Implementing game states using reactive-banana - haskell

In my breakout implementation there are two main behaviors that describe the
game's main state:
paddlePosition :: Behavior t Point
ballPosition :: Behavior t Point
Both are implemented in terms of tickEvent :: Event t () which discretely
updates them.
The gameOverEvent :: Event t () filters all tick events where the ball
position is below the screen.
I would like to replace paddlePosition by a new behavior as soon as there
is a gameOverEvent, leaving the paddle in place, in pseudo code:
newPaddlePosition = \t -> case gameOverEvent of
[] -> paddlePosition t
((t',()) : _) -> paddlePosition t'
The first question is: How do I express newPaddlePosition using
The second is question is a bit more vague: What is a good way to organize the
whole program depending on if the game is over or not? There are other
considerations like: How to handle ballPosition, how to draw the game, and so

You are probably looking for dynamic event switching, in particular the switchB combinator.
See also this question.
Note that the pseudocode for your newPaddlePosition function does not make much sense: It says that when the gameOverEvent never occurs, then the new paddle position is equal to paddlePosition, otherwise it is constant and equal to the value of paddlePosition at the time that the event occurs. This is impossible to express in a causal FRP library. You probably mean something else.


Real life and useful examples of Reverse State monad

Reverse State monad is really nice and mind blowing example of Haskell language's expressiveness and lazy evaluation. But it's not that easy to understand this monad. Moreover, it's really hard to find some convincing real life example of what you can do with Reverse State monad easier than with any other tool in the language.
Reverse State monad is defined in the next way:
newtype RState s a = RState { runRState :: s -> (a,s) }
instance Monad (RState s) where
return x = RState $ (,) x
RState sf >>= f = RState $ \s ->
let (a, past) = sf future
(b, future) = runRState (f a) s
in (b, past)
It already has some examples and usages but I don't find them quite practical.
Quora answer: well-explained and even has real life example of usage but without code and it's not clear whether it's a really good idea to use RState.
Mindfuck: introducing this nice concept but example is not useful. Nobody will write Fibonacci numbers this way.
Kwang's Haskell Blog: shows how Writer can be emulated with RState but come on. Not really a real life example :)
I'm also aware of tardis package but no tutorial of this library, documentation examples are really abstract, not so many people really understand it. The closest to what I want is this tutorial but it has example of tardis, not just RState. As well as this book reference.
Thus I'm not looking for tardis real life patterns, I'm interested only in RState illustration if possible. Though I understand that there might be no samples of pure RState usages. In that case minimal example with RStateT transformer or tardis is good enough.
Did someone use this monad in real life or have really nice & useful illustration with code?
I have known about these monads for well over a decade now, and have only just recently seen a realistic application of them. It's in a bit of an unusual setting. A coworker and I are using functional reactive programming via the 'reflex' library, and are working on a library to help with building terminal-graphics applications. If you're familiar with 'reflex-dom', it's similar in nature, except that our basic monad, rather than putting subsequent widgets one after the other in the DOM, instead just stacks terminal character-cell-based "images" on top of each other, and it's up to the user to carve up the screen sensibly. We wanted to provide something a little nicer than this, which would keep track of remaining screen real-estate to some extent, and let the user place some "tiles" in rows and columns, such that a do-block basically corresponds to either a column or row of tiles on the screen.
In addition to handling the problem of layout, we also want the tiles to be able to manage keyboard focus, allowing the user to press tab to cycle through them, or shift-tab to go in reverse. It was here that the forwards-and-backwards-in-time state monad transformer became quite handy: we can have the current state in either direction be an Event (of an empty tuple). Each tile can send an event to the previous and next widgets (and receive an event from them), notifying widgets when they are receiving keyboard focus and so should stop blocking key presses from reaching their child widgets. So schematically, the tile widget looks something like:
do rec focusP <- recvFromPast
sendToPast shiftTabPress
tabPress <- gate focused $ ... filter input Event for Tab keypresses ...
shiftTabPress <- gate focused $ ... filter input Event for Shift-Tab ...
focused <- hold False $ leftmost
[ True <$ (focusP <> focusF)
, False <$ (shiftTabPress <> tabPress) ]
v <- ... run the child widget and do layout stuff ...
sendToFuture tabPress
focusF <- recvFromFuture
return v
Here, sendToFuture is the ordinary state "put", sendToPast is the reverse-time "put", recvFromPast is the ordinary state "get", and recvFromFuture is reverse-time "get". So focusP :: Event t () is an Event that we get from our predecessor (another tile like this one, probably) telling us that we have the focus now, and focusF, is a similar Event we receive from our successor. We keep track of when we have the focus using a 'hold' to construct focused :: Behavior t Bool, which is then used to gate the keyboard events so that we're sure to tell our neighbours they're receiving focus only if we ourselves are focused, and is also used in the bit I elided where we're running the child widget, in order to filter its input events appropriately.
I'm not certain we're actually going to still be doing it this way by the time the library gets released, but it seems to work well thus far, and I was happy to have finally noticed a case in which this construction could be put to practical use. cis194 Haskell Basics: Functions and Pictures

