Node modules usage error - node.js

Ive node moudle which i need to export two functions and get to both of the function a parameter arg1,I try with the following I got error,what am I doing wrong here ?
Ive two method inside module
1. I need to expose it outside and to call it explicit from other
module with parameter
another function(functionName2) in this module which I need to call it explicit with two parameter ,how should I do it right?

It is not very clear what you want to do, but i think you want something like that:
module.exports = function (arg1) {
return {
server: function (params1) {
//do something with arg1 and params1
proc: function (params2) {
//do something with arg1 and params2
And using the module:
var arg1 = 'whatever'
var myMod = require('myMod')(arg1);
Option 2
If i look at your new example
you need module that exports a function that returns another function (Higher Order Function).
So for example:
module.exports = function(functionName1) {
if(functionName1 === 'server'){
return function server(parameter){
//do your stuff here
if(functionName1 === 'proc'){
return function proc(parameter){
//do your stuff here


Executing a function knowing only its name in node

Let's assume I want to execute a function in node but I have only its name (a string).
If the function is defined in a package (which has been imported) I can do something like this
require("lodash")["add"](1, 2);
If the function is defined in another file and exported, I can do something like this
export function aFunction() {
return console.log("I am a function");
If the function thuogh is defined in the same file where I have the code that wants to call it, I have found only this way to make it work
export function anotherFunction() {
return console.log("I am another function");
// the null check guard is added to avoid an "object may be null" Typescript error
(this || {})["anotherFunction"]();
Is there a better solution to call a function by name when the function is defined in the same file?
You can stash your functions in an object that permits finding them by name.
const call = { foo }
function foo() {
console.log('foo was called.');

How to create some kind of context in a NodeJS application, I can access in all functions I call from there?

In Meteor (a NodeJS Framework), there is a function called Meteor.userId() that always returns the userId that belongs to the current session as long as I am in a function that was original called from a Meteor Method.
The Meteor.userId() function utilizes meteors DDP?._CurrentInvocation?.get()?.connection. So somehow this "Magic line" gets my current DDP connection. This also works when burried deep inside of callbacks.
So somehow meteor sets a context that it refers to. I also want to do this kind of trick for another API that doesn't utilize meteors DDP but is a plain HTTP Api.
What I want to do:
doActualStuff = function(param1, param2, param3) {
// here, i am burried deep inside of calls to functions
// but the function at the top of the stack trace was
// `answerRequest`.
// I want to access its `context` here but without
// passing it through all the function calls.
// What I want is something like this:
context = Framework.getRequestContext()
answerRequest = function(context) {
//do some stuff
someFancyFunctionWithCallback(someArray, function(arrayPosition) {
I can wrap the call to answerRequest if this is necessary.
I don't know how Meteor does it, but it doesn't look like magic. It looks like Meteor is a global object (window.Meteor in the browser or global.Meteor in Node.js) that has some functions that refer to some stateful object that exists in the context where they were defined.
Your example could be achieved by having answerRequest (or whatever function calls answerRequest, or whatever you want) call a setRequestContext function that sets the state that will be returned by getRequestContext. If you wanted, you could have an additional function, clearRequestContext, that cleans up after request is over. (Of course, if you have async code you'll need to take care that the latter isn't called until any code that needs that data has finished running.)
This is rudimentary, but it might look something like the below snippet. window.Framework does not need to be defined in the same file as the rest of the code; it just needs to be initialized before answerRequest is called.
let _requestContext = null;
window.Framework = {
setRequestContext(obj) {
_requestContext = obj;
getRequestContext() {
return _requestContext;
clearRequestContext() {
_requestContext = null;
const doActualStuff = function(param1, param2, param3) {
const context = Framework.getRequestContext()
console.log('Request context is', context);
const answerRequest = function(context) {
setTimeout(() => {
try {
} finally {
}, 100);
answerRequest({ hello: 'context' });

