sailsjs can't find a route 'myroute/:id' - node.js

I have a route in sails JS configured as this:
'get /company/ranking/:id': {controller: 'CompanyController', action: 'getRanking'}
In my local environment works perfect, calls the CompanyController and calls the getRanking action. The problem is in production, it will throw a 404 error telling that it doesn't find the endpoint.
Any advice with this?

Sorry guys, forever was running as a super super, and the script to deploy didn't have sudo before. Updated the server so it doesn't require sudo. Now the changes are applying.


Make nodemon auto-restart a program on crash without waiting for file changes at custom error?

I'm building an E-commerce site, where there's an Authentication system.
I noticed that if the client login with a wrong user or password, the backend/server that works with nodemon will crach and hang in there crashed till i restart manually nodemon. This is example output error of the nodemon crash:
[nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
Error [ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT]: Cannot set headers after they are sent
to the client
Ofcourse, when server crashes, client can no more access or do login again till server restarts.
After some googling, i found this question and this repository that fix my problem but particulary and not as expected precisely, i dont want nodemon to restart forever on any error that occure ofcourse, but only with specifics errors that i set them -like Authentication errors as i mentionned above-.
So, my idea/question is: is there anyway to get nodemon restarts by itself in some cases of failures or errors (NOT ALL)?
Seems like you a referring to a production situation, and nodemon is a development node server, which is not intended for use in production, as the intro states:
nodemon is a tool that helps develop Node.js based applications by
automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the
directory are detected.
You should use node.js in production, instead of nodemon.
For managing your node server in production, you could use a process manager like PM2..
That said, an authentication server that crashes every time a user uses a wrong password seams very ineffective in handling a common use case. So I would advise to start with fixing the root cause, which is the buggy server, and then for recovery from incidental crashes use something like PM2.
The error you are getting looks like an express error you get when you send a response (in this case an error response) without exiting the function e.g. by using return. Because you are not returning, another res.send is called, which causes the 'ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT' error. See this answer.
This is really bad since it can send your program into a loop of restarting, but if you really want it, replace app.js with your file's name and try this:
nodemon -x 'node app.js || copy /b app.js +,,'
Linux version:
nodemon -x 'node app.js || touch app.js'
Next time try a little googleing before you ask since it is most likely faster.

App Dynamics for Angular 2 App in IIS - Node.js Agent Installation and Configuration

I am trying to assist in setting up AppDynamics with an Angular 2 app that is hosted in IIS. The app is already up and running. There is a part I am having trouble on, the instructions for that part say say:
1) From the root directory of your Node.js application, run this command:
npm install appdynamics#4.3.5
For every Node.js application you are instrumenting, insert the following call in the application source code at the first line of the main module (such as the server.js file), before any other require statements:
controllerHostName: '<controller host name>',
controllerPort: <controller port number>,
controllerSslEnabled: false, // Set to true if controllerPort is SSL
accountName: '<AppDynamics_account_name>',
accountAccessKey: '<AppDynamics_account_key>',
applicationName: 'your_app_name',
tierName: 'choose_a_tier_name',
nodeName: 'choose_a_node_name'
2) Restart you application
I did step 1 locally in the console, but I don't know what to do for step 2. If I add that script to the page I get "The Reference error: require is not defined".
I learned that that function is not meant to run on the browser. It's meant to be run server-side, but I do not see node js or any server.js files on our dev web server.
Does anyone have any suggestions on where to put that snippet. Will it even work with the current setup?
It turns out the code I was given was completely wrong for angular 2 implementation. The code they gave me is for running on the web server's side with node js. Since angular 2 is an SPA that runs on the browser, it would never work.
I did some research and found this example application that I added a few tweaks to:

Running node.js server with mongodb error

I'm still new to node.js and mongodb. Now I'm trying to solve this problem.
I have instructions to run my server without any problems, I follow them and yes my server works. But when I switched the server off then run it again I face this bug:
[vagrant#localhost ~]$ node /opt/inapsrv/app/app.js
app-api listening at
throw error
Error: ENOENT, mkdir 'data/imagex/'
And here is the line of the directory above taken from app.js file:
var imagePath = 'data/imagex/';
I tried to:
make vagrant and mongo users as super users and they have the root permissions.
to run "sudo node /opt/inapsrv/app/app.js"
run "forever /opt/inapsrv/app/app.js"
and it didn't work.
I don't know why it successfully ran the first time, and then it didn't!
Any help?
I suspect you're using node module fileupload for the upload job. The source code fragment in fileupload that throws your error can be found here.
The problem with the code used in fileupload module is that it does not create recursive directories since fs.mkdir is used. To fix your issue try to create the upload directory or at least data upfront. You could do this by a npm script, in app.js using the mkdirp or simply by a shell script.
The problem described is not related to mongodb or mongoose.

Running meteor.js application on your own server

I am trying to run my meteor application on my local network so that when I am off-line I can still use the application on any devices connected to my network. I have been following as a basic tutorial on how to do this. I am new to mongodb and node.js, which causes some trouble. However it seems that everything is working except I do not know where my app is running or what the address is? For example after I complete step 4 from the tutorial
export PORT=8080
export MONGO_URL=mongodb://bill:123456#localhost:27017/dbName
after navigating inside my bundle where main.js is I use
forever start main.js
There are no errors, but I don't know where my app is or if it is even working. Once again I am new to this idea of hosting my own meteor app. Any ideas or suggestions of what I am doing wrong. Also an explanation of the process would be much appreciated. Thanks for the help!
It's likely you have errors. You should check with forever logs main.js to see what you get.
From what it looks like you may have missed the ROOT_URL variable too.
export ROOT_URL=
export PORT=8080
export MONGO_URL=mongodb://bill:123456#localhost:27017/dbName
forever start main.js
The best check would be to see what you get in the forever logs. Also you may have to install fibers (before you start your app) if you have some error in your logs like invalid ELF header
cd bundle/programs/server/node_modules
rm -r fibers
npm install fibers#1.0.1

backbone boilerplate: How to start the development server

I've cloned Backbone boilerplate which comes with an example Todo app. I have also read that the boilerplate comes with a development server, but I don't know how to start it. In the tutorial, it says you can run this command
node build/server
but I get an error saying that it can't find the module /build/server
Can anyone explain?
If you've installed nodejs it should be as simple as changing directory to the root of the TODO application and running the following command (although you may also need to add the path to node to your environment settings):
bbb server
You should then be able to access the example on localhost:8000.
Just as an FYI, you can change the server values in grunt.js to run bbb on a specific host and port.
server: {
host: "10.111.X.1", port: 3303,
