Citrix connectivity issue - windows-server-2008-r2

How is it possible to overcome connectivity issue from win server 2003 R2 to a Citrix based application hosted on a win server 2008 R2? Short summary of the problem is that while trying to connect from win server 2003 R2, to a certain URL (this goes for all browsers) hosted on win server 2008 R2 (Error code: sec_error_bad_signature).


Error 806: Windows Server 2008 R2 Does'nt Connect Fortigate's VPN Server

We have a Fortigate 110C.
Other clients at our office are able to connect just fine. Even android devices.
But we can't connected with Windows 2008 R2 client.
error 806 the vpn connection between your computer and the vpn server could not be completed
What do Windows 2008 have different.
What can we do about it.
When we disabled PreShared key, problem is solved.

How do I specify what computers can connect to my public facing Windows 2008 R2 server?

How do I lock down my Windows 2008 R2 Server so only certain computers can connect to it? Ideally it would use some sort of certificates. I've done this in Linux, but I don't know where to start with Windows.

running iis7.5 on 32-bit windows 2008 (not r2)

Does anyone know if it's possible to run IIS 7.5 on Windows 2008. From what I understand Windows Server 2008 R2 is an exclusively 64-bit OS. Can we upgrade IIS7 to IIS7.5 on Windows 2008 (not R2)
Unfortunately, you cannot. IIS has always been tied to an OS release and is only available on Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7.
Keep in mind that a 64-bit OS runs most 32-bit things just fine in WoW64 (Including IIS application pools), are you prohibited from running something on that server this way?
Is there anything in particular that you need? Some of the features of 2008 R2 are available for download at including the Admin Pack, WebDAV, FTP 7.5 and more.

Sink on IIS SMTP Windows Server 2008 / 2008R2

I need help. I wrote simple sink by sample in On IIS Smtp Windows server 2003 it work fine. But on IIS Smtp Windows Server 2008 or 2008R2 it don't work. I try other sample from Internet. None of them don't work on IIS Smtp Windows Server 2008 / 2008R2. Any idea?
Windows Server 2008 has a newer version of IIS that has full integration with ASP.NET. This is the default mode. You can switch back to the older (ASAPI ASP.NET) by changing the application pool in IIS from "default" to "classic". That should make your app run like it does in Server 2003.
Without seeing more code and details, that's the only thing I can suggest.

SQL ReportServer 2005 on Win Server 2008 & IIS7 gets "unable to load client print control"

I have SQL Reporting Services 2005 running on a Win 2008 server with IIS7. SQL and RS have all of the latest patches applied (as of 11/19/2009). When I access a report through Report Manager on the same server or ReportViewer on a different IIS server I can not print. I get the "unable to load client print control".
This occurs with IE6, 7 and 8. All clients are running with administrative rights. I do get prompted to download the component which seems to occur but then I get the above message.
This same configuration works fine in a test environment, the only difference is the SQL and IIS servers are running Win 2003.
The issue has been resolved through applying the latest service packs and any hotfix rollups that were available on 11/21/2009 (SQL server 2005 running on Win 2008)
