Converting Svg with base64 encoded png in it - svg

I'm trying to convert a Svg file which has a base64 encoded png in it.
Im trying to convert the file from svg to png using Imagemagick.
The problem being that the Svg converts (all the pure svg elements ie. text and such) but the png in the svg disappears.
Originaly i had alot of params added to the conversion but when i realized it wasn't working i striped it down to just this command:
convert /www/data/svg/201.svg /www/data/png/201.png
Original SVG:


How to convert PNG/JPEG images to svg with ImageMagick?

It seems that with potrace installed, I can just run magick convert x.png x.svg or magick convert x.jpg x.svg.However this just returns a deformed image in black and white, and I need the svg image to be in full color. Additionally, I really need the file format to be svg because svg images are small and portable, and I don't have a lot of disk space on my server.Does anyone know how to convert png/jpeg to svg while retaining color?

Inkscape convert svg to png vertical text has different format

I find there is a problem when I use inkscape convert svg to png.
I run inkscape filename.svg+xml --export-png=filename.png.
this in the contrast of svg and png.
enter image description here
How can I unify the format ,thank you!

Convert rtf to sag to be used as IMG in html

I have been provided with some rtf files that are to be used for inline svgs. I want to reference the sag externally but when I use any rtf to svg converters it converts it into an sag image with the code.
See screenshot showing the svg after I have tried convert it from an rtf file.
Does anyone know how to convert an rtf file to an svgs that i can reference as an img src in my html?
You can simply copy the text from the rtf file and put it into code editor/notepad, and save with the .svg extension. If this is too much hassle (because you have many files) look for a tool that converts rtf to txt, and then change the extension to svg.

I only have SVG path in html, I need to get the image as png or any other extension how can I do so?

I want to convert svg to .png image but I do not have the image, I only have it as html svg tag with a path

How to convert SVG map to PNG without losing border quality?

I downloaded this svg map and used ImageMagick to convert to PNG format. However, my output PNG images don't look very well: the white borders between countries almost don't show. On the other hand, the rendered versions on the Wikimedia site look great.
Is there any option I can pass to ImageMagick to prioritize borders?
