VTK using VoxelModeller to build Voxel Space of Point Cloud - vtk

Here's what I'd like to do: I have a .pcd (PCL standard format) file in which it's stored a Point Cloud, I would like to build a voxel representation of it and then extract an isosurface. If I'm not wrong, I should follow this example http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Examples/Cxx/Modelling/MarchingCubes, where I should set my pcd as input to vtkVoxelModeller instead of the sphere.
So I tried in this way:
// loading Point Cloud
pcl::PointCloud<PointType>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<PointType>);
std::string inputFilename = "GiraffeHead_2.pcd";
if (pcl::io::loadPCDFile<PointType> (inputFilename.c_str(), *cloud) == -1)
PCL_ERROR ("Couldn't read file test_pcd.pcd \n");
return (-1);
PointType min_pt,max_pt;
// copying Point Cloud into PolyData
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints> points = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPoints>::New();
for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud->points.size (); ++i)
vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> PCData = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData>::New();
the rest of the code is taken from the example and the only modifications I make is to set the bounds according to my surface and:
when I run the executable I get an empty window :(
Since I'm a newbie with VTK and I strongly need it for my research project I'd be very glad if someone could explain me what I'm doing wrong and point out a correct solution.

I found out that this tutorial was deprecated.
made the trick!


PDFLib fails to create PDF file in pvf

mpdf.create_pvf(card, mpImgBytes, mlen, L"");
int inDoc = mpdf.open_pdi_document(card, L"");
I am using pdflib version 9.3.
open_pdi_document returns -1
create_pvf creates an empty file of size 0.
Any idea on what could be wrong?
I am running pdflib on Windows 10, using C++.
I would recommend that you also retrieve the error reason in case of an error (open_pdi_document() returns -1) or work with the PDFlib errorpolicy "exception". Then you will get a first impression what the problem might be, then your code could looks like
/* Open the input PDF */
indoc = mpdf.open_pdi_document(card, L"");
if (indoc == -1) {
wcerr << L"Error: " << mpdf.get_errmsg() << endl;
return 2;
create_pvf creates an empty file of size 0.
how did you identify that?
Not sure how relevant my answer is, but this could help someone.
Installing ghostscript on my machine, resolved the error.

