Templates escaping in Kotlin multiline strings - string

If I want to use $ sign in multiline strings, how do I escape it?
val condition = """ ... $eq ... """
$eq is parsed as a reference to a variable. How to escape $, so that it will not be recognized as reference to variable? (Kotlin M13)

From the documentation
A raw string is delimited by a triple quote ("""), contains no
escaping and can contain newlines and any other character
You would need to use a standard string with newlines
" ...\n \$eq \n ... "
or you could use the literal representation
""" ... ${'$'}eq ... "

Funny, but that works:
val eq = "\$eq"
print("""... $eq ..."""") // just like you asked :D
Actually, if eq is a number (a price, or sth), then you probably want to calculate it separately, and an additional external calculation as I suggested won't hurt.

In the case where you know ahead of time what $-variables you want (like when querying Mongo, as it looks like you might be doing), you can create a little helper object that defines those variables. You also get some protection against accidentally misspelling one of your operators, which is neat.
object MongoString {
inline operator fun invoke(callback: MongoString.() -> String) = callback()
val eq = "\$eq"
val lt = "\$lt"
// ... and all the other operators ...
fun test() {
val query = MongoString { """{"foo": {$lt: 10}}""" }
I wrote simple versions for update and query strings for mongo here: https://gist.github.com/Yona-Appletree/29be816ca74a0d93cdf9e6f5e23dda15


Escape triple quote within kotlin raw string

I'm trying to create a raw string that contains three quotes in itself.
The resulting string x should contain something like """abc""".
I've been able to create the string with the following code, but was wondering if there's a simpler solution for this.
val x = """${'"'.toString().repeat(3)}abc${'"'.toString().repeat(3)}"""
There's no easy way to use a triple quote directly in a string literal.
One workaround I've sometimes used is to make an interim variable to hold the triple-quote string.
val quotes = "\"\"\""
val result = "${quotes}abc${quotes}"
I think a simpler way would be to escape them manually, so like:
val x = "\"\"\"abc\"\"\""

Kotlin String.split, ignore when delimiter is inside a quote

I have a string:
Hi there, "Bananas are, by nature, evil.", Hey there.
I want to split the string with commas as the delimiter. How do I get the .split method to ignore the comma inside the quotes, so that it returns 3 strings and not 5.
You can use regex in split method
According to this answer the following regex only matches , outside of the " mark
so try this code:
You can use split overload that accepts regular expressions for that:
val text = """Hi there, "Bananas are, by nature, evil.", Hey there."""
val matchCommaNotInQuotes = Regex("""\,(?=([^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)""")
Would print:
[Hi there, "Bananas are, by nature, evil.", Hey there.]
Consider reading this answer on how the regular expression works in this case.
You have to use a regular expression capable of handling quoted values. See Java: splitting a comma-separated string but ignoring commas in quotes and C#, regular expressions : how to parse comma-separated values, where some values might be quoted strings themselves containing commas
The following code shows a very simple version of such a regular expression.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
"Hi there, \"Bananas are, by nature, evil.\", Hey there."
.forEach { println("> $it") }
> Hi there
> "Bananas are, by nature, evil."
> Hey there.
Be aware of the regex backtracking problem: https://www.regular-expressions.info/catastrophic.html. You might be better off writing a parser.
If you don't want regular expressions:
val s = "Hi there, \"Bananas are, by nature, evil.\", Hey there."
val hold = s.substringAfter("\"").substringBefore("\"")
val temp = s.split("\"")
val splitted: MutableList<String> = (temp[0] + "\"" + temp[2]).split(",").toMutableList()
splitted[1] = "\"" + hold + "\""
splitted is the List you want

What is the r#""# operator in Rust?

I saw the operator r#"" in Rust but I can't find what it does. It came in handy for creating JSON:
let var1 = "test1";
let json = r#"{"type": "type1", "type2": var1}"#;
println!("{}", json) // => {"type2": "type1", "type2": var1}
What's the name of the operator r#""? How do I make var1 evaluate?
I can't find what it does
It has to do with string literals and raw strings. I think it is explained pretty well in this part of the documentation, in the code block that is posted there you can see what it does:
"foo"; r"foo"; // foo
"\"foo\""; r#""foo""#; // "foo"
"foo #\"# bar";
r##"foo #"# bar"##; // foo #"# bar
"\x52"; "R"; r"R"; // R
"\\x52"; r"\x52"; // \x52
It negates the need to escape special characters inside the string.
The r character at the start of a string literal denotes a raw string literal. It's not an operator, but rather a prefix.
In a normal string literal, there are some characters that you need to escape to make them part of the string, such as " and \. The " character needs to be escaped because it would otherwise terminate the string, and the \ needs to be escaped because it is the escape character.
In raw string literals, you can put an arbitrary number of # symbols between the r and the opening ". To close the raw string literal, you must have a closing ", followed by the same number of # characters as there are at the start. With zero or more # characters, you can put literal \ characters in the string (\ characters do not have any special meaning). With one or more # characters, you can put literal " characters in the string. If you need a " followed by a sequence of # characters in the string, just use the same number of # characters plus one to delimit the string. For example: r##"foo #"# bar"## represents the string foo #"# bar. The literal doesn't stop at the quote in the middle, because it's only followed by one #, whereas the literal was started with two #.
To answer the last part of your question, there's no way to have a string literal that evaluates variables in the current scope. Some languages, such as PHP, support that, but not Rust. You should consider using the format! macro instead. Note that for JSON, you'll still need to double the braces, even in a raw string literal, because the string is interpreted by the macro.
fn main() {
let var1 = "test1";
let json = format!(r#"{{"type": "type1", "type2": {}}}"#, var1);
println!("{}", json) // => {"type2": "type1", "type2": test1}
If you need to generate a lot of JSON, there are many crates that will make it easier for you. In particular, with serde_json, you can define regular Rust structs or enums and have them serialized automatically to JSON.
The first time I saw this weird notation is in glium tutorials (old crate for graphics management) and is used to "encapsulate" and pass GLSL code (GL Shading language) to shaders of the GPU
As far as I understand, it looks like the content of r#...# is left untouched, it is not interpreted in any way. Hence raw string.