How do I include recursive functions in node js from another file

I have the following recursive function saved in a file called helpers.js. When it is loaded into the main app.js file using:
var helpers = require('./helpers');
calling it only works partially. The line:
doesn't get called so the JSON parsing doesn't recurse into nested levels.
I have also tried the following which still doesn't work:
If I move the code below into the main app.js file, the recursion works perfectly, obviously changing
recurseJSON: function(o) {...
function recurseJSON(o) {..
Your thoughts are appreciated. Here is the whole code:
module.exports = {
recurseJSON: function(o){
var s = '';
for(var a in o){
if (typeof o[a] == 'object'){
console.log('JSON>', a, ":");
s+=recurseJSON(o[a]); // This line should recurse but doesn't
s+=a+':'+o[a]+' ';
console.log('JSON>', a, ":", o[a]);
}//end if
}//end for
return s;
PS: Credit to Recursively parsing JSON for the original recursive code.
While leaving the export statement like this:
module.exports = {
recurseJSON: function(o){
You can call the function recursively using the statement s+=this.recurseJSON(o[a]), but only assuming that the only way you invoke the recurseJSON() function outside the file is
so that recurseJSON() is the calling member of helpers, making the this in recurseJSON() refer to helpers.
If you cannot guarantee this, then the correct way to invoke it, which is more verbose, is
Another simpler solution is to just name the function you're exporting:
module.exports = {
recurseJSON: function recurseJSON(o){
Then you can just use s+=recurseJSON(o[a]) like you had before.

How to pass this to require() in NodeJS?

What's the best way to pass thisArg to a require()d module?
I want to do something like this:
function Main(arg) {
return {
auth: auth,
module: require('/some/module')
module.exports = {
someMethod: function() {...}
Then, in my code somewhere I call Main(), which returns the object.
So Main().auth exists, cool. But how do I access it from Main().module?
The thisArg in Main().module.someMethod() points to the module itself.. but I need the parent.
Is there any way to do this without using new keyword, functions and prototypes?
Thanks for all the answers guys! Some additional info:
Main() is the module what I wanna require() and use in my app. The "module" Main tries to import is actually just sub functionality of Main, it's just a part of code which I moved to a separate "module" to better organize the code.
So a better example would be:
function RestApi(param) {
return {
common_param: param,
commonFunc: function() {...}
endpoint1: require('/some/module'),
endpoint2: require('/some/module2'),
endpoint3: require('/some/module3')
And my app would use it like this:
RestApi = require('./RestApi')
But inside someHTTPCall(), both "common_param" and "commonFunc" should be accessible via thisArg, like this.commonFunc().
So this is kinda a general question, how do you merge multiple modules using require() properly, so "this" would point to the right object (i.e.: the parent)
I know this could be achieved using Function.prototype and inheritance, just would like to know if there is a simpler way.
The best I found so far is something like this:
var _ = require('lodash');
function Module(auth) {
this.auth = auth || {};
Module.prototype = {
endpoint1: function() { return _.extend(require('./endpoint1'),{auth: this.auth, commonFunc: commonFunc})}
function commonFunc() {...}
However, this is not ideal, since RestApi.endpoint1() would create a new the object on every call.
Is there a better way to handle this?
Thanks in advance!
Create own "require" module with auth param and allways use it.
module.exports = function(path, auth){
if (!check(auth))
return null
return require(path)
You could change the module to return a function, like this:
// some/module.js
module.exports = function(mainModule) {
var main = mainModule;
return {
someMethod: function() {
Then require it passing the main object:
function Main(arg) {
var main = {
auth: auth,
other: stuff,
main.module = require('/some/module')(main);
return main;

user module - node js

i have a question regarding defining objects in modules.
lets say i have a module:
function A (param){
function func(){
//do somthing
function fileFunc(A){
A.func();//with out this line it works fine
for some reason it does not recognize the function in the object A. it recognizes the object A and its different vars, but when it comes to executing the function it gives the msg:
TypeError: Object # has no method 'func'
i tried also to export the function in A by:
neither works..
does someone have a clue?
The function you defined inside of A is local only to that function. What you want is
function A(param) {
this.param = param;
A.func = function() {
// do something
But if you are treating A as a constructor then you'll want to put that function in A's prototype
A.prototype.func = function() {
// do something
