Find a file name within a folder and make it a variable - excel

I'm trying to run a macro that will take a folder path I've provided and then take the file in that folder and make the file name the variable. That file name variable will then be used as part of a VLookup to get data from a cell within that file. Below is the code I've found so far, but I haven't been able to make it work:
Dim FilePath As String
FilePath = "____________________"
Set wbCodeBook = ThisWorkbook
With Application.FileSearch
'Change path to suit
.LookIn = FilePath
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
'Optional filter with wildcard
.filename = "*AD*.xlsm*"
End With
I get Object doesn't support this action at the Application.FileSearch part of the code. I also don't know how I can take that code above and make the output the variable.
Is there any way to do this?

Do you mean something like this ?
Public Function GetFileName() As String
Dim sFilePath As String
Dim sFileName As String
sFilePath = "____________________"
sFileName = "*AD*.xlsm*"
GetFileName = Dir(sFilePath & sFileName, vbNormal)
End Function
If you put it a module, you can then call it in a cell using =GetFileName().


Get only the PDF files

I have a little problem with my code in VBA, How can I exclude the other extension file like .txt, .csv, .xlsx, and .xlsm so I can select only in my For Each Loop is the .PDF extension only.
I've already searched about this issue and already tried, But the solution is not applicable in my code.
This is my code:
Option Explicit
Sub GetPDFFile()
Dim mainWs As Worksheet
Dim pdfPath As Variant, excelPath As Variant
Dim fileSystemObject As New fileSystemObject
Dim getFolderPath As Folder
Dim getFile As file
Dim wb As Workbook
Set mainWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Main")
pdfPath = mainWs.Range("C7").Value
excelPath = mainWs.Range("C8").Value
'Set all variable to null
Call SetNothing
If pdfPath = "" Then
Call MsgActionInvalid("Please input PDF File Folder.")
ElseIf excelPath = "" Then
Call MsgActionInvalid("Please input Output Folder Location.")
Set getFolderPath = fileSystemObject.getFolder(pdfPath)
Set wa = CreateObject("word.application")
If cntFiles <> 0 Then
For Each getFile In getFolderPath.Files
`Other code............
End Sub
I'm getting all the files inside the folder that I've selected. So inside the For Each Loop I'm getting a debug message because the file is not .PDF.
Any ideas about this guys?
Thanks in advance.
Use the Type property of the File object like getFile.Type to find out its type. And use a If statement to run your Other code............ only on the desired type of files.
Alternatively use UCase(getFile) Like "*.PDF" to make sure that it is not case sensitive. Otherwise you only trigger .PDF but not .Pdf or .pdf or .pDf or whatever.
Which is the same as UCase(Right$(getFile, 4)) = ".PDF"
You should be using Right to check the file extension. Something like:
For Each getFile In getFolderPath.Files
If Right(getFile, 4) = ".pdf" Then
' have found a PDF extension............
End If

Passing full directory path plus filename into String variable using VBA in Excel?

Borrowed the code and tweaked. Everything worked fine until strPath2 only receives filename instead of the entire file path. After searching there is surprisingly no answer.
I basically want to let Dir find any file that contain the word "Hello" in its filename. The start and the end of the filename varies. Is there any function/method that returns the full directory path with filename as String?
Sub TransferData()
Dim strPath2 As String
Dim wbkWorkbook1 As Workbook
Dim wbkWorkbook2 As Workbook
strPath2 = Dir("C:\*Hello*.xlsx")
Set wbkWorkbook1 = ThisWorkbook
Set wbkWorkbook2 = Workbooks.Open(strPath2)
wbkWorkbook1.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub
It's very simple. I figured it out myself.
strPath2 = "C:\" & Dir("C:\*Hello*.xlsx")

