How can I reverse a string in Batch? - string

I found this solution for reversing strings that worked before, but not any more for some reason:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set num=0
call set tmpa=%%advanced:~%num%,1%%%
set /a num+=1
if not "%tmpa%" equ "" (
set string1=%tmpa%%string1%
goto LOOP
My message that I receive is:
The input line is too long.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
I simply need to reverse the string in the variable %advanced% and output it to %string1%.
If reversing strings can be done in one line, that would be super helpful in the project I am working on. If it can be done without the setlocal enabledelayedexpansion, that would be even more helpful but I doubt it is be possible.

Another way using a BAT/VBS :
#echo off
set "advanced=1234567890"
echo WScript.Echo StrReverse("%advanced%"^) >reverse.vbs
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cscript //nologo reverse.vbs') do set "$reversed=%%a"
>nul del reverse.vbs
echo reversed string --^> %$reversed%

You said it first worked and later not anymore; I think simply clearing variable string1 will do the trick. Your code should work as is.
Next, you do not need to enable delayed expansion as you are not using it (!! expansion) anyway.
Finally, instead of asking whether tmpa is empty, you could query whether it is defined (but this is a matter of taste though).
set string1=
set num=0
call set tmpa=%%advanced:~%num%,1%%%
set /a num+=1
if defined tmpa (
set string1=%tmpa%%string1%
goto :LOOP

In this way it works if you change to set string1=!tmpa!!string1!
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "advanced=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!"
set "num=0"
call set "tmpa=%%advanced:~%num%,1%%%"
set /a num+=1
if not "%tmpa%" equ "" (
set "string1=!tmpa!!string1!"
goto LOOP
echo !string1!
Another way a bit faster:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "advanced=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
echo %advanced%>"%tmp%\alpha.tmp"
for %%l in ("%tmp%\alpha.tmp") do set /a len=%%~zl
set /a len-=2
set "reverse="
set "char="
for /l %%i in (0,1,%len%) do (
for /f "usebackq" %%a in ("%tmp%\alpha.tmp") do (
set "char=%%a"
set "reverse=!char:~%%i,1!!reverse!"
del "%tmp%\alpha.tmp"
echo !reverse!

To reverse a string or file contents:
REM eg. set string/content to file
set /p="Hello, world!"> test
certutil -encodehex -f test temp 4
REM reverse file contents
set rev=
(for /f "delims=" %i in (temp) do for %j in (%i) do set rev=%j !rev!)
set /p="%rev:~0,-6%">temp
certutil -decodehex temp out.txt
REM view content
more out.txt
Tested in Win 10 CMD


A Batch file to read a file and replace a string with a new one

I want to create a batch file to read every line of a file in a loop and replace a string with another one. Following is my code snippet:
for /F "tokens=*" %%i in (myfile) do (
set str=%%i
set str=%str: %oldstring% = %newstring%%
echo %str% >> newfile
This results in a newfile with 'Echo is off' as many lines as there are in myfile. Seems like str variable holds no value at all when assigned to %%i. Can someone help me?
Try out this small script:
#echo off
set val=50
echo %val%
for /l %%i in (1,1,1) do (
set val=%%i
echo %val%
echo %val%
The output is:
Not what you expected, right?
That's because in a for loop, variables aren't updated until the loop has finished. To combat this, you can use setlocal enabledelayedexpansion, and replace the percent signs (%) with an exclamation mark (!):
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set val=50
echo %val%
for /l %%i in (1,1,1,) do (
set val=%%i
echo !val!
echo %val%
The output:
The reason the str variable holds no value (during the for loop) is because it hasn't been set beforehand.
So, with these quick modifications, your script will work...
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (myfile) do (
set str=%%i
set str=!str: %oldstring% = %newstring%!
echo !str! >> newfile
By the way, this snippet is assuming that oldstring and newstring won't be set within the forloop, otherwise things will get messy.
Have fun.
having spent some time at this I got the correct way:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set oldstring=AF-07295
set /a count=1000
for %%f in (*.*) do (
set /a count=!count!+1
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in (%%f) do (
set str=%%i
call set str=%%str:!oldstring!=!count!%%
echo !str! >> %%~nf.ordnew
set filein="c:\program files\test1.txt"
set fileout="c:\program files\test2.txt"
set old=#VERSION#
set new=2.0.3
for /f "tokens=* delims=ΒΆ" %%i in ( '"type %filein%"') do (
set str=%%i
set str=!str:%old%=%new%!
echo !str! >> %fileout%
working perfect
and isn't removing white spaces at the begining of the lines file

How to compare string to an integer?

