How do I package an application for ubuntu apt-get? - ubuntu-14.04

I want to host an apt-get repository.
How do I package my application, and how do I host it in a repository for use?
The application relies on Java, MySQL, upstart and is configured to run on boot as an upstart service.
The answer should also include, how to host the package on a repository.
How do I package a Java program for Ubuntu?
How do I package Mono applications for Debian/Ubuntu
Packaging for Ubuntu - Web Application

Good question, maybe a personal ppa is what you are looking for. After you finish you will have to do a $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:myApp/ppa. Then you can apt-get install it.
To package your application you will need to do this in your apps directory
myappFolder$ dh_make -p myApp_1.0 --createorig
To create a original tar of your app. This will also create a Debian folder with a control file, a rules file, changelog... Change the values in these files to fit how your package should be. Specifically the control file. You will have a Depends: field where you can write in packages your application relies on such as Java and MySQL, make sure to have the same names as Ubuntu repository for these things.
Check out chapter 5 the install file and then building the package in chapter 6. I use dpkg-buildpackage usually. debuild -us -uc is good too look up too.
Then create an account on Ubuntu launchpad.
Sign the Ubuntu code of conduct: (take away the extra h, no reputation for more links)
Activate a PPA: (extra h)
Then follow this guide to upload the package to your ppa: (extra h)
I got these links from a great answer on ask.ubuntu. It's also got a more lengthy answer on creating a deb package.


Does the Docker RPM require additional dependencies?

I couldn't find an answer online, help would be appreciated.
I have downloaded the Docker RPM for CentOS 7 from their site (
After installing the RPM, does Docker require any additional dependencies in order to run? Or is the standalone RPM enough?
I'm asking because it takes time to bring external files into my company's network. So I'd like to know in advance all of the dependencies (RPMs or other files) I need to bring into the network, along with the Docker RPM, so I can do it all at once.
It has a lot of dependencies.
You can use a tool call repotrack to download the Docker Engine RPM and all of it's dependencies.
repotrack docker-engine
There's a similar tool out there called yumdownloader, it won't work for your use case because it only downloads the rpms needed for the specific Centos/RHEL server that you run the command on. Repotrack downloads all, not taking into account what is already installed on the system.

Installing dkms onto an Ubuntu machine that doesn't have a compiler

I'm trying to install dkms onto machines that have no make or gcc.
I plan to push only binaries to those target machines.
On my build machine I plan to use dkms to build dkms-enabled modules and then use dkms mktarball ... --binaries-only to create tarballs for distribution.
I want to push those tarballs to target machines, and on those machines I
want to use dkms ldtarball, and so the target machines do need dkms,
but they don't need gcc (or make).
Build (host) and target machines run the same Ubuntu
apt-get install dkms on the target automatically brings in gcc
Downloading the dkms.deb (apt-get download dkms)and installing it with dpkg --install --ignore-depends=gcc ... dkms.deb
does work, but leaves the dependency unresolved so that any future apt-get (installing some other package for instance) fails.
I can try to use the equiv package to create dummy installations of gcc and make, but this seems like an awful hack I'd prefer to avoid. Also it could create problems if I ever want to actually install
gcc on the target in the future.
There's a note about this in the dkms README (section 3), but no guidance on how to accomplish it.
"If you choose not to load module source on your system or if you choose not to load a
compiler ... DKMS can still be used to install modules.".
(sorry if the tags are misleading ... there's no tag available for dkms)
Create a local dummy package which pretends to install gcc and any other deps you want to keep off your system. The equivs package can be used for this, but it's simple enough to do by hand as well.
Many thanks to Darik Horn for an excellent (offline) answer.
He suggested using /etc/apt/preferences.d to pin the unwanted packages. That solution looks promising and I will explore further (and post results here if possible).
I was able to find another solution Ubuntu Forums and at Superuser which looks promising.
The steps which the script performs can be done manually and are basically this:
dpkg-deb -x dkms...deb
dpkg-deb --control dkms...deb /DEBIAN
Edit the /DEBIAN/control file Depends line
dpkg -b dkms-modified-...deb

How to create debian bundle?

i am new to Debian. so can anybody send a link to Debian source code of configuring and installation. i know all linux commands, but i need step by step explanation to create Debian package of my project. which includes some jar files and some config files
thanks in advance
there is plenty of documentation on how to create a Debian package:
if you want to see a real-world example, you can get the code for any (official) package, by simply running apt-get source <mypackage>. E.g. the following command gets everything needed to create the hello Debian package (with the exception of build-dependencies):
apt-get source hello
This contains both
the code needed to create the deb with dpkg-buildpackage (everything contained in the debian/ subfolder)
and the original source code (everything outside of the debian/) subfolder).

