How to submit request to facebook for approval for Public feed API? - facebook-public-feed-api

Public Feed API The Public Feed API displays a real-time feed of public posts for a specific word. Only public posts (from Pages and Profiles of those with ‘Follow’ turned on) are available with this API.
if anybody has any idea please help


Using the Microsoft Graph Webhooks

I am looking to implement Microsoft Graph webhooks for streaming notifications in my application.
I went through their documentation and trying to follow the sample available at
I have one query related to the pre-requisites for webhooks, it is about the notificationURL.
It says the notification URL should be a public URL i.e it should be available over the internet.
As per my requirement, my application cannot have a public URL, is there a way I can implement Microsoft Graph webhooks without having a public URL?
Please help. Thanks in advance.
Use ngrock tool to create tunnel to hosting your localhost in public domain till the ngrock live.

Google Photos API for Public Albums

I have a website that the gallery part uses photos that are stored on Google Photos.
I'm trying to migrate a connection to the Picasa API (now completely depreciated) to Google Photos API. However all suggestions point to the visitor to authenticate themselves and exchange code for a token, however I'm looking for a simpler method that skips this for public shared photos and users without a Google account. Any suggestions?
PS: I'm using C# WebForms, but an API that returns a JSON would be great.

Instagram API Tags Recent media not returning posts of private followers

We have an approved app for public_content on Instagram's API. But would like to confirm expected behavior after the latest API changes.
Previously (prior 2016 API update), using a user authenticated token and this endpoint /tags/[tag-name]/media/recent, we could fetch all the posts with a given hashtags from public users as well as private users, given they were followers of the authenticated account. Meaning, if you could log into your IG account and see that user's media, than our app would be able to grab that media as well through the API using your authenticated user token.
Recently ( start of 2017? ), we started noticing that the returned media doesn't always include the private users that are your followers. We can still get all the public user hashtagged content, but the private user's content was hit or miss. And we can't seem to figure out any pattern or rule to it.
Has anyone else faced this issue? Does anyone know what the official stance is from Instagram as it relates to a private user's photos who follow a certain account, and your app has that account's authenticated token.
You can't get anything from private followers even if the user you're logged in as can see them from the client.
This was done because, in the past, some applications were getting the media from private followers via the API and saving them locally. Then, these applications were not properly protecting these private images from search engines and web crawlers. User's complained about their private images showing up on Google images and so, here we are.
You also can't see bio or the follower count of private users even if the user you've authenticated with can see them in the application. Basically, only the public-facing information about private users can be accessed with the API regardless of who you've authenticated with via the API. That means only the profile picture and username can be accessed.

Is it possible to determine if an Instagram account is private?

With the updates to the Instagram API in November we can longer check if a user is private by calling the API with a Client Id. All calls require an access token so this solution is no longer viable Find out whether a user has a public or private profile on instagram using API?
I would like to be able to search for users but filter out private users or at the very least be able to tell if their account is private when using this call
I would also like to be able to search for tags and filter out the private media when using this call{tag-name}/media/recent?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN
I have looked at all the endpoints and data that is returned and I can't see anything that would help me. I even tried using the oembed endpoint thinking that it wouldn't return an embed if the post was private but it still does.

Connecting to Instagram using Client ID

I'm writing an application and trying to access Instagram API through Client ID. If I set up a tag for my application(#testTag) and users use that on their posts, will i get the videos and images from just public users or public and private both?
Using a client_id you will never get access to private medias by any of the API endpoints, just the public ones. (Tested)
You may test by tagging one of your photos and trying the Tags endpoint, then making your profile private temporarily and test again.
Using an access_token you can get tagged media from private users followed by the profile owning that access_token too.
