Can I mix and match InterlockedIncrement and CriticalSection? - multithreading

Previously, I had code like this:
and I changed it to:
and I found out there are some code like this:
if (global_stats.currentid >= n) then
So, question is , can I mix and match InterLockedIncrement and Enter/Leave CriticalSection?
which has a faster performance? critical and atomic?

Can I mix and match InterLockedIncrement and Enter/Leave CriticalSection?
In general, no you cannot. Critical sections and atomic operations do not interact.
Atomic functions, like your call to InterLockedIncrement, operate completely independently from critical sections and other locks. That is, one thread can hold the lock, and the other thread can at the same time modify the protected variable. Critical sections, like any other form of mutual exclusion, only work if all parties that operate on the shared data, do so when holding the lock.
However, from what we can see of your code, the critical section is needless in this case. You can write the code like this:
// thread A
// thread B
// thread C
if global_stats.currentid >= n then
That code is semantically equivalent to your previous code with a critical section.
As for which performs better, the original code with the lock, and the code above without, the latter would be expected to perform better. Broadly speaking, lock free code can be expected to be better than code that uses locks, but that's not a rule that can be relied upon. Some algorithms can be faster if implemented with locks than equivalent lock-free implementations.

No, in general you cannot.
Critical section is used to assure that of all protected blocks of code at most one is executing at a given moment. If such protected block accesses currentid and that variable is modified at another place, code may work incorrectly.
In a specific case, it may be OK to mix&match but then you would have to check all affected code and rethink the processing so you'll be sure nothing can go wrong.


Is it necessary to do Multi-thread protection for a Boolean property in Delphi?

I found a Delphi library named EventBus and I think it will be very useful, since the Observer is my favorite design pattern.
In the process of learning its source code, I found a piece of code that may be due to multithreading security considerations, which is in the following (property Active's getter and setter methods).
TSubscription = class(TObject)
FActive: Boolean;
procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
function GetActive: Boolean;
// ... other members
constructor Create(ASubscriber: TObject;
ASubscriberMethod: TSubscriberMethod);
destructor Destroy; override;
property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive;
// ... other methods
function TSubscription.GetActive: Boolean;
Result := FActive;
procedure TSubscription.SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
FActive := Value;
Could you please tell me the lock protection for FActive is whether or not necessary and why?
Let me start by making this point as clear as possible: Do not attempt to distill multi-threaded development into a set of "simple" rules. It is essential to understand how the data is shared in order to evaluate which of the available concurrency protection techniques would be correct for a particular situation.
The code you have presented suggests the original authors had only a superficial understanding of multi-threaded development. So it serves as a lesson in what not to do.
First, locking the Boolean for read/write access in that way serves no purpose at all. I.e. each read or write is already atomic.
Furthermore, in cases where the property does need protection for concurrent access: it fails abysmally to provide any protection at all.
The net effect is redundant ineffective code that can trigger pointless wait states.
In order to evaluate 'thread-safety', the following concepts should be understood:
If 2 threads 'race' for the opportunity to access a shared memory location, one will be first, and the other second. In the absence of other factors, you have no control over which thread would 'start' its access first.
Your only control is to block the 'second' thread from concurrent access if the 'first' thread hasn't finished its critical work.
The word "critical" has loaded meaning and may take some effort to fully understand. Take note of the explanation later about why a Boolean variable might need protection.
Critical work refers to all the processing required for the operation on the shared data to be deemed complete.
It's related to concepts of atomic operations or transactional integrity.
The 'second' thread could either be made to wait for the 'first' thread to finish or to skip its operation altogether.
Note that if the shared memory is accessed concurrently by both threads, then there's the possibility of inconsistent behaviour based on the exact ordering of the internal sub-steps of each thread's processing.
This is the fundamental risk and area of concern when thinking about thread-safety. It is the base principle from which other principles are derived.
'Simple' reads and writes are (usually) atomic
No concurrent operations can interfere with the reading/writing of a single byte of data. You will always either get the value in its entirety or replace the value in its entirety.
This concept extends to multiple bytes up to the machine architecture bit size; but does have a caveat, known as tearing.
When a memory address is not aligned on the bit size, then there's the possibility of the bytes spanning the end of one aligned location into the beginning of the next aligned location.
This means that reading/writing the bytes may take 2 operations at the machine level.
As a result 2 concurrent threads could interleave their sub-steps resulting in invalid/incorrect values being read. E.g.
Suppose one thread writes $ffff over an existing value of $0000 while another reads.
"Valid" reads would return either $0000 or $ffff depending on which thread is 'first'.
If the sub-steps run concurrently, then the reading thread could return invalid values of $ff00 or $00ff.
(Note that some platforms might still guarantee atomicity in this situation, but I don't have the knowledge to comment in detail on this.)
To reiterate: single byte values (including Boolean) cannot span aligned memory locations. So they're not subject to the tearing issue above. And this is why the code in the question that attempts to protect the Boolean is completely pointless.
When protection is needed
Although reads and writes in isolation are atomic, it's important to note that when a value is read and impacts a write decision, then this cannot be assumed to be thread-safe. This is best explained by way of a simple example.
Suppose 2 threads invert a shared boolean value: FBool := not FBool;
2 threads means this happens twice and once both threads have finished, the boolean should end up having its starting value. However, each is a multi-step operation:
Read FBool into a location local to the thread (either stack or register).
Invert the value.
Write the inverted value back to the shared location.
If there's no thread-safety mechanism employed then the sub-steps can run concurrently. And it's possible that both threads:
Read FBool; both getting the starting value.
Both threads invert their local copies.
Both threads write the same inverted value to the shared location.
And the end result is that the value is inverted when it should have been reverted to its starting value.
Basically the critical work is clearly more than simply reading or writing the value. To properly protect the boolean value in this situation, the protection must start before the read, and end after the write.
The important lesson to take away from this is that thread-safety requires understanding how the data is shared. It's not feasible to produce an arbitrary generic safety mechanism without this understanding.
And this is why any such attempt as in the EventBus code in the question is almost certainly doomed to be deficient (or even an outright failure).

