I want send file to url with some post params like "chat_id", "caption" and file must be sended as 'photo' field-name.
but I found only methods to send only POST params without file or sending only file without POST params and custom file name param..
This code send only params field, but I need also files field.
from urllib import parse, request
files={'photo': open('file.jpg','rb')}
params = parse.urlencode({'chat_id': chat_id, 'caption': 'test'})
#headers = {"Content-type": "multipart/form-data"}
req = request.Request(url, params.encode('ascii'))
response = request.urlopen(req)
Python 3.4.2
ok. I found solution.
I install external lib Requests: HTTP for Humans.
and now i'm using requests
import requests
url = 'https://api.telegram.org/bot'+self.token+'/sendPhoto' #'/sendmessage'
print('request to '+url+' with params '+chat_id+' ' + text)
headers = {'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'}
files = {'photo': open('file.jpg', 'rb')}
params = {'chat_id': chat_id, 'caption': text}
r = requests.post(url, files=files, params=params)
We deployed api in azure function, this api have only "POST" method which dont have "GET" method,
Now am looking to store the api response in the form of json file in blob location,
If i use below code am getting blank response:
url = "<API Path>"
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(url)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read().decode("utf-8")
jsondata = json.loads(json.dumps(data)
Please suggets me how can i save the response
I don't see that you have specified POST while calling your endpoint.
url = "<API Path>"
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(url)
headers = {'Content-type': 'application/json'}
requestData = {'text': 'This is test data'} #if your url accepts any data
json_data = json.dumps(requestData)
conn.request('POST', '/yourmethod', json_data, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
jsondata = response. Read().decode()
I'm trying to upload the attachments to a task on clickup.
Clickup API
Click up does provide example code the below is clickup example code
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
values = """
attachment: raw_image_file (file)
filename: example.png (string)"""
headers = {
'Authorization': '\'access_token\'',
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
request = Request('https://private-anon-f799579c66-clickup20.apiary-mock.com/api/v2/task/{task_id}/attachment?custom_task_ids=&team_id=
', data=values, headers=headers)
response_body = urlopen(request).read()
print response_body
I used it as reference and used requests lib for the project
Here's the code using request lib
import requests
attachment_headers = {'Authorization': self.access_token, 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'}
r = requests.post(f"https://private-anon-df9b125a00-clickup20.apiary-mock.com/api/v2/task/{task_id}/attachment",
files={"attachment": ("attachment", open("attachment.png", "rb")), "filename": "example.png"},
I do get the status code as 200 and no error message but when I check on clickup task it doesn't show any attachments
Thanks for the help in advance!
You must remove the 'filename' part of your files param.
file = {"attachment": ('choose_your_name.png', open('file.png', 'rb'))}
headers = {'Authorization': config.clickup_access_token}
request = requests.post(f'https://api.clickup.com/api/v2/task/{task_id}/attachment', files=file, headers=headers)
I was using Postman to send post request like on the screenshot
Now I need to implement it in python. This is what i've got for now:
import requests
data = {"sendRequest": {"apiKey": 12345, "field1": "field1value"}}
files = {"attachment": ("file.txt", open("file.txt", "rb"))}
headers = {"Content-type": "multipart/form-data"}
response = requests.post(endpoint, data=data, headers=headers, files=files)
But still it's not working - server doesn't accept it as valid request. I've tried more combinations but without any results and I really couldn't find a solution.
I need this request to be exactly like that one in postman
I finally found a solution. I used MultipartEncoder from requests_toolbelt library.
from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder
import requests
import json
data = {"apiKey": 12345, "field1": "field1value"}}
mp = MultipartEncoder(
'sendRequest': json.dumps(data), # it is important to convert dict into json
'attachment': ('file.pdf', open('file.pdf', 'rb'), 'multipart/form-data'),
r = requests.post(ENDPOINT, data=mp, headers={'Content-Type': mp.content_type})
Trying to get data from the eBay API using GetItem. But requests isn't reading or getting the URL properly, any ideas? Getting this error:
requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: Invalid URL '<urllib.request.Request object at 0x00E86210>': No schema supplied. Perhaps you meant http://<urllib.request.Request object at 0x00E86210>?
I swear I had this code working before but now it's not, so I'm not sure why.
My code:
from urllib import request as urllib
import requests
url = 'https://api.ebay.com/ws/api.dll'
data = '''<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<GetItemRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
headers = {
'Content-Type' : 'text/xml',
'X-EBAY-API-DEV-NAME' : 'dev-name',
'X-EBAY-API-APP-NAME' : 'app-name',
'X-EBAY-API-CERT-NAME' : 'cert-name',
req = urllib.Request(url, data, headers)
resp = requests.get(req)
content = resp.read()
Thank you in advance. Any good reading material for urllib would be great, too.
You are mixing the urllib and the requests library. They are different libraries that can both do HTTP-requests in Python. I'd suggest you use only the requests library.
Remove the line req = urllib.Request(url, data, headers) and replace the resp = ... line with:
r = requests.post(url, data=data, headers=headers)
Print the response body like this:
Check out the Requests Quickstart here for more examples: https://2.python-requests.org//en/master/user/quickstart/
I'm trying to request post to my web server a notification but it shows error 401.
I already tested my API key in postman and it works but when I used it in python it shows error 401 or error:unathenticated.
Here's my code
import requests
req = requests.post('https://sampleweb.com/api/v1/devices/1/notifications',
json={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9',
"notification": { "message":"hey", "level": 4}})
file = open("alert_content.txt", "a")
file.write(req.text + "\n")
I've searched and read some documentations regarding to my question and I already solved it. Here's the code.
import requests
url = "https://sampleweb.com/api/v1/devices/1/notifications"
auth = {'Authorization': 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ',
params = {"notification":{"message":message,"level":level}}
req = requests.post(url, headers= auth, json = params)
file = open("alert_content.txt", "a")
file.write(req.text + "\n")
The authorization needs the content-type and the params or parameters needed to be in json format. Now it works.