I have this:
#echo off
set bla="-666"
set zzz="333"
if !zzz! LSS !bla! echo lesser
Gives me "lesser" which is wrong. I know this is because of the ASCII values. But what is the way around to compare them as if they are numbers?
Some more codes:
set mn=99999
for /f "tokens=1-9" %%a in (%%g) do (
set zzz=%%d
if "!zzz!" LSS "!mn!" set mn=!zzz!
None of the answers below gave me the correct result so far...
This works for me
#echo off
set bla=-666
set zzz=333
if %zzz% LSS %bla% echo lesser
pause >nul
No need for quotes or delayed expansion.
This works for me, removing the quotes and then comparing.
#echo off
set bla="-666"
set zzz="333"
for %%a in (!bla!) do set /a bla=%%~a+0
for %%a in (!zzz!) do set /a zzz=%%~a+0
echo !bla! !zzz!
if !bla! LSS !zzz! (
echo lesser
) else (
echo greater
You are taking incorrect use of the blackquotes when setting a var, the VAR="CONTENT" are only for special cases, but not this.
#echo off
set /A "bla=-666"
set /A "zzz=333"
if %zzz% LSS %bla% echo lesser
Notice i've used blackquotes to enclose the variable, the content don't have any blackquote.
And remember too to NOT use blackquotes in the comparision when comparing numbers, like this:
if "%zzz%" LSS "%bla%" echo lesser

Batch file: How to replace "=" (equal signs) and a string variable?

