I have been using Tomcat for a long time, and I am frustrated with the lack of control over threads. Some threads may eat up all the resources of the server, and that can't be controlled in Tomcat.
I'm exploring more advanced JavaEE containers like WebSphere, WebLogic, and JBoss. Do they allow controlling or changing the priority of a thread, or a group of threads, even manually? Furthermore, would they allow controlling the amount of CPU used by a thread?
Read the following artical on Weblogic Server:
Thread Management
WebLogic Server Performance and Tuning
This question is rather broad.
There are threads created by the container and there are threads created by applications. Tomcat thread priorities can be changed statically through configuration.
However you have no control over those created by applications unless they have made use of the javax.enterprise.concurrent facilities that have been added to Java EE 7. Different implementations of this may or may not provide a way of dynamically reconfiguring threads created in this way.
Some Java EE implementations prior to 7 may provide vendor dependent APIs for applications to get access to concurrent capabilities.
I have a web application that simply acts as a Front Controller using Spring Boot to call other remote REST services where I am combining Spring's DeferredResult with Observables subscribed on Scheduler.computation().
We are also using JMeter to stress out the web application, and we have noticed that requests start to fail with a 500 status, no response data and no logs anywhere when the number of concurrent threads scheduled in JMeter increases from 25, which obviously is a very "manageable" number for Tomcat.
Digging into the issue with the use of VisualVM to analyze how the threads were being created and used, we realized that the use of rx.Schedulers was somehow impacting the number of threads created by Tomcat NIO. Let me summarize our tests based on the rx.Scheduler used and a test in JMeter with 100 users (threads):
As we're using the Schedulers.computation() and my local machine has 4 available processors, then 4 EventLoop thread pools are created by RxJava (named RxComputationThreadPool-XXX) and ONLY 10 of Tomcat (named http-nio-8080-exec-XXX), as per VisualVM:
This scheduler seems to basically act as the Scheduler.newThread(), so a new thread is always created when required. Again, we can see lots of threads created by RxJava (named RxNewThreadScheduler-XXX), but ONLY 10 for Tomcat (named http-nio-8080-exec-XXX), as per VisualVM:
If we disable the creation of new threads in RxJava, either by setting the Schedulers.immediate() or removing it from the Observable, then we see the expected behaviour from Tomcat's threads, i.e. 100 http-nio-8080-exec corresponding to the number of users defined for the JMeter test:
Therefore, based on our testing, it's clear to us that the combination of RxJava with Schedulers and Tomcat 8 is somehow constraining the number of threads created by Tomcat... And we have no idea why or how this is happening.
Any help would be much appreciated as this is blocking our development so far.
Thanks in advance.
Hazel cast creates a number of threads. If my application is deployed in a j2ee environment, creating threads is discouraged. Is there a way to enable hazelcast to use application server managed threads?
There is no way to do that and there are no plans to make that happen.
Why do you think that app servers don't like you creating threads? I have done on quite a few and never had problems.
i have a webapp written with spring 3 and struts 2 that is hosted on a glassfish server. In this app i have two webservices that need to do some background work without delaying the accessed method response.
So, now i use a spring bean that uses an instance of org.springframework.core.task.TaskExecutor and from there i run my new thread.
Is this the correct/best practice approach in context of using this app on glassfish? or should find another method of doing this ?
It's discouraged to create your own threads because the app server is meant to be in charge. See the answers to Why is spawning threads in Java EE container discouraged?
However in practice, especially if it's the only application on there, you might be OK, especially if you use a fixed thread pool. Be sure all the threads are gone when you undeploy the app. (I expect Spring classes will handle disposal on undeploy / shutdown correctly, if you declare them within the Spring container).
We use Kentico CMS and I've exchanged emails with them about a web garden deployment.
We have a single site running on a server with 8 cpu cores. In line with Kentico's advice, we have not altered the application pool web garden setting from the default i.e. it is set to a maximum number of worker processes of 1.
Our experience is that the site only uses one of the cpu cores - the others are idling. When I emailed them about this, their response was that the OS/IIS would handle this and use other cores as necessary even though the application pool only has a single worker process.
Now, I've a lot of respect for the guys at Kentico, but this doesn't seem right to me?
Surely, if we want to use all cores, we need to permit eight worker processes (and implement session state storage in SQL server)?
Many thanks
I would suggest running perfmon for a 24 hours and see if you can determine what resources are being used. Indeed they might already be running on all cores . . . Also, if their web app is a heavily threaded system, then it will take full advantage of multiple cores(at least ours does). Threads, not worker processes, are what actually count for processor utilization.
Not sure if you got an answer on ServerFault, at any rate ASP.NET is multi-threaded and in a single worker process there are several threads, each serving a single request.
are there any performance limitations using IBM's asynchbeans?
my apps jvm core dumps are showing numerous occurences of orphaned threads. Im currently using native jdk unmanaged threads. Is it worth changing over to managed threads?
In my perspective asynchbeans are a workaround to create threads inside Websphere J2EE server. So far so good, websphere lets you create pool of "worker" threads, controlling this way the maximum number of threads, typical J2EE scalability concern.
I had some problems using asynchbeans inside websphere on "unmanaged" threads (hacked callbacks from JMS Listener via the "outlawed" setMessageListener). I was "asking for it" not using MDBs in the first place, but I have requisites that do not feet MDB way.