Lock free list remove operation - multithreading

I have the following problem definition:
Design a lock-free simple linked list with the following operations:
Add(item): add the node to the beginning (head) of the list
Remove(item): remove the given item from the list
Below is shown the code implemented so far:
public class List<T>
private readonly T _sentinel;
private readonly Node<T> _head;
public List()
_head = new Node<T>();
_sentinel = default(T);
public List(T item)
_head = new Node<T>(item);
_sentinel = item;
public void Add(T item)
Node<T> node = new Node<T>(item);
node.Next = _head.Next;
while (!Atomic.CAS(ref _head.Next, node.Next, node));
public void Remove(Node<T> item)
Node<T> next;
Node<T> oldItem = item;
if (item.Value.Equals(_sentinel))
item.Value = _sentinel;
next = item.Next;
if (next == null)
Atomic.CAS(ref item.Next, null, null);
} while (!Atomic.CAS(ref item.Next, next, next.Next));
item.Value = next.Value;
The head is actually a dummy (sentinel) node kept for ease of use. The practical head is actually _head.Next.
The problem is on the remove operation when trying to remove the last element of the list:
On the remove part there are two cases:
The node has a following not-null next pointer: then do the CAS operation and steal the value data of the next item removing actually the next item
The problematic case is when the element to remove is the last one in the list:
Do Atomically: If (item == oldItem and item.Next == null) then item = null where oldItem is a pointer to the item to remove;
So I want to do is in the case of removing C node:
if(C==old-C-reference and C.Next == null) then C = null => all atomically
The problem is that I have a CAS only on a single object.
How can I solve this problem atomically? Or is there a better way of doing this remove operation that I'm missing out here?

when removing B we do a trick by copying C's contents to B and removing C: B.Next = C.Next (in the loop) and B.Value = C.Value after the move succeeded
So you need to atomically modify two memory locations. CAS in .NET does not support that. You can, however, wrap those two values in another object that can be swapped out atomically:
class ValuePlusNext<T> {
T Value;
Node<T> Next;
class Node<T> {
ValuePlusNext<T> Value;
Now you can write to both values in one atomic operation. CAS(ref Value, new ValuePlusNext<T>(next.Value, next.Value.Next). Something like that.
It is strange that ValuePlusNext has the same structure that your old Node class had. In a sense you are now managing two physical linked list node for each logical one.
while (true) {
var old = item.Value;
var new = new ValuePlusNext(...);
if (CAS(ref Value, old, new)) break;