Now the traffic light is green, but we want it to switch to red every now and then. The CodeWorld API not only allows us to draw drawings, but also to run animations. What is an animation? It is a picture that changes over time, where time can conveniently be understood as the number of seconds since the start of the animation.
In imperative language, one would probably have a getCurrentTime() function and call that from somewhere in our drawing generating. This is not possible nor desirable in a pure functional language, as it would be a hidden side effect. Instead, the time is provided as a parameter.
So here this codes makes the traffic light switch every three seconds:
trafficController :: Double -> Picture
trafficController t
| round (t/3) `mod` 2 == 0 = trafficLight True
| otherwise = trafficLight False
main :: IO ()
main = animationOf trafficController
How can the function trafficController work without the t input in the main statement if it is defined (above) to work with time parameter?
What makes the t parameter increment all the time ?
animationOf's type is (Double -> Picture) -> IO (). This means its argument has to have type Double -> Picture, i.e. it must be a function from Double to Picture. trafficController is a function with precisely this type. Note that trafficController t (for some Double t) isn't: it's a Picture!
The definition of animationOf, which you can find here. If you look into what it does with its argument, and then the functions it calls, etc., it ultimately calls its parameter (trafficController in this case) with different t repeatedly. However, it requires tracing a few steps, and I wouldn't recommend it at this stage.

