How to schedule a search to run every 5 minutes in Splunk? - search

I am searching for some data on splunk for a 5 minute time range. I want this query to run after every 5 minutes in splunk on it's own. How can this be done? I tried finding it on splunk but all I can see is how to schedule alerts and reports. And after the query is activated, how can we access the produced results generated by the query?

Technically you can have a scheduled search, but it only makes sense to talk about a report or an alert. Your scheduled approach is actually the best-practice (as there is also the possibility for a real-time search of the last 5 minutes).
If you just want a report, you tell Splunk to email it to you either as an HTML table or as a PDF document.
If you only want to be alerted if some condition matches (i.e. more than X results) then you want to set up an alert.
Scheduled searches are available, but they are a bit tricky to access (imho)
In the alerts/reports schedule options you have to set the following:
Earliest: -6m#m
Latest: -1m#m
Cron expression: */5 * * * *
Don't forget to set some trigger condition (for an alert) or a delivery method (for the report) ;)


splunk alert to check every minute

I'm trying to make an alert in splunk that checks every minute for query results. For testing purposes I set the interval to 361s to ensure that I get plenty of results and see if the results from one check will also still be there in the subsequent 5-6 checks.
This is what I configured: (sorry for posting german screenshot, but that is our splunk is installed)
I'm only getting an e-mail at the full hour. Considering my 361s interval, a successfull trigger are 11h00 should also result in a successfull trigger at 11h01, 11h02 etc., but there is no e-mail. And there definitely are query results every few minutes.
isn't "0 * * * *" the corret cron expression for "every minute"? And what is "Ablauf" anyways? Is this the issue maybe, I can't find any documentation what it is for.
I just noticed that the first digit for the cron expression is for minutes and not for seconds. I guess that explains it.

Azure Function monitor alert where execution count < 1 never triggered

I have an Azure Function App with Azure Functions that I individually want to monitor with the following rule: If an Azure Function didn't execute for N amount of minutes, send out an email/notification.
I am wondering if this is possible with the Application Insights Alerts, which does provide signal logic for the count on an individual Azure Function basis. But this count is never 0, in the graphs it appears that any count < 0 is not seen as a number. It displays as --, as you can see in the graph for my test function below:
testfunction chart (don't have enough reputation to post images)
The peak on the chart is seen as a 3, but if I use the condition "Whenever the testfunction Count is Less than 1" then the alert is never triggered.
Changing the aggregation granularity doesn't really do much, since the signal logic doesn't ever seem to record a count of 0, or any count smaller than 1.
There are lots of (slightly) more inconvenient ways to do this type of monitoring, but it seemed very possible with the nice built-in Azure Application Insights Alerts and I'd like to use that if at all possible.
Am I trying to misuse Application Insights Alerts or is there something obvious that I'm not getting? I would think it should be possible to have monitoring rules based on a lack of executions.
you might have to do this with log/query alerts instead. If you're doing metric based alerts, some of those don't send 0's as data. so if nothing happened during a time range, there's no 0's to alert on, since nothing is submitting 0, 0, 0, 0.
instead, you'd create alerts based on queries:
the doc has this exact scenario listed:
In some cases, you may want to create an alert in the absence of an event.
For example, a process may log regular events to indicate that it's working properly. If it doesn't log one of these events within a particular time period, then an alert should be created. In this case, you would set the threshold to less than 1. [emphasis added, this is your scenario, correct]?
Example of Number of Records type log alert
Consider a scenario where you want to know when your web-based App gives a response to users with code 500 (that is) Internal Server Error. You would create an alert rule with the following details:
Query: requests | where resultCode == "500"
Time period: 30 minutes
Alert frequency: five minutes
Threshold value: Greater than 0
in that example the query would end up being something like requests | where timespan < ago(30m) | where resultCode == "500" because of the time period set. (the query itself can then filter that time range/result set down however you want)
so for yours, you'd probably just do requests with no where condition at all, and whatever time period and frequency you have, and "less than one" as the threshold.
you could make much more complicated queries as well, to filter out test data, etc.
one thing to watch out for is that I believe log alerts will fire an alert every time the frequency elapses. so if you had a requests < 1 alert set up for every 5 minutes, and your function had no calls for 2 hours, the alert is going to fire every 5 minutes, sending you 40 emails or whatever. maybe you want that :)

Azure Monitor Custom log search Query - understanding Period and Frequency

the actual problem is different from what I've described. I'll provide and update/edit to this ticket once we'll resolve the issue. More details may be found at this thread -
Original question:
We use Azure Monitor to create alerts based on logs in Log Analytics. For this we choose our Log Analytics account as a "RESOURCE", then choose "Custom log search" signal name for "CONDITION". Alert logic - "Number of results greater than 0".
Sample query:
search *
| where ResourceProvider == "MICROSOFT.DATAFACTORY" and status_s == "Failed"
For Period and Frequency lets set 15 minutes. All looks simple, but...
The issue: described above setup does not work (it works sometimes), because alerts are fired only sometimes, a lot of them are missed which is completely unacceptable behavior.
If we set Period = Frequency = 5 minutes we basically miss almost every event. Period = Frequency = 15 minutes works better, but still a lot of events are missing. Period = Frequency = 30 works even better, but all this looks weird.
Important notice - logs are collected from Data Factory V2 into Log Analytics. I suspect that alert misses are due to the fact that logs are delivered to Log Analytics with some delay (up to several minutes). So when Azure Monitor evaluates alert query for the last 15 minutes (Period=15) it might be that most resent log entries are still not in Log Analytics. When next query evaluation is executed in 15 minutes it will miss the logs that were ingressed with a delay for prev 15 minutes interval. Is this assumption correct? If so, this is very weird - how then we supposed to configure Period and Frequency values? If I set Period > Frequency (e.g. Period = 30 and Frequency = 5, which means "evaluate expression every 5 minutes, take data for last 30 minutes from current time") then we get multiple duplicated alerts because Period is larger than Frequency so there is a big chance of log search query returning the same log entries every 5 minutes - this is highly undesirable behavior.
Issue happened to be with a buggy bahavior of ARM template creating alerts. Thanks to Stanislav Zhelyazkov it has been nailed down and resolved - I use alternative ARM API now and it seems to work fine. More details on the topic may be found here -

Run a CRON job that depends on entries of a database in NodeJS using AWS

I want to make schedules that depend on entries of a database to schedule cron jobs. Like if there's an entry in database with a timestamp 2:00 PM, 3rd of Apr, I want to send a mail to users on 2nd of Apr. I also want to send notifications at 1:55 PM 3rd of Apr.
So, this means I have to look into the database, find the entries after the current times tamp, see if they suit the criteria for notification (like 5 minutes to time stamp or 1 day to time stamp) and send the notification or mail. I'm only worried that every one minute seems like too much overload. Are the AWS web workers built for this sort of thing?
Any suggestions on how this can be accomplished?
I don't think crontab will be the best choice but if you're familiar with it, it's fine.
First you should estimate how frequently your entries are created. If, let's say, only a couple of hundred a day. My suggestion is to create the crontab job right after the entry is created. But if more than a hundred a minutes, pooling will be fine.
But there are also side effects, like canceling or updating the cron job .
I think it's better to use a proper MQ.

Scheduling for Spark jobs on Bluemix

I'm trying to run my Spark application on Bluemix by schedule. For now I'm using scheduling of script locally on my machine. But I'd like to use Bluemix for this purpose. Is there any way to set scheduling directly inside Bluemix infrastructure for running Spark notebooks or Spark applications?
The Bluemix OpenWhisk offering provides an easy way to schedule actions run on a periodic schedule similar to cron jobs.
Overview of OpenWhisk-based solution
OpenWhisk provides a programming model based actions, triggers, and rules. For this use case, you would
Create an action that kicks off your spark job.
Use the /whisk.system/alarms package to arrange for triggers to arrive periodically according to your schedule.
Create a rule that declares that your action should fire whenever a trigger event occurs.
Your action can be coded in javascript if it's easy to kick off your job from a javascript function. If not, and you'd like your action to be implemented by a shell script, you can use whisk docker actions to manage your shell script as an action.
Using the whisk.system/alarms package to generate events on a schedule.
This page in the whisk docs includes a detailed description of how to accomplish this. Briefly:
The /whisk.system/alarms/alarm feed configures the Alarm service to fire a trigger event at a specified frequency. The parameters are as follows:
cron: A string, based on the Unix crontab syntax, that indicates when to fire the trigger in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The string is a sequence of six fields separated by spaces: X X X X X X. For more details on using cron syntax, see: Here are some examples of the frequency indicated by the string:
* * * * * *: every second.
0 * * * * *: top of every minute.
* 0 * * * *: top of every hour.
0 0 9 8 * *: at 9:00:00AM (UTC) on the eighth day of every month
trigger_payload: The value of this parameter becomes the content of the trigger every time the trigger is fired.
maxTriggers: Stop firing triggers when this limit is reached. Defaults to 1000.
Here is an example of creating a trigger that will be fired once every 20 seconds with name and place values in the trigger event.
$ wsk trigger create periodic --feed /whisk.system/alarms/alarm --param cron '*/20 * * * * *' --param trigger_payload '{"name":"Odin","place":"Asgard"}'
Each generated event will include as parameters the properties specified in the trigger_payload value. In this case, each trigger event will have parameters name=Odin and place=Asgard.