Build environment isolation and file system diffing

Alright so after trying to chase down the dependencies for various pieces of software for the n-th time and replicating work that various people do for all the different linux distributions I would like to know if there is a better way of bundling various pieces of software into one .rpm or .deb file for easier distribution.
My current set up for doing this is a frankenstein monster of various tools but mainly Vagrant and libguestfs (built from source running in Fedora because none of the distributions actually ship it with virt-diff). Here are the steps I currently follow:
Spin up a base OS using either a Vagrant box or by create one from live CDs.
Export the .vmdk and call it base-image.
Spin up an exact replica of the previous image and go to town: use the package manager,
or some other means, to download, compile, and install all the pieces that I need. Once again, export the .vmdk and call it non-base-image.
Make both base images available to the Fedora guest OS that has libguestfs.
Use virt-diff to diff the two images and dump that data to file called diff.
Run several ruby scripts to massage diff into another format that contains the information I need and none of the stuff I don't like things in /var.
Run another script to generate a command script for guestfish with a bunch of copy-out commands.
Run the guestfish script.
Run another script to regenerate the symlinks from diff because guestfish can't do it.
Turn the resulting folder structure into a .deb or .rpm file and ship it.
I would like to know if there is a better way to do this. You'd think there would be but I haven't figured it out.
I would definitely consider something along the lines of:
yum list (select your packages/dependencies whatever)
use yumdownloader on the previous list (or use th pkgs you have already downloaded)
ship on media with install script that adds the cd repo to repolist, etc.
or B)
first two steps as above, then pack the rpms into an archive build a package that contains all of the above and kicks off the actual install of the rpms (along the lines of rpm -Uvh /tmp/repo/*) as a late script (in the cleanup phase, maybe). Dunno if this can be done avoiding locks on the rpm database.
I think you reached the point of complexity - indeed a frankenstein monster - where you should stop fearing of making proper packages with dependencies. We did this in my previous work - we had a set of fabricated rpm packages - and it was very easy and straightforward, including:
pre/post install scripts
uninstall scripts
We never had to do anything you just described. And for the customer, installing even a set of packages was very easy!
You can follow a reference manual of how to build RPM package for more info.
EDIT: If you need a single installation package, then create this master packge, that would contain all the other packages (with dependencies set properly) and installed them in the post-install script (and uninstalled them in the uninstall script).
There are mainly 3 steps to make a package with all dependencies (let it be A, B & C).
A. Gather required files.
There are many way to gather files of the main software and its dependencies. In order to get all the dependices and for error free run you need to use a base OS (i.e live system)
1. Using AppDirAssistant
This app is used by to create portable app directory. They scan and watch for the files accessed by the app to find required.
2. Using chroot & overlayfs
In this method you don't need to boot into live cd instead chroot into it.
a. mount the .iso # /cdrom and
b. mount the filesystem(filesystem.squashfs) # another place, say # /tmp/union/root
c. Bind mount /proc # /tmp/union/root/proc
d. Overlay on it
mount -t overlayfs overlayfs /tmp/union/root -o lowerdir=/tmp/union/root,upperdir=/tmp/union/rw
e. Chroot
chroot /tmp/union/root
Now you can install packages using apt-get or another method (only from the chrooted terminal). All the changed files are stored # /tmp/union/rw. Take files from there.
3. Using manually collected packages
Use package manager to collect dependencies. For example
apt-get install package --print-uris will print download uris for dep packages. Using this uris download packages and extract all (dpkg -x 1.deb ./extracted).
B. Clean garbage files
After gathering files remove unwanted files
C. Pack files
1. Using appImageAssistance
If you manually gathered files then you need to copy appname.desktop file from ./usr/share/applications to root of directory tree. Also copy file named AppRun from another app or extract it from AppDirAssistance.
2. Make a .deb or .rpm using gathered files.
Is the problem primarily that of ensuring that your customers have installed all the standard upstream distro packages necessary for your package to run?
If that's the case, then I believe the most straightforward solution would be to leverage the yum and apt infrastructure to have those tools track down and install the necessary prerequisite packages.
If you supply a native yum/apt repository with complete pre-req specs (the hard work you've apparently already completed). Then the standard system install tool takes care of the rest. See link below for more on creating a personal repository for yum/apt.
For off-line customers, you can supply media with your software, and a mirror - or mirror subset - of the upstream distro, and instructions for adding them to yum config/apt config.
Creating a Yum Repository in the Fedora Deployment Guide
How To Setup A Debian Repository on the Debian Wiki
So your customers aren't ever going to install any other software that might specify a different version of those dependencies that you are walking all over, right?
Why not just create your own distro if you're going to go that far?
Or you can just give them a bunch of packages and a single script that does rpm -i dep1 dep2 yourpackage

Understanding how rpmbuild works

It seems that the RPM logic is quite different from what I know already and I am having some issues understanding the "RPM logic". For my work, I have to create a documentation on "How-to create a RPM package on Red Hat 5".
I'm used to Debian and it's derivatives (Ubuntu, and so on) and thus to Debian packages (aka. .deb files).
From what I read, it seems that ones need to be root to create a RPM package. While I understand why root could be required to install a package, I still don't understand why elevated privileges should be needed just to create one.
If I try to create a RPM package as a user, changing the buildroot it fails on the %installstep because I don't have permission to write files into /usr/bin. Fair enough but... why does it want to copy my files into /usr/bin at this step?! I just want to create the package, not install it!
I'm sure I'm missing something here. Is there anyone who could give me at least a basic understanding of how rpmbuild works and why?
Will this do?
You don't need to be root to build RPM packages. I recommend you to read this two part article to get you started.
The official Maximum RPM book also has a chapter on Having RPM Use a Different Build Area, which allows non-root users to build RPMs.