"Behavior now" in FRP

In a previous SO question (Is it possible?: Behavior t [Behavior t a] -> Behavior t [a]) we were analyzing the existence of a Behavior join (to use reactive-banana terms).
Behavior t (Behavior t a) -> Behavior t a
Implemented in the semantic model as follows
type Behavior t a = t -> a
behaviorNow :: Behavior t (Behavior t a) -> Behavior t a
behaviorNow f t = f t t
While implementing this directly would be unfortunate since we could produce a Behavior Monad using const and behaviorNow, if and how does behaviorNow violate the semantics of FRP?
I'd love to hear answers using the terminology of any other FRP system along with comparisons if meaningful.
In a poll based FRP system, any behavior has a meaningful join
the sample of join bb is the sample of the b obtained by sampling bb
In push based FRP, any behavior that is a step function composed with other step functions has a meaningful >>= and join. Pushing values through >>= can be described in imperative terms:
when the argument of the bind changes, evaluate the bind and
change the current step function to the returned step function
change the value to the value of the current step function
when the value of the current step function changes, change the value
Providing a Monad instance may be slightly undesirable because it is likely to be chosen by preference by library users, even if it is less efficient. For example, the code in this unrelated answer performs more work when a computation was built with >>= than if it had been equivalently built with <*>.
Conal Elliott described in declarative terms a join for simultaneously pushing and polling values for behaviors built from step functions:
-- Reactive is a behavior that can only be a step function
data Reactive a = a `Stepper` Event a
newtype Event a = Ev (Future (Reactive a))
join :: Reactive (Reactive a) -> Reactive a
join ((a `Stepper` Ev ur) `Stepper` Ev urr ) =
((`switcher` Ev urr ) <$> ur) _+_ (join <$> urr )
switcher :: Reactive a -> Event (Reactive a) -> Reactive a
r `switcher` er = join (r `Stepper` er)
where Future is the type for a value we haven't seen yet, _+_ is the first of the two Future possibilities to occur, and <$> is infix fmap on Futures. [1]
If we don't provide any other means of creating behaviors than
the constant function (which is trivially a step function)
a "stepper" that remembers the most recent value of an event
application of various combinators of behaviors where the combinators themselves aren't time-varying
then every behavior is a step function and we can use this or a similar Monad instance for behaviors.
Difficulties only arise when we want to have behaviors that are continuous or are a function of some time other than when an event occurred. Consider if we had the following
time :: Behavior t t
which is the behavior that tracks the current time. A Monad instance for polling the system would still be the same, but we can no longer push changes through the system reliably. What happens when we make something as simple as time >>= \x -> if am x then return 0 else return 1 (where am t is true for times in the morning)? Neither our definition of >>= above nor Elliot's join can admit the optimization of knowing when the time changes; it changes continuously. The best we could do to >>= is something like:
if we know that the argument to the bind is step valued then
when the argument of the bind changes, evaluate the bind and
change the current step function to the returned step function
change the value to the value of the current step function
when the value of the current step function changes, change the value
return an abstract syntax tree for this >>=
For the join form, we would be reduced to doing something similar, and simply record the AST in the instance that the outer behavior in a join isn't a step function.
Additionally, anything built using this as an input could change at noon and midnight, whether or not any other event was raised. It would taint everything from that point on with the inability to reliably push events.
From an implementation point of view, our best option would seem to be to continuously poll time, and replace anywhere it was used with a stepper built from the polling events. This wouldn't update values between events, so now users of our library can't reliably poll values.
Our best choice for an implementation would be to keep an abstract syntax tree of what happened with arbitrary behaviors like these and provide no means to generate events from behaviors. Then behaviors can be polled, but no updates will ever be pushed for them. In that case, we might as well leave it out of the library, and let the user pass around ASTs (which they can get for Free), and let the user evaluate the entire AST every time it's polled. We can't optimize it any more for the library user, since any value like this can change continuously.
There is one final option, but it involves introducing quite a bit of complexity. Introduce the notion of predictability for properties of continuously varying values and computations of continuously varying values. This would allow us to provide a Monad interface for a larger subset of time-varying behaviors, but not for all of them. This complexity is already desirable in other parts of programs, but I don't know of any libraries outside symbolic math which attempt to address this.
(Author here.)
First note, that the behaviorNow function is the monadic join.
In reactive-banana-0.7, Behavior t is not a monad beause that would have serious consequences for efficiency.
The first and most important problem is that behaviors can also be stateful. In conjunction with join, this would lead to time leaks. The main indication of problems is that the starting time t of the inner Behavior t is the same as the outer one. For instance, consider the program
e :: Event t Int
b :: Int -> Behavior t Int
b x = accumB 0 $ (x+) <$ e
bb :: Behavior t (Behavior t Int)
bb = stepper (pure 0) $ b <$> e
The behavior join bb would need to keep track of the whole history of the event e in order to perform the accumulation in the definition of b. In other words, the event e could never be garbage collected -- a time leak.
A second problem is that internally, the implementation of Behavior t also includes an event that keeps track of when the behavior changes. However, a liberal use of the join combinator, for instance as implied by do notation, would lead to rather convoluted calculations to determine whether the behavior has changed or not. This is contrary to the reason for keeping track in the first place: efficiency by avoiding expensive calculations.
The Reactive.Banana.Switch module offers various combinators that are cousins of the join function, but avoid the first problem with cleverly chosen types. In particular:
The switchB function is the most direct analogue of join.
The AnyMoment Identity type is similar to the Behavior type, but without state and without keeping track of changes. Consequently, it has a monad instance.

Can reactive-banana handle cycles in the network?