Besides SED, how can an equal sign be replaced?
And how can I use a string variable in string replacement?
Consider this example:
For /F "tokens=*" %%B IN (test.txt) DO (
SET t=is
SET old=%%B
SET new=!old:t=!
ECHO !new!
:: SET new=!old:==!
Two problems:
First, I cannot use the variable %t% in !:=!.
SET t=is
SET old=%%B
SET new=!old:t=!
Second, I cannot replace the equal sign in the command line
SET new=!old:==!
I just created a simple solution for this myself, maybe it helps someone.
The disadvantage (or advantage, depends on what you want to do) is that multiple equal signs one after another get handled like one single equal sign. (example: "str==ing" gives the same output as "str=ing")
#echo off
set "x=this is=an test="
echo x=%x%
call :replaceEqualSign in x with _
echo x=%x%
:replaceEqualSign in <variable> with <newString>
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "_s=!%~2!#"
set "_r="
for /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A in ("%_s%") do (
if not defined _r ( set "_r=%%A" ) else ( set "_r=%_r%%~4%%A" )
set "_s=%%B"
if defined _s goto _replaceEqualSign
endlocal&set "%~2=%_r:~0,-1%"
exit /B
As you have seen, you use the function like this:
call :replaceEqualSign in variableName with newString
The setlocal enableDelayedExpansion should be moved after your old=%%B assignment in case %%B contains !.
The "t" problem is easy to solve within a loop by using another FOR variable
For /F "tokens=*" %%B IN (test.txt) DO (
SET t=is
SET old=%%B
for /f %%T in ("!t!") do SET new=!old:%%T=!
ECHO !new!
There is no simple native batch solution for replacing =. You can iterate through the string, character by character, but that is slow. Your best bet is probably to switch to VBScript or JScript, or use a non-native utility.
If you really want to do this using pure Windows batch commands, there are a couple of interesting ideas at
UPDATE: The latest version is here: (
You can use some sequence to temporary replace special characters by placeholders like ?00, ?01, ?02 and ?03. I basically use these set of scripts:
#echo off
rem Description:
rem Script to replace ?, !, %, and = characters in variables by respective
rem ?00, ?01, ?02 and ?03 placeholders.
set "__VAR__=%~1"
if "%__VAR__%" == "" exit /b 1
rem ignore empty variables
call set "STR=%%%__VAR__%%%"
if "%STR%" == "" exit /b 0
set ?01=!
call set "STR=%%%__VAR__%:?=?00%%"
set "STR=%STR:!=?01%"
set STR=!STR:%%=?02!
set "STR_TMP="
set INDEX=1
set "STR_TMP2="
for /F "tokens=%INDEX% delims== eol=" %%i in ("/!STR!/") do set STR_TMP2=%%i
set "STR_TMP=!STR_TMP!!STR_TMP2!?03"
set /A INDEX+=1
if not "!STR_TMP!" == "" set STR=!STR_TMP:~1,-4!
set "%__VAR__%=%STR%"
exit /b 0
#echo off
rem Description:
rem Script to restore ?, !, %, and = characters in variables from respective
rem ?00, ?01, ?02 and ?03 placeholders.
set "__VAR__=%~1"
if "%__VAR__%" == "" exit /b 1
rem ignore empty variables
call set "STR=%%%__VAR__%%%"
if "%STR%" == "" exit /b 0
set STR=!STR:?02=%%!
set STR=!STR:?03==!
set "STR=%STR%"
set "STR=%STR:?01=!%"
set "STR=%STR:?00=?%"
set "%__VAR__%=%STR%"
exit /b 0
#echo off
for /F "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %%i in ("test.txt") do (
set VALUE=%%i
exit /b 0
if "%VALUE%" == "" exit /b 0
set "VALUE_=%VALUE%"
call replace_sys_chars.bat VALUE_
rem do variable arithmetic here as usual
if not "%VALUE_:?00=%" == "%VALUE_%" echo."%VALUE%" having ?
if not "%VALUE_:?01=%" == "%VALUE_%" echo."%VALUE%" having !
if not "%VALUE_:?02=%" == "%VALUE_%" echo."%VALUE%" having %%
if not "%VALUE_:?03=%" == "%VALUE_%" echo."%VALUE%" having =
rem restore it
call restore_sys_chars.bat VALUE_
echo "VALUE=%VALUE_%"
"AAA=BBB" having =
"CCC=%DDD%" having %
"CCC=%DDD%" having =
"EEE=!FFF!" having !
"EEE=!FFF!" having =
"FFF=?00?01?02?03" having ?
"FFF=?00?01?02?03" having =
You can continue use standard batch variable arithmetic between conversions
You can use character placeholders (?00, ?01, ?02, ?03) as plain variable values
Why not use Edlin? I could not find a way to do this with one initial file and no errors from Edlin, but just ignore them with NUL:.
Strangly, the TYPE %0 includes the whole file even if there's an end of file character between the = and !, using TYPE on the batch file after it has run will not work the same way.
GOTO skip
SET "new==old============="
ECHO %new% > %TEMP%\var.tmp
TYPE %0 > %TEMP%\edlin.tmp
EDLIN %TEMP%\var.tmp < %TEMP%\edlin.tmp > NUL:
SET /P newnew=<%TEMP%\VAR.TMP
ECHO %newnew%
ERASE %TEMP%\edlin.tmp
I was looking into this, because I needed to get rid of = in a string like "test=goingon"
I found that calling a next batchfile with test=goingon as parameters, I have parameters 1, "test" and 2, "goingon", in that batchfile.
batchfile 1:
#echo off
call test2.bat test=goingon
echo arg1: %1
echo arg2: %2
arg1: test
arg2: goingon
I used Bosj's idea to come up with this. It works.
set s=Abra=Cadabra
echo now you see it %s%
call :ReplaceEqual %s%
echo now you don't %s%
exit /b
set s=%1_%2
exit /b
My answer from another post, but it applies here, too:
There is an alternative that is easier. Instead of passing in a value that contains an equals sign, try something like a colon instead. Then, through the ability to modify that value (the colon), you can convert it back into an equals. Here is an example:
#echo off
set VALUE1=%1
set VALUE2=%VALUE1::==%
echo value1 = %VALUE1%
echo value2 = %VALUE2%
When you run the batch file, call it like this:
C:\>myBatch name:someValue
The output would be:
value1 = name:someValue
value2 = name=someValue
If the name or value contains a space, you will have other issues to address, though. You will need to wrap the entire string in double quotes. But, then you have the issue of needing to get rid of them. This can also be handled, like this:
#echo off
set PARAM=%1
set BASE=%PARAM:"=%
set PAIR=%BASE::==%
rem Either of these two lines will do the same thing - just notice the 'delims'
rem for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ("%BASE%") do set NAME=%%a & set VALUE=%%b
rem for /f "tokens=1,2 delims==" %%a in ("%PAIR%") do set NAME=%%a & set VALUE=%%b
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ("%BASE%") do set NAME=%%a & set VALUE=%%b
echo param = %PARAM%
echo base = %BASE%
echo pair = %PAIR%
echo name = %NAME%
echo value = %VALUE%
When running this batch file like this:
C:\>myBatch "some name:another value"
The output will be:
param = "some name:another value"
base = some name:another value
pair = some name=another value
name = some name
value = another value
Hope that helps others in their quest to win the fight with batch files.
Mike V.