How to split string using scala?

I have a following string and I want to split it using scala
"myInfo": "myName-name;model-R210;"
I want to split value of myInfo string such that I can access myName and its value seperately.
e.g. myName:name, model:R210 etc
I am using following code to split string -
(mainString \ "myInfo").as[String].split("\\;").toList.map(_.split("\\-"))
where mainString is Json and contains 'myInfo' key value pair.
How do I split string to seperate it by '-' and access it?
You can obtain a Map[String,String] like so:
val data: Map[String,String] = (mainString \ "myInfo").as[String]
.collect {
case key :: value :: _ => key -> value
Then access your values:
val name = data.getOrElse("myName", "DefaultNameIfMissing")
First of all, shame on whoever encoded a complex data structure into a string in a JSON document; you shouldn't have to parse it at all. If it's under your control, I'd change that to something like
"myInfo": {
"myName": "name",
"model": "R210"
But if you can't change the input, then just do this to get the Map you want:
val myInfo = ((mainString \ "myInfo").as[String] split ';' map (_ split '-') collect { case Array(k,v) => k->v } ).toMap
No need to create Lists out of the intermediate results -- that would just slow things down. And just split on a Char, not a String (which would get compiled as a regular expression).
Note that the collect causes any component with no hyphen or more than one hyphen to be ignored; you might want to do something else there.

How to manipulate Strings in Scala while using the Play framework?

I am using the play framework 2.2.1 and I have a question concerning the manipulation of Strings within view templates. Unfortunately I am not very familiar with the Scala programming language nor its APIs. The strings are contained in a List which is passed from the controller to the view and then I use a loop to process each string before they are added to the html. I would like to know how to do the following: trim, toLowerCase and remove spaces. As an example, if I have "My string ", I would like to produce "mystring". More specifically I would actually like to produce "myString", however I'm sure I can figure that out if someone points me in the right direction. Thanks.
Fiaz provided a great solution, building on his answer and just for interest sake I came up with the following solution using recursion. This example is of course making many assumptions about the input provided.
#formatName(name: String) = #{
def inner(list: List[String], first: Boolean): String = {
if (!list.tail.isEmpty && first) list.head + inner(list.tail, false)
else if (!list.tail.isEmpty && !first) list.head.capitalize + inner(list.tail, false)
else if (list.tail.isEmpty && !first) list.head.capitalize
else list.head
if (!name.trim.isEmpty) inner(name.split(' ').map(_.toLowerCase).toList, true)
else ""
If you want to know how to do just the trimming, lower-casing and joining without spaces, try this perhaps?
// Given that s is your string
s.split(" ").map(_.toLowerCase).mkString
That splits a string into an array strings, splitting is done on one or more spaces so that gives you trimmed strings. You then map each element in the array with the function (x => x.toLowerCase) (for which the shorthand is (_.toLowerCase)) and then join the Array back into a single string using the mkString method that collections have.
So let's say you want to capitalize the first letter of the each of the space-split bits:
Scala provides a capitalize method on Strings, so you could use that:
s.split(" ").map(_.toLowerCase.capitalize).mkString
See http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/scala/collection/immutable/StringOps.html
One suggestion as to how you can get the exact output (your example 'myString') you describe:
(s.split(" ").toList match {
case fst::rest => fst.toLowerCase :: rest.map(_.toLowerCase.capitalize)
case Nil => Nil }
There is example of using the string manipulation below:
#stringFormat(value: String) = #{
value.replace("'", "\\'")
#optionStringFormat(description: Option[String]) = #{
if (description.isDefined) {
description.get.replace("'", "\\'").replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "")
} else {
#for(photo <- photos) {
<div id="photo" class="random" onclick="fadeInPhoto(#photo.id, '#photo.filename', '#stringFormat(photo.title)', '#optionStringFormat(photo.description)', '#byTags');">
This example obtained from https://github.com/joakim-ribier/play2-scala-gallery
