use of signals with POSIX threads on linux - linux

The signal mask can be set on a per thread basis, but what about signal handles? If I call sigaction() before creating new threads with pthread_create(), will the new threads get the same signal handler? What if I use sigaction() after pthread_create(), will that change the entire process signal handlers or just the ones of the thread?

There is only ONE signal handler per process. So threads are not relevant in any kind here. The signal handler is called in the thread context which receives the signal. Which thread receives the signal is not specified if multiple threads have not blocked the signal.
You have to take care if multiple threads waits in system calls. Also you have to take care with using timer actions and calls to sleep.
You may also find this answer helpful: POSIX threads and signals


pthread_sigmask not working properly with aio callback threads

My application is sometimes terminating from SIGIO or SIGUSR1 signals even though I have blocked these signals.
My main thread starts off with blocking SIGIO and SIGUSR1, then makes 2 AIO read operations. These operations use threads to get notification about operation status. The notify functions (invoked as detached threads) start another AIO operation (they manipulate the data that has been read and start writing it back to the file) and notification is handled by sending signal (one operation uses SIGIO, the other uses SIGUSR1) to this process. I am receiving these signals synchronously by calling sigwait in the main thread. Unfortunately, sometimes my program crashes, being stopped by SIGUSR1 or SIGIO signal (which should be blocked by a sigmask).
One possible solution is to set SIG_IGN handlers for them but this doesn't solve the problem. Their handlers shouldn't be invoked, rather should they be retrieved from pending signals by sigwait in the next iteration of the main program loop.
I have no idea which thread handles this signal in this manner. Maybe it's the init who receives this signal? Or some shell thread? I have no idea.
I'd hazard a guess that the signal is being received by one of your AIO callback threads, or by the very thread which generates the signal. (Prove me wrong and I'll delete this answer.)
Unfortunately per the standard, "[t]he signal mask of [a SIGEV_THREAD] thread is implementation-defined." For example, on Linux (glibc 2.12), if I block SIGUSR1 in main, then contrive to run a SIGEV_THREAD handler from an aio_read call, the handler runs with SIGUSR1 unblocked.
This makes SIGEV_THREAD handlers unsuitable for an application that must reliably and portably handle signals.

Multithreaded server, signal handling. POSIX

I have trouble dealing with signal handling in my multithreaded server. I create one thread per connection but I want to have an option to terminate the server with SIGINT. However, things get nasty when one of the threads catches the signal. Is there a way I could block the threads from getting the signal except for the main thread?
A thread inherits its signal mask from the thread creating it.
Assuming the creating thread is the "main" thread, you might like to block all signals in question prior to creating a thread and after the code is done with this unblock the signals in the creating thread.
To modify a thread's signal mask POSIX defines pthread_sigmask().
When signal handling needs to be performed on a regular base in a multithreaded environment, an interesting approach is to delegate all signals to a separate thread doing nothing else but waiting for signals to arrive using sigwait().
To do so:
Set the signal mask as per the signals you want to handle using pthread_sigmask() in the "main" thread prior to anything else.
Then create the thread to handle the signals.
Then block all signals from 1. in the "main" thread by using pthread_sigmask() again.
And finally create all other threads.
The result would be that all signals specified under 1. would go to the thread created under 2.. All other threads would not receive any of the signals specified under 1..
pthread_sigmask() is exactly what you need. Allow SIGINT processing only in a thread that is supposed to catch this signal.

Terminating multithreaded application in C++11 by POSIX signal

I wrote a simple multithreaded application in C++11 on Linux platform and I would like to terminate the server and its running threads by sending SIGINT signal.
Obviously my server application uses thread support from C++11 (std::thread etc.). Although I found some support for signal handling in C++11 (std::signal), I couldn't find any support for handling signals in multithreaded environment.
So my question is - is there any way how to handle signals in multithreaded application in C++11 or do I have to rely back on pthreads just because my application needs to deal with signals?
2.4 Signal Concepts:
At the time of generation, a determination shall be made whether the signal has been generated for the process or for a specific thread within the process. Signals which are generated by some action attributable to a particular thread, such as a hardware fault, shall be generated for the thread that caused the signal to be generated. Signals that are generated in association with a process ID or process group ID or an asynchronous event, such as terminal activity, shall be generated for the process.
Signals generated for the process shall be delivered to exactly one of those threads within the process which is in a call to a sigwait() function selecting that signal or has not blocked delivery of the signal.
In the light of the above, in a multi-threaded process a common solution is to block all signals one intends to handle in all threads but one. That one thread would normally handle all process signals and tell other threads what to do (e.g. terminate) and is often the main thread. It easy to block the signals in the main thread before creating other threads, that inherit the signal mask of the parent thread. Once the main thread is done creating child threads and is ready to handle signals it must unblock those.
Unfortunately, C++11 does not provide any means for that. You have to use POSIX functions. Scroll down to Signalling in a Multi-Threaded Process in pthread_sigmask for an example that creates a special signal handling thread. The latter is not necessary if you are using an event loop in the main thread that can handle signals, just unblock the signals before entering the event loop.

multi-threaded signal handling

In unix, If a multi-threaded process was sent a signal, which thread will be the one to execute the handling function?
if it is a multi-cpu machine, more than 1 thread is running at the same time. which thread will be the on to run the signal handling function?
According to man 7 signal, all threads in the process share the same signal handler, and if a signal is delivered to a process with multiple threads that have not blocked the signal, one of them is arbitrarily chosen to receive it.
Having a multi-CPU machine will not change these semantics.

Status of threads when signal handler runs

Assume a multi-threaded application, with a signal handler defined in it.
Now if a signal is delivered to the PROCESS, and signal handler is invoked - My doubt is what happens to other threads during the period signal handler is running. Do they keep running, as if nothing has happened or they are suspended for that period .. or ...?
Also if someone can tell me WHY to justify the answer?
The specification is pretty clear how signals and threads interact:
Signals generated for the process shall be delivered to exactly one of those threads within the process which is in a call to a sigwait() function selecting that signal or has not blocked delivery of the signal.
As the signal is delivered to exactly one thread, other threads are unaffected (and keep running).
The threads are independent: a signal from one thread to a second thread will not affect any of the others. The why is because they are independent. The only reason why it would affect the others is if the signal handler of the thread in question somehow interacts with other threads.