Batch: Concatenate two arbitrary strings outside SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

I need to concatenate two string variables and place the result back in the first variable. These two strings can contain any arbitrary characters, like newline, exclamation, etc.
The main script runs with delayed expansion disabled, so I have to use SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion for actual concatenation. I just don't know how to get the result back out of the local and into the global variable.
I would like to avoid using temporary files.
I wish batch files allowed delayed expansion outside of the local block.
I tried using your code inline, instead of in a function, and it worked.
Then I tried putting it in a FOR loop, and that broke it.
Function call from a loop = works.
Inline is a loop = didn't work for me.
I don't need that functionality right now. This is just an observation.
#echo off
REM Changed from function call to inline implementation
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%a in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%a"
set LF=^
rem TWO Empty lines are neccessary
set "original=zero*? %%~A%%~B%%~C%%~L!LF!one&line!LF!two with exclam^! !LF!three with "quotes^&"&"!LF!four with ^^^^ ^| ^< ^> ( ) ^& ^^^! ^"!LF!xxxxxwith CR!CR!five !LF!six with ^"^"Q ^"^"L still six "
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
SET result=""
REM call :lfTest result original
for /L %%i in (1,1,2) do (
set "NotDelayedFlag=!"
if defined NotDelayedFlag (echo lfTest was called with Delayed Expansion DISABLED) else echo lfTest was called with Delayed Expansion ENABLED
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "var=!original!"
rem echo the input is:
rem echo !var!
rem ** Prepare for return
set "var=!var:%%=%%~2!"
set "var=!var:"=%%~3!"
for %%a in ("!LF!") do set "var=!var:%%~a=%%~L!"
for %%a in ("!CR!") do set "var=!var:%%~a=%%~4!"
rem ** It is neccessary to use two IF's, else the %var% expansion doesn't work as expected
if not defined NotDelayedFlag set "var=!var:^=^^^^!"
if not defined NotDelayedFlag set "var=%var:!=^^^!%" !
set "replace=%% """ !CR!!CR!"
for %%L in ("!LF!") do (
for /F "tokens=1,2,3" %%2 in ("!replace!") DO (
set "result=%var%" !
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo The result with disabled delayed expansion is:
if !original! == !result! (echo OK) ELSE echo !result!
echo ------------------
echo !original!
goto :eof
Like I said in your other question: Batch: Returning a value from a SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
Just follow the link for a "perfect" solution
Or I can paste the code here
rem ** Preparing CR and LF for later use
for /f %%a in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%a"
set LF=^
rem TWO Empty lines are neccessary
Then at the start of your function, to detect if delayedExpansion is OFF or ON
set "NotDelayedFlag=!"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
And at the end of your function, to return the value
rem ** Prepare for return
set "var=!var:%%=%%~2!"
set "var=!var:"=%%~3!"
for %%a in ("!LF!") do set "var=!var:%%~a=%%~L!"
for %%a in ("!CR!") do set "var=!var:%%~a=%%~4!"
rem ** It is neccessary to use two IF's, else the %var% expansion doesn't work as expected
if not defined NotDelayedFlag set "var=!var:^=^^^^!"
if not defined NotDelayedFlag set "var=%var:!=^^^!%" !
set "replace=%% """ !CR!!CR!"
for %%L in ("!LF!") do (
for /F "tokens=1,2,3" %%2 in ("!replace!") DO (
set "%~1=%var%" !
#echo off
goto :eof
EDIT: A little bit shorter variation
Ok, this looks a little bit complicated, and in many cases it can be solved with an other trick.
If you know, that you will switch back from an EnableDelayed to DisableDelayed and you are sure not using any LF a FOR-RETURN will work too.
#echo off
call :myTest result
set result
goto :eof
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem ... do something here
set "value=^!_&_%%_|_>"
echo --
for /f ^"eol^=^
^ delims^=^" %%a in ("!value!") do (
set "%~1=%%a"
goto :eof
The splitting of the for /f ^"eol^=^.... is only for disabling the eol character.