How to return pointer string with ctypes in python 2.7

I am working on implementation of new fiscal device. And it is using OPOS / UPOS library for communication. I am very new to ctypes and have no experience with C at all. However, I have managed to make it work, mostly.
But I am having issues with returning a string from generalist method DirectIO. documentation says: "This command should be used immediately after EndFiscalReceipt() to retrieve unique ID of latest receipt"
" Parameters:
– Data [in]
– Obj [in/out]
Value to be read."
And adds .NET example under it:
int iData = 0;
string strReferenceID = "";
fiscalPrinter.DirectIO(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, ref iData, ref strReferenceID);
// strReferenceID will contain latest receipt ID, e.g. "O−7DBCDA8A56EE426DBCDA8A56EE426D1A"
the first parameter (CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID) is the command executed, thats why its not listed above.
However, python is not .NET and I have never been working with .NET.
I have been following instructions in ctypes doku (https://docs.python.org/2.7/library/ctypes.html), defiend this methods arguments and return in init:
self.libc.DirectIO.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_char_p]
self.libc.DirectIO.restype = ctypes.c_char_p
Than tried different ways to retrieve reply string, but neither of these does work in my case:
s = ""
c_s = ctypes.c_char_p(s)
result = self.send_command(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, c_s)
p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(40)
poin = ctypes.pointer(p)
result = self.send_command(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, poin)
p = ctypes.create_string_buffer(40)
result = self.send_command(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, p)
s = ctypes.create_string_buffer('\000' * 32)
result = self.send_command(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, s)
the string object I have created is allways empty, a.k.a. "" after caling the Cmethod, just like I have created it.
However, there is one more thing, that does not make sense to me. My colleague showed me, how you can see method arguments and return in header file. For this one, there is this:
int DirectIO(int iCommand, int* piData, const char* pccString);
Which means, it returns integer? If I am not mistaken.
so, what I am thinking is, that I have to pass to the method some pointer to a string, created in python, and C will change it, into what I should read. Thus, I think my way of thinking about solution is right.
I have also tried this approach, but that does not work for me either How to pass pointer back in ctypes?
and I am starting to feel desperate. Not sure if I understand the problem correctly and looking for a solution is right place.
I have solved my problem. The whole thing was, in allocating of memory. Every example on the net that I have readed did create empty string, like s = "". But, that is not correct!
When allocated empty string "" C library have had no memory where to write result.
this was almost correct approach,
self.libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(LIB_PATH)
self.libc.DirectIO.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_char_p]
result_s = ctypes.c_char_p("")
log.info('S address: %s | S.value: "%s"' % (result_s, result_s.value))
self.libc.DirectIO(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, result_s)
log.info('S address: %s | S.value: "%s"' % (result_s, result_s.value))
S address: c_char_p(140192115373700) | S.value: ""
S address: c_char_p(140192115373700) | S.value: ""
it needed just a small modification:
self.libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(LIB_PATH)
self.libc.DirectIO.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_char_p]
result_s = ctypes.c_char_p(" " * 10)
log.info('S address: %s | S.value: %s' % (result_s, result_s.value))
self.libc.DirectIO(CMD_EKASA_RECEIPT_ID, 0, result_s)
log.info('S address: %s | S.value: %s' % (result_s, result_s.value))
now, printing result_s after calling self.libc.DirectIO does return different string, than it was before call.
S address: c_char_p(140532072777764) | S.value: " "
S address: c_char_p(140532072777764) | S.value: "0-C12A22F5"
There is linux in the tag, but OPOS does not work on linux.
Or are you working in an emulation environment such as Wine?
In any case, if you don't have the right environment, you can get into trouble with a little bit of nothing.
First, work in a Windows 32-bit environment, create something that works there, and then port it to another environment.
Since OPOS uses OLE/COM technology, the first package to use is win32com or comtypes.
UnifiedPOS is a conceptual specification and there are no actual software components.
There are three types of software that actually run: OPOS, JavaPOS, and POS for.NET.
OPOS and POS for.NET only work in a Windows 32-bit environment.
Only JavaPOS can work in a Linux environment, and it is usually only available from Java.
If you want to make something in Python, you need to create a Wrapper (or glue) library that calls Java from Python.
If the C interface UnifiedPOS(OPOS) is running on Linux without using the Windows emulator or the Wrapper for Java, it may be an original library/component created by the printer vendor with reference to UnifiedPOS.
In that case, I think that the detailed specification can only be heard from the vendor who created it.
To explain, DirectIO method and DirectIOEvent are defined as method/event that vendors can freely define and use.
Therefore, only method/event names and parameters are defined in the UnifiedPOS document.
It is necessary to ask the vendor who provides the DirectIO method/DirectIOEvent what function the specific vendor's service object has, and it is up to the vendor to determine what the parameter means is.
The OPOS specification was absorbed by UnifiedPOS from the middle, but until then it existed as a single specification.
The rest of the name is here. MCS: OPOS Releases
This is the root of the return value of the method of your library being integer.
By the way, this is the latest UnifiedPOS specification for now.
Document -- retail/17-07-32 (UnifiedPOS Retail Peripheral Architecture, Version 1.14.1)

Pyueye image saving with wrong resolution

personally pretty new to programming and I am trying to save a high mp Image from an IDS camera using the pyueye module with python.
my Code works to save the Image, but the Problem is it saves the Image as a 1280x720 Image inside a 4192x3104
I have no idea why its saving the small Image inside the larger file and am asking if anyone knows what i am doing wrong and how can I fix it so the Image is the whole 4192x3104
from pyueye import ueye
import ctypes
hcam = ueye.HIDS(0)
pccmem = ueye.c_mem_p()
memID = ueye.c_int()
hWnd = ctypes.c_voidp()
ueye.is_InitCamera(hcam, hWnd)
ueye.is_SetDisplayMode(hcam, 0)
sensorinfo = ueye.SENSORINFO()
ueye.is_GetSensorInfo(hcam, sensorinfo)
ueye.is_AllocImageMem(hcam, sensorinfo.nMaxWidth, sensorinfo.nMaxHeight,24, pccmem, memID)
ueye.is_SetImageMem(hcam, pccmem, memID)
ueye.is_SetDisplayPos(hcam, 100, 100)
nret = ueye.is_FreezeVideo(hcam, ueye.IS_WAIT)
FileParams = ueye.IMAGE_FILE_PARAMS()
FileParams.pwchFileName = "python-test-image.bmp"
FileParams.nFileType = ueye.IS_IMG_BMP
FileParams.ppcImageMem = None
FileParams.pnImageID = None
nret = ueye.is_ImageFile(hcam, ueye.IS_IMAGE_FILE_CMD_SAVE, FileParams, ueye.sizeof(FileParams))
ueye.is_FreeImageMem(hcam, pccmem, memID)
The size of the image depends on the sensor size of the camera.By printing sensorinfo.nMaxWidth and sensorinfo.nMaxHeight you will get the maximum size of the image which the camera captures. I think that it depends on the model of the camera. For me it is 2056x1542.
Could you please elaborate on the last sentence of the question.

