DOT error while using OWLviz in Protege 4.0 - protege

I am using Protege version 4.0(Build 115) on OS X Yosemite Version 10.10.4. While using OWLviz in Protege, I am getting a DOT error. I already installed Graphviz for OS X but its still not working. Can you suggest me which version of Graphviz I should use? And What are the step to install it?

Check whether the path is set to correct DOT file, and then restart.


Azure python version path is different than IDE python version

I'm trying to debug in vs code. I installed the new python version and removed the old ones. However, this is happening.
How can I fix this error?
I used #BijayRegmi suggestion and it worked!

Showing python 2.7.12 for python 3.9.1 on Command window?

I am using python 3.9.1 on my computer and when I try this command on cmommand windows : python -- version , I come up with 2.7.12 !!! And it does not show the version correct.
I uninstalled python and removed all the related files on C drive as well as environmental Variables...
Now I don't have python but it still shows the version 2.7.12 when I ask for Command windows!!!
Does anyone know what is the problem ????
if you have both versions then you should write python2 --version o
Go to my computer, right click and then properties. Here go to Advanced System setting
and at the bottom of the window open Environment Variables and check any variable having python on it. if there are two variable maybes this is the problem.
Also go to the app data on your windows and check files if there is a file related to the older version of python.
Good Luck.
You can use PowerShell instead of cmd as well try this one after checking the variables.

I Installed TensorFlow-gpu using anaconda and it cant find a file "cudart64_10.dll", but that file exists

Like I said before, after installing TensorFlow-gpu by anaconda im getting this error in python terminal
W tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Could not load dynamic library 'cudart64_100.dll'; dlerror: cudart64_100.dll not found
The thing is, that this file actually exists in this dir (maybe this will help) C:\Users\MyUser\Anaconda3\envs\Gpu_Tensor_Flow\Library\bin
Please help me, because I have no idea what I've done wrong.
I got the same issue
Jozef Jarosciak published an answer that worked for me, visit
I downloaded the cudart64_100.dll directly from his website and put it in this path (using windows, i guess it is the same for you since install on linux is pretty easy) C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v9.0\bin\
It is weird because I installed all software requirements with lastest version, still tensorflow seems to load this old dll, may be tensorflow is not up to date yet.

How to enable color logs in nodejs program running in git-bash v.2.8.2 for windows?

I had been using Git for Windows 1.9.5 (installed from Git-1.9.5-preview20150319.exe). There was colored output from my nodejs program (gulp) in git-bash terminal. But when I uninstalled 1.9.5 and then installed 2.8.2 (Git-2.8.2-64-bit.exe) all output became monochrome except git-bash prompt line. How to utilize colored output in this newer 2.8.2 version? Or may be there is other suitable 2.x.x version (Visual Studio Code recommends this)
Create a Windows environment variable FORCE_COLOR and set it's value to true or 1.
This solved my issue and all other team-members using Windows who had the same colors problem.
Looks like the reason is in the new default type of terminal: MinTTY (the default terminal of MSYS2). The decision is to utilize a little bit modified (with regard to paths) version of the Git Bash.vbs file from version 1.9.5.

PyFITS installation error python version 3.3 is needed, which was not found in registry

When I try to install PyFITS I get the following error
python version 3.3 is needed, which was not found in registry
But I do have python 3.3 installed as well as numpy and Scipy. I would appreciate any help sorting this out. Thanks
OS---Windows 7 64bit
This problem is actually addressed in the latest Astropy installation troubleshooting docs:
This issue is not unique to PyFITS, and has to do with whether or not the installation executable was built with UAC support, as well as whether your Python installation was installed "For all users" or "For the current user", as that affects which registry hierarchy Python installs its relevant keys into.
The script linked to in that documentation should fix up your registry with the correct entries so that the correct Python installation can be found regardless of how it was installed. But as with anything that messes with the registry please do handle with care.
