get this information, though this procedure may not always be possible. The check-out log shows the list of users who have the file/files checked out.
Right-click on a file/folder and choose Check Out for Edit. In the Output window (if not visible, go to View > Output), you should see something like this:
opened for edit in TGTRAPP22155;Nigel.Hewitt
opened for edit in SRCGAPP21921;Bob.Carlo
opened for edit in ARSYAPP22182;RDP-ADMN-Jane.Pierre
This should tell you the name of the user and the machine on which the file has been checked out.
(To undo your own check out operation that you just did to get the above information, right-click on the same file/folder and choose Undo Pending Changes. If prompted if you want to "Undo check-out and discard changes?", choose "No to All" to preserve your existing changes and only roll-back check-out on files that don't have changes.)

Changing the "My Code Reviews & Requests" in TFS 2012

Somehow I have changed the TFS 2012 query that is used for code reviews. This query can be found under "My Work" in VS 2012 towards the bottom. I can see the guts of the query by selecting "open query" next to the title "My Code Reviews & Requests" and then selecting "edit query". However, it is not possible to save this query in a way that will change the "My Code Reviews & Requests" or at least I can't see it.
The issue that I have is that someone the query has been changed from the default and I don't know how to get it back to the default. This issue is isolated to me and this specific TFS instance. I can connect to a different TFS instance and see the default query using the same steps as above so I am relatively certain that this issue is related to a specific TFS instance and not my local machine.
Try voting on this Microsoft bug to see if it pushes for an improvement in TFS design by allowing more control over the queries generated by the My Work view:
Queries listed under My Work cannot be corrected
You don't mention how you change that so as I guess you customize the process if so? Of course this happen to existing project but as I guess it will not happen for new project??? if so you can download the existing project that has the issue and create new project using the same process template and try to compare the 2 process to know what is the different and how you can change that.

Feature deactivation doesn't work. Loads forever without performing deactivation

I'm experiencing problems when trying to deactivate a custom feature through the GUI. When I press the 'deactivate' button I'm, as expected, redirected to the warning page which asks if I'm sure I want to deactivate.
Upon confirming, the page starts loading.
The feature in question should normally be activated very fast, however on this occasion the page loads for more than 5 minutes without anything happening.
After concluding that the page seems to be stuck in an eternal loading cycle, I had to refresh the page to see if there had been any changes, but no, the feature remains active.
Any ideas?
The site I'm working is a previously existing office365 site. I've just made some changes to my custom solution (modifying one feature and adding another)deactivated the old solution and uploaded the new solution, so I'm trying to deactivate and reactivate the feature which I've modified.
It depends what's happening during deactivation - 5 minutes might not be very long if the deactivation has to perform a lot of updates (e.g. removing columns from lists in lots of subsites). I did once have a feature deactivation that took 45 minutes (?) to run.
I guess another possibility is that you've got C# code that contains an infinite loop? Though that seems a bit of a long shot.
Otherwise, Office 365 is very hard to debug; I'd suggest raising a support call with Microsoft through the O365 portal to see if they can see any logs.
When the feature is removed are you trying to remove items like CT's or anything that is dependant on another thing?
I've seen features get glitchy when this occurs on our test enviroment and make sure this is ironed out before deploying to live.
Theres a feature checker somewhere on codeplex but i'm not sure if this will connect to the office365 site. It's called something like FeatureAdmin.exe This might help you in removing the feature and clearing out left over stuff from the feature however it will not remove whatever your feature is struggling to remove(if it is of course!)
When the original feature was deployed did you test it could be deactivated cleanly?
