Gulp task finishes but never ends - node.js

NOTE: Here is an example repo with the problem.
When I run ./gulp js, the process works (creates the expected files on the file system), but the task never completes... just hangs indefinitely:
I figure I'm not returning something somewhere, or invoking a callback correctly, but after hours of tinkering, head-banging, and Googling, I haven't found a solution.
Can someone help me out here?
If it makes a difference, I'm currently using node v4.1.0. All other dependencies and versions are in the example repo linked above.
EDIT: Original inspiration for this gulp recipe came from
However, I couldn't get transform to work as that author suggested, which led me to

Of course—as it always happens—I think of something new to try just after I post to SO and it appears to work.
You can see my full changeset here:
TL;DR Basically I tried the suggestion in the last comment on the aforementioned issue from my question, where I pass the file object itself to browserify instead of the file path, and lo-and-behold, the task finishes now.
I don't pretend to know why that fixed the issue, so if anyone would like to explain, I'd love to learn. ;)


Converting a package backend from Rcpp to cpp11

I'm trying to use cpp11 with a fork of fixest (I need to use vendoring). I put a new branch at, then started committing step by step as cpp11's FAQ says, and I fixed all the errors one by one.
Now when I run devtools::install(), the process fails, and now it doesn't say "I didn't like line 10 in means.cpp" or similar.
I'm looking for any help to be able to solve this problem. I listed my doubts at
The problem appears to be in this file just to show diff in the file quf.cpp (

Node hot reload

i wanted to implement an hot-reload feature in my app.
Basically when i change a file that returns a value i want it to be working on my running application.
This involves some require.cache knowledge that maybe i got wrong,
i've found a small repo that i thought it could help me with no chance.
The repo is clear-module and i prepared a small example on top of it
git clone
install the modules with
npm i
and then run it with
node index.js
This code prints every 500ms a value.
This value comes from a delegate.
My Issue
If i change the value returned by get-points.js while the code is running it does not do anything... i would expect a change, right?
Thanks for your help!

Log statements in Node Module not getting printed

I am a new to Node JS. I have included a module via npm install '<module_name>. It was built correctly and there was no errors. Now, I wanted to debug it, so I placed a few console.log('some text') in code blocks of the module to see if the code by passes that line. Anyway, none of the log statements were displayed.
I am wondering if I have to compile or something the modules after adding the log staements. Am I missing something here.
Your console.log statements are not being run, this could be caused by many things.
Assuming you have added the console.log statements to the module code in the node_modules directory of your app..
does the module have src and dist directories and you have not edited the code that is actually being run? (this relates to needing to recompile, but editing the actual code that the module is running will be quicker and easier)
if this is in a server or long running script it will need to be restarted to load the changes
is this in a browser which might be caching the code (turn off browser cache)
is the code where you added the log statements actually being hit?
I would make sure I had a console.log statement in a part of the code guaranteed to be hit, just as a sanity check.
For anyone coming here in the future, try console.error instead of console.log. For some decided reason or another, log was being overriding by the library I was monkey fixing. Took me way too long to find the culprit.

undefined is not a function zombie.js

I'm new to both zombie and cucumber-js, so I apologize if I leave out anything important. If you need something I missed, please just ask.
I'm trying to get cucumber-js/zombie up and running on my XP box. I've had several issues along the way, but, with help, have gotten past those. Now I'm getting a new one. I have a test feature file with test files before it (basically pulled from the cucumber.js page on github). I installed both cucumber and zombie with a -g since it didn't see it otherwise. When I run the command cucumber-js features\myfeature.feature, I get the following error:
this.browser = new zombie.Browser();
TypeError: undefined is not a function
(followed by a stacktrace)
I would greatly appreciate ANY help that ANYONE can give me on this.
node v0.8.17
cucumber v0.3.0
don't know how to tell a version of zombie
I understand that this is coming quite late to the question, and the author may have moved on to something else. It is to help others, who may come to this question
Hopefully, your zombie is set to this -
var zombie=require("zombie");
Having clarified that, you need to change your step from
this.browser = new zombie.Browser();
this.browser=new zombie();
and that should work fine.
There is a lot more to that, for more help check this API out.

CruiseControl.Net Deleted Files

I'm using on against a Source Safe database, and have a problem that someone deleted some files from the database, and the deleted files weren't removed. I didn't see a config switch or anything that I could set for it to clear the code directory prior to building.
Am I missing something?
As Alex says there is a CleanCopy flag in the source code block. However, my situation was a little different. I use subversion and I found the CleanCopy flag was NOT doing what it said it would on the box.
To solve the problem I added a task which runs a batch file that clears out the build's working copy prior to checkout. It is a bit slower (about 1 min for code base of 400Mb) but guarantees no old code.
All you need to do is set CleanCopy to true in your source control block. The documentation is very clear on this. The above answer is the wrong way.
