I have some code on nodejs using mongoose module, and I need to get nested value, let I show you:
I create Schema
var clientScheme = mongoose.Schema({
name: Object
address: String,
number: Number,
operator: Object,
services: Object,
email: String
Then I create model:
var Client = mongoose.model('Client', clientScheme);
Then goes creating/saving - it's easy, I just show you first client.json
"address":"Avenue 1",
"number": 7012341,
And then, I need to get this client by first name. I try to:
Doesn't work.
What's wrong?
You can do this with :
You should use dotted notation:
Client.find({"name.first": "John"}, function(err, clients){
// your callback body here
It doesn't work because you try to find a record which has 'name' exactly like this:
{first: "John"}
but your client has name: {first: "John", last: "Smith"}
So, any of the following queries will find your client:
clients.find({"name.first": "John"}) or
clients.find({"name.last": "Smith"}) or
clients.find({"name": {first: "John", last: "Smith"}})
Hope it helps.
Let's say I have a mongo collection A with data
name: "job",
pass: "123"
name: "Uob",
pass: "123"
name: "bob",
pass: "123"
And I use A.find() method to fetch all data.
I'm in a situation where I want to fetch all data from the collection A. But I need only the name field. How to get it ?
I am writing this backend in nodejs, Is there a way how can I prevent pass field getting fetched ?
You do it like this:
let response = await User.find({},{ pass: 0 });
Here is the working example: https://mongoplayground.net/p/1o-HL57B_Fm
use aggregate
I am trying to associate a list of contacts to a customer using the associations setter method, however, it always throws the error 'invalid input syntax for integer: "[object Object]"'.
The relevant query mentioned in the error is: UPDATE "contactperson" SET "refCustomerId"=$1,"updatedAt"=$2 WHERE "id" IN ('[object Object]')
This is how I use the setter:
db.customer.findByPk(customerID, {
include: [{
model: db.address,
as: 'address',
model: db.contactoption,
as: 'contactOptions',
}, {
model: db.contactperson,
as: 'contactPersons',
}).then(customer => {
customer.setContactPersons([ { firstName: 'tester', lastName: 'tester', description: 'lorem ipsum' } ]);
This is the association:
Customer.hasMany(models.contactperson, {
foreignKey: 'refCustomerId',
as: 'contactPersons'
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I managed to resolve this issue using the following code:
db.contactperson.bulkCreate([ { firstName: 'tester', lastName: 'tester', description: 'lorem ipsum' } ]).then(newContactPersons => {
It's a more complicated approach than intended, but it get's the job done.
You used set<ModelName>s that just updates a link field of given records. If you need to create contactperson record you need to use createContactPerson instead of setContactPersons (NOTE: you cannot create several records at once).
firstName: 'tester',
lastName: 'tester',
description: 'lorem ipsum'
compare to:
const contactPerson = db.contactperson.findById(1);
if (contactPerson) {
set<ModelName>s - replaces old linked records with the new existing ones
add<ModelName>s - adds exisiting records in addition to old ones
create<ModelName> - create a new non-existing record in addition to old ones
See hasMany special methods
Exactly what Anatoly posted.
I had method declared on TypeScript like:
declare addPost: HasManyCreateAssociationMixin<PostClass, 'userId'>;
When i changed to:
declare createPost: HasManyCreateAssociationMixin<PostClass, 'userId'>;
Everything works so remember - how you describe name of method its very necesary.
I have a query that returns an array, with Object.key (array) .foreach I am iterating, I want to know the value of a property in specific array.
Object.keys(arreglo).forEach(function(key) {
The output is:
name: "Pepito",
Surname: "Perez"
I want to know how to get only the value of the surname
I know it will not work but it would be something like:
You can use Array.forEach on the original array as shown below. You can even extract the fields you are interested using Array.map.
// let's assume the arrary you got from your query is in this format
const arreglo = [
{ firstname: "fn1", surname: "ln1"},
{ firstname: "fn2", surname: "ln2"},
{ firstname: "fn3", surname: "ln3"}
// you can log `surname` for each entry in the array
arreglo.forEach(v => console.log(v.surname));
// you can use map to transform the array to just have `surname` using array.map()
const surnames = arreglo.map(v => v.surname);
Is this what you are looking for
const object1 = {
a: {firstname:"sali",lastname:"mali"},
b: {firstname:"sali",lastname:"mali"},
c: {firstname:"sali",lastname:"mali"}
I want to pass an object array of [{questionId1,value1},{questionId2,value2},{questionId3,value3}] of dynamic size in GraphQL Mutation with NodeJS
args: {
input: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(new GraphQLInputObjectType({
name: 'AssessmentStep3Input',
fields: {
name:'Question ID',
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID)
name:'Question Value',
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLBoolean)
How can I do that with the given sample of code?
If you want to pass an object array with GraphQL Mutation you need to use "GraphQLList" which allows you to pass an array with dynamic size of given input.
Here is the example
args: {
input: {
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLList(new GraphQLInputObjectType({
name: 'AssessmentStep3Input',
fields: {
name:'Question ID',
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID)
name:'Question Value',
type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLBoolean)
Hope it helps.
i just published the article on that, so that you can take a look if you would like to know more detail. This is the repository with the examples, where the createUsers mutation is implemented https://github.com/atherosai/express-graphql-demo/blob/feature/5-modifiers/server/graphql/users/userMutations.js. You can take a look how it is implemented, but in general the above answer is correct. You can input as many objects as you would like to in the array (if you have not implemented some number of items limiting, but it is not there by default).
mongoose scheme:
var restsSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
menu: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed
simplfied document:
name: "Dominos Pizza",
id: 1,
name: "Plain Pizza",
soldCounter: 0
id: 2,
name: "Pizza with vegetables",
soldCounter: 0
I'm trying to update the soldCounter when given a single/array of "menu items" (such as "1" or "2" objects in the above document) as followed:
function(course, rest){
db.model('rests').update({_id: rest._id},{$inc: {"menu.1.soldCounter":1}});
once this will work i obviously will want to make it more generic, something like: (this syntax is not working but demonstrate my needs)
function(course, rest){
rest.markModified("menu." + course.id);
db.model('rests').update({_id: rest._id},{$inc:{"menu.+"course.id"+.soldCounter":1}});
any one can help with this one?
I looked for an answer but couldn't find nothing regarding the 3rd level.
Added id to the ducument's subDocument
I think you want add all ids into sub-document, one way you can do as following.
Rest.find({_id: rest._id}, function(err, o) {
// add all ids into sub-document...
Object.keys(o.menu).forEach(function(key) {
o.menu[key].id = key;
o.save(function(err){ ... });
It seems you want to operate the key in query, I am afraid you cannot do it in this way.
Please refer to the following questions.
Mongodb - regex match of keys for subobjects
MongoDB Query Help - query on values of any key in a sub-object