How to input string in a Matlab function - string

I want to write a function that loads a text file and plots its content with time. I have 20 text files so I want to be able to choose from them.
My current not working code:
TextFile is a generic variable
text123.txt is the actual name of one of the files i want to load
function []= PlotText(TextFile)
text(1,:)=load('text123.txt') ;
I appreciate any help!!

use importdata instead of load with appropriate delimiter. I assume you used Tab.
filename = 'num.txt';
delimiterIn = '\t';
text = importdata(filename,delimiterIn)

Firstly, you can also use dlmread if your file contains only numeric data separated by the same symbol (called a delimiter) such as a comma (,), semicolon (;), space ( ), or tab ( ). This would look like:
function []= PlotText(TextFile)
Keep in mind that your code is written in a way that expects the contents of text123.txt to have 11 values in a single row. Also, if you are using multiple files, then I suggest having the file name be another input to the function:
function []= PlotText(TextFile,filename)
text(1,:)=load(filename) ;


how do I get rid of leading/trailing spaces in SAS search terms?

I have had to look up hundreds (if not thousands) of free-text answers on google, making notes in Excel along the way and inserting SAS-code around the answers as a last step.
The output looks like this:
This output contains an unnecessary number of blank spaces, which seems to confuse SAS's search to the point where the observations can't be properly located.
It works if I manually erase superflous spaces, but that will probably take hours. Is there an automated fix for this, either in SAS or in excel?
I tried using the STRIP-function, to no avail:
else if R_res_ort_txt=strip(" arild ") and R_kom_lan=strip(" skåne ") then R_kommun=strip(" Höganäs " );
If you want to generate a string like:
if R_res_ort_txt="arild" and R_kom_lan="skåne" then R_kommun="Höganäs";
from three variables, let's call them A B C, then just use code like:
string=catx(' ','if R_res_ort_txt=',quote(trim(A))
,'and R_kom_lan=',quote(trim(B))
,'then R_kommun=',quote(trim(C)),';') ;
Or if you are just writing that string to a file just use this PUT statement syntax.
put 'if R_res_ort_txt=' A :$quote. 'and R_kom_lan=' B :$quote.
'then R_kommun=' C :$quote. ';' ;
A saner solution would be to continue using the free-text answers as data and perform your matching criteria for transformations with a left join.
proc import out=answers datafile='my-free-text-answers.xlsx';
data have;
attrib R_res_ort_txt R_kom_lan length=$100;
input R_res_ort_txt ...;
... whatever all those transforms will be performed on...
proc sql;
create table want as
have.* ,
answers.R_kommun_answer as R_kommun
left join
have.R_res_ort_txt = answers.res_ort_answer
& have.R_kom_lan = abswers.kom_lan_answer
I solved this by adding quotes in excel using the flash fill function:

Storing Matlab data and strings in a tabulated file

I am creating a program which opens an image, and uses the MATLAB ginput command to store x and y coordinates, which are operated on in the loop to fulfill requirements of an if statement and output a number or string corresponding to the region clicked during the ginput session. At the same time, I am using the input command to input a string from the command window relating to these numbers. The ginput session is placed in a while loop so a click in a specific area will end the input session. For each session (while loop), only one or two inputs from the command window are needed. Finally, I am trying to store all the data in a csv or txt file, but I would like it to be tabulated so it is easy to read, i.e. rows and columns with headers. I am including some sample code. My questions are: 1, how can an input of x and y coordinates be translated to a string? It is simple to do this for a number, but I cannot get it to work with a string. 2, any help on printing the strings and number to a tabulated text or cdv file would be appreciated.
Command line input:
While Loop:
[x,y]= ginput(1);
if (y>539)
if x<594 && x>150 && y<539 && y>104
%it's in the square
if x<524 && x>207 && y<480 && y>163
[x,y]= ginput(1);
if x<136 && x>13
%its' pitch column
if y<539
if y<465
if y<390
if y<319
if y<249
if y<175
if pitch==0
For the above series of if statements, I would prefer a string output rather than the numbers 1-6 if the condition is satisfied.
The fprintf function is used to print to a file, but I have issues combining the strings and numbers using it:
fileID = fopen('pitches.csv','w');
fid = fopen('gamedata.txt','w');
fmtString = [repmat('%s\t',1,size(Batter,2)-1),'%s\n'];
for i=1:length(M)
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %6.2f %d\n',M(i,1),M(i,2),M(i,3));
I have tried adding the string handles to the fprintf command along with the columns of M, but get errors. I either need to store them in an array (How?) and print all the array columns to the file, or use some other method. I also tried a version of the writetable method:
but I can't get everything to work right. Thanks very much for any help.
Let's tackle your questions one at a time:
1, how can an input of x and y coordinates be translated to a string?
You can use the sprintf command in MATLAB. This takes exactly the same syntax as fprintf, but the output of this function will give you a string / character array of whatever you desire.
2, any help on printing the strings and number to a tabulated text or cdv file would be appreciated.
You can still use fprintf but you can specify a matrix as the input. As such, you can do this:
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %6.2f %d\n', M.');
This will write the entire matrix to file. However, care must be taken here because MATLAB writes to files in column major format. This means that it will traverse along the rows before going to the next column. If you want to write data row by row, you will need to transpose the matrix first so that when you are traversing down the rows, it will basically do what you want. You will need to keep this in mind before you start trying to write strings to an file. What I would recommend is that you place each string in a cell array, then loop through each element in the cell array and write each string individually line by line.
Hopefully this helps push you in the right direction. Reply back to me in a comment and we can keep talking if you need more help.