How to open a .PDF file with wild card option via excel macro

Since I am very new to the excel macro I am trying to develop a code which is able to open the PDF file.But There are some PDF files in my system which are generated by another system therefore those files names change day by day and some figures are included too.
As an example,"Process Report 151120183569844" like this.These figures change everyday.I tried it with adding WILDCARD option but it doesn't work.How do I open this PDF with only a part of the file name?
Sub Open_PDF()
Dim pdfPath As String
pdfPath ="D:\Reports\Process Report*" & ".pdf" 'I used wildcard instead "Process Report 151120183569844"'
Call OpenAnyFile(pdfPath)
End Sub
Function openAnyFile(strPath As String)
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
End Function
As pointed out in another answer, the Dir function with a wildcard should do the trick.
Here's an example using the original openAnyFile function.
Sub Open_PDF()
Dim filePath As String, fileName As String
filePath = "D:\Reports\"
fileName = Dir(filePath & "Process Report*.pdf")
If fileName <> "" Then
openAnyFile filePath & fileName
End If
End Sub
Function openAnyFile(strPath As String)
Dim objShell As Object
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
objShell.Open (strPath)
End Function
You cannot open a file using a wildcard - it's just common sense, what if more than one file was matching your criteria - which one would you want to program to open? You have to specify the exact file name to open it.
if there is just one file in the target directory, you can use something like the following code to open it, regardless of its name:
sFound = Dir(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Process Report*.xlsm")
If sFound <> "" Then
Workbooks.Open filename:= ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & sFound
End If

How do you open a pdf file with VBA code for a relative file path?

I am trying to find the command and correct coding to open a PDF file with a relative file path to the active excel file. The code below works fine as a link directly to the file. However, I just need this code snippet to find the PDF file that is sitting in the same file as the opened excel file and open accordingly.
Sub OpeningPDF()
'ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink "C:\Users\Michael\My Documents\totals\copy.pdf"
End Sub
I tried working with ThisWorkbook.path but nothing I tried with that worked or seemed to be outdate. Any help in this matter would be much appreciated.
I have found two solutions to this:
The first one is using the built-in Shell() function. This should automatically resolve the relative path (relative to the applications current working directory):
Public Sub StartExeWithArgument()
Dim strFilename As String
strFilename = "../folder/file.pdf"
Call Shell(strFilename, vbNormalFocus)
End Sub
The second one uses the Shell.Application COM Object and will basically do the same as the first one.
Sub runit()
Dim Shex As Object
Set Shex = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
tgtfile = "../folder/file.pdf"
Shex.Open (tgtfile)
End Sub
If you start with ThisWorkbook.Path and your relative-reference, then trim a layer off for every "..\" in the relative reference, you'll get the path.
Function RelativeToAbsolutePath(ByVal RelativePath As String) AS String
Dim TempStart AS String, TempEnd AS String
TempStart = ThisWorkbook.Path
TempEnd = RelativePath
If Left(TempEnd,1) = "\" Then TempEnd = Mid(TempEnd,1)
RelativeToAbsolutePath = ""
On Error GoTo FuncErr
While Left(TempEnd,3)="..\" AND InStrRev(TempStart,"\")>0
TempStart = Left(TempStart,InStrRev(TempStart,"\")-1) 'Remove 1 layer from Workbook path
TempEnd = Mid(TempEnd,4) 'Remove 1 instance of "..\"
RelativeToAbsolutePath = TempStart & "\" & TempEnd 'Stitch it all together
FuncErr: 'You may want a DIR(..) check to see if the file actually exists?
End Function
You can then open it with Shell

How to get the path of current worksheet in VBA?

I wrote a macro as an add-in, and I need to get the path of the current worksheet on which it is being executed. How do I do this? How do I get the file path (just the directory)?
Use Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path for just the path itself (without the workbook name) or Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName for the path with the workbook name.
Always nice to have:
Dim myPath As String
Dim folderPath As String
folderPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
myPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.FullName
If you want to get the path of the workbook from where the macro is being executed - use
Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path can sometimes produce unexpected results (e.g. if your macro switches between multiple workbooks).
The quickest way
path = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\"
I had the same problem and I built a solution that I'm going to share. Below is the function in VBA for Excel GetLocalPath(), which gets the local path of the ActiveWorkbook:
`Function GetLocalPath() As String
Dim sRowPath As String
Dim sLocalPath As String
Dim iFindhttp As Integer
sRowPath = Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path
If LCase(Left(sRowPath, 4)) = "http" Then
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
sLocalPath = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(sRowPath)
iFindhttp = InStr(LCase(sLocalPath), "\http")
sLocalPath = Left(sLocalPath, iFindhttp - 1)
Set fso = Nothing
sLocalPath = sRowPath
End If
GetLocalPath = sLocalPath
End Function`