We have code like this:
guiState :: Discrete GuiState
guiState = stepperD (GuiState []) $
union (mkGuiState <$> changes model) evtAutoLayout
evtAutoLayout :: Event GuiState
evtAutoLayout = fmap fromJust . filterE isJust . fmap autoLayout $ changes guiState
You can see that evtAutoLayout feeds into guiState which feeds into
evtAutoLayout--so there is a cycle there. This is deliberate. Auto
layout adjusts the gui state until it reaches an equilibrium and then
it returns Nothing and so it should stop the loop. A new model change
can kick it off again, of course.
When we put this together, though, we run into an infinite loop on the
compile function call. Even if autoLayout = Nothing, it still results in a stack overflow during compile.
If I remove the union call in guiState and remove evtAutoLayout out of
the picture...
guiState :: Discrete GuiState
guiState = stepperD (GuiState []) $ mkGuiState <$> changes model
it works fine.
Any suggestions?
The question
Does the reactive-banana library support recursively defined events?
has not only one, but three answers. The short answers are: 1. generally no, 2. sometimes yes, 3. with workaround yes.
Here the long answers.
The semantics of reactive-banana do not support defining an Event directly in terms of itself.
This is a decision that Conal Elliott made in his original FRP semantics and I've decided to stick to it. Its main benefit is that the semantics remain very simple, you can always think in terms of
type Behavior a = Time -> a
type Event a = [(Time,a)]
I have provided a module Reactive.Banana.Model that implements almost precisely this model, you can consult its source code for any questions concerning the semantics of reactive-banana. In particular, you can use it to reason about your example: a calculation with pen & paper or trying it in GHCi (with some mock data) will tell you that the value evtAutoLayout is equal to _|_, i.e. undefined.
The latter may be surprising, but as you wrote it, the example is indeed undefined: the GUI state only changes if an evtAutoLayout event happens, but it can only happen if you know whether the GUI state changes, which in turn, etc. You always need to break the strangulating feedback loop by inserting a small delay. Unfortunately, reactive-banana doesn't currently offer a way to insert small delays, mainly because I don't know how to describe small delays in terms of the [(Time,a)] model in a way that allows recursion. (But see answer 3.)
It is possible and encouraged to define an Event in terms of a Behavior that refers to the Event again. In other words, recursion is allowed as long as you go through a Behavior.
A simple example would be
import Reactive.Banana.Model
filterRising :: (FRP f, Ord a) => Event f a -> Event f a
filterRising eInput = eOutput
eOutput = filterApply (greater <$> behavior) eInput
behavior = stepper Nothing (Just <$> eOutput)
greater Nothing _ = True
greater (Just x) y = x < y
example :: [(Time,Int)]
example = interpretTime filterRising $ zip [1..] [2,1,5,4,8,9,7]
-- example = [(1.0, 2),(3.0, 5),(5.0, 8),(6.0, 9)]
Given an event stream, the function filterRising returns only those events that are greater than the previously returned. This is hinted at in the documentation for the stepper function.
However, this is probably not the kind of recursion you desire.
Still, it is possible to insert small delays in reactive-banana, it's just not part of the core library and hence doesn't come with any guaranteed semantics. Also, you do need some support from your event loop to do that.
For instance, you can use a wxTimer to schedule an event to happen right after you've handled the current one. The Wave.hs example demonstrates the recursive use of a wxTimer with reactive-banana. I don't quite know what happens when you set the timer interval to 0, though, it might execute too early. You probably have to experiment a bit to find a good solution.
Hope that helps; feel free to ask for clarifications, examples, etc.
Disclosure: I'm the author of the reactive-banana library.

Is the 'Signal' representation of Functional Reactive Programming correct?

I have been researching FRP and found a bunch of different implementations. One model I have seen is one I will refer to as the 'Signal' representation. This essential combines Events and Behaviours into one entity.
Firstly, a Signal is an object thats value is a Behaviour. Secondly, a Signal has an Event 'stream' that can be seen and operated on as a standard data structure (you can use 'each', 'map' and 'filter' etc on the Signal to define how Events are reacted to). For example I can do this (where 'time' is a Signal representation of time):
time.each { t => print(t) } // every time there is a 'tick' the current time is printed
a = time * 5 //where 'a' would be a dynamic value always up to date with time
Is this representation of FRP correct or are there any problems? I quite like the way this works and also how simple it is to describe personally but I'm not sure its right.
Unfortunately, coalescing "event" and "behavior" into a single entity "signal" doesn't work so well.
Most signal-based FRP implementations that I know end up creating an additional "event"-like type along the lines of
type Event a = Signal (Maybe a)
So, the concept of events doesn't go away, and there is no real simplification. In fact, I would argue that the signal type is a semantic complification. Signals are only popular because they are easier to implement.
The main argument against signals is that they cannot represent continuous time behaviors, because they have to cater to the discrete events. In Conal Elliott's original vision, behaviors were simple continuous functions of time
type Behavior a = Time -> a
-- = function that takes the current time as parameter and returns
-- the corresponding value of type a
In contrast, signals always are always discretized and usually associated with a fixed time step. (It is possible to implement both events and behaviors on top of a variable time step signal, but it's not a good abstraction by itself.) Compare this to an event stream
type Event a = [(Time,a)]
-- list of pairs of the form (current time, corresponding event value)
where the individual events don't necessarily occur in regularly spaced time intervals.
The argument for the distinction between behaviors and events is that their API is quite different. The main point is that they have different product types:
(Behavior a , Behavior b) = Behavior (a,b)
(Event a , Event b ) = Event (a :+: b)
In words: a pair of behaviors is the same as a behavior of pairs, but a pair of events is the same as an event from either component/channel. Another point is that there are two operations
(<*>) :: Behavior (a -> b) -> Behavior a -> Behavior b
apply :: Behavior (a -> b) -> Event a -> Event b
that have almost the same type, but quite different semantics. (The first updates the result when the first argument changes, while the second doesn't.)
To summarize: signals can be used for implementing FRP and are valuable for experimenting with new implementation techniques, but behaviors and events are a better abstraction for people who just want to use FRP.
(Full Disclosure: I have implemented an FRP library called reactive-banana in Haskell.)