SwiftUI reorder CoreData Objects in List

I want to change the order of the rows in a list that retrieves objects from the core data. Moving rows works, but the problem is that I can't save the changes. I don't know how to save the changed Index of the CoreData Object.
Here is my Code:
Core Data Class:
public class CoreItem: NSManagedObject, Identifiable{
#NSManaged public var name: String
extension CoreItem{
static func getAllCoreItems() -> NSFetchRequest <CoreItem> {
let request: NSFetchRequest<CoreItem> = CoreItem.fetchRequest() as! NSFetchRequest<CoreItem>
let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: "date", ascending: true)
request.sortDescriptors = [sortDescriptor]
return request
extension Collection where Element == CoreItem, Index == Int {
func move(set: IndexSet, to: Int, from managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext) {
do {
try managedObjectContext.save()
} catch {
let nserror = error as NSError
fatalError("Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)")
struct CoreItemList: View {
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var managedObjectContext
#FetchRequest(fetchRequest: CoreItem.getAllCoreItems()) var CoreItems: FetchedResults<CoreItem>
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(CoreItems, id: \.self){
coreItem in
CoreItemRow(coreItem: coreItem)
}.onDelete {
IndexSet in let deleteItem = self.CoreItems[IndexSet.first!]
do {
try self.managedObjectContext.save()
} catch {
.onMove {
self.CoreItems.move(set: $0, to: $1, from: self.managedObjectContext)
.navigationBarItems(trailing: EditButton())
Thank you for help.
Caveat: the answer below is untested, although I used parallel logic in a sample project and that project seems to be working.
There's a couple parts to the answer. As Joakim Danielson says, in order to persist the user's preferred order you will need to save the order in your CoreItem class. The revised class would look like:
public class CoreItem: NSManagedObject, Identifiable{
#NSManaged public var name: String
#NSManaged public var userOrder: Int16
The second part is to keep the items sorted based on the userOrder attribute. On initialization the userOrder would typically default to zero so it might be useful to also sort by name within userOrder. Assuming you want to do this, then in CoreItemList code:
#FetchRequest( entity: CoreItem.entity(),
keyPath: \CoreItem.userOrder,
ascending: true),
ascending: true )
) var coreItems: FetchedResults<CoreItem>
The third part is that you need to tell swiftui to permit the user to revise the order of the list. As you show in your example, this is done with the onMove modifier. In that modifier you perform the actions needed to re-order the list in the user's preferred sequence. For example, you could call a convenience function called move so the modifier would read:
.onMove( perform: move )
Your move function will be passed an IndexSet and an Int. The index set contains all the items in the FetchRequestResult that are to be moved (typically that is just one item). The Int indicates the position to which they should be moved. The logic would be:
private func move( from source: IndexSet, to destination: Int)
// Make an array of items from fetched results
var revisedItems: [ CoreItem ] = coreItems.map{ $0 }
// change the order of the items in the array
revisedItems.move(fromOffsets: source, toOffset: destination )
// update the userOrder attribute in revisedItems to
// persist the new order. This is done in reverse order
// to minimize changes to the indices.
for reverseIndex in stride( from: revisedItems.count - 1,
through: 0,
by: -1 )
revisedItems[ reverseIndex ].userOrder =
Int16( reverseIndex )
Technical reminder: the items stored in revisedItems are classes (i.e., by reference), so updating these items will necessarily update the items in the fetched results. The #FetchedResults wrapper will cause your user interface to reflect the new order.
Admittedly, I'm new to SwiftUI. There is likely to be a more elegant solution!
Paul Hudson (Hacking With Swift) has quite a bit more detail. Here is a link for info on moving data in a list. Here is a link for using core data with SwiftUI (it involves deleting items in a list, but is closely analogous to the onMove logic)
Below you can find a more generic approach to this problem. The algorithm minimises the number of CoreData entities that require an update, to the contrary of the accepted answer. My solution is inspired by the following article: https://www.appsdissected.com/order-core-data-entities-maximum-speed/
First I declare a protocol as follows to use with your model struct (or class):
protocol Sortable {
var sortOrder: Int { get set }
