Where is Spark writing SaveAsTextFile in cluster? - apache-spark

I'm a bit at loss here (Spark newbie). I spun up an EC2 cluster, and submitted a Spark job which saves as text file in the last step. The code reads
and the working directory of the python file I'm submitting is /root. I cannot find the directory called september_2005, and if I try to run the job again I get the error:
: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileAlreadyExistsException: Output directory hdfs://ec2-54-172-88-52.compute-1.amazonaws.com:9000/user/root/september_2015 already exists
The ec2 address is the master node where I'm ssh'ing to, but I don't have a folder /user/root.
Seems like Spark is creating the september_2015 directory somehwere, but find doesn't find it. Where does Spark write the resulting directory? Why is it pointing me to a directory that doesn't exist in the master node filesystem?

You're not saving it in the local file system, you're saving it in the hdfs cluster. Try eph*-hdfs/bin/hadoop fs -ls /, then you should see your file. See eph*-hdfs/bin/hadoop help for more commands, eg. -copyToLocal.


Hadoop getmerge fails when trying to merge files to local directory

I am trying to merge two files from my HDFS to a folder on my local machine's desktop. The command that I am using is:
hadoop fs -getmerge -nl /user/hadoop/folder_name/ /Desktop/test_files/finalfile.csv
But that returns the following error:
getmerge: Mkdirs failed to create file:/Desktop/test_files (exists=false, cwd=file:/home/hadoop)
Does anyone know why this might be? I couldn't find much of anything else in my search.
You need to create the local folder /Desktop/test_files/

How PYSPARK environmental setup is executed by YARN in launch_container.sh

While analyzing the yarn launch_container.sh logs for a spark job, I got confused by some part of log.
I will point out those asks step by step here
When you will submit a spark job with spark-submit having --pyfiles and --files on cluster mode on YARN:
The config files passed in --files , executable python files passed in --pyfiles are getting uploaded into .sparkStaging directory created under user hadoop home directory.
Along with these files pyspark.zip and py4j-version_number.zip from $SPARK_HOME/python/lib is also getting copied
into .sparkStaging directory created under user hadoop home directory
After this launch_container.sh is getting triggered by yarn and this will export all env variables required.
If we have exported anything explicitly such as PYSPARK_PYTHON in .bash_profile or at the time of building the spark-submit job in a shell script or in spark_env.sh , the default value will be replaced by the value which we
are providing
This PYSPARK_PYTHON is a path in my edge node.
Then how a container launched in another node will be able to use this python version ?
The default python version in data nodes of my cluster is 2.7.5.
So without setting this pyspark_python , containers are using 2.7.5.
But when I will set pyspark_python to 3.5.x , they are using what I have given.
It is defining PWD='/data/complete-path'
Where this PWD directory resides ?
This directory is getting cleaned up after job completion.
I have even tried to run the job in one session of putty
and kept the /data folder opened in another session of putty to see
if any directories are getting created on run time. but couldn't find any?
It is also setting the PYTHONPATH to $PWD/pyspark.zip:$PWD/py4j-version.zip
When ever I am doing a python specific operation
in spark code , its using PYSPARK_PYTHON. So for what purpose this PYTHONPATH is being used?
3.After this yarn is creating softlinks using ln -sf for all the files in step 1
soft links are created for for pyspark.zip , py4j-<version>.zip,
all python files mentioned in step 1.
Now these links are again pointing to '/data/different_directories'
directory (which I am not sure where they are present).
I know soft links can be used for accessing remote nodes ,
but here why the soft links are created ?
Last but not the least , whether this launch_container.sh will run for each container launch ?
Then how a container launched in another node will be able to use this python version ?
First of all, when we submit a Spark application, there are several ways to set the configurations for the Spark application.
Such as:
Setting spark-defaults.conf
Setting environment variables
Setting spark-submit options (spark-submit —help and —conf)
Setting a custom properties file (—properties-file)
Setting values in code (exposed in both SparkConf and SparkContext APIs)
Setting Hadoop configurations (HADOOP_CONF_DIR and spark.hadoop.*)
In my environment, the Hadoop configurations are placed in /etc/spark/conf/yarn-conf/, and the spark-defaults.conf and spark-env.sh is in /etc/spark/conf/.
As the order of precedence for configurations, this is the order that Spark will use:
Properties set on SparkConf or SparkContext in code
Arguments passed to spark-submit, spark-shell, or pyspark at run time
Properties set in /etc/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf, a specified properties file
Environment variables exported or set in scripts
So broadly speaking:
For properties that apply to all jobs, use spark-defaults.conf,
for properties that are constant and specific to a single or a few applications use SparkConf or --properties-file,
for properties that change between runs use command line arguments.
Now, regarding the question:
In Cluster mode of Spark, the Spark driver is running in container in YARN, the Spark executors are running in container in YARN.
In Client mode of Spark, the Spark driver is running outside of the Hadoop cluster(out of YARN), and the executors are always in YARN.
So for your question, it is mostly relative with YARN.
When an application is submitted to YARN, first there will be an ApplicationMaster container, which nigotiates with NodeManager, and is responsible to control the application containers(in your case, they are Spark executors).
NodeManager will then create a local temporary directory for each of the Spark executors, to prepare to launch the containers(that's why the launch_container.sh has such a name).
We can find the location of the local temporary directory is set by NodeManager's ${yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs} defined in yarn-site.xml.
And we can set yarn.nodemanager.delete.debug-delay-sec to 10 minutes and review the launch_container.sh script.
In my environment, the ${yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs} is /yarn/nm, so in this directory, I can find the tempory directories of Spark executor containers, they looks like:
And in this directory, I can find the launch_container.sh for this specific container and other stuffs for running this container.
Where this PWD directory resides ?
I think this is a special Environment Variable in Linux OS, so better not to modify it unless you know how it works percisely in your application.
As per above, if you export this PWD environment at the runtime, I think it is passed to Spark as same as any other Environment Variables.
I'm not sure how the PYSPARK_PYTHON Environment Variable is used in Spark's launch scripts chain, but here you can find the instruction in the official documentation, showing how to set Python binary executable while you are using spark-submit:
spark-submit --conf spark.pyspark.python=/<PATH>/<TO>/<FILE>
As for the last question, yes, YARN will create a temp dir for each of the containers, and the launch_container.sh is included in the dir.

Hadoop copyToLocalFile failing in Yarn cluster mode

I was trying to copy a file to local from HDFS using Hadoop's copyToLocalFile function from my Spark2 application.
val hadoopConf = new Configuration()
val hdfs = FileSystem.get(hadoopConf)
val src = new Path("/user/yxs7634/all.txt")
val dest = new Path("file:///home/yxs7634/all.txt")
hdfs.copyToLocalFile(src, dest)
The above code is working fine when I submit my spark application in Yarn client mode. But, It keeps failing with the below exception in Yarn cluster mode.
18/10/03 12:18:40 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/yxs7634/all.txt (Permission denied)
In yarn-cluster mode the driver is also handled by yarn and the selected driver node may not be the one where you're submitting the job. Hence for this job to work in yarn-cluster mode I believe you need to place the local file in all the spark nodes in the cluster.
In yarn mode, the spark job is submitted through YARN.
The driver would be started on a different node.
To tackle this issue, you can use a distributed file system like HDFS to store your file and then giving the absolute path.
val src = new Path("hdfs://nameservicehost:8020/user/yxs7634/all.txt")
Looks like Spark server running under one user (for ex. "spark"), and file in code stored in other user "yxs7634" directory.
In cluster mode user "spark" does not allows to write in "yxs7634" user dir, and such exception occurs.
Additional permission for Spark user to write in "/home/yxs7634" is required.
In local mode worked fine, because Spark runs under "yxs7634" user.
You have a permission denied error, I mean, the user you are using to submit the job is not able to access the file. The directory should have at least read permission to user "other", something like this: -rw-rw-r--
Can you paste the permissions of the directory and the file? The command is
hdfs dfs -ls /your-directory/

SparkContext.addFile upload the file to driver node but not workers

I tried to run a sc.texfile("file:///.../myLocalFile.txt") on a cluster and I got java.io.FileNotFoundException on the workers.
So I googled and I found sc.addFile / SparkFiles.get to upload the file to each workers.
So here is my code:
val input = sc.textFile(SparkFiles.get("myLocalFile.txt"))
I see that the driver node upload the file to a directory in /tmp and then my workers get the FileNotFoundException because:
I don't see any printout saying that the workers have downloaded the file as they should have
They try to access the file with the drivers's path. So I assume SparkFiles.get() is ran on the driver node, not the worker (which I confirmed by adding a println).
I tried with spark-submit --files option and I see exactly the same problem.
So what am I doing wrong? All I want is to sc.textFile() on a cluster.
You need to copy files on workers to the same path as on driver, or use hdfs as it will be available on on workers. Workers don't have these files you can go to the folder and see yourself, i would scp them
sc.addFile is not for this purpose. If you want to read files through sc, you need put your file on hdfs instead of using sc.addFile

Spark Streaming reading from local file gives NullPointerException

Using Spark 2.2.0 on OS X High Sierra. I'm running a Spark Streaming application to read a local file:
val lines = ssc.textFileStream("file:///Users/userName/Documents/Notes/MoreNotes/sampleFile")
This gives me
org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.FileInputDStream logWarning - Error finding new files
at scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$ofRef$.length$extension(ArrayOps.scala:192)
The file exists, and I am able to read it using SparkContext (sc) from spark-shell on the terminal. For some reason going through the Intellij application and Spark Streaming is not working. Any ideas appreciated!
Quoting the doc comments of textFileStream:
Create an input stream that monitors a Hadoop-compatible filesystem
for new files and reads them as text files (using key as LongWritable, value
as Text and input format as TextInputFormat). Files must be written to the
monitored directory by "moving" them from another location within the same
file system. File names starting with . are ignored.
#param directory HDFS directory to monitor for new file
So, the method expects the path to a directory in the parameter.
So I believe this should avoid that error:
Spark streaming will not read old files, so first run the spark-submit command and then create the local file in the specified directory. Make sure in the spark-submit command, you give only directory name and not the file name. Below is a sample command. Here, I am passing the directory name through the spark command as my first parameter. You can specify this path in your Scala program as well.
spark-submit --class com.spark.streaming.streamingexample.HdfsWordCount --jars /home/cloudera/pramod/kafka_2.12-1.0.1/libs/kafka-clients-1.0.1.jar--master local[4] /home/cloudera/pramod/streamingexample-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /pramod/hdfswordcount.txt