about mutexes and deadlocks

I have the following code:
pthread_mutex lock_row[M], lock_culm[M];
FUNCTION SIGNATURE (..., int i, int j, ...) {
Can I get a deadlock between the first lock to the second? Let's say if we have a context switch after the first row, and other thread tries to lock something again? I don't really get this I would like to understand this a little further.
Besides the probable typo when you try to unlock sth twice, this example will never deadlock. Context switches between the two lock-calls pose no threat to the mechanism involved here. Think of it as a getting a higher level of allowance. With each lock gained, this process or thread is allowed to do more. Each locking is a gate which might hold the process up until no other lock-holder prevents the entering of the higher level. Whatever happens between the two lockings does not matter as long as it does not change that level of allowance.
This is fine as long as all of your code takes these locks in this order - the lock_row lock first, then the lock_culm lock second. If another part of the code takes these same locks in the opposite order, then it can deadlock.
For this reason it is usual in complex programs to define the locking order - a global ordering of all the locks in the program, defining the order in which they should be taken.

Delphi threading - which parts of code need to be protected/synchronized?

so far I thought that any operation done on "shared" object (common for multiple threads) must be protected with "synchronize", no matter what. Apparently, I was wrong - in the code I'm studying recently there are plenty of classes (thread-safe ones, as the Author claims) and only one of them uses Critical Section for almost every method.
How do I find what parts / methods of my code needs to be protected with CriticalSection (or any other method) and which not?
So far I haven't stumbled upon any interesting explanation / article / blog note, all google results are:
a) examples of synchronization between thread and the GUI. From simple progressbar to most complex, but still the lesson is obvious: each time you access / modify the property of GUI component, do that in "Synchronize". But nothing more.
b) articles explaining Critical Sections, Mutexes etc. Just a different approaches of protection/synchronization.
c) Examples of very very simple thread-safe classes (thread safe stack or list) - they all do the same - implement lock / unlock methods which do enter/leave critical section and return the actual stack/list pointer on locking.
Now I'm looking for explanation which parts of code should be protected.
could be in form of code ;) but please don't provide me with one more "using Synchronize to update progressbar" ... ;)
thank you!
You are asking for specific answers to a very general question.
Basically, apart of UI operations, you should protect every shared memory/resource access to avoid two potentially competing threads to:
read inconsistent memory
write memory at the same time
try to use the same resource at the same time from more than one thread... until the resource is thread-safe.
Generally, I consider any other operation thread safe, including operations that access not shared memory or not shared objects.
For example, consider this object:
TThrdExample = class
FValue: Integer;
procedure Inc;
procedure Dec;
function Value: Integer;
procedure ThreadInc;
procedure ThreadDec;
function ThreadValue: Integer;
ThreadValue: Integer;
Inc, Dec and Value are methods which operate over FValue field. The methods are not thread safe until you protect them with some synchronization mechanism. It can be a MultipleReaderExclusiveWriterSinchronizer for Value function and CriticalSection for Inc and Dec methods.
ThreadInc and ThreadDec methods operate over ThreadValue variable, which is defined as ThreadVar, so I consider it ThreadSafe because the memory they access is not shared between threads... each call from different thread will access different memory address.
If you know that, by design, a class should be used only in one thread or inside other synchronization mechanisms, you're free to consider that thread safe by design.
If you want more specific answers, I suggest you try with a more specific question.
Best regards.
EDIT: Maybe someone say the integer fields is a bad example because you can consider integer operations atomic on Intel/Windows thus is not needed to protect it... but I hope you get the idea.
You misunderstood TThread.Synchronize method.
TThread.Synchronize and TThread.Queue methods executes protected code in the context of main (GUI) thread. That is why you should use Syncronize or Queue to update GUI controls (like progressbar) - normally only main thread should access GUI controls.
Critical Sections are different - the protected code is executed in the context of the thread that acquired critical section, and no other thread is permitted to acquire the critical section until the former thread releases it.
You use critical section in case there's a need for a certain set of objects to be updated atomically. This means, they must at all times be either already updated completely or not yet updated at all. They must never be accessible in a transitional state.
For example, with a simple integer reading/writing this is not the case. The operation of reading integer as well as the operation of writing it are atomic already: you cannot read integer in the middle of processor writing it, half-updated. It's either old value or new value, always.
But if you want to increment the integer atomically, you have not one, but three operations you have to do at once: read the old value into processor's cache, increment it, and write it back to memory. Each operation is atomic, but the three of them together are not.
One thread might read the old value (say, 200), increment it by 5 in cache, and at the same time another thread might read the value too (still 200). Then the first thread writes back 205, while the second thread increments its cached value of 200 to 203 and writes back 203, overwriting 205. The result of two increments (+5 and +3) should be 208, but it's 203 due to non-atomicity of operations.
So, you use critical sections when:
A variable, set of variables, or any resource is used from several threads and needs to be updated atomically.
It's not atomic by itself (for example, calling a function which is guarded by critical section inside of the function body, is an atomic operation already)
Have a read of this documentation
If you use messaging to communicate between threads then you can basically ignore synchronisation primitives completely because each thread only accesses its internal structures and the messages themselves. In essence this is far easier and more scalable architecture than using synchronisation primitives.

Atomic variable Vs. Atomic operation

Lets say I have two shared variables - a and b - that are related to each other. When multiple applications share these shared variables, access to them needs to be an atomic operation, otherwise the relation may break. So to ensure mutual exclusion, I'll put their modification under a critical section protected by lock.
a := something
b := something
Lets say my hardware/OS/compiler supports atomic variables. Then I modified my above code as follows.
atomic a := something
atomic b := something
Can this code ensure mutual exclusion, when accessed by multiple applications?
Srinivas Nayak
No, you still need a critical section. While update of each variable is atomic, this still doesn't warrant against situations when one process has only midified one variable but the other is already reading the inconsistent state.
You only rely on atomic variables when it's enough to know that every one write and every one read is atomic - i.e. you're already happy if you know that when one process is updating the variable the other will not read a partially changed variable.
So atomic variable is atomic per one variable, not per set of variables.

Is it ok to have multiple threads writing the same values to the same variables?

I understand about race conditions and how with multiple threads accessing the same variable, updates made by one can be ignored and overwritten by others, but what if each thread is writing the same value (not different values) to the same variable; can even this cause problems? Could this code: = 11;
(assuming that property will never be assigned anything other than 11), cause problems if multiple threads execute it at the same time?
The problem comes when you read that state back, and do something about it. Writing is a red herring - it is true that as long as this is a single word most environments guarantee the write will be atomic, but that doesn't mean that a larger piece of code that includes this fragment is thread-safe. Firstly, presumably your global variable contained a different value to begin with - otherwise if you know it's always the same, why is it a variable? Second, presumably you eventually read this value back again?
The issue is that presumably, you are writing to this bit of shared state for a reason - to signal that something has occurred? This is where it falls down: when you have no locking constructs, there is no implied order of memory accesses at all. It's hard to point to what's wrong here because your example doesn't actually contain the use of the variable, so here's a trivialish example in neutral C-like syntax:
int x = 0, y = 0;
//thread A does:
x = 1;
y = 2;
if (y == 2)
//thread B does, at the same time:
if (y == 2)
Thread A will always print 1, but it's completely valid for thread B to print 0. The order of operations in thread A is only required to be observable from code executing in thread A - thread B is allowed to see any combination of the state. The writes to x and y may not actually happen in order.
This can happen even on single-processor systems, where most people do not expect this kind of reordering - your compiler may reorder it for you. On SMP even if the compiler doesn't reorder things, the memory writes may be reordered between the caches of the separate processors.
If that doesn't seem to answer it for you, include more detail of your example in the question. Without the use of the variable it's impossible to definitively say whether such a usage is safe or not.
It depends on the work actually done by that statement. There can still be some cases where Something Bad happens - for example, if a C++ class has overloaded the = operator, and does anything nontrivial within that statement.
I have accidentally written code that did something like this with POD types (builtin primitive types), and it worked fine -- however, it's definitely not good practice, and I'm not confident that it's dependable.
Why not just lock the memory around this variable when you use it? In fact, if you somehow "know" this is the only write statement that can occur at some point in your code, why not just use the value 11 directly, instead of writing it to a shared variable?
(edit: I guess it's better to use a constant name instead of the magic number 11 directly in the code, btw.)
If you're using this to figure out when at least one thread has reached this statement, you could use a semaphore that starts at 1, and is decremented by the first thread that hits it.
I would expect the result to be undetermined. As in it would vary from compiler to complier, langauge to language and OS to OS etc. So no, it is not safe
WHy would you want to do this though - adding in a line to obtain a mutex lock is only one or two lines of code (in most languages), and would remove any possibility of problem. If this is going to be two expensive then you need to find an alternate way of solving the problem
In General, this is not considered a safe thing to do unless your system provides for atomic operation (operations that are guaranteed to be executed in a single cycle).
The reason is that while the "C" statement looks simple, often there are a number of underlying assembly operations taking place.
Depending on your OS, there are a few things you could do:
Take a mutual exclusion semaphore (mutex) to protect access
in some OS, you can temporarily disable preemption, which guarantees your thread will not swap out.
Some OS provide a writer or reader semaphore which is more performant than a plain old mutex.
Here's my take on the question.
You have two or more threads running that write to a a status flag or something, where you only want to know if one or more of them was true. Then in another part of the code (after the threads complete) you want to check and see if at least on thread set that status... for example
bool flag = false
threadContainer tc
threadInputs inputs
{ stuff to input
flag = true
start multiple threads
foreach(i in inputs)
t = startthread(check, i)
tc.add(t) // Keep track of all the threads started
foreach(t in tc)
t.join( ) // Wait until each thread is done
print "One of the threads were successful"
print "None of the threads were successful"
I believe the above code would be OK, assuming you're fine with not knowing which thread set the status to true, and you can wait for all the multi-threaded stuff to finish before reading that flag. I could be wrong though.
If the operation is atomic, you should be able to get by just fine. But I wouldn't do that in practice. It is better just to acquire a lock on the object and write the value.
Assuming that property will never be assigned anything other than 11, then I don't see a reason for assigment in the first place. Just make it a constant then.
Assigment only makes sense when you intend to change the value unless the act of assigment itself has other side effects - like volatile writes have memory visibility side-effects in Java. And if you change state shared between multiple threads, then you need to synchronize or otherwise "handle" the problem of concurrency.
When you assign a value, without proper synchronization, to some state shared between multiple threads, then there's no guarantees for when the other threads will see that change. And no visibility guarantees means that it it possible that the other threads will never see the assignt.
Compilers, JITs, CPU caches. They're all trying to make your code run as fast as possible, and if you don't make any explicit requirements for memory visibility, then they will take advantage of that. If not on your machine, then somebody elses.