xlsread ('not the file name but a string contained in an element of an array that is the file name)

I would like to read an excel file (xlsread) but I don't want to put manually the string every time but instead I want to xlsread the name of the file that is contained in an array.
For example, my array B is:
B =
Then I would like to read the excel WITH THE NAME that is inside the first element, that means: "john.xlsx"
How can I do this?
data = xlsread(B{1});
Or, if you want to read all of them:
for i=1:length(B)
data(i).nums = xlsread(B{i});
Assuming, of course, your B is a cell array. If it's not, it can't exist the way you described it. If all strings have the same length (then it would be possible) or padding with spaces, you can split the char array into a cell array using
B = mat2cell(B,ones(size(B,1),1),size(B,2));
Strings of different lengths would have to be inside a cell array, which you can access elements via the curly brackets {}. So, you can call xlsread on the first element this way:
names{1} = 'john.xlsx';
names{2} = 'mais.xlsx';
names{3} = 'car.xlsx';
num = xlsread(names{1});

How to store string matrix and write to a file?

I don't know if Matlab can do this, but I want to store some strings in a 4×3 matrix, each element in the matrix is a string.
test_string_01 test_string_02 test_string_03
test_string_04 test_string_05 test_string_06
test_string_07 test_string_08 test_string_09
test_string_10 test_string_11 test_string_12
Then, I want to write this matrix into a plain text file, either comma or space delimited.
Seems like matrix data type is not capable of storing strings. I looked at cell. I tried to use dlmwrite() or csvwrite(), but both of them only accept matrices. I also tried cell2mat() first, but in that way all letters in the strings are comma seperated, like
So is there any way to achieve this?
It is possible to shorten yuk's solution a bit.
strings = {
fid = fopen('output.txt','w');
fmtString = [repmat('%s\t',1,size(strings,2)-1),'%s\n'];
Cell array is the way to store strings.
I agree it's a pain to save strings into a text file, but you can do it with this code:
strings = {
fid = fopen('output.txt','w');
for row = 1:size(strings,1)
fprintf(fid, repmat('%s\t',1,size(strings,2)-1), strings{row,1:end-1});
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', strings{row,end});
Substitute \t with , to get csv file.
You can also store cell array of strings into Excel file with XLSWRITE (requires COM interface, so it's on Windows only):
In most cases you can use the delimiter ' ' and get Matlab to save a string into file with dlmwrite.
For example,
will save a file named myfile.txt containing my_first_String.

How can I import data from text files into Excel?

I have multiple folders. There are multiple txt files inside these folder. I need to extract data (just a single value: value --->554) from a particular type of txt file in this folder.(individual_values.txt)
No 100 Value 555 level match 0.443 top level 0.443 bottom 4343
There will be many folders with same txt file names but diff value. Can all these values be copyed to excel one below the other.
I have to extract a value from a txt file which i mentioned above. Its a same text file with same name located inside different folders. All i want to do is extract this value from all the text file and paste it in excel or txt one below the other in each row.
Eg: The above is a text file here I have to get the value of 555 and similarly from other diff values.
(you might want to clarify your question )
Your question isn't very clear, I imagine you want to know how this can be done.
You probably need to write a script that traverses the folders, reads the individual files, parses them for the value you want, and generates a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. CSV files can easily be imported to Excel.
There are two or three basic methods you can use to get stuff into a Excel Spreadsheet.
You can use OLE wrappers to manipulate Excel.
You can write the file in a binary form
You can use Excel's import methods to take delimited text in as a spreadsheet.
I chose the latter way, because 1) it is the simplest, and 2) your problem is so poorly stated as it does not require a more complex way. The solution below outputs a tab-delimited text file that Excel can easily support.
In Perl:
use IO::File;
my #field_names = split m|/|, 'No/Value/level match/top level/bottom';
#' # <-- catch runaway quote
my $input = IO::File->new( '<data.txt' );
die 'Could not open data.txt for input!' unless $input;
my #data_rows;
while ( my $line = <$input> ) {
my %fields = $line =~ /(level match|top level|bottom|Value|No)\s+(\d+\S*)/g;
push #data_rows, \%fields if exists $fields{Value};
my $tab_file = IO::File->new( '>' );
die 'Could not open for output!' unless $tab_file;
$tab_file->print( join( "\t", #field_names ), "\n" );
foreach my $data_ref ( #data ) {
$tab_file->print( join( "\t", #$data_ref{#field_names} ), "\n" );
NOTE: Excel's text processing is really quite neat. Try opening the text below (replacing the \t with actual tabs) -- or even copying and pasting it:
I chose c#, because i thought it would be fun to use a recursive lambda. This will create the csv file containing matches to the regex pattern.
string root_path = #"c:\Temp\test";
string match_filename = "test.txt";
Func<string,string,StringBuilder, StringBuilder> getdata = null;
getdata = (path,filename,content) => {
.Select(c=> Regex.Match(c, #"value[\s\t]*(\d+)",
return content;
Path.Combine(root_path, "data.csv"),
getdata(root_path, match_filename, new StringBuilder()).ToString());
just making sure you have a 50/50 chance of getting the right answer
(assuming it was a question answerable by Yes and No) hehehe
Gotta have all three binary states for the response.