As an example, assume we have a SortItem model which implements our Sortable protocol, defined as:
struct SortItem: Identifiable, Sortable {
var id = UUID()
var title = ""
var sortOrder = 0
We also have a simple SwiftUI View with a related ViewModel defined as (stripped down version):
struct ItemsView: View {
#ObservedObject private(set) var viewModel: ViewModel
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(viewModel.items) { item in
.onMove(perform: viewModel.move(from:to:))
.navigationBarItems(trailing: EditButton())
extension ItemsView {
class ViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var items = [SortItem]()
func move(from source: IndexSet, to destination: Int) {
items.move(fromOffsets: source, toOffset: destination)
// Note: Code that updates CoreData goes here, see below
Before I continue to the algorithm, I want to note that the destination variable from the move function does not contain the new index when moving items down the list. Assuming that only a single item is moved, retrieving the new index (after the move is complete) can be achieved as follows:
func move(from source: IndexSet, to destination: Int) {
items.move(fromOffsets: source, toOffset: destination)
if let oldIndex = source.first, oldIndex != destination {
let newIndex = oldIndex < destination ? destination - 1 : destination
// Note: Code that updates CoreData goes here, see below
The algorithm itself is implemented as an extension to Array for the case that the Element is of the Sortable type. It consists of a recursive updateSortOrder function as well as a private helper function enclosingIndices which retrieves the indices that enclose around a certain index of the array, whilst remaining within the array bounds. The complete algorithm is as follows (explained below):
extension Array where Element: Sortable {
func updateSortOrder(around index: Int, for keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Element, Int> = \.sortOrder, spacing: Int = 32, offset: Int = 1, _ operation: #escaping (Int, Int) -> Void) {
if let enclosingIndices = enclosingIndices(around: index, offset: offset) {
if let leftIndex = enclosingIndices.first(where: { $0 != index }),
let rightIndex = enclosingIndices.last(where: { $0 != index }) {
let left = self[leftIndex][keyPath: keyPath]
let right = self[rightIndex][keyPath: keyPath]
if left != right && (right - left) % (offset * 2) == 0 {
let spacing = (right - left) / (offset * 2)
var sortOrder = left
for index in enclosingIndices.indices {
if self[index][keyPath: keyPath] != sortOrder {
operation(index, sortOrder)
sortOrder += spacing
} else {
updateSortOrder(around: index, for: keyPath, spacing: spacing, offset: offset + 1, operation)
} else {
for index in self.indices {
let sortOrder = index * spacing
if self[index][keyPath: keyPath] != sortOrder {
operation(index, sortOrder)
private func enclosingIndices(around index: Int, offset: Int) -> Range<Int>? {
guard self.count - 1 >= offset * 2 else { return nil }
var leftIndex = index - offset
var rightIndex = index + offset
while leftIndex < startIndex {
leftIndex += 1
rightIndex += 1
while rightIndex > endIndex - 1 {
leftIndex -= 1
rightIndex -= 1
return Range(leftIndex...rightIndex)
First, the enclosingIndices function. It returns an optional Range<Int>. The offset argument defines the distance for the enclosing indices left and right of the index argument. The guard ensures that the complete enclosing indices are contained within the array. Further, in case the offset goes beyond the startIndex or endIndex of the array, the enclosing indices will be shifted to the right or left, respectively. Hence, at the boundaries of the array, the index is not necessarily located in the middle of the enclosing indices.
Second, the updateSortOrder function. It requires at least the index around which the update of the sorting order should be started. This is the new index from the move function in the ViewModel. Further, the updateSortOrder expects an #escaping closure providing two integers, which will be explained below. All other arguments are optional. The keyPath is defaulted to \.sortOrder in conformance with the expectations from the protocol. However, it can be specified if the model parameter for sorting differs. The spacing argument defines the sort order spacing that is typically used. The larger this value, the more sort operations can be performed without requiring any other CoreData update except for the moved item. The offset argument should not really be touched and is used in the recursion of the function.
The function first requests the enclosingIndices. In case these are not found, which happens immediately when the array is smaller than three items or either inside one of the recursions of the updateSortOrder function when the offset is such that it would go beyond the boundaries of the array; then the sort order of all items in the array are reset in the else case. In that case, if the sortOrder differs from the items existing value, the #escaping closure is called. It's implementation will be discussed further below.
When the enclosingIndices are found, both the left and right index of the enclosing indices not being the index of the moved item are determined. With these indices known, the existing 'sort order' values for these indices are obtained through the keyPath. It is then verified if these values are not equal (which could occur if the items were added with equal sort orders in the array) as well as if a division of the difference between the sort orders and the number of enclosing indices minus the moved item would result in a non-integer value. This basically checks whether there is a place left for the moved item's potentially new sort order value within the minimum spacing of 1. If this is not the case, the enclosing indices should be expanded to the next higher offset and the algorithm run again, hence the recursive call to updateSortOrder in that case.
When all was successful, the new spacing should be determined for the items between the enclosing indices. Then all enclosing indices are looped through and each item's sorting order is compared to the potentially new sorting order. In case it changed, the #escaping closure is called. For the next item in the loop the sort order value is updated again.
This algorithm results in the minimum amount of callbacks to the #escaping closure. Since this only happens when an item's sort order really needs to be updated.
Finally, as you perhaps guessed, the actual callbacks to CoreData will be handled in the closure. With the algorithm defined, the ViewModel move function is then updated as follows:
func move(from source: IndexSet, to destination: Int) {
items.move(fromOffsets: source, toOffset: destination)
if let oldIndex = source.first, oldIndex != destination {
let newIndex = oldIndex < destination ? destination - 1 : destination
items.updateSortOrder(around: newIndex) { [weak self] (index, sortOrder) in
guard let self = self else { return }
var item = self.items[index]
item.sortOrder = sortOrder
// Note: Callback to interactor / service that updates CoreData goes here
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this approach. I hope you like it.
Had a problem with Int16 and solved it by changing it to #NSManaged public var userOrder: NSNumber? and in the func: NSNumber(value: Int16( reverseIndex ))
As well I needed to add try? managedObjectContext.save() in the func to actually save the new order.
Now its working fine - thanks!
I'm not sure using a CoreData NSManagedObject for a view model object is the best approach, but if you do below is a sample for moving items in a SwiftUI List and persisting an object value based sort order.
An UndoManager is used in the event an error occurs during the move to rollback any changes.
class Note: NSManagedObject {
#nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<Note> {
return NSFetchRequest<Note>(entityName: "Note")
#NSManaged public var id: UUID?
#NSManaged public var orderIndex: Int64
#NSManaged public var text: String?
struct ContentView: View {
#Environment(\.editMode) var editMode
#Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var viewContext
[NSSortDescriptor(key: "orderIndex", ascending: true)],
animation: .default)
private var notes: FetchedResults<Note>
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach (notes) { note in
Text(note.text ?? "")
.onMove(perform: moveNotes)
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
func moveNotes(_ indexes: IndexSet, _ i: Int) {
1 == indexes.count,
let from = indexes.first,
from != i
else { return }
var undo = viewContext.undoManager
var resetUndo = false
if undo == nil {
viewContext.undoManager = .init()
undo = viewContext.undoManager
resetUndo = true
defer {
if resetUndo {
viewContext.undoManager = nil
do {
try viewContext.performAndWait {
let moving = notes[from]
if from > i { // moving up
notes[i..<from].forEach {
$0.orderIndex = $0.orderIndex + 1
moving.orderIndex = Int64(i)
if from < i { // moving down
notes[(from+1)..<i].forEach {
$0.orderIndex = $0.orderIndex - 1
moving.orderIndex = Int64(i)
try viewContext.save()
} catch {
// TODO: something with the error
// set a state variable to display the error condition
if do like this
.onMove {
self.CoreItems.move(set: $0, to: $1, from: self.managedObjectContext)
try? managedObjectContext.save()

Last key in ordered struct

I am building an ordered struct
stMbr = [:];
Lots and lots of fields get added.
stMbr.Name = "";
stMbr.Address = "";
stMbr.City = "";
Eventually I hit the last field that is being added. After the ordered struct is built, I am going to need to process it
for (key in stMbr) {
When I process the last key, I need to do it note that I hit the last key.
Is there a way to know what the last key is in an ordered struct?
It turns out to not be that hard. I just had to use the keylist() member function
if (key == listlast(stMbr.keylist())) {
Updated Answer
Rather than reprocessing the same list, just keep the last key
lastKey = listlast(stMbr.keylist());
for (key in stMbr) {
if (key == lastKey) {

Accidently deleting entire linked list when trying to delete the head

I'm working on a checker's simulation game for my C++ class. My issue is with the linked list that holds the checkers. I can delete any checker perfectly with the exception of the head of the list. I've looked around here and other websites and I believe there's a memory leak somewhere. I'm fairly new to C++ so I'm not sure what to really do other than playing around with things (which will probably just create a bigger problem). I've never posted here before, so excuse me if the formatting is slightly off or too messy. I'll try to make it brief. First, here's a snippet of the node class for the linked list.
class CheckerpieceNode
Checkerpiece *Node;
CheckerpieceNode *Next;
CheckerpieceNode(); // sets Node and Next to NULL in .cpp file
void setNode(Checkerpiece *node);
void setNext(CheckerpieceNode *next);
Checkerpiece* getNode();
CheckerpieceNode* getNext();
And the functions are set up pretty much as you would expect in a Checkerpiece.cpp class.
Here's how the code is used. Its called by a Checkerboard object in my main class.
theCheckerboard.removeChecker(theCheckerboard.findChecker(selector->getCurrentX() + 0, selector->getCurrentY() - VERTICAL_SHIFT, listHead), listHead);
The VERTICAL_SHIFT simply has to do with the way my checkerboard graphic is on the console. Since it works perfectly for all other nodes (excluding the head) I've ruled it out as a source of error. Selector is a checkerpiece object but its not part of the list.
Here's the actual findChecker and removeChecker code from Checkerboard class.
Checkerpiece* findChecker(int x, int y, CheckerpieceNode* list_head)
if(list_head== NULL) return NULL; // do nothing
CheckerpieceNode* node = new CheckerpieceNode;
node = list_head;
while(node != NULL && node->getNode() != NULL)
if()// comparison check here, but removed for space
return node->getNode();
delete node;
node = NULL;
else // traversing
node = node->getNext();
return NULL;
void removeChecker(Checkerpiece* d_checker, CheckerpieceNode* list_head)
if(list_head== NULL) // throw exception
CheckerpieceNode *temp = NULL, *previous = NULL;
Checkerpiece* c_checker= new Checkerpiece;
temp = list_head;
while(temp != NULL && temp->getNode() != NULL)
c_checker= temp->getNode();
if(d_checker!= c_checker)
previous = temp;
temp = temp->getNext();
if(temp != list_head)
delete temp;
temp = NULL;
else if(temp == list_head) // this is where head should get deleted
temp = list_head;
list_head= list_head->getNext();
delete temp;
temp = NULL;
Oh my, you're complicating it. Lots of redundant checks, assignments and unnecessary variables (like c_checker which leaks memory too).
// Write down the various scenarios you can expect first:
// (a) null inputs
// (b) can't find d_checker
// (c) d_checker is in head
// (d) d_checker is elsewhere in the list
void removeChecker(Checkerpiece* d_checker, CheckerpieceNode* list_head) {
// first sanitize your inputs
if (d_checker == nullptr || list_head == nullptr) // use nullptr instead of NULL. its a keyword literal of type nullptr_t
throw exception;
// You understand that there is a special case for deleting head. Good.
// Just take care of it once and for all so that you don't check every time in the loop.
CheckerpieceNode *curr = list_head;
// take care of deleting head before traversal
if (d_checker == curr->getNode()) {
list_head = list_head->next; // update list head
delete curr; // delete previous head
return; // we're done
CheckerpieceNode *prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
// traverse through the list - keep track of previous
while (curr != nullptr) {
if (d_checker == curr->getNode()) {
prev->next = curr->next;
delete curr;
break; // we're done!
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
I hope that helps. Take the time to break down the problem into smaller pieces, figure out the scenarios possible, how you'll handle them and only then start writing code.
Based on this edit by the question author, the solution he used was to:
I modified the code to show the address passing in the checker delete
void delete_checker(Checker* d_checker, CheckerNode* &list_head) // pass by address
if(list_head== NULL) // throw exception
CheckerNode*temp = NULL, *previous = NULL;
Checker* c_checker= new Checker;
temp = list_head;
while(temp != NULL && temp->node!= NULL)
c_checker= temp->node;
if(d_checker!= c_checker)
previous = temp;
temp = temp->next;
if(temp != list_head)
previous->next = temp->next;
delete temp;
temp = NULL;
else if(temp == list_head) // this is where head should get deleted
temp = list_head;
list_head= list_head->next;
delete temp;
temp = NULL;
delete c_checker;
c_checker = nullptr;
removeChecker cannot modify the value of list_head as it is past by value. The method signature should be:
void removeChecker(Checkerpiece* d_checker, CheckerpieceNode** list_head)
// You will need to call this function with &list_head
void removeChecker(Checkerpiece* d_checker, CheckerpieceNode* &list_head)
// Calling code does not need to change

Verify if two lists share values in C#

I'd like to know if two lists share values before applying an intersection. Something like bool DoIntersect(listA, listB) would be fabulous!
This is the code I came up with:
// Person is a class with Id and Name properties
List<Person> people1;
List<Person> people2;
// Populate people1 and people2...
// My current solution (pseudocode obviously)...
if (DoIntersect(people1, people2))
people1 = people1.Intersect(people2)
/* No shared people */
throw exception;
// Continue with the process...
It depends on exactly what you want:
// are there any common values between a and b?
public static bool SharesAnyValueWith<T>(this IEnumerable<T> a, IEnumerable<T> b)
return a.Intersect(b).Any();
For lists that don't overlap, this will iterate through a and b each once. For lists that overlap, this will iterate all the way through a, then through b until the first overlapping element is found.
// does a contain all of b? (ignores duplicates)
public static bool ContainsAllFrom<T>(this IEnumerable<T> a, IEnumerable<T> b)
return !b.Except(a).Any();
This will iterate through a once, then will iterate through b, stopping on the first element in b not in a.
// does a contain all of b? (considers duplicates)
public static bool ContainsAllFrom<T>(this IEnumerable<T> a, IEnumerable<T> b)
// get the count of each distinct element in a
var counts = a.GroupBy(t => t).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());
foreach (var t in b) {
int count;
// if t isn't in a or has too few occurrences return false. Otherwise, reduce
// the count by 1
if (!counts.TryGetValue(t, out count) || count == 0) { return false; }
counts[t] = count - 1;
return true;
Similarly, this will iterate through a once, then will iterate through b, stopping on the first element in b not in a.
I believe without altering the fact that you're using a List you can't get better performance.
However, if you would have 2 sorted lists to begin with (requires overhead when creating them), then you could iterate through them with complexity of O(n) in order to find out if you have shared values.
Although original OP doesn't have 2 sorted lists, in case someone will need it, here is the implementation for checking Intersection at O(n):
public Boolean DoIntersect(SortedList<int,String> listA,SortedList<int,String> listB )
if (listA == null || listA.Count == 0 || listB == null || listB.Count == 0)
return false;
var keysA = listA.Keys;
var keysB = listB.Keys;
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < listA.Count && j < listB.Count)
if (keysA[i] < keysB[j])
}else if (keysA[i] > keysB[j])
return true;
The above approach can be used also with IEnumerable lists, given that they are sorted, with slight variation - using GetEnumerator and iterating with it.

While implementing IEnumerable<T>, pointer misdirection is observed

This is an interesting error I've come across while implementing IEnumerable on a class. It appears to be similar to an "access to modified closure" issue, but I'm at a loss as to how to fix it.
Here is a simple example that demonstrates the issue:
void Main()
var nodeCollection = new NodeCollection();
nodeCollection.MyItems = new List<string>() { "a", "b", "c" };
foreach (var node in nodeCollection)
public class NodeCollection : IEnumerable<Node>
public List<string> MyItems;
public IEnumerator<Node> GetEnumerator()
// This isn't necessary, but it should prove that it's not an "access to modified closure" issue.
var items = MyItems;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
var node = new Node();
// I want the node to contains the items in MyItems.
node.Items = items;
// Plus an additional item. Note that I am adding the item to the node, NOT to MyItems.
node.Items.Add(string.Format("iteration: {0}", i));
yield return node;
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
public class Node
public List<string> Items;
As you can see from the Dump() statement, I'm running this in LINQPad, but the issue will present itself in any IDE.
When I run the snippet, I get the following output:
Because I am adding the item to Items in the newly instantiated Node, I would NOT expect the item to be added to MyItems, but this is obviously what is occurring.
It seems that Items in Node is pointing to MyItems in NodeCollection.
Can anyone tell me:
Why this is happening?
How to make it not happen?
You are creating new nodes each iteration, but then setting the same items instance to the Items property of each node. Then you are adding the iteration string to the items instance stored in the Items collection (which is always the same instance), resulting in each subsequent node having more and more "iteration" entries. If you kept all of the nodes, you'd find that all of them have exactly the same Items value.
I think the basic misunderstanding here was that you were assuming that setting the Items property of the Node (node.Items = items;) would copy the items list into the node. In fact, all it does is set node.Items to point to the already-existing list that you call items.
This should give you an idea where you went wrong:
// This same instance of items is being reused each time
var items = MyItems;
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
var node = new Node();
// I want the node to contains the items in MyItems.
// Assuming node.Items is a List<String>
node.Items = new List<String>();
node.Items.Add(string.Format("iteration: {0}", i));
yield return node;
node.Items = items; sets node.Items to be a reference to the items list. There is just one list, with several references to it.
I suppose that what you want is to have a separate list in each node and that you want to copy the elements in items into that list. To do that, create a new list wich contains all of the elements from items.
node.Items = new List<string>(items);
When you do:
var item = MyItems;
you just create a reference to MyItems and store it in the variable item. Then when you do:
node.Items = items;
you just take the same reference and store it in node.Items. If you need node.Items to be a new list (point to a different memory location) initialize it again.
node.Items = new List();