Trouble in decoding the Path of the Blob file in Azure Search

I have set a Azure search for blob storage and since the path of the file is a key property it is encoded to Base 64 format.
While searching the Index, I need to decode the path and display it in the front end. But when I try to do that in few of the scenarios it throws error.
int mod4 = base64EncodedData.Length % 4;
if (mod4 > 0)
base64EncodedData += new string('=', 4 - mod4);
var base64EncodedBytes = System.Convert.FromBase64String(base64EncodedData);
return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(base64EncodedBytes);
Please let me know what is the correct way to do it.
Refer to Base64Encode and Base64Decode mapping functions - the encoding details are documented there.
In particular, if you're using .NET, you should use HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode method with UTF-8 encoding, not ASCII.

Python 3 C-API IO and File Execution

I am having some serious trouble getting a Python 2 based C++ engine to work in Python3. I know the whole IO stack has changed, but everything I seem to try just ends up in failure. Below is the pre-code (Python2) and post code (Python3). I am hoping someone can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong.I am also using boost::python to control the references.
The program is supposed to load a Python Object into memory via a map and then upon using the run function it then finds the file loaded in memory and runs it. I based my code off an example from the delta3d python manager, where they load in a file and run it immediately. I have not seen anything equivalent in Python3.
Python2 Code Begins here:
// what this does is first calls the Python C-API to load the file, then pass the returned
// PyObject* into handle, which takes reference and sets it as a boost::python::object.
// this takes care of all future referencing and dereferencing.
bp::object file_object(bp::handle<>(PyFile_FromString(fullPath(filename), "r" )));
loaded_files_.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(fullPath(filename)), file_object));
Next I load the file from the std::map and attempt to execute it:
bp::object loaded_file = getLoadedFile(filename);
PyRun_SimpleFile( PyFile_AsFile( loaded_file.ptr()), fullPath(filename) );
Python3 Code Begins here: This is what I have so far based off some suggestions here... SO Question
PyObject *ioMod, *opened_file, *fd_obj;
ioMod = PyImport_ImportModule("io");
opened_file = PyObject_CallMethod(ioMod, "open", "ss", fullPath(filename), "r");
bp::handle<> h_open(opened_file);
bp::object file_obj(h_open);
loaded_files_.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(fullPath(filename)), file_obj));
bp::object loaded_file = getLoadedFile(filename);
int fd = PyObject_AsFileDescriptor(loaded_file.ptr());
PyObject* fileObj = PyFile_FromFd(fd,fullPath(filename),"r",-1,"", "\n","", 0);
FILE* f_open = _fdopen(fd,"r");
PyRun_SimpleFile( f_open, fullPath(filename) );
Lastly, the general state of the program at this point is the file gets loaded in as TextIOWrapper and in the Run: section the fd that is returned is always 3 and for some reason _fdopen can never open the FILE which means I can't do something like PyRun_SimpleFile. The error itself is a debug ASSERTION on _fdopen. Is there a better way to do all this I really appreciate any help.
If you want to see the full program of the Python2 version it's on Github
So this question was pretty hard to understand and I'm sorry, but I found out my old code wasn't quite working as I expected. Here's what I wanted the code to do. Load the python file into memory, store it into a map and then at a later date execute that code in memory. I accomplished this a bit differently than I expected, but it makes a lot of sense now.
Open the file using ifstream, see the code below
Convert the char into a boost::python::str
Execute the boost::python::str with boost::python::exec
Profit ???
Step 1)
vector<char> input;
ifstream file(fullPath(filename), ios::in);
if (!file.is_open())
// set our error message here
return input;
file >> std::noskipws;
copy(istream_iterator<char>(file), istream_iterator<char>(), back_inserter(input));
Step 2)
bp::str file_str(string(&input[0]));
loaded_files_.insert(std::make_pair(std::string(fullPath(filename)), file_str));
Step 3)
bp::str loaded_file = getLoadedFile(filename);
// Retrieve the main module
bp::object main = bp::import("__main__");
// Retrieve the main module's namespace
bp::object global(main.attr("__dict__"));
bp::exec(loaded_file, global, global);
Full Code is located on github:
