Should you recreate containers when deploying web app? - node.js

I'm trying to figure out if best practices would dictate that when deploying a new version of my web app (nodejs running in its own container) I should:
Do a git pull from inside the container and update "in place"; or
Create a new container with the new code and perform a hot swap of the two docker containers
I may be missing some technical details as I'm very new to the idea of containers.

The second approach is the best practice: you would make a second version of your image (with the new code), stop your container, and run a second container based on that second version.
The idea is that you can easily roll-back as the first version of your image can be used to run the container that was initially in production at any time.
Trying to modify a running container is not a good idea as, once it is stopped and removed, running it again would be from the original image, with its original state. Unless you commit that container to a new image, those changes would be lost. And even if you did commit, you would not be able to easily rebuild that image. (plus you would commit the all container: its new code, but also a bunch of additional files created during the execution of the server: logs and other files: not very clean)
A container is supposed to be run from an image that you can precisely build from the specifications of a Dockerfile. It is not supposed to be modified at runtime.
Couple of caveat though:
if your container is used (--link) by other containers, you would beed to stop those first, stop your container and run a new one from a new version of the image, then restart your other containers.
don't forget to remount any data containers that you were using in order to get your persistent data.


How to upgrade a NodeJS Docker container?

I have a NodeJS image based on the official node Docker image running in a production environment.
How to keep the NodeJS server up-to-date?
How do I know when or how often to rebuild and redeploy the docker image? (I'd like to keep it always up to date)
How do I keep the npm packages inside of the Docker image up to date?
You can use jenkins to schedule job that create nodejs image on desired interval.
Best way to handle the package and updates for docker images is to create separate tags with all updates. Separate tags for all new updates enable you to rollback in case of any backward compatibility issue.
With this new image create your application image and always run test suite if you want to achieve continuous delivery.
[UPDATE] - Based on comments from OP
To get the newest images from Docker, and then deploy them through the following process, you can use the DockerHub API (Based on the Registry HTTP API) to query for tags of an image. Then find the image you use (Alpine, Slim, Whatever) and take it's most recent tag. After this, run through your test pipeline and register that tag as a deploy candidate
TOKEN=//curl with credentials
TAGS=$(curl -H "Authorization: JWT ${TOKEN}"${USERNAME}/${REPO}/tags/)
Your question is deceptively simple. In reality, Keep a production image up-to-date requires a lot more than just updating the image on some interval. To achieve true CI/CD of your image you'll need to run a series of steps each time you want to update.
A successful pipeline (Jenkins, Bamboo, CircleCi, CodePipeline, etc) will incorporate all of these steps. And will, ideally, be ran on each commit:
Static Analysis
First, analyze your code using a linter (eslint) and some code coverage metric. I won't say what is considered acceptable level of coverage as that is largely opinion based, but at least some amount of coverage should be expected.
Test (Unit)
Use something like Karma/Mocha/Cucumber to run unit tests on your code.
Now you can build your Docker image. I prefer tools like Hashicorp's Packer for building images.
Since I assume you're running a node server (Express or something like it) from within the container, you may also want to spin up the container and run some local acceptance testing after this stage.
After you've accepted local testing of the container, register the image with whichever service you use (ECR, Dockerhub, Nexus) and tag it in some meaningful way.
Now that you have a functioning container, you'll need to deploy it to your orchestration environment. This might be Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, AWS ECS or whatever. It's important that you don't yet serve traffic to this container, however.
Test (Integration)
With the container running in a meaningful test environment (nonprod, stage, test, whatever) you can now run integration tests against it. These would check to make sure it can connect with data tier, or would look for a large occurrence of 500/400 errors.
Don't forget - Security should always be a part of your testing also. This is a good place for that
Now that you've tested in nonprod, you can either deploy to the production env or switch routing to the standing containers which you just tested against. Here you should decide if you'll use green/blue or A/B deployment. If blue/green then start routing all traffic to the new container. If A/B, set up a routing policy based on some ratio. Which ever you use, make sure you have an idea of what failure rate is considered acceptable. Monitor the new deployment for any failures (500 error codes or whatever you think is important) and make sure you have the ability to quickly roll back to the old containers if something goes wrong.
After enough time has passed without defects, you can accept the new container as a stable candidate. Retag the image, or save the image tag somewhere with the denotation that it is "stable" and make that the new defacto image for launching.
Now to answer "How Often". Frequency is a side effect of good iterative development. If your code changes are limited in size and scope, then you should feel very confident in launching whenever code passes tests. Thus, with strong DevOps practices, you'll be able to deploy a new image whenever code is committed to the repo. This might be once, twice or fifty times a day. The number eventually becomes arbitrary.
Keep NPM Packages Up To Date
This'll depend on what packages you're using. For public packages, you might want to constrain to a version. Then create pipelines that test certain releases of those packages in a sandbox environment before allowing them into your environment.
For private packages, make sure you have a pipeline for each of those also. The pipeline should run analysis, testing and other important tasks before registering new code with npm or your private repos (Nexus, for example)

Restoring the state of docker containers

I have a docker container in a hyperledger fabric setup. This stores all user credentials.
What happens if this container or machine goes down and is not available?
If I bring up a backup container, how can the entire state be restored?
I tried doing the commit option but on bringing it back up, it does not work as expected. More likely the CA functionality uses some container id to track since a CA server is highly secretive price of the setup.
Overall, this is more of a strategy question, there are many approaches to backing up critical data - and you may or may not choose one that is specific to Docker containers.
On the technical questions that you asked:
If the container 'goes down', its files remain intact and will be there when it is restarted (that is, if you re-start the same container and don't create a new one). If the machine goes down, the container will come 'back up' if and when the machine is restarted. Depending on how you created the container, you may need to start it yourself or Docker may restart it automatically. If it went down hard and won't come back - you lose all data on it, including files in containers.
You can create a 'backup container' (or more precisely, a backup image), but if it was left on the same machine it will die with that machine. You will need to save it elsewhere (e.g., with 'docker push', though I don't recommend that unless you have your own docker registry to use for backups).
If you do 'commit', this simply creates a new container image, which has the files as they were when you did the commit. You should commit a stopped container, if you want a proper copy of all files - I don't think you can do it while there are active open files. This copy lives on the same machine where the container was, so you still need to save it away from that machine to protect it from loss. Note that to use the saved image, you should tag it and use it to start a new container. The image from which you started the old container is untouched by the 'commit' (using that old image will start the container as it was then, when you first created it).
IMO, an option better than 'commit' (which saves the entire container file system, along with all the junk like logs and temp. files) is to mount a docker volume to the path where important files are stored (e.g., /var/lib/mysql, if you run a mysql database) - and back up only that volume.

Disable logs for existing containers in docker

I am new to docker and am running an Ubuntu container on Arch linux. I use it for debugging and building software with an older version of gcc. I was running low on disk and stumbled upon logs which I was able to truncate. I don't need the logs but don't want to loose my existing container that I created some time back. The solutions I have come across (disable through drivers or set rotate size to 0m) are in my understanding applied to create new containers, but I want to apply them to existing one.
You can create an image of that container with docker commit, remove the container with docker rm and then use --log=none option to docker run.
If you're new to Docker, consider that it's best to use ephemeral containers of a given image. You can also maintain a Dockerfile to recreate that image with docker build.

Docker: Best way to handle security updates of packages from apt-get inside docker containers

On my current server i use unattended-upgrades to automatically handle security updates.
But i'm wondering what people would suggest for working inside docker containers.
I have several docker containers running for each service of my app.
Should i have the unattended-upgrades setup in each? Or maybe upgrade them locally and push the upgraded images up? Any other ideas?
Does anyone have any experience with this in production maybe?
I do updates automatically as you did (before). I currently have Stage containers and nothing in Prod, yet. But there is no harm done applying updates to each container: some redundant networking activity, perhaps, if you have multiple containers based in the same image, but harmless otherwise.
Rebuilding a container strikes me as unnecessarily time consuming and involves a more complex process.
WRT Time:
The time to rebuild is added to the time needed to update so it is 'extra' time in that sense. And if you have start-up processes for your container, those have to be repeated.
WRT Complexity:
On the one hand you are simply running updates with apt. On the other you are basically acting as an integration server: the more steps, the more to go wrong.
Also, the updates do not create a 'golden image' since it is easily repeatable.
And finally, since the kernel is not ever actually updated, you would not ever need to restart the container.
I would rebuild the container. They are usually oriented to run one app, and may have little sense to update the supporting filesystem and all the included but not used/exposed apps there.
Having the data in a separate volume let you have a script that rebuilds the container and restarts it. It would have the advantage that loading another container from that image or pushing through a repository to another server would have all the fixes applied.

Docker continuous deployment workflow

I'm planning to set up a jenkins-based CD workflow with Docker at the end.
My idea is to automatically build (by Jenkins) a docker image for every green build, then deploy that image either by jenkins or by 'hand' (I'm not yet sure whether I want to automatically run each green build).
Getting to the point of having a new image built is easy. My question is about the deployment itself. What's the best practice to 'reload' or 'restart' a running docker container? Suppose the image changed for the container, how do I gracefully reload it while having a service running inside? Do I need to do the traditional dance with multiple running containers and load balancing or is there a 'dockery' way?
Suppose the image changed for the container, how do I gracefully reload it while having a service running inside?
You don't want this.
Docker is a simple system for managing apps and their dependencies. It's simple and robust because ALL dependencies of an application are bundled with it. If your app runs today on your laptop, it will run tomorrow on your server. This is because we have captured 100% of the "inputs" for your application.
As soon as you introduce concepts like "upgrade" and "restart", your application can (accidentally) store state internally. That means it might behave differently tomorrow than it does today (after being restarted and upgraded 100 times).
It's better use a load balancer (or similar) to transition between your versions than to try and muck with the philosophy of Docker.
The Docker machine itself should always be immutable as you have to replace it for a new deployment. Storing state inside the Docker container will not work when you want to ship new releases often that you've built on your CI.
Docker supports Volumes which will let you write files that are permanent into some folder on the host. When you then upgrade the Docker container you use the same volume so you've got access to the same files written by the old container:
