How to set Parse Installation Class security (class-level permissions and/or ACL)? - security

I'm developing a Parse App and currently checking the backend security. I'm a bit lost regarding the Installation Class permissions. It is (by default) readable and writable by everyone. Thus, any user could delete every object of the class.
My question is: is it protected by default like the User class? Or should I add ACL for every new registration to push notifications? Or change the class level permissions?
Many thanks for your help,

Parse defaults to public read/write access for everything outside of User to streamline development.
Security measures will vary from one app to another depending on use-case, but assuming that you have associated each Installation to a User, I would highly recommend applying an ACL which gives public read and limits writes to the specific user.
In case you are not already associating each Installation to a User, here's a nice piece of cloud code to take care of it for you.
Parse.Cloud.beforeSave(Parse.Installation, function(request, response) {
if (request.user) {
request.object.set('user', request.user);
} else {
It's a good place to start by creating ACLs which provide public read and user-specific write access. That one step alone will drastically improve security.


Does NodeJs needs public file permissons to access file?

I tried accessing data with FileZilla and additionally downloading it. This worked. However, now I tried accessing the same file with the same user with nodeJS with "GET". Here I get the Error "Access Denied".
I looked into the permissions, and the owner and group of the file are able to read and write the file, but no public permissions. My user is part of the "Group". However, I am now wondering, if the file needs to have public permissions to read and write in order to access the file via nodeJs?
Quick Info: I access the file both with FileZilla and NodeJS via SFTP. All configs / user etc. are the same.
let Client = require('ssh2-sftp-client');
let sftp = new Client();
port: config.development.port,
username: config.development.username,
password: config.development.password
}).then(() => {
return sftp.get(`${config.development.pathToFile}/${filename}`);
}).then(async (data) => {
console.log('data', data);
noheader: true,
output: "csv"
Does NodeJs needs public file permissons to access file?
As long as the user that spawned the Node.js process has read permissions for the specific file, you shouldn't encounter any problems.
I would suggest learning how multi-user environments & permissions management works.
Recommended reading :
Learning the shell - Lesson 9: Permissions
Linux Tutorial - 8. Understand Permissions
Recommended further reading :
The default Linux security model is a bit inflexible. To give special
access (such as modification privileges) to a group of people, you
have to get your system administrator to create a group with those
people in it. Furthermore, if you would like to give a different set
of access privileges (such as read access) to another group of people,
you can’t do it because you can only assign one group owner per file
or directory. To solve this problem, you can use ACLs (Access Control
Lists). You can learn more about them from this link: ACLs
(Quote extracted from here)
After all, it will come in handy and it wont take you much effort to understand.

Virus Scanning Uploaded files from Azure Web/Worker Role

We are designing an Azure Website which will allow users to Upload content(MP4,Docx...MSOffice Files) which can then be accessed.
Some video content we will encode to provide several differing quality formats, before it will be streamed (using Azure Media Services).
We need to add an intermediate step so we can scan uploaded files for potential virus risk. Is there functionality built into azure (or third party) which will allow us to call an API to scan content before processing it? We are ideally looking for an API rather than just a background service on a VM, so we can get feedback potentially for use in a web or worker role.
Had a quick look at Symantec Endpoint and Windows Defender but not sure these offer an API
I have successfully done this using the open source ClamAV. You don't specify what languages you are using, but as it's Azure I'll assume .Net.
There is a .Net wrapper that should provide the API that you are looking for:
Here is some sample code (note: this is copied directly from the nClam GitHub repo page and reproduced here just to protect against link rot)
using System;
using System.Linq;
using nClam;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var clam = new ClamClient("localhost", 3310);
var scanResult = clam.ScanFileOnServer("C:\\test.txt"); //any file you would like!
case ClamScanResults.Clean:
Console.WriteLine("The file is clean!");
case ClamScanResults.VirusDetected:
Console.WriteLine("Virus Found!");
Console.WriteLine("Virus name: {0}", scanResult.InfectedFiles.First().VirusName);
case ClamScanResults.Error:
Console.WriteLine("Woah an error occured! Error: {0}", scanResult.RawResult);
There are also APIs available for refreshing the virus definition database. All the necessary ClamAV files can be included in the deployment package and any configuration can be put into the service start-up code.
ClamAV is a good idea, specially now that 0.99 is about to be released with YARA rule support - it will make it really easy for you to write custom rules and allow clamav to use tons of good YARA rules in the open today.
Another route, and a bit of shameless plugging, is to check out, it's a SaaS for malware/virus detection and it integrates quite nicely with AWS and Azures.
There are a number of options to achieve this:
Firstly you can use ClamAV as already mentioned. ClamAV doesn't always receive the best press for its virus databases but as others have pointed out it's easy to use and is expandable.
You can also install a commercial scanner, such as avg, kaspersky etc. Many of these come with a C API that you can talk to directly, although often getting access to this can be expensive from a licensing point of view.
Alternatively you can make calls to the executable directly using something like the following to capture the output:
var proc = new Process {
StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo {
FileName = "scanner.exe",
Arguments = "arguments needed",
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
CreateNoWindow = true
while (!proc.StandardOutput.EndOfStream) {
string line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
You would then need to parse the output to get the result and use it within your application.
Finally, now there are some commercial APIs available to do this kind of thing such as attachmentscanner (disclaimer I'm related to this product) or scanii. These will provide you with an API and a more scalable option to scan specific files and receive the response from at least one virus checking engine.
New thing coming Spring / Summer 2020. Advanced threat protection for Azure Storage includes Malware Reputation Screening, which detects malware uploads using hash reputation analysis leveraging the power of Microsoft Threat Intelligence, which includes hashes for Viruses, Trojans, Spyware and Ransomware. Note: cannot guarantee every malware will be detected using hash reputation analysis technique.

Can I or Should I use a Global variable in Angularjs to store a logged in user?

I'm new to angular and developing my first 'real' application. I'm trying to build a calendar/scheduling app ( source code can all be seen on github ) and I want to be able to change the content if there is a user logged in (i.e. display details relevant to them) but here's the catch:
I don't want the app to be dependent on having a logged in user ( needs to be something that can be configured to work publicly, privately or both)
I don't want to implement the user/login within this app if it can be avoided ( I want to eventually include my app in another app where this might be implemented but isn't necessarily implemented using any particular security frameworks or limited to any)
I had an idea of creating some global variable user that could be referenced through out my application, or if I had to implement a system to do it all in this app that I could do so in in some abstract way so that different options could be injected in.
some of my ideas or understanding of what I should be doing may be completely wrong and ignorant of fundamentals but I genuinely do not know what approach I should take to do this.
In case it is relevant I currently don't have any back-end but eventually hope use MongoDB for storage and nodejs for services but I also want to try keep it open-ended to allow others to use different storage/backends such as sql and php
is there away to have a global uservariable/service that I could inject/populate from another (parent?) app?
If so what would be the best approach to do so?
If Not, why and what approach should I take and why?
I Believe from comments online and some suggestion made to me that a service would be the best option BUT How would I go about injecting from a parent application into this applications service?
If your (single) page is rendered dynamically by the server and the server knows if you are logged-in or not, then you could do the following:
Dynamically render a script tag that produces:
window.user = { id: 1234, name: 'User A', isLoggedIn: true };
For non logged-in users:
window.user = { isLoggedIn: false };
For convinience, copy user to a value inside angular's IOC:
angular.module('myApp').value('user', window.user);
Then, you can use it in DI:
angular.module('myApp').factory('myService', function(user) {
return {
doSomething: function() {
if (user.isLoggedIn) {
} else {
Something tricky (which you should thing twice before doing [SEE COMMENTS]) is extending the $scope:
angular.module('myApp').config(function($provide) {
$provide.decorator('$controller', function($delegate, user) {
return function(constructor, locals) {
locals.$scope._user = user;
return $delegate(constructor, locals);
This piece of code decorates the $controller service (responsible for contructing controllers) and basically says that $scope objects prior to being passed to controllers, will be enhanced with the _user property.
Having it automatically $scoped means that you can directly use it any view, anywhere:
<div ng-if="_user.isLoggedIn">Content only for logged-in users</div>
This is something risky since you may end up running into naming conflicts with the original $scope API or properties that you add in your controllers.
It goes without saying that these stuff run solely in the client and they can be easily tampered. Your server-side code should always check the user and return the correct data subset or accept the right actions.
Yes you can do it in $rootScope. However, I believe it's better practice to put it inside a service. Services are singletons meaning they maintain the same state throughout the application and as such are prefect for storing things like a user object. Using a "user" service instead of $rootScope is just better organization in my opinion. Although technically you can achieve the same results, generally speaking you don't want to over-populate your $rootScope with functionality.
You can have a global user object inside the $rootScope and have it injected in all your controllers by simply putting it into the arguments of the controller, just as you do with $scope. Then you can implement functionalities in a simple check: if($rootScope.user). This allows you to model the user object in any way you want and where you want, acting as a global variable, inside of Angular's domain and good practices with DI.
Just to add on my comment and your edit. Here is what the code would look like if you wanted to be able to re-use your user service and insert it into other apps.
angular.module('user', []).service('userService', [function(){
//declare your user properties and methods
angular.module('myApp', ['user'])
.controller('myCtrl', ['userService', '$scope', function(userService, scope){
// you can access userService from here
Not sure if that's what you wanted but likewise you could have your "user" module have a dependency to another "parent" module and access that module's data the same way.

Microsoft Unity - How to register connectionstring as a parameter to repository constructor when it can vary by client?

I am relatively new to IoC containers so I apologize in advance for my ignorance.
My application is a 4.0 MVC app that uses the Entity Framework with a Repository layer on top of that. It is a multi tenant application so the connection string that is used varies by the logged in client.
The connection string is determined by a 'key' that gets passed in as part of the route which indicates the client. This route data is only present on the first request of the user's session.
The route looks kind of like this: http://{host}/login/dev/
where 'dev' indicates we are using the dev database.
Currently the IoC container is registering all dependencies in the global.asax Application_Start event handler and I have the 'key' hardcoded as follows:
var cnString = CommonServices.GetDBConnection("dev");
container.RegisterType<IRequestMgmtRecipientRepository, RequestMgmtRecipientRepository>(
new InjectionConstructor(cnString));
Is there a way with Unity to dynamically register the repository based on the logged in client using the route data that is supplied initially?
Note: I am not manually resolving the repositories. They are getting constructed by the container when the controllers get instantiated.
I am stumped.
Quick assumption, you can use the host to identify your tenant.
the following article has a slightly different approach, its using NH, but it is usable.
based on the above this hacked code may work (not tried/complied the following, not much of a unity user, more of a windsor person :) )
Container.RegisterType<IRequestMgmtRecipientRepository, RequestMgmtRecipientRepository>(new InjectionFactory(c =>
//the following you can get via a static class
//HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host, if i remember correctly
var context = c.Resolve<HttpContextBase>();
var host = context.Request.Headers["Host"] ?? context.Request.Url.Host;
var connStr = CommonServices.GetDBConnection("dev_" + host); //assumed
return new RequestMgmtRecipientRepository(connStr);
Scenario 2 (i do not think this was the case)
if the client identifies the Tenant (not the host, ie http: //host1), this suggests you would already need access to a database to access the client information? in this case the database which holds client information, will also need to have enough information to identify the tenant.
the issue with senario 2 will arise around anon uses, which tenant is being accessed.
assuming senario 2, then the InjectionFactory should still work.
hope this helps

JAAS - malicious subject and principal creation

I'm a newbie to JAAS and I still can't get one thing: what if a malicious user creates the subject and principal manually ?
Shouldn't there be some validation of subject/principal in case the user has tampered with it ? None of the tutorials I've seen even mentions this.
Look at this example (ch02 from
SimpleCallbackHandler cb = new SimpleCallbackHandler(username,
LoginContext ctx = new LoginContext("chp02", cb);
Subject subject = ctx.getSubject();
System.out.println("Logged in " + subject);
Subject.doAsPrivileged(subject, new PrivilegedAction() { ...
And if I replace this code with this one:
Subject subject = new Subject();
Principal p = new SysAdminPrincipal(username);
Subject.doAsPrivileged(subject, new PrivilegedAction() { ...
it works just as well (at least in this sample code).
I must have missed sth obvious otherwise it would make no sense to use jaas at all.
The distinction is between trusted and untrusted code.
If you allow code to run within the JVM that you do not trust then you need to protect the JVM with a configured Policy and running with a SecurityManager enabled. This is akin to the Java Applet environment. Within such an environment you will typically lock down parts of the codebase such that only code from trusted sources, and optionally cryptographically signed, can run, or call, other parts of code.
Within Java security, when a permission check is made the entire calling stack is checked to ensure that every part of the stack is allowed to use the permission.
In this case, you are starting a PrivilegedAction which associates a Subject to the AccessControlContext. If you look into the sourcecode you'll see that performs a permission check: "doAs";
In the default Java security policy, the only code which can do this are installed Java extensions, so if you want to do this in your own code, with a running SecurityManager, you will need to manually set this permission.
So, the Subject class is unprotected because it is of no affect unless its associated with an AccesssControlContext.
The AccesssControlContext is protected by an AuthPermission.
The setting of AuthPermission is protectectd by the security Policy and SecurityManager, which are configured at JVM startup.
In this case, if you run with no SecurityManager, or a custom Policy which grants an AllPermission to any codebase, and you allow untusted code to run, then you have a big security problem.
If you want to run untrusted code and assign Subjects to AccessControlContexts then protect the code which does this will something like the following policy file:
grant codebase "file://home/me/myapp.jar" signedby "me" { "doAs";
This protects that only your codebase, including the call stack, can perform the Subject assignment.
Or just make sure that you trust the code you deploy to your app...this is the 99% deployment scenario where most applications are protected within their host environment and do not allow remote code to be executed.