batch file renaming "" to "tiaf.mp3"

okay so I have a dir with some files. I want to do a specific file-renamingscript
i'm stuck with this part, taking only the first letter of each part of the filename:
if the filename would be
I would like to rename it to
notice i want it to be all in lowercase.
The word length is variable so i cant take reference from it as a local variable !variable:~0,2!
anyone could help?
edit: i forggot to ask. If you have an idea to make a test if the filename is of the format i mentioned. Because if the file is called. 'file.mp3' then i wouldn't want it to be renamed to 'f.mp3'
This should work, but if you want to allow also "!" exclamation marks in your filenames, it have to be a little bit extended.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%f in ("C:\temp\folder\*.*") do (
call :createName "%%~f"
goto :eof
:: Compress a filename with more than one dot to only the first (lower) letters of each part
:: one.TWO.three.four.exe to ottf.exe
:createName <dot-filename>
set "filename=#.%~n1"
set "ext=%~x1"
set "count=0"
set "short="
for %%a in ("!filename!") do (
set "part=%%~xa"
set "filename=%%~na"
if defined part (
set /a count+=1
set "char=!part:~1,1!"
call :toLower char
set "short=!char!!short!"
) ELSE (
set "char="
rem echo "%%~na"-"%%~xa" "!char!" "!short!"
if defined part goto :createName.loop
set "short=!short!!ext!"
if !count! GTR 1 (
echo ren "%~f1" "!short!"
goto :eof
:: convert a char to the lower variant or leave it unchanged if it isn't a char
:: use the %var:*n=% syntax to remove the front of a string, to get the correct char
:toLower <variable to char>
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "char=!%~1!"
set "helper=##aabbccddeeffgghhiijjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz"
set "lower=!helper:*%char%=!"
set "lower=!lower:~0,1!"
if "!lower!"=="#" set "lower=!char!"
set "%~1=%lower%"
goto :eof
Would this kind of logic work for you:
#echo off
for /f "delims=|" %%f in ('dir /b C:\temp') do call :runsub %%f
goto EOF
for /f "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=." %%a in ("%~n1") do set a=%%a&set b=%%b&set c=%%c&set d=%%d
if not "%a%"=="" echo %a%
if not "%b%"=="" echo %b%
if not "%c%"=="" echo %c%
if not "%d%"=="" echo %d%
You can change the echo %a%, echo %b%, etc. to sets and get the substring from these. This also only gets the first 4 splits, you can add more if you need. Also change C:\temp to the appropriate directory.
