node js - Huge TLSWrap objects in heapdump snapshots - node.js

I'm running a node.js express application on production. After a few hours of running, in a heap snapshot I can see that there are more than 10 huge TLSWrap objects per worker (these are the largest objects in the application).
Some Technical Aspects
I'm running forever with the cluster module (2 workers).
The application runs inside an AWS EC2 large instance.
Most of the tasks per request are getting data from redis and sending some requests (events) to another server.
Normal memory usage: ~450MB, after a few hours suddenly: 3.5GB (then there is too much latency and my load balancer removes this machine). See Memory usage graph.
Normal CPU usage: 16%, during the memory leak: 99%.
What I've Tried Already
Code refactoring with memory leaks problems in mind (closures, big objects and minimal string concatenation.
Upgrading node all the way from v0.12.7, v4.1.1, v4.1.2 and v4.2.0.
Some Interesting Insights
The growth of memory usage is not linear, but exponential and happend suddenly and very fast.
I have both permanent instances and also auto-scaling instances (same type) and this memory leak occurs at the same time on all machines.
Traffic (# requests) is not higher than usual during the memory leak.
I've read that sometimes these problems can be the result of continuing the application running after uncaughtException, but my uncaughtException handler just logs the error and then immediately calls process.exit() - Isn't that the same as when node crashes and the forever automatically restarts it?
I have another application that's:
Running from the same AWS EC2 AMI.
Has larger number of requests per second.
Has the uncaughtException handler (with process.exit()), too.
But no memory leaks at all!
Any ideas?

I believe that your memory leak is caused by something other than the TLSWrap objects, probably in your application layer.
According to this recently closed node issue,, TLSWrap has been incorrectly reporting its size as a large number (a pointer cast to an int). The actual size of TSLWrap objects is much smaller.
I was also seeing very large TLSWrap objects in my heapdumps, but after upgrading to node 5.3.0 (which includes the fix,, I can confirm that they are now correctly shown as quite small in my heapdumps.


NodeJs slowing down when process consuming big amount of memory

So, i have a nodejs process which is, when scaled consumes around 5-8gb of RAM. It is running within the docker container. launching with the arg --max-old-space-size=12192 to increase the node process limit.
The memory consumption is OK, since i try to use a dedicated server (AMD EPYC CPU, 64GB memory) in place of the horizontal scaling with AWS or other cloud provider, because it is 10x cheaper in case if i can make it work on dedicated server (most of expenses for AWS/Google Cloud goes for network traffic, while the VDS have unlimited. The network side is already optimised with the use of GraphQL and minimising the amount of requests). The process itself processes huge amount of data in memory, in multithreaded fashion. There is no further significant optimisation from the side of the process code itself.
When the process memory consumption reaches 3Gb+, it is significantly slowing down. Docker is not limiting the container resources. The server itself is running on 5-10% load in terms of memory and CPU. SSD driver -> low drive load (low amount of I/O on the server side).
I guess re-writing the app to golang for example might improve it significantly, however that is really a lot of work.
Anything can be done on the server setup / nodejs app side to prevent slowing down?
Solved by horizontal scaling within a single VDS with docker.
As jfriend00 noticed, the nature of the problem might be with the garbage collection - personally have no other guess.

What is consuming memory in my Node JS application?

I have a relatively simple node js application (essentially just expressjs + mongoose). It is currently running in production on an Ubuntu Server and serves about 20,000 page views per day.
Initially the application was running on a machine with 512 MB memory. Upon noticing that the server would essentially crash every so often I suspected that the application might be running out of memory, which was the case.
I have since moved the application to a server with 1 GB of memory. I have been monitoring the application and within a few minutes the application tends to reach about 200-250 MB of memory usage. Over longer periods of time (say 10+ hours) it seems that the amount keeps growing very slowly (I'm still investigating that).
I have been since been trying to figure out what is consuming the memory. I have been going through my code and have not found any obvious memory leaks (for example unclosed db connections and such).
I have implemented a handy heapdump function using node-heapdump and I have now enabled --expore-gc to be able to manually trigger garbage collection. From time to time I try triggering a manual GC to see what happens with the memory usage, but it seems to have no effect whatsoever.
I have also tried analysing heapdumps from time to time - but I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is normal or not. I do find it slightly suspicious that there is one entry with 93% of the retained size - but it just points to "builtins" (not really sure what the signifies).
Upon inspecting the 2nd highest retained size (Buffer) I can see that it links back to the same "builtins" via a setTimeout function in some Native Code. I suspect it is cache or https related (_cache, slabBuffer, tls).
Does this look normal for a Node JS application?
Is anyone able to draw any sort of conclusion from this?
What exactly is "builtins" (does it refer to builtin js types)?

NodeJS Aerospike UDF execute memory leak

I'm executing a UDF a few thousand times per second. This causes NodeJS's RSS memory usage to slowly climb, seemingly without limit, a few kb per execute. The problem persists even if I periodically close the connection and open a new client.
Reproduction is very easy: Just execute a UDF (that returns a few values) on random keys a thousand times a second over the same connection. Cluster configuration doesn't effect it.
Any insights or advice to debug this problem?
This issue is fixed and the change is pushed into npm repo. please get the latest version (1.0.25). Thanks for giving details which helped us isolate the problem.
As a side note...
Growth of memory during execution in node.js should not be a concern as long as it does not cross the default limit of a node.js process after which the process will crash. We typically see the memory growing steadily initially and stabilizes near the limit. The default limit is 1G on a 64-bit machine which can be extended to 1.7G. Read this for more info.

Optimize Node.js memory consumption

I'm writing a simple cms in Node.js, Express and MongoDB. I'm planning to run a different Node.js process for every site. The problem is that after startup the process takes about 90m of RAM and for me it's too big (eight site take all server RAM). This memory is taken after the first connection to the site and other connections don't affect the memory.
Is there a guideline or a list of "best practices" to optimize this memory usage? I'm trying to track where the memory is allocated with process.memoryUsage() or a similar function but it's not simple to do this.
Is not a problem of memory leaks or something similar because the memory usage doesn't grow up after the first connection, so probably the optimization could be in loading less modules or do something differently...
The links below may help you to understand and detect memory leaks (if they do exist):
Debugging memory leaks in node.js
Detecting Memory Leaks in Node.js Applications
Tracking Down Memory Leaks in Node.js
These SO questions may also be useful:
How to monitor the memory usage of Node.js?
Node.js Memory Leak Hunting
Here is a quick fix, a node.js lib that will restart the any node process once it reaches a certain size.
Set the --max_old_space_size CLI flag to control the maximum heap size. There's a post that describes Running a node.js app in a low-memory environment
tl;dr; Try setting this value, in megabytes, to about 80% of the maximum memory footprint you want node to try to remain under. e.g. to run app.js and keep it under 500MB RAM used
node --max_old_space_size=400 app.js
This setting is also described in the Node JS CLI documentation

Node.js memory leak causes system to lose available memory, even after node restart?

According to nodetime, my memory leak is persisting even through node application restarts. Check out the following "OS - Free Memory" graph; notice how the memory decreases steadily (despite the node app restarting dozens and dozens of times) until I restart the whole server:
How is this possible? Am I fundamentally misunderstanding something? I don't understand how a memory leak in one process could survive and continue to affect the OS...
Machine Info:
Amazon EC2 (m1.large) running CentOS
A memory leak in one process (that is actually killed) can't do this.
Are you using 3rd party systems to provided shared state? For example, a database, or something like redis for sessions? In that case, restarting your node process will just lead to reconnecting to the same shared state and continuing whatever leak was started initially.
